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Everything posted by hilaryfrances

  1. thank you for that, unlike most people on this forum my financial worries are nearly over. The banks seem to prey on vunerable people, I will not be so vunerable soon. As I will be in a strong position I will be happy to take them on on behalf of everyone here. I have spent many miserable years being bullied by these people. I cant thank you enough for giving people like me the tools to fight back and for also setting up this forum to give us the strngh in numbers. Once I get my money back I will be making my 5% donation, I hope you all end up being millionaires. Hilary
  2. well let them try it with ME then!!!! see my post question to mods, I will soon have around £70,000 in my A & L savings account (not my money alas) It will be interesting to see if they insist my current account is closed. I am going to take your mods advice and open another current account just in case. THESE PEOPLE ARE JUST BULLIES
  3. Thank you both for your answer, I will look into a step account tomorrow, I am fed up with being bullied by banks like everyone else.
  4. hello there, sorry to bother you directly but as I have a poor credit record I am very vary of loosing my account with A&L even though they have ripped me off for a fortune. I will soon have a large amount of moeny in my A & L savings account, this is not my money but they will have no way of knowing this as it is the proceeds from the sale of my mother in laws flat and it is to pay for her nursing home fees over the years. If I claim my illegal bank charges back from them are they still likely to demand we close our current account, bearing in mind that we will have a large amount of money sitting behind our current account? I would be in a right pickle without it, having spent ages getting us out of debt and on an even keel. I know this may seem a bit wimpish to you but we have had one run in with Yorkshire Bank and we had a problem getting a new bank account. (I have already started the process with YB) Thank you in advance Hilary
  5. well done on winning, I am holding back my claim on the A&L as we will soon have 70,000 pounds in our savings account with them, (Not my money but they will not know this) I will be interested to see if they want to close my account when they know this money will disapear if my current account does! Also holding back on claiming from the Bradford and Bingley as my mortgage will be clear in 3 months YAAAAAAA claims in against every one else I can think of though. Isnt it a good feeling to be able to have the correct tools in -place to fight back?
  6. It has just struck me that the same institutoins seem to be on everyones lists, Egg, Citi card etc. certain banks seem hell bent in pinching as much money as they can from vunerable people
  7. Yes Gordon, it does feel good to be in controll doesnt it, I am starting to enjoy myself now! I have sent DPA lettters today to, Capital One, Egg, and GE Capital. I have looked for the link to list what I have done so far as you have but I cannot find out how to do iy. Could you tell me what you do? Thanks in advance Hilary
  8. nice one congratulations, they are real bullies taking you to the wire, you held firm and won through in the end. well done matey
  9. good luck with your claims I shall be watching with interest, Yorkshire Bank truly are bullies
  10. hello fellow tyke like person! good luck with your claim, I know it may seem to be a quicker way to approach the bank directly but if I were you I would follow the tried and tested method. Remember the tortoise and the hare slow but sure sither!
  11. today i have sent of for my Citi bank statements and also the statements from The Household bank. I would like to thank everyone for their good luck mesages and support. They say there is strengh in numbers and I truly believe that if we stick together and follow the tried and tested system we will all win through in the end. I am going to find out other statements at the weekend and put in claims against all the companies that have made my life miserable in the past. I made the clasic mistake of trying to borrow my way out of trouble. It never works and the financial vultures are all too willing to help you sink further into the mire. I have sorted out my short term problems for now but it is taking me an age to pay everyone off. If, no WHEN I get my cash back I will clear as much debt off as I can. I was wondering do these rules apply to catalogue companies as well?
  12. thank you what a great bunch of people you all are
  13. has any one else had a problem with this bank, they have been a thorn in my side for many years I just cant see a link for them that is all. Surely I cant be the only one! PLEASE CEASE FROM STARTING MULTIPLE THREADS. WAIT FOR AN ANSWER. TA
  14. no I certainley wont, thank you for your support I feel quite empowered now I belong to this group, I have always felt at the mercy of financial institutions in the past. This worm has now turned!!! watch this space:)
  15. I have just sent off for my bank statements by recorded delivery. It feels good that the boot is on the other foot now and I can demand my money back from The Yorkshire Bank. They made my life miserable I can tell you. I will be interested in seeing just how may thousands of pounds they owe me. I wish I could claim compensation for all the sleepless nights spent worrying about how I was going to cope and the days I spent looking at unopened letters trying to pluck up the courage to open them. REVENGE WILL BE MINE
  16. hello there I am a newby onto this site and I HATE the Yorkshire Bank for what they put me through. It was only after I saw Tonight the other day on the tele I knew anything about the charges being illegal, I have my statements and I am going to try and add up what they owe me. I cant believe they gave me all those sleepless nights I used to nearly beg them to lay off the bank charges so I could "catch" up. Revenge will be mine good luck with your claim
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