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Everything posted by honeybee13

  1. Hi guys. Conniff posted a link on the IT thread that Goldie asked me to start, about internet policy at work. It's been enlightening for Goldie and me, so I thought I'd add it here. It might help someone else, you never know. Acas - Advice leaflet - Internet and e-mail policies HB
  2. Thank you from me too, Conniff, interesting stuff. I'll post the link on Employment in case it helps anyone else. HB
  3. I knew you were nice really . Have a nice day yourself. HB x
  4. Hello Andy and welcome from me too. I expect one of our gurus will be along soon, sorry I don't know the answer to this. Ouch, you are angry, aren't you? Please try to be gentle with us, people are helpful here. At the risk of sounding 100 years old and old-fashioned, I'm not sure ranting at the people you're asking to help you will further your cause. I don't often feel bruised by a post, but I couldn't read more than about two-thirds of yours. Everyone here gives their time voluntarily, so the odd please or thank you is always nice. HB
  5. Hello there and welcome to CAG. Have you had anything in writing about all this please? Is there a union where you work? I'm sure other caggers will be along to comment shortly. If not, you could try reading the ACAS and directgov websites on employment law. HB
  6. Hello there CG, we hadn't forgotten you . I'm sure advice will turn up shortly and I hope Loan Ranger has some comments, because he is very likely to understand how you feel and think. Try to stop worrying, you could make this more complicated than it is. Your tribunal could be months away, so take advice and read up. You seem to be a detail person to me, so you could be very knowledgeable by the time your tribunal happens. People will be along to advise you on the best way to add info. I'm not sure, so I won't try to suggest anything. HB x
  7. Hello there and thanks for letting us know. The meeting note thing sounds dodgy to me and I hope others will comment. Would you be able to spot changes in the notes if things were added below where you signed, say? I agree you should take this further, with luck someone will come along and tell you in more detail. HB
  8. Hello again. So you seem to be saying you could have been harshly treated, I think? I don't want to put words in your mouth, but might there be any element of discrimination, which I think you hinted? If you want to read up for yourself, you could have a look at the ACAS and directgov websites for employment law. Or the Equal Opportunities people on discrimination. I think it's the ECRC, can't remember offhand, and if I go to look, this reply will disappear. Hopefully someone will help me in my blonde moment. HB x
  9. Guys, is this really helping our OP please? PriorityOne, I'm a bit surprised to see a senior cagger in a slanging match here if you don't mind my saying. I know I'm only a minnow on the site, but all this is beginning to upset me and I can't imagine what poor crazygirl, who hasn't been seen today as far as I can make out, thinks of this. I apologise for starting to sound like a moderator, but I can always call one.... HB
  10. Thanks for the reply. I can see how you feel about this. Can the BHS help with this at all? I wondered if they gave any guidance to student people. I like the sound of the spot check . HB x
  11. Hello there and welcome to CAG. Yours is a very sad story and I hope we can help you move on from this. I don't claim to be an employment guru, but can I ask a couple of questions please? Do you have your contract or particulars of employment with you? If you decide to mount an appeal, this could be the starting point. And do you think there are any mitigating circumstances? I understand that you feel bad, but people here don't judge others and will do whatever they can to help you. You need to stay strong for the sake of your children. You're not worthless at all, you have made a mistake, but we've seen other people turn up here in tatters and turn their lives around. You can too. In the meantime, to keep the wolf from the door so to speak, are you receiving all the benefits you might be entitled to? There is a CAG Benefits forum and if you think you have anything to ask, you could send questions to them. Don't copy and paste this post, because you will have the site team after you for duplicating. I won't tell you how to do all that, given that you're an IT person. HB x
  12. Hello there. I don't know the answers to your benefit and tax credit questions, sorry, but someone will. How does your daughter's job tie in with the minumum wage please? I guess having food and accommodation complicates it. As well as the benefit issues, you might need to look at her contract or terms of employment, assuming she has some. What does she have in writing? If you need to, post those questions on the Employment forum here. It sounds like exploitation to me, for what it's worth. HB
  13. Hi there. Mariefab's advice is always well thought through and quality stuff. If she said do it, I would myself. HB x
  14. Hi saretc. I just thought while I was asking someone else that I didn't ask if your OH is in a union who would help him. Is he please? HB
  15. Hello Chez. That sounds awful, what a devious person this lady sounds. Do you have a union at work who can help you? Postggj is right, stick to the truth. HB x
  16. Hi surreyguy, I wondered how you were getting on. How is your girlfriend? If you want your threads merged, you could click the red triangle on the bottom left of your post and ask someone clever in the site team to merge them. Sorry to hear about the lawyer being an ar@e, but it happens. Have you spoken to the tribunal office since this? I don't know if you're able to have it rescheduled, but maybe you don't want that. I hope someone will be along soon, but there seems to be football on the TV....... . HB
  17. Hello there. I'm sorry to hear about your problems, which sound complex and tough on you and your OH personally. I don't know chapter and verse on what you're asking, but can't say it sounds reasonable to me. A couple of bits of information would help us help you, if you have anything please. Do you have anything in writing on the proposed working arrangement, or is it just in your OH's contract? And does the contract or the employee handbook say, have anything about expenses while working away? Can you tell us a bit more about the grievance? Is it connected with all this? I guess it's a fairly large company? Finally for now, and sorry about the questions, how long has he worked there - over a year? My best, HB
  18. Hello wishface and welcome to the forum. If you will allow me to tell you, and I'm not being nasty, the first rule of the Benefits forum is that we don't call the Atos assessment a 'medical'. A quick read of the forum when you have time, will show you that it's often a nurse or a physio [HCP] who's been trained in the system who will see you, and type a version of what you say into the computer. There's another discussion going on about how to fill in the ESA50, if that's the form you have. I hope someone will be along to explain how payments while you appeal will be worked out. I don't think you'll end up with nothing. Have you checked the DWP website? It has quite a lot of info on appeals. My best, HB
  19. Hi there. One other thing I've tried since someone mentioned it, is googling the name of the company with words like 'problem' and see if anything comes up. HB
  20. Right, it wasn't Scotland after all, so you might not want to watch. I wonder when Springsteen is going to learn to sing in tune? Only my opinion , if he was a Brit then my saying this would probably be treason. Thanks maroondevo. HB
  21. Thank you Scott, you lovely person. I didn't mean to instruct, just humbly suggest. I guess the football's over, as people have started reappearing? I'm not watching. HB
  22. Hello there and welcome to CAG. First of all, try to relax, you've come to a good place. I'm so sorry you're going through all this, it sounds horrendous to me, and especially after you've been off work with depression, stress etc. Is this manager playing it by the book, do you think? With any company, especially a large one, there should be procedures laid down in your employee handbook, for instance. Do you have a copy at all? Do you have an HR department and have they been involved? I think you have so many questions that your post will take some dissecting and I was about to sign off for the night when I saw it. There aren't many employment people around this evening, could be they like football, but people should be around soon. I don't know if you like doing your own research, but you could have a look at the ACAS and directgov websites, because they have a lot of information on employment problems. Could I ask one other thing please, because I'm not in the first flush of youth? I don't know about other caggers on the forum . Is there any chance you could edit your post into a few paragraphs so it's easier to read please? I've done my best tonight, but it's hard to concentrate when it's just solid text. If you look at the bottom right hand corner of your post, you have the edit button. HB x
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