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  1. I have received a letter from a bailiff telling me to make payment to them for a council tax liability on a property I lived in about 4 years ago. This is the first I have heard of this alleged debt and I dispute I owed any council tax when I vacated the property, I rang the bailiffs who informed me I need to make immediate payment to them for £532. When I told them i disputed it and this was the first i heard of it they told me they had no information and referred me back to the council. I contacted the council who were unwilling to discuss this on the phone. I think in order to stop any bailiff action I will need to get the court to suspend the action whilst I have an opportunity to attend a hearing and state my case. What i need to know is how do I get this action suspended, Any help greatly appreciated.
  2. Hi, I really hope someone can help as I really do not know what to do. I received a council tax bill (340 pounds) in May 2012 and then 4 weeks later a summons ande baillifs notice for council tax dating back to 2004. I telephoned the council and explained that whilst I lived there for a period of 6 months I had paid my council tax. The council started asking me for tenancy agreements for other tenants and bank details for the property. I explained that I would not have those details as I was not the owner of the property and have never owned the property. They asked for proof of this and I said that should be easy using land registry and I also gave them the owners name. I emailed them to ask them to update their records and hence I would not be liable for the council tax. This was all emailed. I did visit for legal advice and they said I would not be liable for someone else's council tax and if another tenant has not paid the owner would be liable. They also asked me for details of the liability order which I said I did not have (although I had requested this twice already). I received a 'notice of distress' hand delivered today (no goods seized or mentioned) and phoned the council. The council have asked for proof that I was not the owner (which they already know) and I was told to get a letter from a solicitor stating that ' I made no financial gain from the property when it was sold'.(has anyone else been asked for this, they said it was normal?). I still have no details of the liability order and I am not entitled to legal aid so can I write the letter they are asking for myself? I am really fed up and this seems odd, they should be able to found out who owns a property (they even have their name) and I can't afford solicitor's fees for strange requests (if this would resolve it, I would do it, BUT what they ask for keeps changing). What do I do about the notice of distress, can they levy my partner's car (not married) and he has a blue badge. Any help would be really helpful. Thanks
  3. On 20th November, Jim Cunningham MP started an Early Day Motion in the House of Commons which is urging the government to include in their forthcoming bailiff reform to oblige councils to prohibit "multiple" fee charging for each visit and to develop guidelines to protect vulnerable persons who are faced with bailiff action. An EDM is a formal motion submitted to debate in the House of Commons by a Member of Parliament for debate on an "early date" ( namely an unspecified date in the future). An Early Day Motion allows MP's to draw attention to the event and other MP's will then register their support by adding their signature to the EDM So far, 21 MP's have signed the EDM bit it is rather worrying that only one MP is from the Conservative Party!!! If anyone knows their MP....this is an excellent opportunity to ask that they add their signature to this EDM. Just ask them to support EDM number: 746 regarding Bailiffs. http://www.parliament.uk/edm/2012-13/746
  4. What are your options if the bailiff involves the police and gets them to make you open your door to allow the bailiff entry for something like a PCN or Council Tax? If the bailiff wants to enter behind the policeman, are you entitled to stop the bailiff entering your premises i.e. closing the door, but not physically stopping the bailiff. Is there a sticky with answers to various bailiff / police scenarios where the police have sided with the bailiff although there has been no abuse towards the bailiff. These scenarios have been raised numerous times on CAG, but no sticky has been raised to the best of my knowledge to advise what sort of action should be taken in the event the bailiff gains entry to your home as a result of unlawful police action,. Can someone please advise? I don't have an issue but someone else may have such an issue and a post outlining their options may be helpful. Thanks
  5. I recently had a bailiff visit from Merton Bailiff Services in London. It was for a PCN issued by Sutton Borough Council. They had a warrant of execution to seize my car. At the time my partner had the car so they could not do anything and also did not gain entry into the rented property I currently reside in. However they did charge £281 for the visit that will be put onto the cost of the PCN of £118. I quickly filled in forms TE7 and TE9 and sent it via email to TEC. Now I understand this will put any enforcement on this PCN on hold until those forms are dealt with and the council provide me an answer to my initial representation. I would also like to know if that initial visit fee of £281 is considered excessive and can I complain about it and to whom. Also do I legally own the car and do with it what I want either sell it or even give it away to my partner. Any help is really appreciated thank you.
  6. On Dec 22nd last year I parked in a council car park. I paid for my ticket and stuck it in the window. I return to find a PCN on the windscreen and the ticket still stuck in the window. I appealed the penalty but they just passed it onto Northampton. Now we have White & Co saying they have a warrant from Northampton and chasing us. My wife has a long term illness, I have am out of work and dealing with depression, and we are really struggling. I am finding hard to concentrate and deal with matter like this. And the threat of bailiffs is pushing us over the edge. The council head of parking says he cannot do anything now - is that true or a fob off? He has recieved a clear digital photo of the parking ticket and so he is well aware that no offense ever took place. What do I do?
  7. Hi All first ever post so bear with me please. I was rudely awoken at 7am by a gentleman who claimed to be a bailiff the on wednesday morning and it was regarding council tax payment for an old house that i moved out of in 2008. I had originally agreed payment with the council and was paying in £40 monthly. I am currently a full time student and during holiday time traveled away for 7 weeks, during this time my account went into arrears. On return there was a couple of letters from the council reminding me that my account was in arrears and to rectify this. I called the council explained what had happened and the lady said i should just continue paying agreed amount. However, i was shocked to see this (glorified doorman) bailiff slamming on my door and he said he was going to Levy my wife's car which was on our drive. I explained to him that it was not my car but he said everything you own is 50:50 yours. I have rang the council who have now backtracked on our agreement and are saying deal with the bailiffs nothing to do with us. I have called the bailiffs to try and arrange a payment but they are saying they want full payment and there is no other option. My 48 hours runs out this evening and the bailiff has promised that Lorries will be waiting to remove goods from my house. Numerous calls to and fro have not yielded any benefit. HELP please. I will be grateful for any advice.
  8. Hello. I am the sole Director of a small Company. I have been on holiday to the West Country, for one week. Today, is my first day back. This morning a bailliff from NSL turned up, although his Company paperwork said 'Task Enforcement Ltd', demanding £799.34. I was a bit, taken back. I asked what for and he gave me a warrant for £202.00. When I queried the difference, he kept suggesting that I could not read. It later transpired that the difference was his costs which he had not given me an account of. The original fine was for a yellow box junction, which I had contested. I did recieve a letter back, saying that they had found against me, and that my next option was to pay or go to court. I had planned to go to court to fight the yellow box fine, as it would have been a 'de minimis' infringement at best. With the pressure and time constraints of running a small business, I opted to pay the fine, although it did sit on my desk for a while. I was on holiday for 8 days and today is my fist day back at work. The bailiff was extremely curt and rude, especially as my business is customer facing and I had customers in an out, while he was here. I telephoned my bookeeper, who told me that while I was away that he had paid, a fine, but could not be sure which one. I told the bailiff to come back tomorrow and talk to my bookkeeper. He was not interested, he just wanted the money now. I asked for his ID which he was reticent to give. His badge gave a telephone number to call to check his ID. I called the number at 11:37 and it was an answerphone (they actually called back at 14:05, half an hour after the bailiff had left). I left a message, saying that I wanted to check a Bailiffs, I.D. Eventually the bailiff wrote out a, Notice of Seizure of Goods & Inventory. To which he started to add items and costs. The costs amounted to: Debt/Penalty Charge Notice £202.00 Letter £11.20 Levy Fee £56.73 + £59.85 Attendance to Remove Goods/Vehicle £175.00 Aborted Removal £195.00 VAT on Enforcement Costs £99.56 A grand total of £799.34 He showed this to me and I told him that I am not agreeing to it. At this point, he had not completed an inventory. I told him that the desks, computers and printer in the office, we not mine, but were leased. At this point, I had to leave the office for a 30 minute appointment. Told you, small office, there was no one else that could do it. I told him to return tomorrow, when the book keeper was in. He said no, he was removing everything from the office now. Whilst, I was out, the staff called me to say that he had started to unplug their computer's and was pilling them in the middle of the office. He was pestering the staff to pay his money. She staff told me that he had said he would wait in the office until 1pm. Eventually, one of the female members of staff, was so panicked that he was unplugging her computer, that she paid him the £799.34 from her own card. When I returned to the office, I noticed that he had completed the inventory, to include a large printer in the office, which is leased, as well as a cheap Dell Computor and a cheap binding machine. Also, he had riffled through my desk and drawers and appears to have opened some of my mail. Of which part was a new log book for one of the cars. The registration No of which he scribbled in the top corner of the Warrant of Exectution. Is anyone able to give me any advise or tell me what to do? I have been well and truly ripped off here and I do not want to let matters rest. Whilst on the subject, I have come across John Galt of bailiff-mediation.com. Has anyone ever used John and can they confirm that he is reputable? I have read other posts, but they seem to link back to a dead link. Thank you.
  9. Hi Guy's Just in the process of finishing with Equita and 1 week later I have Rossendales knock at the door. This is for 2012-13 council tax. Work has been very poor, for the last 2-3 years. Self employed. My crime is making sure I have a roof over my head (renting) and feeding my family, Well I had 1 weeks break, Rossers called today. The wife spoke to he Bailiff, But this time did not let him in, She is a foreign National, The Bailiff left a sheet of paper as follows. Notice of attendance Magistrates Liability Orber Dated 10/07/12 Address xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Amount£xxxx Plus Costs I have atended today with the intention of seising your goods and chattels as are nessecary to discharge the above debt If you can not pay this Bill in full you should be aware that even at this late stage, with an inital payment of £ 150.00 you can pay in installments Yours sincerely Mr XXXX Bailiff in charge I miss read the letter when I posted on my other thread, I thought he ment I had £150.00 in charges. Well I do not believe the person who attended today was a bailiff. Was not pushy when he spoke to the wife, when she told him to speak to me. just handed the letter to her and walked away. I'm sure the council informed them I had paid up the first LO and the set the Rossers on me . Just starting to get back on my feet and attacked again 2-3 weeks would have been nice so I could build up the funds. No cash flow no work!! I feel like giving up and tell them to empty the house and let the state take care of the family one step forward two or three back. I've had enough!!!!!!!!!! Leakie
  10. Hi, New to the forum, I had a problem two years ago, i lost my job had no money coming in, and couldn't afford to pay my council tax, I informed Birmingham City Council of this problem, and told them as soon as my benefits were sorted I'd be paying what i could, it took a little over six weeks. In this time the account was passed to Equita, i phoned the council who refused to tralk to me about the issue, telling me i had to speak with the bailiff, So i spoke with the bailiff, who demanded an unrealistic amount of money up front??? I refused and have since been dodging them and refusing to speak with them. Last month I decided to do the right thing and set up a payment plan with Equita, I agreed to £25 per fortnight, (I'm still out of work and on benefits:evil:) thinking this was the right thing to do, the bailiff left and said the arrangement had been agreed. Two days later a letter come through saying that £50 a fortnight had been accepted, i tried contacting the bailiff, and tried to call the office, who told me i had to speak with the bailiff, Anyway, today at 12:15 there was a knock at the door, and a bailiff was there, i said i had no intentions of speaking with him and asked him to leave, as i was trying to sort the problem out with the council. He refused to leave and kept knocking my door and on the window, after opening the door the third time, i told him to leave or i'd call the police, he said "as i have a liability order against you the police won't help you", I told him to leave or i was calling the police, The fourth time, i spoke to him through the bedroom window, i told him my partner was calling the police, within a minute he was gone. Not before shoving a letter through my box, with the typical bailiff threats. and a Notice of Seizure and inventory of goods, With costs detailed below Amount owed to the Council -:- £350.37 Bailiff costs -:- £227.50 Total Amount outstanding £577.87? I've tried to make another arrangement with the bailiff for £50 per month and been told its not acceptable, Telling me i should ask family or friends for the money, or they will be back Monday, to take my goods and car. I'm at a lose here, not sure what to do, or how to remove this threat/issue. Any help would be appreciated, Thanks in advance.
  11. Hello Just recieved a distress warrant from Philips Bailiffs. I have called court to ask what this is and whtehr it was genuine as I have not been to court! It turns out it is a failure to notify an alteration, but nobody can tell exactly what that was, only that it was to do with my old address over 5 years ago. Nothing has come to this address and I have therefore not been given the chance to defend myself! I am told I need to get a Statutory Declaration at the nearest Mgistrates court? Has anyone else had this problem? Nikinaki
  12. This may be long but would be greatful of any help. Last Tuesday came out of my house to find my car gone it was parked on the road. Called the police to report it and was told Newlyn bailiffs had taken it and advised to call them. When I called them I was told that Southwark council had authorized them to seize the car due to an unpaid pcn. The ticket was issued on 23/2/12 the day I gave birth to my son !!!! Had stopped on school lines due to contractions (a friend was driving). Newlyn wanted £865.84 to release my car. Never received the notices as moved out of property the car was registered to on 14/2/12 and had been put into emergency acomodation by Southwark council.So had nowhere to forward post. Had no letters notices nothing until car was gone knew nothing about it.Even when Newlyn took my car there was no letter or anything to say they had taken it. The warrent was issued to the old address but Newlyn amazingly found where I live now but couldn't give me any notice. Have filed a TE7 and TE9 the next day but am concerned as have heard that sometimes it is the baliffs that can refuse this. Have had tickets before and paid them have also had one since and paid it. Any advice would be appreciated just don't know where to turn. Thank You
  13. Hi, I owe a certain amount (unknown exactly to me at present) for Council Tax. I rang Manchester City Council today and they told me the account has been passed on to bailiffs. I have received letters from Equita Certificated Bailiffs informing me I owe £537.95 for December 6th 2011 - March 31st 2012 and £898.58 for the current year. Obviously, these have the bailiffs fees added on top I presume? I rang the bailiffs in question and the guy I spoke to urged me to pay up quickly. Should I?! Do I have to pay my Council Tax arrears through the bailiffs now, or can I pay on the Manchester City Council website and then settle up whatever fees with the bailiffs after? I was reading through a similar thread to this whereby people were saying the bailiffs can only charge you for two visits? What exactly are the bailiffs entitled to? If I just pay what I owe to the council will the bailiffs go away? I have supposedly received visits from them but have never been in when they've called round. Hope someone can help me! I don't want to be paying what I don't need to.
  14. Hi there, I have had to deal with Newlyn for council tax and paid them but the last payment directly to the council. Newlyn asked £249 fees so I asked them to break down their fees, and they dared sending a letter with total and absolute LIES. They have only posted 1 letter in person and they pretend: -2 visits -1 Levy -1attendance for removal !!! They LIE. They have never come more than once at the begining with the first letter and since I paid all the time. I am chocked that High courts work with people and companies who LIE. Can anyone help me in choosing the words to answer back. How can I confronte their LIES. Many thanks. xx
  15. I have just had an a bailiff from Rossendales round who wanted to seize a vehicle on my drive. The vehicle is a 11 year old vauxhall Astra with body damage, no tax and SORN'd. Maybe worth about 200 quid if lucky. The Notice of Distress merely describes the car and puts the fees as: Client debt and costs outstanding: 415.31 Walking Possession: 38.00 Other: 130.00 I called the police as I did not feel safe and they suggested paying the bailiff £300.00 which I did and he wants the balance on Friday. He also wants to make an arrangement for £100.00 a month after. I have already been paying £100.00 a month directly to the Council who whilst did not confirm the arragngement but accepted the money each month. This was on top of the regular payment which is made on time. The bailiff said that he would charge £70.00 for a further 20 mins waiting told him that was rubbish. Cops came along and sided with the bailiff, the police had no idea on bailiff law and I quoted national standards on vulnerability because I am unemployed and my mum is disabled. He just said that if I did not pay the council tax to the bailiff then I would go to prison for three months. I knew he was talking rubbish because I have been paying it, but did not want to aggravate the situation further. I rang the council who said that I had to pay the bailiffs and told them I was unemployed and mum was disabled, they refused to recall the balances from rossendales and insist I have to pay them. Questions are do I have to pay the fees that the bailiff has charged? What legislation can I use against the council to force them to take the balance back from them? Should I complain about the police who attended as they did not remain impartial, they said they were there to prevent a breach of the peace?
  16. Hello all, I have an outstanding fine for a box junction offence, which i challenged at the time, and the local authority said they would take further.(Islington BC) I cant recollect any correspondence on this matter for 6 months. This morning JBW turned up with van, and wanted to serve a levy. I had no vehicle outside house, and did not let them have access, but they were demanding £785.44. They could produce no paperwork, but he only had details on a smart phone. I told them that i had no money, (unemployed) and that i had not received any recent letters, for their visit. They told me that a colleague had called two weeks ago and posted a letter. I insisted that they should produce paperwork, and breakdown of fees etc. and should leave me details of their company so i could take it up with them. They left me a clamp form with a phone number and reference number on it, for me to contact their head office. All the time he was saying that an electronic warrent is all he needs, and he can return with a locksmith to levy goods. Sorry this is long winded and i am sure that there are some more questions that i can answer. What should my next move be? can i make some sort of offer to them? I am on pension credit, with small part time income. Any help or comments will be appreciated regards Dave
  17. Hello everyone, first post just wanted to check that I am legally alright with what I have done. Moved house, owed council tax for the final month from a previous address, which I paid online (admittedly late) and didn't think anything about it. Got a letter from the bailiffs demanding £202 for Council Tax on this previous address around three weeks ago, (but with no actual bailiff named or anything). Rather than respond I phoned up the council under the the guise of checking that direct debits for my council tax in my new property were all sorted, and whilst I had them on the line asked if there was any outstanding debts on my previous address, to which they said 'no, the debt is clear'. I have heard nothing since. Presumably I am quite alright just to ignore the situation and the bailiffs have returned the debt to the council, who have already confirmed I have no debt with them. Any advice would be appreciated.
  18. Hello everyone I have a serious issue with a outstanding debt of £562.24 from upaid electricity suppied by utility warehouse. I knew nothing of this debt as my partner had hidden the extent of it from me and it wasnt until I checked the mail that I found a letter from Grosvenor Bailif services. My partner has told me that the reason she hasnt been paying the bill is because everytime she has tried to setup a direct debit with utility warehouse they would try and bill her on a different date to the one originally arranged. My partner is now on statutory sick pay since last week after fracturing her pelvis and has been signed off from any for of work for 6 weeks....So this could really not have happened at a worse time! She has called Grosvenor today explaining her position and her need to set up a repayment plan to which the response she recieved was that she would need to pay £200 in order to setup a repayment plan!! Here is the letter we have recieved The letter reads "Our records show that we still have not recieved payment of £562.24 for you're electricity bill despite previous letters and a recent visit to your property. If you do not contact us immediately we will apply for a warrant of entry as detailed below in order for us to disconnect your supply.You will incur costs for this action You have the right to attend the application hearing for the warrant of entry.The application will be made at In the Local Justice Area Of North Devon (Exeter) Heavitree Road,Exeter,Ex12ls at 9:30 on 7/11/2012 This right is given under the rights of entry (gas and electricity boards) Act 1954 and complies with article 6 of the human rights act. If we are granted a warrant of entry we will call at your property on the 7/11/2012 The warrant will allow us to enter your property,Even if you are not there,To either disconnect your electricity or install prepayment meter. You have already incurred significant charges based on our debt recovery procedings to date.If we are forced to take the action as mentioned above these costs could reach a total of £360 per supply,If we for any reason are unable to obtain a warrant of entry on the first visit you wilol be charged in full for any further visits. I am in total despair over this and really angry with her for letting this build up,How should I proceed?
  19. Hello, I was hoping somebody might be able to help me here. I have Equita chasing me for outstanding council tax and am happily ignoring them. Does anybody know how long they wait before handing the debt back to the council? ..and should I complain to them now about the unlawful charges or wait until it goes back to the council? I'm wondering if contacting them at the moment will encourage more visits, letters etc If anybody has any experience of this I would be grateful of their views. Many thanks
  20. Hey folks, If a court judgement to be issued does it means creditor such as payday loan company can hire private bailiff or similar person to instruct him to visit the house? Atm I am on electoral roll in 1 place and letters go there. I might be able to claim LHA in place nr 2 (paid for via cash) however if it means bailiff visits to the new place I might claim not as old lady lives there 1) Is there some min amount of wages that are not arrestable? 2) Can creditors apply to bank to arrest account and take LHA benefit money or they can not? 3) If I am on electoral roll in place 1 what are they likelihood of creditors getting new address solely via LHA benefits database. Do banks sell data to debt agencies? If i am to change billing address. Thanks in advance, Alex.
  21. Good day everyone, long time reader, first time writer. just thought I should share my experience, it might help some people. Newlyn has been harassing for quite sometime now, probably up to a year now. It is regarding a parking ticket from Brent Council. I have received numerous text messages from Newlyn bailiffs such as "bailiffs are in your area and will remove your goods, go home quickly", "we are coming today to remove your goods, see you at 11.30am", some distressing text messages as well as letters. Anyway, I kept ignoring them, but today (9 Oct 2012), I was paid a visit by a Newlyn bailiff, saying he is here to seize my vehicle unless I pay £431 immediately, I got my phone and started video recording, I first asked for his I.D., he showed it to me, I wanted to take a picture of it, but he refused. He said I dont need to record but I kept on recording, he said do I have the money, to which I replied no, but as I am not working, I am willing to make monthly payments, but he refused and demanded full payment. I said, I cant give you what I dont have, he then parked his vehicle in my driveway, saying he's not going to leave until the tow truck gets here, I said fine, whatever makes you happy. I kept on video recording, I went up to his face while he was in his vehicle and kept on recording, he said why am I behaving like this, that I must be suffering from a disease, I said thanks for the insult and kept on recording, he was in his vehicle for about 20 mins, and then came out and said last chance, the tow truck is coming, I said I dont have any money but I'm willing to make monthly payments. He then demanded I give him the keys to my car, to which I refused, he went back into his vehicle and I kept on recording, I then asked to see a documentation of how it mounted up to £431, and he refused saying that after I make payment, he will then give me the breakdown. I kept on recording, going round his car, recording everything. He then came out and said that he has to leave but he has called the tow truck and they can come anytime to collect the vehicle, then he left. I just wanted to ask you guys for your opinion on the whole situation. Also, I am going to send the documents, emails and video to the OFT and file a complaint as well. These guys have been disturbing my life, the bailiff today he insulted me verbally and was quite rude. Thanks for reading, I really appreciate it, and I apologize for any typographical and grammatical errors.
  22. Hello and many thanks in advance for any advice that can be given. In June 2006 I moved from my parents address into my own home (which I own with a mortgage). All of my finances were transfered to my new address without any exceptions. In 2010 I lost my job and started incurring some finacial difficulties and since then have accrued 3 CCJ's This last week a letter from county court was sent in my name to my parents address and today a bailiff knocked at the door. The letter was returned 'not at this address' and my father sent the bailiff packing with 'I very rarely see him' and 'we are not on good talking terms' I know that whoever is chasing has used an old address instead of a current one. Should I chase down the problem and correct the issue or an I better off letting the bailiffs do their own job and wait to see what happens? Many Thanks
  23. First post so please be gentle! At the end of last week, my parents received a hand-delivered letter from the High Court Enforcement Group at their home address (where I haven't lived for many years.) So I presume that somewhere along the line, I have incurred some debt (over £600, according to these people's website) and have a CCJ against me. The envelope was addressed to me in my maiden name so this debt accumulated sometime before 2010 when I got married. I told my parents to not open the envelope and do a 'return to sender'. There was no address on the envelope so I got the HCEG address off their website and got them to write that on the envelope, plus I got them to put a line through my name and write "not at this address". I moved to Canada early last year and have NO idea what this CCJ is all about. I have no idea when it was filed, who I owe money to and what amount I owe. I'm presuming they either sent it to an old address or sent it to my last address after I had already left the country. Anyway, it seems they have now dug up a REALLY old address of mine where my parents still happen to live. This HCEG business seem to be quite militant in terms of sending bailiffs round, judging by their website and I'm really worried that they're going to start harassing my parents now. My mother is disabled and my father is in poor health right now and I feel incredibly guilty inflicting this on them but I don't want them to start opening my mail and seeing I'm in debt (especially if it's a large amount) because that will stress them out even more. My mum was almost having a fit on the phone when she received the envelope because "it has an official seal on it!" So, bearing in mind that I have absolutely no information on this CCJ or the debt, what should I do? I don't know if it's standard practice to re-send a CCJ overseas or not. I'm not to keen about blindly paying for something without knowing exactly what it is first. What rights (if any) do the bailiffs have in terms of visiting my parents? Will they make an attempt to seize their property? Please help me with this - I'm extremely worried for my family and being that I'm about to have a baby any day now, I really don't want this extra stress in my life. Thanks in advance for the help.
  24. Was in Court back in May to suspend an eviction. Arrears of £2800, monthly payment of £498. Agreed to repay contractual payment plus £150 per month to clear the arrears and a £500 sum within 7 days. Paid the £500 on the 5th day. Paid £650 for the following 2 months. Then, Augusts payment was only £450. I paid £200 & £250 in seperate online banking transactions. We sent a £200 cheque, which was never cashed. This months repayment of £650 was made in 1 transaction on the online banking the day it was due. Then this morning received an eviction date of the 16th October. The mortgage is in my Mum's name, I'm her son and my fiance also lives here. We have a 3 week old baby too. We can comfortably pay the £650. We only got into arrears in the first place because I stopped working due to illness. I'm fine with the income and expenditure bits, and the rest of the N244. But could someone help me with a statement please? We have nowhere else to go and it seems rediculous that the bank (Leeds Building Society) want to evict when we can pay. I was quite confident that the judge would be kind the last time we went for the N244 hearing. I'm not so sure this time. I have a family member I could approach to borrow some money to clear all the arrears. Is it worth me taking a statement from them with proof of funds (A bank statement) in case the judge will not accept us continuing with the £150 per month towards the arrears. Thanks everyone for your great help!
  25. Hi All I reaaally hope someone can help me. I have been living at a flat through a housing association for over 3 years now. From November 2011 until March 2012 I wasn't able to pay my full rent every single month due to some financial issues I was going through at the time. Since April 2012 things have been better for me financially so the housing association agreed on a repayment plan to clear my debt. I have not defaulted at all since then, however 2 weeks ago I received a letter shoved through my door from a company called Churchill Recovery Solutions Limited and that letter was typed on a letter head from my housing association. It said that they came on behalf of my housing association to carry out a Tenancy Audit It was even signed on behalf of (Housing association) with a photocopied signature. Beside that signature is another photo copied signature from a Field Sales Manager of Churchill Recovery Solutions. I am very confused and a bit worried because they have just shoved another letter through today. I hope someone can give some advice. xxx
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