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Everything posted by honeybee13

  1. Hi F DCAs. If you deal with a bank, say, on the phone, there are all sorts of disclaimers and rules they read to you regarding their regulator, etc. I think I said earlier that the bank send written confirmation later. Are we saying the DWP don't do this? Could this come under the Information Commissioner or not? Just a thought. HB
  2. Hi there Me Too. I hope you get a decent settlement and some kind of closure from involving a lawyer. Please let us know when you can. HB x
  3. Hello CTID. I'll kick this off and hope some other caggers turn up a bit later. Do you think a programme like Watchdog would be interested, or is the company too small? How much proof do you have? I'm sure HMRC would be very interested in any misdoings you cared to report. I don't know if you can report someone to the DTI, but it would seem unfair to me if you couldn't. I hope some more comments turn up soon. HB
  4. Well done you, I hope it's a relief. Give it a short time until you come down from the ceiling and then consider what BRB says. I think you'll be fine given time, and a better job will turn up. Big hugs, HB x
  5. Hi jabba. You couldn't make it up, could you? HB
  6. Hi, sorry it was bad news. You may not have done yourself any favours by not checking the forms, sadly. I've seen cases where companies have used misuse of expenses to get rid of someone, because it's easier to prove than other reasons for trying to end someone's contract. I hope I'm wrong in your case. What receipts do you provide apart from fuel and do you use the vehicle just at work or for private use, please? HB x
  7. Hello there and welcome from me too. I agree with MSSF about early retirement through ill-health and it's a shame your employer doesn't have a scheme. Your other pensions could agree to pay out early on ill-health grounds though. Does the company have any sort of insurance for employees who are injured at work or unable to work through illness? It should be in your terms of employment or employee handbook and could be called Income Replacement, Lond Term Disability or Permanent Disablity Insurance [PDI], for example. My best, HB
  8. Hi mazbck, we know each other from the Benefits forum. I'm so sorry you have another problem - I thought your battles were behind you, or nearly. You can trust BRB and we'll all try to help. Just keep posting. HB x
  9. I'm so sad to hear he lost his battle, and too young to leave us, as well. I won't forget you, Rooster. HB
  10. You're sounding very learned today, BRB. Quite the Perry Mason. Did you see my PM btw? HB x
  11. I don't know who you would complain to. The local gov't ombudsman if they're linked to this? HB
  12. Hi Joe, well that's encouraging news, well done. If they cause any problems, come straight back to us. Big hugs to both of you. HB x
  13. I agree, Simon. It's criminal that Gordon Brown got away with it for so long. HB
  14. Hi cbbc. I just referred to this kind of thing on the Atosh thread. Maybe we can help the govt make some savings? HB
  15. Hi cbbc. Maybe they should be asking them which type of benefits they think should be stopped, among the myriad that there are. Which ones are the people who genuinely see lots of money and don't deserve it receiving, I wonder? I doubt if it's IB, ESA or JSA for instance. HB x
  16. Hi Mrs Hobbit, very eloquently put, if I may say so. That has made me wonder how it would work with NI as well, don't really understand much about that. HB
  17. Going back to the taxation part of your problem, are you an employee of the first company and are they deducting tax from what they pay you? What do you think they would do if they found out about the other job and is there anything in your contract of employment that says you can't do this? I don't quite understand how you can be full-time and only work 2 hours a week [don't tell us if you don't want to], but what if the first job became very busy all of a sudden? Just my thoughts. HB
  18. I didn't know that about DWP staff, speedfreek. It's a shame we can't work together. HB
  19. Hi there, I'm pleased it went well. I truly don't think PND is anything to cover up or be ashamed of, loads of ladies get it. I'd say personally that it's an explanation in itself, might even help you. Take care, HB x
  20. Are you able tell us why your Mum had a problem with this male manager, if indeed he had a good reason for being there. Does she not like him, or is her problem something she feels better discussing with another woman, for example? I know some female illnesses can be embarrassing to discuss in detail. Don't tell us anything you don't want to. HB x
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