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Everything posted by *RainbowTears*

  1. Morning Burt999, I think you missed out the £1.50 bus fare in your calculations. As £1.50 + £7.80 + £3.80 = £13.10. So with just £13.00 on your Oyster, this explains why you were 10p short on the fare. I do hope your feeling much more calmer & I wish you all the best with your health.
  2. I second this! As I keep getting mail for someone else at a totally different address that's 6 roads away from me. Our names & addresses are different apart from door numbers. For example I live @ 76 Wheel Road & they live @ 76 Worm Road. Yet I still get their mail from time to time, most recently one that looked like a birthday card. Any mail I do get, we take it round to them. So yes proof of postage is one thing but proof of delivery is entirely another.
  3. I've no idea as to what the fault relates to exactly. My adaptor also states Made in China with the CE marks on it. Reading the letter it states the fault lies within a component in the adaptor itself. I've not heard anything else back from BG, nor is this Safety notice being reported widely, as CB & myself have previously searched. It's like it's being kept extremly quiet for some unknown reason. I'd like to know why?. As if it's serious enough to warrant a Safety notice to stop using it until a replacement is sent out, then it should be public knowledge.
  4. Hi MV, You do need to take all your paperwork (make copies if you can) & take it to your local Councils Housing office, explain exactly what's gone on & show them the letter from them, that states they deemed it a HMO. You need their advice & support to get this sorted out once & for all. Please let us know how you get. Good luck indeed!
  5. Yes your moving out by date will be the 30th April, as that's 2 clear calendar months from your T date of the 1st. The LL needs to reissue the Section 21 with the correct dates on it for it to legal. (as per Andy post). And like DB says, if you have not found another property to move into by this date, you can stay where you are until the LL issues Court proceedings for eviction. As for your deposit, it was your LL responsibility to place said deposit in a DPS scheme & give you copies of the paperwork for it. As he has not done so, the £300 should be returned in full back to you. Regardless of any claims he may make re damage/animals. As the deposit was not protected, you could make a claim. More info here; http://m.england.shelter.org.uk/get_advice/tenancy_deposits/getting_your_deposit_back/tenancy_deposit_compensation_claims https://www.gov.uk/tenancy-deposit-protection/if-your-landlord-doesnt-protect-your-deposit So do keep the texts & your payment proof for the £300 you paid.. I would, in your case suggest you go to your local Council Housing office & speak to them with regards to the above & any other issue you may have with the LL. Good luck!
  6. I'm more than happy to help. Nice one, seems your all set then lbr. My fingers are X for you in the hope this is all settled without any further stress. Do be sure to keep all correspondence & pictures (on old & new) for a while, so nothing can crop up & bite back. Enjoy your new home. Good luck indeed!
  7. Hi MV, That to me sounds like your LL went to Court to get a repossession order, I.E. for you to leave the property by a given date. If it indeed it is, then it's absolutely nothing to do with the CT. The CT is a seperate issue. You stated that the Council visited the property & found it to be a HMO. As such this works in your favour & that you were not liable for the CT. That was for your LL to pay. As per my other post above. So who exactly is chasing you? Is it the LL writing to ask you to pay, or is it from the Council? If it is from your LL, then you can either tell your LL that you have no liability as per Council statement & show him a copy of the letter the Council sent you (you keep the original for yourself) or you can go to the Council Housing officer & ask them to help you. Lastly what appeal is it you mention?
  8. Forgot to say; If the LL workmen have caused any damage, take pictures off it & dispute any claim if one is made, stating X was caused by workmen renovating said property.
  9. From my own experiences with these outside inventory agencies, this is par for the course. They take the money with surprisingly ease yet aren't as quick to get back to you as required. Do you still have all the correspondence you stated in your OP? Is your deposit in a DPS scheme that you can access? If the answers are yes to both Qs, then once the agent turns up & brings up anything you already tried telling them about. Then you can show your proof & state that you already contacted him about it previously. Do take lots of pictures of the property, do include any light switches/fittings/curtains/oven/carpets or anything else that was left in the property. As you may need these just in case they try to say something that isn't as it should be. Your deposit is meant to be given back to you within 10 days of your leaving the property. Some LA are better than others. If for whatever reason the outgoing inventory states £x damage/cleaning/replacement you can dispute this with your DPS. This is where your pictures & previous letters will help you. Hopefully though you should have no issues & receive your deposit back in full. Good luck!
  10. Some really great suggestions from other posters. But do you wish to record the PIP Assessment for your own records? or did you want to record it so it's on record with ATOS? If it's for your own personal record, then I'd suggest if you have a smartphone you can DL a free app like Voice Recorder or Smart Voice Recorder. (There are a few different options) & leave it recording in your bag/pocket etc. ATOS won't have a clue. If it's the second option then RMW post states what to do. Good luck with the PIP Assessment!
  11. I'm truly glad to hear you will be able to get this sorted out now. + 1 Raykay. Good luck!
  12. Hi Cookiemonster, Gawd what a pickle your having, I'm sorry about your health issues. I would suggest you do not put in your NTQ as you need a roof over your head. I do believe there's a few options you can try. As you do have health issues you can go see your GP & tell them about the issues you're having & see if s/he can refer you to ASS (Adult Social Services). Who can come out to check your housing suitability &/or refer you to OT (Occupational Therapist). They also can/do help with letters to Council etc. You can also contact/go see your local Council Housing Office & again let them know of your difficulties & see if they can help. Please do let us know how you get on. Wishing you all the best!
  13. A great idea & a few more for you HB; LA Letting Agent/Agency HMO House Multiple Occupancy F/F Fully Furnished UNF Unfurnished PW Per Week
  14. Agree with Stu above, more info needed please. I do note though, you say it's a couple years ago. So has this been going on for a few years or is it just recently being sorted out? If it is a couple of years, what's taken it so long to sort out? Does your friend have Household insurance? If yes, does it include legal cover? As you could give them a call, to see if they can help your neighbour out in any way. Hope this gets sorted, good luck!
  15. Hi MV, What is the CCJ for exactly? As for whose liable to pay the Council Tax. If the property is indeed a HMO (House Multiple Occupation) & the Tenants either; have their own bedsits or paying rent on individual rooms with their own individual tenancy. Then it IS the landlord who is liable to pay Council Tax. Other conditions for LL paying CT; Usually, the person living in a property will be the liable person, but sometimes it will be the owner of the property who will be liable to pay. The owner will be liable if: the property is in multiple occupation, for example, a house shared by a number of different households who all pay rent separately; or the people who live in the property are all under the age of 18; or the property is accommodation for asylum seekers; or the people who are staying in the property are there temporarily and have their main homes somewhere else; or the property is a care home, hospital, hostel or women's refuge. https://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/tax/council-tax/council-tax/ MV, you can also seek further advice & support from your local Council Housing Office & from the CAB. I do hope you manage to sort out the issues you're having. Good luck!
  16. Mollie this is the website you were after; https://www.gov.uk/vehicle-tax Tax your vehicle online Tax your car, motorcycle or other vehicle using your reminder letter (V11). If you don’t have a reminder letter, you can use: a V5C registration certificate (log book) that’s in your name - get a replacement if you don’t have one your new keeper supplement (V5C/2) if you’ve just bought the vehicle your ‘last chance’ warning letter Plus there are other ways to tax, Post office etc. I also have exempt tax & when I bought my new car a year ago, I had to swap it from my old to the new. I used the site above & once my details were entered, there was an option to input my Tax Exemption certificate number & once that was done, my car was taxed for the following year. Do you know who clamped your car? What reason why was it clamped? (As I couldn't find this in your post). Of you do know which Company it was, then I would write to them & ask them about appealing the £260 fee. Good luck!
  17. RM This to me, has to be one of the most sincerest & deeply thought out posts I've read on CAG. Indeed, it does for me, bring hope that Shelley will read your words & find the happy memories she shared with her beloved husband. That they will bring her a happiness amongst the sadness she's been/going through. I can only say thank you. I also agree with MrP that the FD token gesture is not worthy & an insult. This was a traumatic time enough for Shelley loosing her husband & for the FD to compound that by their short comings (as per OP post), to the point Shelley now has to live with what she saw. So to my mind, a full refund & 2 knee grovelling apology is no less than she deserves. Shelley I do hope you find peace & a way to move on from this awful traumatic experience. Best wishes indeed! x
  18. 100% agree. I personally haven't either read or replied on the other thread, so I am sure I'm not the only person. Topics like this need to be kept in the public eye, as it's about a serious situation that's become an ongoing issue for a lot of people in reality. I won't name sites/groups I'm aware off that give out the terrible "not so helpful" information that BA states in her OP. But there is a lot. I've read about posters who do not have the funds to pay for proper legal help, who believe blindly what they are told, as they don't know any different. Why would they? As they find themselves facing EA action (who can behave in a intimadating/threatening manner) & not knowing which way to turn, so they turn to the Internet in their desperation. Even bad advice is advice after all for those in this situation.
  19. BA, From what I've been reading about online, this is indeed becoming a common trend. People who post looking for help once the EA/Bailiff has turned up to clamp/bound cars, the OP are being actively encouraged to lie/deceive & behave in a manner they wouldn't normally do. There are so many sites/groups that these people turn too, whether in desperation or hope. That they then blindly follow what they are told to do, whatever the consequences. Yet none of these sites/groups have any formal legalese behind them & despite not doing so, set themselves up like they are the last word on it! It beggars belief... Some (many) of these OP who go seeking help, will sadly find themselves in a much worse off situation than they started with. But there's nothing neither you, me or anyone else can do to stop it. It's akin to dropping a penny in the ocean. You ain't got no chance! But someone, somewhere has to speak up & if your post helps one person to not go down this route, it's a start!
  20. Updating your DL can be & is overlooked by quite a few off us. I've moved over 35+ times & I've done it myself on a few occasions. At least you've now updated it & is one less thing to worry about. It's a section 172 offence, not giving the drivers details for which you received the 6 points & £700 fine for. Normally there would have been another offence like speeding that you/another would've been contacted about. If you/another did not reply to their letters asking for the drivers details, so they could issue proceedings/out of court fine/course for the speeding, thats when the Section 172 offence is given in its place instead. So tomorrow contact the DVLA & once you find out which Court it was, you can then start to sort this all out. Do let us know how you get on, if you can.
  21. I'd contact the coach company in writing & state as you've said here about your experiences with them. Do be firm,fair & concise in your letter. Mention that you were only told about the delays 10/15 mins "after" your allocated pick up time. That there was no prior communication or notices etc. Which ultimately left you stressed/annnoyed & that you could have missed your flight. Which left you with no choice, but to arrange for alternative travel to the airport via Taxi @ £80. Lastly do ask them to compensate you for the taxi fare (& maybe a little something for the inconvenience & stressed caused). Do provide copies of your booking with your letter (keep the original copy yourself). Hopefully the Coach company will listen to you. Good luck!
  22. What an awful surprise for you! Now what address is on your Driving licence? If it is your parents address, how long ago did you leave that address? If you updated your address once you left parents address, how long ago did you do this? As due to the DVLA writing to you at your parents address, they must have some reason to do so. (As above). So I would do as the other posters suggested contact DVLA & do keep everything in writing. Once you've found out which Court it is, you can then start getting this sorted out. Do make sure your DL address is current. Now try to stop panicking, as you becoming stressed isn't going to help you. So have a calming cuppa & try putting everything aside until tomorrow. Good luck!
  23. Did you give your LL a one months notice to quit in writing, stating, I.E. Today's date is the 4th Jan & I'm giving you 1 months NTQ & will leave by 3rd Feb? If yes do you still have it? Did you leave by the date given in the NTQ? As if you left even 1 day after the given date then the LL can ask for another months rent. (Unless previously agreed by LL). Did you leave the property in good condition & take any pictures to prove this? Reasonable fair wear & tear is allowed esp after 6 yrs but scribbling on walls should have been cleaned or painted over. EDIT; Was an outgoing inventory done with yourself present? If yes did the LL/LA say anything during this regarding any issues? It's also your responsibility to clear out any of your property & not leave any discarded items behind without the LL permission. Personally depending on your answers (if you didn't do the correct NTQ, stayed beyond leaving date, items left & not FW&T) then you may struggle against the LL claims. As in Court you will have to disprove the LL claims with evidence to the contrary. Lastly weigh up the costs of settling the LL invoice now against a (possible) 6yr CCJ & extra £x added on, esp if he presses ahead with Court claim. I do hope you are able to settle this. Good luck!
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