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Everything posted by *RainbowTears*

  1. Good grief, I cannot believe the Council took the LL word & paid out without first speaking to you & secondly actually checking & verifying what the LL claimed!! I would do as your doing, dispute the LL claims & get everything in writing. Do ask the Council why they settled the LL claim without asking you. Also bring up that there was an outgoing walkthrough inspection done with your son & the LL & how he accepted at that time the flat was okay. Me personally I feel the LL is trying to recoup the money he has spent redoing the flat up. As this was his choice after you left, he should pay for it out of his own pocket & not look to you to do so!!. Let us know how you get on. Good luck!!
  2. I agree with the posters. Do check to see if your deposit was protected & if so who with. (You should have received a notification of what scheme it's with & the account details, so you were able to check on it/ask for it back etc). Did you also receive/do an ingoing inventory, if yes did you yourself do a snag list? (reporting anything not written on the inventory). Lastly the outgoing inventory. Usually a LA do one with you present. (But not all do this). Now they have to allow for reasonable wear & tear, esp depending on your length of time you lived at the property. I.E. 6 mths Vs 6 yrs there will be a significant amount of wear & tear. Ask the LA for a full written, detailed report that stares what they are trying to claim for. It's your right to dispute this if you don't agree with the LA. EDIT: Did you take any pictures showing the state of the property you left? This is where having your deposit in a protection scheme & having access to it helps you to deny the LA taken £X as they think so. The DPS can & will mediate if needs be. (I've had a DPS do this for me a few years back). Failing all the above then head to your local Council housing office & ask them for help. From my own personal experience Shelter gave helped me in the past. I do hope you're able to get this sorted. Good luck!
  3. I've received it by letter in the post CB. I've no idea as to why it's going to take 8/9 weeks to replace the adaptor. They do not mention a fire risk. It states; there may be a fault with a component in the plug, so we recommend you switch off & unplug it. I'll scan it in the morning & can email it to admin CB.
  4. So sorry CD that's awful for you... As its now 4 hours later, if it continues to happen, are you able to bang on the ceiling loudly with a broomstick or something,? If not would you be able to try speaking to them? I did years ago live on the 11th floor in a tower block in Bow. The noise that we lived through from up above/below was horrendous. From screaming kids, adults rowing at all hours, music, TV blaring & literally every banging noise you could name. It drove me nuts!! The nights are the worse as you simply can't sleep through any off it at all. I did used to bang on the ceiling/floor with me broom or a sauce pan. That did the trick for a while. But one time upstairs sounded like they were going to kill each other, so I called the Police. Talk about it all going quiet! I lasted 10 months before getting out of there. If none of my suggestions help, you can also try contacting your local Council & asking if they can help. I do hope you manage to get some sleep. Good luck!
  5. British Gas Smart Meters have issued a safety warning regarding the Power Adaptor for their Smart Energy Meter. The letter states the following; It goes on to say, that the actual Energy Smart Meter is NOT affected & you are to keep that aside. A replacement adaptor will be sent out within the next 8/9 weeks, along with a envelope for you to send back the old adaptor. Once the new adaptor arrives, plug the Energy Smart Meter back in. The letter does not state any kind of serial/part number or area, I live in Essex, so I've no idea who may be affected or not by this. Contact 08009806121 Mon - Fri 8am - 8pm. Sat 8am - 6pm.
  6. £250 to clean mould is an absolute disgrace indeed, your LA are trying it on!! So going by your reply, you stated; So it sounds to me like your LA are wanting to evict you either way & were using the "mould" as an excuse. Is there any other reason as to why your LA thinks you're a bad tenant? (I think this is unfair of your LA to call you one if it's regarding the mould). As you are no longer under an AST, you are indeed on a Rolling Contract. This means the LA can issue you with a Section 21 eviction notice (without resorting to silly mould claims) & this has to give you 2 clear calander months notice to leave by. If you are having issues with your LA then do please contact your local Councils Housing Team for advice & support. Lastly as Steve_M mentioned, is your deposit protected? Did you receive the paperwork to show who it's with etc?
  7. I order a lot online & overall I'm very happy as the Courier keeps me informed via tracking & email/texts. Although I've had a few recent(ish) incidents. Yodel, threw my orders into a not quite a neighbours garden, laid in wet grass overnight (only found out when they came knocking). Unknown, delivered a daybed/trundle recently & trundle box looked like it gone 3 rounds with a hard object. (bent & missing bits, a bit of a nightmare trying to get sorted). Personally I feel Couriers do a good job, esp like my DPD courier who always has a very large round (I was no 90 the other day) that's some deliveries to get done in a day!!
  8. Hi Shelley, I am so very sorry for your loss of a wonderful sister. On reading your posts she sure sounds like she had a wicked sense of humour indeed. I loved the sneaking of a drop of wine & having a take away. The time you spent together as she faced her final journey, will be the most cherished of memories. Mucho hugs & best wishes....
  9. So they are wanting to end your Tenancy over a patch of mould? Wow that's a first for me! In my opinion that's a bit OTT indeed. What breach is it they state you have broken? Is there anything in your Tenancy agreement re mould? (I'm also PR & mine just states that I've to maintain the property & garden to a good standard) How long is your Tenancy agreement? How much time is left on it? I would in the first instance check your TA & then either write or call the LA & ask them exactly what it is you have done & how can you remedy it. Do explain as you have here re the empty properties next door. Now are you able to get the mould cleaned up & ask the LA to come check again? I do hope you are able to get this situation sorted out with the least amount of stress on yourself. Take care & good luck!
  10. It sure sounds like somethings going on behind the scenes you're not aware off as yet. Could it be "another" company is being used preferentially, which is possibly why you're giving the run around re H&S? Is there anyone you can contact there, that you can talk too, to resolve the issue?
  11. Apologies Fletch, as I'm on 45mg Mirtazipine & 100mg Quetiapine (along with many other drugs). I take the 100mg Quetiapine 2 x daily, morning & night & the 45mg Mirtazipine at night only. As I said before it knocks me out but doesn't always keep me out. I also take Diazempam which helps me relax as night times are awful. Fletch have you been to your GP about the water retention? As I've never had this symptom ever.
  12. Whilst I can't offer any help re getting your car back. I wanted to say, I do feel for you & the awful distressing situation you find yourself in. It's simply disgusting as they are literally holding you & your car to ransom!! Have you any legal cover with your Car/House Insurers? As I'm thinking if you do, they may be able to help you, instead of having to pay for legal advice. I wish you good luck!!
  13. I'm on Mirtazipine 100mg per night. (alongside 30+ pills daily). Mental health Dr put me on them & I've been on them approx 2 years now. I started on a lower dosage 30mg & it's been increased to the 100mg I'm on now. I was told to only take them at night time as within 30 mins of taking them I'm knocked out. (Insomnia used 2 my not so great best friend). I've had no side affects whatsoever, although if I wake up during the night, I am some what groggy & disorientated. They do the job if making me sleep but not always keeping me there. In the morning I usually am awake from 5am onwards & I feel no effects at all. Hope this helps.
  14. What a horrible situation to find yourself in. First off, I would contact Very & explain the whole situation to them & see what they say. (Don't ask you don't know). Secondly do NOT under any circumstances let anyone other than yourself order from your account. (I've been burnt myself). Ultimately it could & most likely will be a case, where you will have to pay for the Fridgefreezer. Plus the interest if the interest free period expires. If Very do say you have to pay up & you are struggling to meet the repayments, then tell them you can only afford £ per month. Hope you get this sorted. Good luck!
  15. I second Conniff, do not withhold the rent money, under any circumstances Instead contact (phone or visit) your local Council & ask to speak to the Housing Officers. Provide pictures of said damp etc & ask for them to help you get this situation sorted. Its exactly what I've had to do in the past myself. Good luck!
  16. £495??? Blimey that's a bit strong innit! Avoid at all costs is my opinion. I did my own PPI reclaims, very simple & easy enough to do, just filled in the forms & posted them. Total cost 15 mins of my own time & a 1st class stamp.
  17. OMG this is so sad & utterly traumatic for the poor dog. I do hope you are able to get the resolution you seek.
  18. I totally agree with CB. As this will possibly place you in a worse position & you could face more issues.
  19. I do not understand why you're blaming the Halifax for irresponsible lending. As you were aware off your own financial circumstances being not good before applying for the loan, why then did you apply for a £7000 loan? Esp as you were already struggling financially. The Halifax did not force the loan on you, you openly admit you applied for it & you surely could have cancelled the loan application. (In the first 14 days if I remember correctly). You also state you used £5000 of the loan to pay off 2 debts, this then would have freed up the monthly payments you used to pay towards them. What happened to this money? As this money could be used towards the repayment of the loan. Surely you should bare the responsibility of your own actions instead of blaming the Halifax for your own predicament. This is not a personal attack on your self, but I'm trying to show you how this looks from the outside & how your own actions brought you here.
  20. Well done indeed, that's a great result!
  21. I usually write all my complaints via email, as it's far quicker as well as I find it much more an efficient way of dealing with them. I would however suggest, when emailing setup your Email settings to include read receipt. This way you will know that your email has been received & read. Good luck! Edit due to spelling gremlins..
  22. +1 Well done indeed to the Reverend! £200 costs?? That's totally OTT as those who struggle to pay their CT as it is, will hardly be able to afford these kind of costs on top. Let alone When the EA add their fees as well. Extortionate ripoff!!!
  23. I finally quit smoking in January this year, after 20+ years. I actually wasn't looking to quit at the time, but I had remarked to my oldest son (who quit nearly a year ago) that I was smoking so much I disliked the taste left in my mouth. That weekend he bought me a Spinner vape & the very next day I went with that instead of buying my usual 40 fags. It took me a good month to overcome the cravings, I would also visualise going to the garage to buy fags. It was pure torment & I really struggled that first month. But quitting smoking after such a long time was never going to be easy. I'm now 3+ months without fags & I feel so much better for it. Best of all is the amount of money I've saved. It came as a shock on how much per month I spent on fags alone!! I still use my Vape & my usage on it is decreasing. I know for a fact I would never have quit without the Vape.
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