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  1. http://www.itv.com/news/meridian/story/2015-09-03/a-woman-tells-of-her-disgust-at-finding-a-hidden-camera-while-showering-at-travelodge/ http://www.oxfordmail.co.uk/news/13641641.Woman_stunned_to_discover_camera_hidden_in_shower_while_staying_at_Wheatley_Travelodge/
  2. I bought one of these cameras. http://cycliq.com/product/fly6 It arrived last week. It took only three days to arrive all the way from Australia and somehow managed to escape the notice of customs so there was no duty to pay. It certainly a bit on the pricey side – but in the last four years I have had two occasions where I have been riding in a narrow road and have been hooted by impatient drivers and eventually deliberately rear-ended by them. One of them was a taxi driver who reversed away when I got my phone out and try to take his picture. The second one was a driving instructor who then went on to threaten to hit me and laughed when I tried to call the police. The police arrived and refused to do anything and then simply had a chat and shared cigarettes with the driving instructor. This was in Paris by the way. It is these experiences which eventually prompted me to splash out on this rear facing camera because if this kind of thing ever happens to me again, I intend to make very serious trouble. The unit is like a large standard light. It is fairly heavy. The camera lens does not draw very much attention and no one that I regularly ride with has yet realised what it is. Although the unit itself is quite sophisticated, I would say that the firmware that comes with it is rather lumpy and there seem to be anomalies which are a bit of a nuisance although they don't interrupt the functionality of the light or the camera. For instance, my unit doesn't beep as it should do in order to signify the level of battery charge and also, the charging light doesn't always come on even though it is charging. Another example of rudimentary implementation is that in order to set the time and date on the camera, you have to access file in its root directory and edit a config.txt file. Still, once all that is done then it seems to work excellently. The video quality is extremely good and it overlays the time and date on top of the video image. Customer service from Fly6 – Cycliq – is extremely good so far as they respond well and in a very detailed fashion to my queries. They also don't seem to be too defensive about admitting that there might be a glitch in the firmware. This is refreshingly honest and it gives me confidence. The unit comes with two mounting kits so you are able to have mounting brackets on two bicycles. I would certainly recommend this item – although as I have said, it is sold at a fairly luxury price. However, it seems to be the only thing of its type on the market. Maybe if they start selling volume or if they get some competition, then the price will go down. I understand that they will be doing a front facing camera and that it will be available in February. I think that I am likely to get one.
  3. Hello all, Thanks for any help. A bit of a weird one, I was up in the Brentwood area on Friday driving along in my 20yr old 2 tonne Land Rover, saw the traffic lights change to amber, so braked as hard and as I could safely, but sadly stopped beyond the white line (front wheels only). And saw the camera behind flash, it was a dual speed/traffic light camera. So I wasn't speeding and I didn't run a red light. Why the flash? I only saw one, though may of been more as I wasn't looking behind me. So I have 14 days of wait now. Can anyone throw any light on this please, we don't have or I haven't seen any of these cameras in the area I live, how do they work? Thanks for any help, great forum. ps. I did a search but couldn't find anything conclusive.
  4. Hi, Hoping someone can point me in the right direction. I bought a camera from Amazon on 08/02/2013 a few days ago it stopped working, it is 14 months old. I know it is out of warranty, I emailed Amazon and that is all they said and told me to take it up with the manufacturer. I read about online about the Sales of Goods Act and emailed them back, in particular about working upto 6 years, but Amazon's stance didn't change. Just that they hoped they would 'see me again soon'? A bit about the camera: I bought it only 6 months after it had been released on sale. The fault was not known then. There is an inherent flaw with the camera, the manufacturer has never admitted so but independent experts and users do. Amazon have also admitted the problem is inherent in an email that they sent to me. There are several reviews/fixes/stories other camera owners have posted on the internet about their camera's not working. At all times the manufacturer has said the fault is not inherent, even if the camera is in pristine condition. Many have returned their camera's to the manufacturer, who always blame the owner for nonexistant miss-use or damage. From what I can find online it seems like a high percantage, if not all, model of this camera are effected. At this point I believe Amazon are trying to fob me off, any help or suggestions would be appreciated.
  5. Cutting a very long story short I am a part time Coach Driver and i have a £100 fine to pay + 3 points on my licence for going through a fixed camera at 43mph instead of 30 mph , luckily for me there was another coach on the same job as me and the driver told me I had been flashed twice by a fixed speed camera . I eventually received the NOIP denying me a speed awareness course because I was 1mph over the qualifying 42 mph . so it was go to Court or agree £100 + 3 points . Yesterday I finally received a print out of the vehic!e speeds recorded on my tachoraph digital card and my speed through the camera was between 29 to 35 kilometre not 43 mph the fixed camera clams . Also I had just purchased a bash for cash camera and that day was the first time I used it having first set the time on the camera to the same time as the Tachograph so I now have the whole event recorded. All I have to do now is email the collection agents to tell them I am not going to pay . Any advice would be appreciated
  6. Is there an offical minimum size for speed camera road signs please? My local authority, Preston, have started replacing them round here and they are almost half the size of the old ones and much more difficult to see!
  7. We recently took our faulty EOS camera into our local shop for repair, paid £25 deposit, waited for a call, no call came, then found out the shop is closed, everything gone, including our camera, what do we do next.:x
  8. Hi All I have got caught going 57mph in a 50mph average speed camera in the UK. I have been reading online that a lot of these are not actually legal or enforceable, as they are quick, temporary, changeable and have not been passed through parliament. Is there any way I can check if this is linked to the camera I went through? I also read that they may not have a set speed limit in the legislation - i.e the camera's can be set between 50 and 60mph, and in this case they are not enforcable? Is there any way to check? It was on the M5
  9. Got flashed by a camera (both speed and red light camera) on the A12 the other day at the Moby Dick junction.... and so did just about everyone else. It was flashing every car that went through. I'm assuming that this would be picked up as a fault, rather than dish out automated tickets? I have dash cam footage to prove it was flashing everyone.
  10. Hi all, A few months ago my friend purchased a Sony as100v sports camera to bring on our summer holiday. These are similar to a Go-Pro and come with a waterproof case so the unit can be used to film underwater. Day 1 of using the camera in the water resulted in the waterproof case failing and water getting into the camera itself, causing obvious damage. We are familiar with these types of cameras as we already have an Sony HDRAS15 which is a slightly older model. The unit has been usedcorrectly, and at depths well within the limitation of the unit. We actually took the camera out of the case and submerged the unit in a few inches of water and, sure enough, it failed to remain water-tight. This product was purchased (by debit card – sadly!) from anon-line retailer called eGlobal. The product is shipped from Hong Kong so does not come with a manufactures warranty,but did come with the retailers own 6 month warranty. The warranty itself all seems a bit vague,but it does have a section specifically referring to waterproof cameras, etc… (fromthe site) Special Note for Waterproof Cameras/Casings/Bags Damages due to impact, exceeding recommended depths, etc. would void the warranty.Please be advised that the warranty offered is strictly for the purchased item only. eGlobaL will not be held liable for any defects or damage on any other item(s) used in conjunction with this product. Full conditions: http://www.eglobaldigitalstore.co.uk/warranty-policy.html My friend has provided proof or purchase, but has been advised by them that they will not replace or repair, as it is not covered. This seems contradictory…. I know he has some rights, but I am not entirely sure what the best course of action is to take. We would obviously prefer to avoid the small claims court if possible. Any advice on an approach would be massively appreciated. Thanks!
  11. I seriously need advise on this issue> I parked in a loading bay to pickup an order from a shop at about 20:45hrs, it was a side street off kingsland road. the sign says "loading bay" with a pictures of a man pushing a trolley. I checked the sign because of the time but nothing else was stated on the sign. because of the time of the night, I did not think much of it. I received a PCN notice couple of days later,"penalty charge notice for parking in a loading bay without loading. cctv camera show no loading." I made a representation, on the grounds that the sign does not indicate any restricted time to park or not to park. My representation was rejected: because in the absebce of any times of a sign plate is enforceable at all time. Is this right? should the sign not indicate times even if at all time?
  12. Just watched a video where a man challenged the legality of civilian staff in marked police vehicles operating speed cameras. His claim was that as they are not police officers then by being in a marked police van they are impersonating a police officer which is a crime. Also as they are not trained officers they do not have the right to collect evidence (operating a speed camera)of a crime(speeding) Thoughts?
  13. Just a quick question, I haven't had a ticket yet. I was looking for somewhere to park while my girlfriend popped into a local shop. I drove right up and down the street, but roadworks were covering up all the places to park. So I stopped on a corner, which has double yellows, while she got back in. not a second later, I see a camera car crawling up the road, they definitely wouldn't have found anywhere to stop, so she jumped back into the car and I drove off. My question is, would they have caught me while they were moving, or do they have to be stationary to take a picture?
  14. Hello Everyone. I would request your advice on the following matter. I have received a subject PCN dated 25/03/2014 for the alleged contravention dated 15/03/2014. I requested to see the video evidence via email and by post to the council. I followed up the request over the phone. However, I have now received a 'notice of rejection of formal representation' dated 01/05/2014 with the choice to appeal to the Parking Adjudicator within 28 days. But I have not yet received any video and of course I did not even make any 'formal representation'. Is this not a procedural impropriety? Shall I now make an appeal to the Adjudicator? What shall be the full grounds? OR Shall I get back to the council to request the video and to allow the formal representation first? Note: Another PCN on the same code on same location for contravention dated 16/03/2014 was also sent. I am waiting to receive video for that too. The location is close to station with parking bays opposite pharmacy and where I have parked many times in past to allow my wife and children to get off and to pick them up. The car is never left unattended and I never got any tickets in past while the camera has been there. And now suddenly two tickets for two consecutive days were sent. Please advice me.
  15. Hi Guy's Was hoping someone could give a little advice. My Partner and i took my disabled grandmother food shopping and were dropping her home. (She lives on a busy main road (main bus route) which recently has had CCTV and double yellow lines put outside her house and the nearby shops.) My grandmother cannot walk unaided and therefore when i pick her up or drop her off i usually park outside her house and mount the kerb (two wheels). This is for two reasons, the first because this is the closest point to her front door and secondly, due to it being a busy bus route i do not want to obstruct the traffic and buses as this would be unsafe. I should also add that everyone on this road parks their cars on the pavement everyday and have been doing so for over 30 years. We received the PCN through the post and my wife appealed attaching my grandmothers disabled badge and a proof of address in the form of a utility bill. The appeal was rejected and we were given the option of a further appeal to an independent adjudicator which my wife did again as she is the registered owner of the vehicle. We received a letter on 19th March stating that our appeal would be heard on Monday 14th April and that any additional evidence should be received by Tuesday 8th April. Today we received a 25 page double sided document from the council stating their case which included pictures and the Legal Acts we had broken. They also stated that what my wife said was not as it seems. The letter also included a DVD of the incident. My wife in her letter stated that the reason we parked on the kerb is because of my grandmothers disability and that she requires a wheelchair and that because she is pregnant she could not unload the wheelchair etc. The fact is that my wife had confused this with another time we took my nan shopping (as i said we have parked here many times before with no problem). The DVD does not show me escorting my nan to her house (she can walk short distances aided hence the reason for parking so close to her house) or unloading the bulk of the shopping. It just shows me getting the last of the shopping from the rear seats of the car. Also in the 25 page letter they state that the fine is £110?! Is this right? we appealed well within the two weeks! My understanding was that if you are appealing the fine stays at the reduced £50? What should i do now? Should i write to the adjudicator explaining what i have above and ask for the council to provide the full video evidence? I have time to compile something this weekend so some help would be greatly appreciated.
  16. what kind of camera is this and does it flash? https://www.google.co.uk/maps?q=Greenside+Lane,+Droylsden&hl=en&ll=53.486079,-2.153149&spn=0.001328,0.004128&sll=53.395106,-2.573543&sspn=0.351709,1.056747&oq=Greenside+Lane+dr&hnear=Greenside+Ln,+Droylsden,+United+Kingdom&t=m&z=19&layer=c&cbll=53.486158,-2.153422&panoid=NGx6iewN9U_F0-p3pQyWVQ&cbp=12,318.07,,2,0.85 its a sneaky one in a 20 zone that in last nights dark raining conditions, I totally missed the 20mph signs and was doing 24 in a area I've never been to before. oh, its painted green to blend in now.
  17. taken from this link: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/surveillance-camera-code-of-conduct-comes-into-force New guidance in place over police and local authority use of CCTV and Automatic Number Plate Recognition. Public authority use of surveillance cameras will be subject to a new code of practice published by the Home Office today. The code will set out new guidelines for CCTV and Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR), encourage transparency in their use and ensure public bodies such as local authorities and the police consider whether they are proportionate before erecting new cameras. It follows Andrew Rennison’s appointment as the first Surveillance Camera Commissioner last year. The commissioner’s role is to encourage all operators to comply with the code, review how the code is used in practice and provide advice and information about it. Surveillance by consent The principle of surveillance by consent is at the heart of the new legislation – meaning the public can be confident cameras are not there to spy on them but to protect them. Minister for Criminal Information Lord Taylor of Holbeach said: "CCTV and ANPR are crucial tools for cutting crime and protecting the public, but for too long we have seen these systems grow without proper oversight". "Through this code - and with an independent commissioner - there will be a framework in place for the first time that helps police and local authorities in the fight against crime and anti-social behaviour, while reassuring the public that cameras in public places are used proportionately and effectively". The surveillance camera code of practice, which has been laid before Parliament for approval, is part of the Protection of Freedoms Act 2012. Here is the New Surveillance Camera Code of Practice its in PDF:
  18. Hi, i have a question because i am a little bit confused as to what happened when i was driving past a mobile speed camera van today. I have seen this van before in the local area and it always parks with the rear facing camera operating out of the back window which opens up and has a lense sticking out. Only, as i was approaching the van, i could see the white windows on the back were closed, as if they had already packed up and ready to go (it was almost 6pm). Then as i was about to go past, one of the officers rapidly jumped out the van and took a photo of my car with a digital camera. There is a chance i may have been doing more than 35mph upon inital approach to the van but i did slow down. I'm just wondering why he did this, is it because the machine couldnt take a photo due to the latch being closed, so he had to take one with his camera instead? Are they going to try and match his digital camera photo to some data on the machine? There was a car right behind me so how do they know it was the car behind which triggered it? I don't understand what happened to be honest or how that could stand up in court? Maybe i'm wrong, but some advice would be nice, thanks.
  19. As far as I am aware if a ticket is not actually placed on your car the penalty is void as no law has been put in place in the case of "drive aways". If this is still the case where do we stand with mobile camera units? I was snapped by a smart car with cameras on its roof which just drove past without actually issuing a ticket. I had parked partially on the kerb on a single yellow around 9pm. Any help would be appreciated, Thanks
  20. Got flashed by a camera doing 36 in a supposed 30 zone.I had been on a road where the speed limit was 40,but after a junction with traffic lights,the road had narrowed and had now become a 30 zone.There was no signage to indicate this change of speed,just a camera and a camera sign.I assumed I was below the limit,but got flashed and have received a PCN. Saw this on another site and wondered if it applied: There is no obligation for a 30 mph speed limit to be sign posted, except when you enter it from a section of road where the speed limit is not 30 mph. 30 mph is the national speed limit. The Courts will take the view that you should be driving on the basis that the limit is 30 mph. Accordingly, unless you can show that there was good reason to believe that the limit was not 30 mph (ie you had been in a higher speed limit area and there were no signs) there would not normally be grounds to dispute the allegation, simply because there were no "30 mph" signs.
  21. I don't know for sure if this is going to happen I just over heard a dept team leader mention while some one joked and asked why there is a 47" flatscreen tv in the office where we work. His answer is that it's going to be used to monitor workers. Again he could of been joking but what are my rightsaccording to this? I know cameras can be used to monitor people by the management(even the toilets) but surely granting access to this information to every one who walk pass the office to get the next bit of work or just going through? Anyone know if this is legal?
  22. Ok guys My question is how long do these people have to issue a speeding fine letter ? Reason i ask is because i was doing 33 or 34 mph in a 30 limit near our home, i have always done this speed and never seen this Van in my life but lately they have been all around our area. I was doing 33 or 34 mph on the 4th September and not heard anything as yet Secondly do they have to make themselves visible to road users ? This van was parrell parked between 2 cars making it hard for people to see him until it was too late.
  23. Hi, I recently received a PCN for "Parked in a parking place or area not designated for that class of vehicle" My vehicle is a VW campervan which is actually registered as a 'Delivery van' with a 'Camper' body. The evidence was based on CCTV images and no ticket was issued at the time. CCTV images show me getting out of the door, the vehicle is clearly too far from the kerb, images were shown over about 2 minutes. I stopped in the loading bay because of a noise from the back of the vehicle (where the engine is on these). I left the engine running and my son in the vehicle and had a look. I removed the cardboard box, got back in and drove off. Couldn't have taken more than 3 minutes. I appealed with the defence that I wasn't 'parked', I stopped because of an emergency and drove on as soon as I could. Here's my amateurish appeal: I agree that I did on 03/07/2012 stop temporarily in a the loading bay. I heard a noise coming from the back axle which was of some concern, it's an old classic vehicle. Istopped as soon as I safely could. I did not stop the engine and my son remained in the passenger seat. I checked underneath and removed a cardboard box that was trapped under my vehicle (hopefully your camera should have picked this up), disposed of it and carried on as soon as possible. I'm therefore requesting that as this was an emergency (thou' it did turn out not that dangerous) and that I only stopped momentarily and did not park in that I did not switch off the engine and only vacated the vehicle as described above, that you rescind the notice on the grounds that the alleged offence did not occur. Sincerely Havent had a reply yet. What do people think? Regards Steve
  24. A Traffic Signal camera that has recently had lines put in front of it to signal that it is being changed into a speed camera. There have been no signs put up around it to say that it is being changed into a speed camera but on my way home last night it flashed me going through it when the light was on green. I was exceeding the speed limit which leads me to thinking that it is now a speed camera.If a camera has changed use from a traffic signal camera to a speed camera do the signs need to be changed to make the points/fine enforceable?
  25. I have decided to take on a case to the Parking and Traffic Appeals service, and would like any advice that you may be able to offer? I have received a PCN through the post stating that my car was seen in a yellow box junction for 9 seconds in a particular location in the location line, but goes on to describe a completely different location in the description of the incident! I decided to contest this, and they sent further correspondence; apologhe evidence does appear to ising for getting this wrong and go on to state the correct location in the description. Do I have any grounds for a case against them?? As a fall back the photographic evidence does appear to show my car indicating to turn right, I am sure there is a law stating that you are allowed to be in a box junction if you are turning right, if anyone can point me in the direction of where I can find this statute it would be much appreciated.
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