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Everything posted by badboy09

  1. indeed , they said she could possibly have a tenancy after 12 months of having an occupancy , but since her nan died they have turned tail and demanded it bk , which is abit injun giving tbh
  2. ty stu for finding all that info , they never mentioned to my partner anything in regards to a assured tenancy , all they told her was that she is an occupant and nothing more and they allowed her occupancy , in regards to the rent she rang up offering to pay and got told sorry the properties void so we cant take rent off you , and im not sure in regards to rights , it seems they have onerule for them and 1 for another but im expecting a few calls tommorow from the media and the boss of valleys to coast and also the update from the mp now AND A CALL FROM THE COUNCIL in regards to their plans , once all thats taken place , then i will update , also i have found a house , its in the middle of nowhere LITERALY , but i want to fight this because i want to stay in the area not end up going right out in the sticks never to be seen or heard from again lol
  3. i looked on their website and it says the head poncho at valleys to coast is "STEVEN COOK" who does not take calls but his pa does so im waiting on a call bk off her , but i have mentioned that im gonna be contacting the media in regards to the way they have dealt with this case , and there bullying tactics , our local mp has done a vanishing act after we spoke to him , do u think i should speak to the councils head poncho as well regarding this ? or just the housing associations ? the housing association is called VALLEYS 2 COAST in bridgend south wales
  4. how would i find out where and who are the Chief Executives Office is ? would it be in the housing association itself (like the housing officers boss) or would it be elsewhere ?
  5. yes i have found someone where else to live , but its a long way away from where we are now , but regardless im going on the principal here that they shouldnt be able to treat people like this , tell them one thing then do another and make that person homeless in the progress !!!
  6. yes and they are no help what so ever , they are telling me they can come thru the door on sunday and change the locks
  7. it seems we fall under excluded occupier , the guy who served the eviction notice has made the property void on their systems , so we cant pay rent therefore we lose all rights , that guy is one one nasty git , im gonna put a complaint in to his superiors as well it also says yes he can evict us even without going to court because hes made the property void in order to do this does this change anything that link u gave me says the excluded occupier thing that rule only applies in england lol
  8. it looks like a no then they cant just come in and change the locks , rung the mp and no answer so we keep on trying and the local media paper want to ring us bk tomoz
  9. my partner rung her housing officer this morning and they told her that because they have made the house void on there systems they can technically come in and change the locks if they so wish , is this true ? because they are giving the attitude that they dont need to go to court to take this house back ?
  10. my daughter is 13 and my son is 10 and i have another daughter who is 11 who comes over for weekends and holidays ...
  11. no sea i think theres been some confusion i gave up a 3 bedroomed private dwelling for this house of her nans , and yes when we ended the tenancy to have her nans house SOMEONE would have benefited indeed and had that property, her nan had neen a tenant of this house since 1972 and had never had any problems of being an under occupier , but ty for the good lucks i will contact the media and the mp tomoz and let u in on any updates tomoz also
  12. i will go and see our local mp tomoz and give u all an update tomoz also and we will see where we can go from there
  13. they are in the process of doing this , but i want to fight this IF they do rehouse us they are just gonna give us ANOTHER HOUSE OF THE SAME SIZE a 3 bedroomed , but are we allowed to turn up in court with a solicitor and fight this ? or do we just stand out ground and refuse to move on 2nd july , because an earlier post said that they can just change the locks as it wasnt actually a tenancy , but if we are in here with kids then can they still do that ?? without taking it to court ?
  14. this is abit of a jam situation , they never actually gave my partner any documentation of this occupancy , it was all lword of mouth from the person who she spoke to on the phone and even then she didnt get her name , she didnt feel she needed to at the time the only letter they actually did send her was a letter saying thankyou for the letter off her nan saying my partner was gonna be moving in and could they have the exact date , nothing more , my partner gave them the date and they said ok ur now on the occupancy we will update our systems .....
  15. sorry for late reply to this thread stu only just seen it lol IN REGARDS TO UR LAST POINT we have tried this but the area we live in has a 6-10 yr waiting list , and the surrounding areas are not much shorter
  16. unfortunatley we went down that route and got nowhere , in regards to the message above that they and neither did we have any knowledge that her nan was gonna pass away shortly after , she went in hospital and within a fortnight caught an infection it spread and she passed away , in regards to there so called lists , they told her she had 120points + which would make u beleive ur top of the list , as thats what they told her , BUT in reality , what they actually do is this , they tell u to go register with the council ( who dont have any houses) and then the council tell u that they will be allocated houses from the housing association and then the council hand them out accordingly , BUT when u go to the council to query where u are on on the list , u GET TOLD ur points dont matter as once the eviction date has arrived U lose all points u have had and go straight into a homeless shelter and start again in the waiting queue ........ ..and we asked if they had any properties and got told UR IN FAIRY LAND if u think we are just gonna havd out properties just like that what do u think we are lol
  17. she even offered to pay rent and when she rung up to do so , she got told its not possible as the house has now become VOID on their systems ....
  18. the only proof she got given was this " your details will be updated on our systems that u are know the new occupant with your occupancy " that was it ........
  19. ty for advice can u explain what u ment by " if this does go to court to does not mean the judge will make an order for you to be evicted " ? i have not tried my mp i never considered it , but this might sound daft but what sort of leverage would that actuallly give ?
  20. i can understand where ur coming from , but in short terms it boils down to this : 1) they give us occupancy of home on the indication that we could stay there regardless, 2) we leave our private dwelling which they knew we were gonna do 3) they then change their minds and want house bk AFTER WE had already ended private tenancy , effectivley making us homeless .... So yes it should be down to them , if they hadnt fed lies to us in first place we would have stayed where we were , rather than have to have the problem we are having , they surely cant just say oh well CRAP HAPPENS go find another house on ur own accord, we made u homeless but its not our issue to find u a house good day !!!!
  21. the permission was given b4 her nan died ,she got told b4 her nan died that she was allowed occupancy then lead onto tenancy , but then her nan died 2 weeks after , and because the tenancy wasnt 12 months , they turned tail and told her we want u out with in 2 weeks , but she told then that aint gonna happen so they came bk a couple of weeks later with an eviction order for the 2nd july , but thats not a court ordered one , and yes we would be liable for costs if they had to go to court , but can we take them on in court over this matter OR is it not possible to fight them in court for this house
  22. it seems your not seeing the pic clearly enough , they allowed her and gave her the info to let her move in first then we moved in after (2 days to be precise) and it was all ok , then within 2 days of her nan dying they then told her TO VACATE THE PREMISES , which was well below par , considering they had given her the ok to live there with us as a family , they then wait a few weeks then give her the eviction order out of the blue and fob her off ever since !!! no housing association should be able to do that tbh ........
  23. aint that backing down ? we were gonna try and fight it because on 2nd july if we dont go then they have to take us to court to get us out , which gives us another 28 days at least , and they cant and shouldnt be able to screw people around like this , who the hell do they think they are lol
  24. right little update for you all and some more advice needed plz the situation as it stood from the last post was as follows : the housing association told my partner she could have occupancy and the tenancy would follow 12 months later and there would be no issue in her living there , so we thought , roll on 1st week of june , a sudden change of plan has happened the same housing association have now decided that as she wasnt here for 12 months prior she now has to be out with all of us in tow, they handed her a notice to quit which ends up on the 2nd july , making us effectively homeless , so my partner did everything ur supposed to do and registered with the housing and kept them upto date , and they told her not to worry it will be sorted out , and to come bk a week or so b4 the eviction date , she went in yesterday only to be told " what do u expect us to do all we are gonna do is put u in a homeless hostel until ur eligible for a home" , they also said come bk to us on the day of the eviction and we will put u in this homeless hostel , the housing association keep telling my partner that it wont come to that but they have made no effort to do anything at this moment in time , the council also told her she is living in" FAIRY TALE LAND" if she thinks shes gonna be given a house , is that how u speak to someone i dont think so lol , also she has been having appointments with this council and they have been telling her that her points will no longer be effective from the day she goes into the hostel and she will have to play a waiting game for upto 6 months , now because of this sudden change we have to take out kids out of school , put all our stuff in storage , and discard of our family pet ( as u cant have pets in homeless hostels ) all because they decided we couldnt have this 3 bedroomed house which we will no doubt get another after we have been in homeless , my partner will be ringing them tomoz to see of any updates with the housing association , and if not go to the local papers , because they allowed her to live there and new she was giving up a private rental to go in to this house , only for them to take it bk off her a month or so later effectively leaving us homeless and at this moment in time no other home to go to ........., on a side note if we have to move to another area and change our kids schools i was thinking of putting in an offical complaint to them in regards to having to again rebuy new school uniforms and such for my kids to go to yet a other school , as they dont come cheap nowadays any more advice will be much appreciated
  25. in regards to these questions 1) u could class it as a disabled property as my partners nan was disabled and it does have a walk in bath in it lol 2) with all of us in here( me my partner and 2 kids( girl and boy) ) then this 3 bedroomed would be adequate , but at this moment in time they only think my partner is in here with my son and daughter , but even in that scenario its 3 bedroomed so i think it would be adequate for her anyway , they are playing on the fact that its more of a disabled persons property and she shouldnt have it as she has no ill health , but neither does the next door neighbour , and they happily gave him same standard property lol .
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