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Everything posted by *RainbowTears*

  1. I've personally had these APS agents at my door on many occasions now. As have many other CAGgers (do a search on APS). Their speel is the same "we have a delivery & only the named person can sign for it". They are very persistent indeed, despite them being told Mr X doesn't reside at my address, they have paid over 7/8 visits now. They try all manner of antics to try to catch you out, even as far as saying that on a previous visit they had spoken to Mr X & he was on his way. Seriously!! Total utter codswallop.
  2. +1 I can't add anything further as F16 pretty much said it all. I do wish you all the best in going forward. Good luck!
  3. After reading your transcript I also feel the Vodafone agent meant no disrespect to you. It can be very frustrating when your trying to sort issues out this way. From my point of view, you had issues regarding 3rd party subs, that you were charged for & whether in error or unknowingly not cancelling them in time. So you tried to dispute them & get them refunded & Vodafone correctly pointed out that any 3rd party charges cannot be refunded by themselves. You do need to contact the 3rd party yourself & explain as to what happened & see if they are willing to refund you or not. I concur with fkofilee regarding Lee, he does in my opinion a very good job in sorting out Vodafone issues here on CAG. I do hope you get your situation resolved in a manner that enables you to move onwards. Good luck!
  4. Have you contacted the actual Seller of the item? If yes, what did they say? If you haven't contacted the Seller, then I would suggest you do so, so that they are aware that this has happened & then yourself & the Seller are both on the same page, as you await eBay to come back to you.
  5. Yes, you do contact Motability as DMG says above asap, so they can start to sort this out for you. Time frame for car being collected/dropped off, is within 4 weeks usually. As a friends father who passed away, had contacted Motability & they then sent a letter stating, they were sorry to hear of Mr X passing & that the car could be either collected or dropped off & gave a 4 week time frame window for this to happen. Hope this helps.
  6. I have had this happen at my last property. The LL had a houseful of furniture, some of which had seen better days. I like you had all my own furniture, so I asked the LL* if I could donate the "better" items to a Charity & I would get rid of anything else to the tip. My LL agreed to this as he did not have to get involved with moving the items etc. *My Tenancy was also through an LA but I contacted the LL myself. Its worth asking your LL if you could do the same. Hopefully this will resolve the situation, Good luck!
  7. It is Entirely your decision, but I do agree with the fellow CAGgers above, who have already shown you the other options available to you. Me personally, I would accept the offer. At least this way you have your money back & you can move on from this, once & for all. Good luck!
  8. Welcome to CAG! I see you contacted eBay about this, but have you contacted the seller & spoken to them about this? If yes what did they say?
  9. What an awful experience to have happened to you. A cracked rib is very painful & I do hope you are feeling much better soon. I would suggest you do make sure your injuries are documented by your GP & the Hospital (I'm assuming you have been). As you may be in need of this, for any claim you may make against the Driver in the future. Sending you get well hugz!
  10. Totally agree with Emmzzi. I too would leave the phone home, at least this way you know it's 100% safe. But just for arguments sake; How would your Boss know if you had a phone on your person or in your bag? (assuming it's switched to silent or off).
  11. Hi Christopher, I am at a loss as to what it is your either saying here or what response your after. As I've looked at your link & from what I've seen & read on there; You made a complaint to the Council & they investigated it. In their reply letter of which there's only 1 page showing, which to my mind, is clear, concise & fully explained in detail, with regards to the Door lock complaint. I also fail to see how this relates to Council staff & indeed the Ombudsman doing there jobs unsatisfactory. Could you enlighten us more? I've a feeling after reading your previous thread (on which I replied) that you are upset &/or angry with regard to your local Council. I do hope you are able to sort out the issues your having & are able to move on them. Good luck!!
  12. None of us on here know you Christopher, so anything said is not a personal attack on you. Everyone who responds will have different opinions & will not always agree/disagree & they will vary greatly. (As we all have our own life stories & backgrounds). This is a personal situation for you. I'm sure living in Hostels, in conditions that most would find abhorrent, you faced different challenges & dealt with it on a daily basis. (I've been homeless myself & through the B&B hovel hell twice, so I do have a little understanding). I can appreciate it was hard, but you did it & came out the other end. At which point the Council finally offered a place that was yours for the offering. Which in my humble opinion with its new kitchen & bathroom, looks like it could have required a good clean (sugar soap is marvellous on old smoke stains) & then you could redecorate as & when you could afford too. As for furniture etc, places like the Council, Charities & Salvation Army can & do help with these items. (I was taken to a large warehouse where I was allowed to pick for myself various items to furnish my home). Now for you, it may seem unfair & unjust that you were offered this 1 place & that due to your not taking it for whatever reason, your now no longer on the Council Housing list. I can only say that when your taken for a viewing the HO will normally make it clear to any future Tenant, that you have only a certain time period in which to accept or not the property being offered. As there will be a list of "others" all waiting behind you for your decision. I am also sure the figures you quoted on those Homeless, would have bitten the hand of the HO in accepting a roof over their heads. So for me, I do not understand your reasons for not accepting it. A roof over your head will always be a priority especially as there's so little Social Housing available & the Private Rented sector is expensive, with its fees, rents & deposits required upfront. Where I live now you cannot get a Council property even if your in the priority band. Council Housing lists are years & years long, no matter what your circumstances are. Sometimes you have to accept the responsibility of a situation yourself, so it was entirely up to you at the time whether to accept or refuse the property & then deal with the consequences for not taking it. Please do not take my post as criticism, it is my own opinion based on my own Homeless experiences & my being honest on your posts.
  13. Gawd blimey!! To be a great liar, you must remember all the lies you told (even years ago!!!). Reinventing yourself was never going to work with all that coming back to bite your butt. Karma! It reaps what it sows! Lol... I still feel for those who wander there, as these are people's lives that are being played with.
  14. Phil the posters responding to you, are asking questions as your OP was not exactly clear on the facts. So going by your latest post. The legal bills involved in this case were £11790. Has this been paid? Did your brother choose to use all these legal minds knowing what their fees & charges would be beforehand? As I personally, if I required a Solicitor for anything, my first question would be how much & then ask for a break down of charges. So I then would be going into a Court case knowing I would/could have £xx in costs to bear. As for the £8000 in loss of earnings, this sum is enormous indeed. Have you tried speaking to the Solicitor involved with regards in reclaiming the costs etc? My mind boggles at the fact that it has cost £18000 in fees etc, in a case that originally involved £3900!!
  15. This is very true. Recently a friends daughter who lived in a Private rented property, had over a period of time, stopped paying her top up rent. (as her HB didn't cover it all) So eventually the LL got fed up chasing for the rent arrears & served her with section 21. Friends daughter went to Council housing & fully expected them to rehouse her & her 3 children. Council refused her application on the grounds that she intentionally made herself homeless by running up rent arrears.
  16. I do feel for you & your husband, it's maddening & deplorable to find yourself in this awful situation. Sadly eBay has now become known as a place for [problematic] & all sorts of unsavory behaviour going on. Esp with high end goods & high price tag items. I used to sell items on eBay way back when it was a better place, now you wouldn't catch me going near the place even to buy. As my last personal experience involved a high end designer handbag, located in London, selling @ £400. Everything appeared legit. The reality though was different. China is not a place in London!! Anyways back to your situation, it may be that you could do as CB has suggested? Either way I wish you good luck & hope you do get this sorted!
  17. What is it with these LL that think they are above the law & can treat people in this way!! It makes me sick..... I've a similar(ish) situation involving a young man, who has found himself in an awful predicament with a LL who also does what he wants! As I've only a few mins to spare atm, I didn't want to rant & run. So with regards to your step son, I found the following which should be useful (as it was for me too). Click on the PDF link. https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/licensing-of-houses-in-multiple-occupation-in-england-a-guide-for-tenants Good luck!!
  18. Thanks for asking CB. I did speak with Mr Z & passed on the suggestions made on this thread. Mr Z knew he was in a very bad situation without many choices & he did not want to end up homeless again. So he spoke to the LL & basically used the fact that he was illegally subletting as a way of getting the LL to agree to accept him paying monthly & not evicting him. I know this wasn't ideal but Mr Z felt so desperate as he had been back to the Council Housing & they didn't want to help him in anyway. As he is now 22 & no longer a youngster at risk (he was in the Homeless unit from age 16 until he had to leave just after he turned 22 last year). He went from having so much support in there to absolutely nothing at all & the Council didn't want to know. He has also since this time, been saving up what he can from his wages, to enable him to get out off there into the PR sector. Hopefully in the near future this will become a reality for him... I'm still helping him as & when I can, to make sure he is doing okay.
  19. Never heard off this before!! Totally bizarre indeed.... Not everyone with a car, will want to drive every day as a matter of fact. It's entirely their choice.... So to be told, they must drive every day & that they will be checking via the tracker is to entirely preposterous!! If that's what he has to do, can he get around it by moving the car up & down his road a few times? As at least that way he has drove the car!!
  20. Would you be able to have a word with your neighbours & say to them in the nicest possible way, can you please ask your father to stop interfering as it's causing problems where there needn't be any! Otherwise it's a case of doing as someone else also suggested; is too ignore the father, smile politely & walk away. Do not get yourself drawn into any confrontation with him. As they are getting what they are after from you, a reaction with which to use against yourself.
  21. Well done EB indeed! Companies who try this on, should be ashamed of themselves....
  22. I also noticed the above CD, just in recent days posts have been deleted, threads not quite as they were 1st time around or just gone entirely.... *sniff sniff* It isn't just the advice that stinks!!
  23. Hi Puma, I didn't want to read & run, but my experience on these matters is limited. So before I go, I just wanted to say I am sure a CAGger will be along to help you shortly. Good luck!
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