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Everything posted by hilaryfrances

  1. Letter to trading standards went off recorded delivery yesterday, along with copies of e-mails and letters etc. Also sent copy of 5 year guarantee which they could not possibly honour as material is no longer in stock. Sent a copy of the invoice as it cost quite a lot of dosh. In their hands now for the time being.
  2. I dont owe them a penny I have been lucky enough to pay of all the money I owed. Took a long time but I did it. Incidentally, I made a claim with Financial Ombudsman for PPI against MBNA. I lost must be one of the few who did not get paid out. I will have a go myself with this one
  3. In the middle of clearing out paperwork, just found some old catalogue invoices with "peace of mind insurance" listed on them, sounds like unwanted PPI to me. I feel a claim coming on!
  4. people who insist on shopping at lunchtimes between 12 and 2 when they dont have to! makes it hard for themselves and for people who are working
  5. I have always used a butcher or farm shop for my meat. Butchers are cheaper. My local one is always queued out
  6. Thank you DW, Tilly has also advised me to go to trading standards which is the route I am going to take. My suite is wearing through after only 3 years, my husband and I both out at work, not spring chickens and our family has long since flown the nest. I have been complaining about this furniture for a year now, I have copies of the letters which have gone between us and the e-mails. I am so angry with their attitude that I am willing to take them to the small claims court myself if needs be. You can be sure that Iwill take every opportunity to make my complaint very public. CSL are no more than cooperate bullies in my opinion
  7. I want to make a formal complaint about the bag of rubbish I bought from CSL Sofas. Which do you think is the best organisation to complain to?
  8. CSL Sofas that is what has made me swear today. My suite is wearing through after 3 years of moderate wear. I have tried to buy some more cushion covers only to be told that the material is no longer available. despite being told it would be 5 years after production stopped. So WHAT about my worthless 5 year guarantee now then? If I spilt something on it or it was damaged they could not possibly repair it. I have started my complaint with the furniture ombudsman now. DO NOT BUY FROM CSL
  9. no cake as yet.But party today, I just hope the caterers turn up or I shall be buttering bread!! Thank you CD, I dont feel sixty, I feel more like 90! And Tils after the sprinkles in my card you are even more dead!
  10. Thank you one and all I had a brilliant day so much so I am having another 60th next year....and Tilly your dead so dead.
  11. Thank you I am doing my best, having a great time already and it is not 12 yet!!
  12. What a brilliant trade SG, bring back bartering, Chancellor cant touch us then
  13. cheating Japs, he obviously fell and made the best of a bad job
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