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Everything posted by PGH7447

  1. Taking the last letter as gospel, (and keep it safe) cancel all DD's or payment methods and move on, I am sure that they will scream and scream and scream till they get sick, but with that letter stating paid in full, what exactly do you owe:-)
  2. time that the OFT and FSA investigated these incompitent fools, also if they took money from my account without my permission, I would be straight onto the plod for theft
  3. Did you ever ask for a call log for the period you were away? £3k seems a bit of laugh for roaming charges if the phone was never used, personally, I would tell the DCA's that this sum is in duspute with Orange due to none providence of any proof that the phone was used and that you will not be dealing with any of them until the dispute is setled with orange
  4. If Paragon are involved expect loads of extra charges to apear on these alledged debts
  5. Hi and welcome, need a bit more info first, ie what is the alledged debt, credit card? Loan? bank account? overdraft?, also when exactly was the last payment made Bankruptcy is a long way off, and dca's like to threaten hell and damnation in the hope of a panic reaction golden tip do not phone them at all
  6. IND use hegarty to compose the poc then take over, or at least that is what they did with me, they seem to think they can ride roughshod over everything, and get away with it
  7. "De Tute, who is also the current president of the Credit Services Association (CSA), will join the firm’s executive board" no conflict of interest there then
  8. It wont harm to let the court know, but I am pretty sure that just letting lowells know should stop them in thier tracks
  9. Legal but really who wants to be one, except people with no moral compass in life
  10. was this the first contact by INd or did they ever send a letter before action?
  11. I had a call like that, and 2 weeks later I got a letter before action from IND Ltd, so would be interesting to see if these fools are involved, although the guy claimed to be from some other company and not the one mentioned above
  12. I would also point out to them that accusing you of fraud is tantamount to libel, and that any further accusations will result in a libel case against them
  13. typical paragon activitiy, go for it, in your letter ask them for a breakdown of how they think a letter costs £10 and a phone call £20
  14. it sounds reasonable, I mean they have knocked off nearly £250 and given a repayment plan, alternatively you could hold out, re the non contact, but at the end of the day it is your word against theirs
  15. file 13 aqain then or stat barred letter, or an official complaint about chasing alledged debts without first checking if you are the correct person, and add the following, "by the way fools any alledged debts are well all and truly statute barred, and any further attempts to harrass will result in an official complaint to the relevant authorities with regards to your fitness to hold a consumer credit licence if you are unable to understand the regulations regarding statute barred debts"
  16. Just use the bank template but adjust to highlight the phone and charges, however they will probably point you to their terms and conditions which you would have been given at when you signed, good luck though
  17. if they say in cash. ask them which branch and the date, a sar is a request for info and costs £10, but they sometimes use this as a phantom payment
  18. maybe you have nothing to do with capquest. but if the debt has been assigned to them then they will continue to get in touch, so either accept the fact or stick your head in the sand:|
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