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Everything posted by hilaryfrances

  1. We saw a friend of ours the other night who now lives in London. One of his daughters took part in the opening ceremony of the Olympic games. I asked him if she had been given a momento. He was rather embarrassed to say that she had received a letter from Cameron. Some trophy eh!
  2. you need a good sleep then, somewhere other than on my last post
  3. if an artist had been asked to draw a picture of a child molester, he would have come up with Jimmy Saville
  4. yes I agree Coniff, I was only saying the same thing to my friend the other day. I saw the candidates on the tele the other night. They were talking about what they would do if they were elected about the bloke who resigned yesterday, the chief constable of West Yorks. If he had not been in the news I doubt if we would have ever heard of them. I always vote but I am not going to vote for this shower. If they cant be bothered then neither canI!
  5. happy burpday to Bobcats Ms Bpbcat, hope you a brilliant day
  6. and you lot are here because? by the way the balloon just looks like Tills in real life
  7. well I may be one of the very lucky ones who have come out on top. Hampers were distributed to agents when the firm went into liquidation. You got a random hamper, not the one you ordered. Mine was massive! I also received some shopping vouchers and now with this cheque I have either broken even or made a small profit
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