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Everything posted by hilaryfrances

  1. well I have no idea what my real hair colour is now! I maybe a secret ginger person...or just grey! Whatever, I am just glad that I have got hair
  2. well done.we seem to be doing well at sport at the moment
  3. I am sorry I cannot help you Ann, if I was an expert on furniture I would not have bought from CSL Ahyhoo, forms completed and now sent off to the Furniture Ombudsman. fingers crossed
  4. I am not arguing about that, I am aware that they get paid well and have a lot of holidays. I think if people took more responsibility for their own children`s behaviour instead of using threats against the schools and the teachers then more people would not get fed up and leave the profession. My daughter has been threatened by a parent, the parent was banned from the school. (The nice middle class school she now teaches in not the one in a rough area) My friend who is a social worker had her life threatened and had to be moved to another office. Her crime? She objected to a father letting his children aged 5 and 6 watch porn. There is a general lack of respect in society today.
  5. Whilst I agree that social workers are undervalued, one of my friends is one. This thread was about teachers. I was able to read and write before I went to school. I had older sisters who spent a lot of time with me. I was playing with a little boy yesterday who did not know any animal sounds, where his nose, eyes etc were never mind his colours. He was 17 months old. My girls were far more advanced at this age but then again they had had time spent on them. The little boy threw himself on the ground in despair when we left. All he needed was some attention to bring him on. Mum was very busy texting which is typical of some mums these days. Their children have their physical need taken care of but not their intellectual needs. Incidentally my other daughter works at the same school, she is a nursery nurse so gets the children when they first enter school. Many are not even toilet trained when they arrive. Some do not know how to hold a pencil and as for basic manners? Please and thank you does not seem to be the norm. And yes I do agree that my daughter chose to be a teacher, believe me we tried our best to get her to change her mind from being one but she was sure she could make a difference. When she qualified she worked at one of the roughest schools in Leeds in one of the poorest areas. We worried ourselves sick each day she went to work as she was not safe. I could tell you some tales. Eventually, after a few years, she moved to a better school in a nicer area. Much to our relief. Before she had her child she used to do voluntary work teaching adults who were unable to read and write. I think she has earned her stripes
  6. my daughter is a teacher, she works very hard. This year she has been put in charge of reception. Reception is a year of which she has had no training. These children have to be able to read and write and the end of this year, taught from scratch. It is no wonder teachers get disheartened. Her pension and retirement age has been altered, not for the good and without consultation. I know for a fact she has spent a lot of time in school this holidays getting ready for the new term, one day was spent cleaning up the classroom which had been "deep cleaned" and getting rid of dangerous furniture with the help of the janitor. The children think she is wonderful and she is getting lots of hugs and kisses, this came as somewhat as a surprise to her as she is used to teaching older children. My daughter is a good dedicated teacher who has to cope with children who are aware that she has no power to discipline them I am sure most people would not like to do this job, despite the pay, gained after 4 years at uni because teachers have to have honours degrees now, holidays which some of the time is spent working and good pensions which they make large contributions to and now have to wait longer to collect
  7. Hello Suzy, I would just like to thank you and you fellow campaigners for representing the Farepak customers and enabling us to get some sort of a refund. I for one am very grateful. Regards Hilary
  8. how did I know this was going to happen.....? no cheque
  9. Well tomorrow is the last day of August, Cheques supposed to arrive at the end of August, I am not holding my breath though
  10. no I am fine, fine, honest doctor I am fine, hums hums hums no ho`s just hums. pass me my pills
  11. well, I got a letter back from Trading Standards, advising me to go to the furniture ombudsman! So that was a bit of a waste of time, The Furniture Ombudsman it is then
  12. that is the question well its Friday so I better had. wish me luck folks I will emerge triumphant in a little while....I hope
  13. hope you had a fantastic time, belated anniversary wishes now get off my last post
  14. yes so would I, I do feel sorry for him and the girl though. He is obviously a bit of a "Hooray Henry" just like his "real dad!"
  15. I do think Prince Harry should expect privacy in a hotel room. He was not committing a crime just having a bit of fun. Why was there a camera in his room, looks to me like he was set up
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