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Everything posted by havinastella

  1. Also, as it states 'further payments to FINE officer' I doubt that letter is anything to do with Harlands and something else you have been fined for.
  2. That's great news. Thanks for updating.
  3. Who was the original offence with? If Gladstones have this, it is NOT a fine, I'm sure the PCN was a 'parking' charge notice and NOT a 'penalty' charge notice.
  4. There is no timescale to activate it. Should and if its activated you then have 2 years to complete it (Unless you get an agreement from the other 27 Countries to extend it)
  5. You my friend have your defaults mixed up. The entry on your CRA file is completely different to the default notice they send to terminate the contract. You have little chance of getting the default removed if it is accurate.
  6. Hi and welcome to Cag. Firstly, are you paying anyone? When was your last payment? The CCA is here http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?387435-CCA-Request-Consumer-Credit-Act-1974-**Updated-January-2015**
  7. Shouldn't this thread be titled 'Well placed joist stops me knocking over a wall' You, as a driver are totally responsible for what you drive into. Would you have made such a fuss if you had smashed the wall to bits, or just driven away? Or maybe the Joist jumped in front of you!!
  8. Part 6 of their POC gives the last payment as 01 Aug 2008, this itself stops their claim dead with a Stat Barred defence
  9. Hi and welcome to CAG. In answer to your question, NO, the emails do not count as communication. Gotta love the 2011 phantom payment
  10. You have stated in an earlier post that you have a shortfall of about £200 a month at the moment. As soon as you take this loan out, your shortfall per month will increase by about another £200. Within months you will be in serious trouble. Is this a SECURED loan against your property? If so, PLEASE do not take this loan out..
  11. As Andy has pointed out, the mortgage is the MOST important debt by far. What is the 5k debt for?
  12. You have still not explained your problems. Can you please give us brief details of your problem!
  13. I have moved you to the correct place. Do NOT take out a £5000 loan with these people. Tell us what problems you have and why you need the money, we may be able to help before you get yourself into deep problems.
  14. Welcome, Legitimate is a very loose term for these legalised loan sharks.
  15. Thanks BA I have advised they to call and ask what is going on and to follow up with a letter of complaint. As asked in reply to PT's post, could they SD as they knew nothing of the fine etc until the EO turned up.
  16. Thanks PT. They have no idea what charges were laid as they didn't realise they could ask for them. I have advised they phone the courts and ask what the charges are and how much they were fined. Can they still SD and get a refund?
  17. Need some advice for family member please. A and B are a couple and were moved under protection from Y to Z overnight. They were in temporary accommodation until early 2016 so were unable to update keeper details until they knew where they would be living. 19/02/16 at 0750, Bailiff knock requesting £787, £477 fine? plus £75 compliance and £235 enforcement (Nothing received beforehand) He also threatened same day removal and threatened them with another £110 for that pleasure. I have a copy of every text sent from Bailiff and family member. Finally agreed £50 a week, they have make every payment on time (except Bank holidays) but bailiff has demanded the £50 this week, plus the last £37 or he will add more charges. Just someone to check figures and any advice gratefully accepted. Jogs
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