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Everything posted by badboy09

  1. im on the phone to them and they are point refusing to refund they tell me i have to wait 5 days ..
  2. is there any info on these forums where i can put a serious complaint about santander complaints department , i just got off the phone to the useless peoples and i questioned why they allowed a payment to go out of £237 to kwik fit insurance , 3 months after my wife cancelled with them , and stopped direct debits , and i was gonna use this money to do my food shopping , ( i was stood outside asda at the time) they said because my wife gave them card details months ago to set up the policy, it allows them to take money anytime they like , i tried to dispute it , and they said as the money has not left my account ( even though i cant access it) they cant do a dispute till after its left , so im gonna now go over xmas with no money , my wife contacted kwik fit who are claiming they sent letters ( not received 1 single letter or any phone calls) and told her we will send half back , not all of it , santander are jokes they couldnt get off the phone quick enough and for the time they were on the phone , they were brushing off any responsibility or help to solve this , is there any complaints procedures i csan go thru to get to someone in a higher role than complaints manager ?? cos they are completely useless planks !!!!
  3. ok ty , i am very abrupt with them on the phone , i dont let them talk to me like they talked to my wife , i over speak them and argue with them , and then they hang up lol
  4. hi there , just a quick question , my wife had a letter drop through the door this morning from swift in merthyr tydfil claiming she owed £650 council tax for an address back in 2009 , even though she was on benefits at the time , she contacted the council in question and tried to deal with it through them , and got told she would have to deal with swift , she contacted swift and offered them £5 a week as shes on benefits , and they refused and told her we want £15 a week or we will send enforcement officers around and add more fees on if u dont pay the £15 a week , isnt that technically blackmail ? i confronted them on the phone about this blackmail and they claimed it isnt , im tempted to take legal action against them for doing this , and also telling my wife , if she doers not pay they will seek a custodial sentence in the courts if she does not pay , they said we cant refuse payment but if she insists on paying £5 a week we will just add fees on my sending enforcement officers around , is there any action i can take to tell them where to go and to be able to put them on there place ? cheers in advance badboy09
  5. the company known as loan options uk ( there address https://www.loan-options.net/ ) is also known as loan wizard ( https://loanwizarduk.com/ ) these companies are both one of the same , i used to work for them , these are companies who are [problem]mers and dodgy as hell , here is why : 1) once you have been on their site and have put in your details and credit card details they will try to take up to £69 asap from your account , or as soon as there is enough money in your account to cover it ,.. 2) they don't promise you a loan , they dont even guarentee you a loan , AS THEY ARE BROKERS.. all they actually do is once you have phoned into complain that a fee has been taken , they fob you off , if its the loan you still want all they do is copy and paste a link off there systems and send it to your email or phone , WHEN u could have easily got the same link off google yourself , then you have to put all your original details into the link again they sent you , which you could have easily done yourself anyway . 3) the fee they take means that once you contact them they will tell you the following , yes a admin fee has been taken , and yes there is a fee for opening your account and there will also be a fee for everyday the account is kept open , despite this you will never get a full refund this way . ..you will only get a partial refund .. 4) next to get a refund they will tell you to go on your account and request a refund ( which is a delaying tactic) because they will then tell you you have to wait for a head office response to your cancellation (which is complete rubbish , its yet another delaying tactic ,which keeps your account open longer and more fees to be taken), 5) after you have then requested a refund they will then tell you to send a letter in to the head office , which is YET another delay tactic to keep more fees , if you notice on the links i mentioned earlier to their websites both their addresses are the same : Wyndham House, 1-3 Wyndham Street, Bridgend, CF31 1EF.... 6) if they ask you to send the letter to any other address then its a [problem] , its again a delay tactic , to keep more of your funds . 7) they hate the word CHARGE BACK , if you go to your bank and tell them a fee has been taken out that you were not aware of , they will they tell the bank , you did open an account on a certain day and time and they only person who would have gained is yourself , because the money would have gone into your account , THE BEST WAY to deal with these con artists is the following RING UP there number or your bank and tell them you want an instant charge back , if you persist with this you will get a full refund , it damages their reputation and online banking terminal if people request refunds back this way . . hope it helps ..
  6. in regards to loan options and most other companies , there is a way to get round their fee charges , now most of these companies don't make it clear on the website , that there will be a fee taken , but it can take up to 62 days to take their fees from your account, all these companies are are brokers , they will send you links like shopacheck and sunny and so on , but its just as easy for you to do it yourself , rather than ring up ranting to the customer advisor how u have had all your money taken from your accounts because of the fees charged , just go straight to your bank and do a chargeback , dont mention fraudulent activity because 95% of the time it really does not help you , just go straight in with a chargeback for an unauthorised payment taken, that way u will get all your money back , not have to wait and go through a procedure to get it , and it finally makes the company look bad if all these chargebacks are going to their company what i suggested earlier is this - only go for the chargeback if u have just noticed the funds taken from your account , dont mention to ur bank u have applied on line for a loan , as they will tell you that i need to follow the procedures of the company to get it bk , and therefore u will incur adminicon fees and charges from the company for so called keeping the account open ( its a delay tactic really on there part) even if u rung up to complain to the company tell them u are going straight to ur bank to do a chargeback and 99% of the time they will refund u within 7 days with a full refund to it works
  7. what i suggested earlier is this - only go for the chargeback if u have just noticed the funds taken from your account , dont mention to ur bank u have applied on line for a loan , as they will tell you that i need to follow the procedures of the company to get it bk , and therefore u will incur admin fees and charges from the company for so called keeping the account open ( its a delay tactic really on there part) even if u rung up to complain to the company tell them u are going straight to ur bank to do a chargeback and 99% of the time they will refund u within 7 days with a full refund to it works
  8. in regards to loan options and most other companies , there is a way to get round their fee charges , now most of these companies don't make it clear on the website , that there will be a fee taken , but it can take up to 62 days to take their fees from your account, all these companies are are brokers , they will send you links like shopacheck and sunny and so on , but its just as easy for you to do it yourself , rather than ring up ranting to the customer advisor how u have had all your money taken from your accounts because of the fees charged , just go straight to your bank and do a chargeback , dont mention fraudulent activity because 95% of the time it really does not help you , just go straight in with a chargeback for an unauthorised payment taken, that way u will get all your money back , not have to wait and go through a procedure to get it , and it finally makes the company look bad if all these chargebacks are going to their company
  9. my wife recently (within the past 10 days) went into ther local halifax bank and opened up a basic easy cash account with online banking( the most basic of accounts) , just so i could transfer small amounts of money in every so often as a savings account sort of , i had transfered about £20 in it so far , and i did that in 1 transaction , i tried transfering some more yesterday and it got rejected , the next day (today) my wife received a letter from them telling her they were closing her account , and she hadn't met the criteria of the credit check apparently , YET SHE had the account for 10 days and had been allowed to transfer money into it, and must have passed some sort of credit check to allow her to proceed with opening it in branch , is this halifax's company policy now because if it is its totally daft lol , is there anyone she can complain to ??
  10. i have been resesarching , but cant find the specific answer im looking for , so i will keep on trying .
  11. possibly , but i cant really go into there shop and tell them " ermm i did some research on me having to pay this excess and its all rubbish " and then become stumped when they act why not its part of out process lol
  12. ok i would dispute it , but what grounds would i have to confront them with ?
  13. so do u think i should dispute the excess or is it something i still have to pay ?
  14. yes i did , i did not have to do any of the paper work , they said they would do it all ..
  15. hi there all , just a quick enquiry , not so long ago i went to perfect homes and got a 50 inch smart tv on finance , all was good until i decided to move house , i started to dismantle the tv and as i did so it topped forward and smashed the tv , i was gutted , but i contacted perfect homes and explained what had happened ,and they said bring it down and we will do a insurance claim on it, they explained that it could take a couple of weeks to sort out , so i said fair enough , but they then told me i would have to still pay for it until the claim goes through , which seems reasonable , and i would also have to pay the excess which is £100 , but i could pay it at £4 a week till its cleared , as i have other items with them totalling up to about £7 a week , so roughly £10 seemed viable , BUT the claim went thru and they explained that i would have to re-sign up for another tv ( if i wanted one) , as if i was a new customer BUT also because they had done an insurance claim on my previous tv , i could only get a like for like , which they claimed was a refurbished one , and i would still have to pay the same price as if it was a new tv , i had a ponder over this and contacted them and declined the offer of a refurbished tv if i had to pay the same price as a brand new tv , BUT my question is s hould i still have to pay the excess on the now broken tv if i have no intention of getting a replacement from it ? cheers any helps much appreciated
  16. https://www.greenwoodpersonalcredit.com/Apply/?AppFormStartMethod=MenuBar#$Page_1 do u mean this or did u go a page further ? hmm it coming up as not a link but when i go to home page and click apply at top it then goes thru
  17. did u mean these ? http://www.greenwoodpersonalcredit.com/?ref=GO_AT&st=greenwood%20personal%20credit&utm_source=google&utm_medium=ppc&utm_term=greenwood%20personal%20credit&utm_campaign=brand&gclid=CJ2736biyLYCFQrJtAodLQMArQ
  18. i done the same as you , i received the job grant roughly about 10 days after i signed off , but i received benefits owing to me ,roughly 5 days after if that helps
  19. as it stands at moment i spoke to this head man at valleys to coast and YES they do have to take us to court to gets us out so thats another month in the pipeline
  20. in regards to being rehoused via them , they are telling a hostel is our only option , but then we would be rehoused in our local area which is what we want , but god knows how long it can take
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