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  1. Just to add, it seems very strange to me that i have committed no crime, owe no money and yet bailiffs are harrassing my family. Does innocent until proven guilty not apply to parking?
  2. On Dec 22nd last year I parked in a council car park. I paid for my ticket and stuck it in the window. I return to find a PCN on the windscreen and the ticket still stuck in the window. I appealed the penalty but they just passed it onto Northampton. Now we have White & Co saying they have a warrant from Northampton and chasing us. My wife has a long term illness, I have am out of work and dealing with depression, and we are really struggling. I am finding hard to concentrate and deal with matter like this. And the threat of bailiffs is pushing us over the edge. The council head of parking says he cannot do anything now - is that true or a fob off? He has recieved a clear digital photo of the parking ticket and so he is well aware that no offense ever took place. What do I do?
  3. Our situation is that we had council tax arrears. We had the money to pay, but never got an accurate bill. Initially the amount was wrong because it took housing benefits forever to sort out what we did owe (they find self-employed people hard to deal with seemingly). By the time they had worked out what we should pay, council tax were trying to add charges for late payment despite the fact that it had taken that long for the council to establish what the bill should be. We asked for an accurate bill without charges, but never received it. When it went to court the lady from council said she understood and would sort it out. After that we got another bill with charges. This bills with charges were not broken down so that I could see what I owed in tax and what was charges. Then bailiffs turned up (Newlyns). The guy said that he could force his way in and basically physically threatened me (said he get aspt me whether I let him or not). He also lied and said he'd get the police and they'd let him in. I contacted the council and the same lady I spoke to at the court dealt with me. She was rude and very condescending. Turns out that at the court an order was made against us after she promised she'd deal with it! She said we had been sent a letter containing a bill with no charges - we never recieved it. She was no help at all and said she'd e-mail to confirm that she'd call off the bailiffs for a week. That e-mail never came either. In the following week I paid the outstanding council tax (and this years). That included £85 of charges. Now the bailiffs have been in contact. Asking for £271.50 - says its for council tax, but it is all charges. Two questions: 1) How do I get rid of the bailiffs? I know they have no right to come in, but how do I stop them hassling me as it's upsetting my wife. 2) Can I claim the £85 charges back from the council. I believe I can claim back any costs if I take someone to court (due to low income) - would it be worth chasing them for that money? Thanks in advance. Pantman
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