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Everything posted by badboy09

  1. well bear in mind we had a private tenancy already and when my partner got told she could have the occupancy of her nans house cos she was carer , we gave it up and moved in with her nan , to save money and such , but then after we gave up tenancy and the landlord readvertised the house , the housing then threw this on her so maybe ur right they do have to rehouse us ,as we area family and the house is big enough ( 3 bedrooms) so she wouldnt really be under occupying it as we would be entitled to a 3 bedroomed anyway ..
  2. yes im living there also but the council dont know im living here , but when she goes down tomoz she will tell them i am also , will that help us if she does ?
  3. shes on the housing list but also , they have told her she has to be out in 8 days and if shes still homeless they will put her in a homeless accomodation in the middle of nowhere if they have to , even with me and 2 kids but it still dont sound right tbh lol
  4. as her nana only passed away last week (02/05/12) my partner is waiting till after the funeral (this friday) to sort things out in regards to paying rent on the house, but gonna go in and see housing tommorow to see if they have got an original copy of the tenancy agreement from either bk in 1972 or 2003 to see who was actually on the tenancy as her nan and gramps were married at the time they moved in to the property bk in 1972
  5. my partner rung the shelter and the cab , and they gave her some info in regards to this , she may be entitled to enhanced rights , when the original tenancy was taken up it belonged to bridgend county council in 1972, then it was taken over by valleys to coast housing association is 2003 , so im assuming that when that occured a new tenancy agreement was issued ?, but when her gramps died in 2001 they were still under the old tenancy agreement , so when the house became valleys to coast in 2003 , it would have ment that her nanna would have been the only tenant on the agreement , so in effect my partner could be the successor to her nans house , am i right ? , or would they have still been under the bridgend county council tenancy rules ? OR because we are only going on speculation that it was just her gramps on the original tenancy agreement , what happens if infact it WAS actually her nan and gramps on the tenancy agreement in the first place bk in 1972 , would that then make her a successor also ? any help on this would be much appreciated
  6. hmm i will go check that but they did mention to my partner about the succession rights and she couldnt have it i just had a look on there website and cant seem to find anything in regards to this as there is no search option , unless im missing something lol heres the link : http://www.v2c.org.uk/index.html
  7. even as it seems its number 2 does she still have to make sure shes out by next wednesday ? or can she gold on in there ?
  8. its number 2 unfortunately the weird thing is that if my partners moves out no rent will be done on the property for upto 12months as the housing need to update it quite alot , as her nan refused to move as she was 91 and didnt want to be temperarily rehoused , so they left it , when my partner moved in there the surveyor reckons it could take up to a yr to come do the modernising , so surely having rent paid on it is better than none at all lol
  9. ty i will see what the cab say tommorow , so she shouldnt have all her bags and stuff packed ready to get out then next wednesday , on another note , the housing asked her nan b4 she passed away to write a letter to the housing saying she was living there , and my partner signed some sort of occupancy order as well does that help her cause ?
  10. it was my partners gramps who had the original tenancy but when he died 11 yrs ago it then passed on to his wife , my partners nanna , i think she would have been the successor , the housing are now claiming there cannot be another successor after that , and are now wanting my partner out in 8 days , if it was private rental they would expect u out in 30 days not 8 days , i will contact shelter tomoz , any other advice might be worth having as well they are claiming now because it is a bungalow and my partner has no health issues , she will be kicked out , yet the next door neighbour has none of these issues either lol
  11. just looking for bit of advice all , my partners nan died last week and she had been carer for her nan b4 she died she was staying there for 3 weeks prior to her death , she went to the housing association that her nans houses belonged to , and they said yes she could stay there its not a problem and she will be added on as a tenant in 12 months, now her nans died the housing association have told her , you now have no rights to the house as you have been there only 3 weeks and now u must leave by next wednesday ( giving her 8 days ) to find another property , her nans been in the house since 1972 , does she have any rights or does she have to just get up and move ? any advice would be appreciated
  12. indeed she should be named and shamed no employee or franchisee should have to put up with this sort of stuff tbh maybe the next step is trading standards or even WATCHDOG lol
  13. unfortunatley admin this is the sort of bully we are dealing with , she lets people go at the drop of a hat and refuses to pay any wages owed and then she wonders why her company appears on here , i have my suspicions whats gonna happen in the long run with her company and im gonna sit bk and see if it takes place tbh ..
  14. its now come to light there is a hell of alot more money involved than a couple of non payed wages but im not sure whether to release that info as it maybe detrimenatal to other peoples claims at this moment in time lol
  15. to far gone for that im afraid lol , but in all fairness i can back my evidence up and i doubt they can , but i really hope it goes to court and up in front of a judge , just to see what we had to deal with lol
  16. rofl this has got to be seen to be believed , considering less than 10 days ago , the owners words to my partners friend were " u get a solicitor to take legal action against these AS i cant afford to " hence why my partners friend walked out , if u wish me to divulge more of that convo then just give me a heads up and i will reveal more :)and sugarswirlz refrains from comments until further notice ... . why is it cos u are backed into a corner and are your on the losing end , this is all big talk from your end ..... infact i dont need to say much more tbh , because whats in motiion at the moment will end it all in 1 swoop , cya in court this should be fun lol
  17. this goes far far beyond owing wages theres other details yet to be divulged that will no doubt see her finished lol but all in good time if the owner of sugarswirlz is still reading this , she can thank one of her female staff beginning with M for all this trouble ( sorry to be cryptic there but that last bit was for sugarswirlz eyes lol) this company only deserves whats coming to them , and all in good time
  18. hahaha thought u were on about her cupcakes lmao rofl , that might be the action that may need to be taken , but i have got a fair idea whats gonna happen in advance lol and i think the owner of sugarswirlz does to lol
  19. dont u find it somewhat amusing that now 2 people have come forward because of the owner of sugarswirlz has not payed them their wages that they are owed for working for this joke company , yet THE owner of sugarswirlz can still afford to supposidly pay for a solicitor to fight this libel slander case which she has no grounds against , really is pathetic tbh , she should be named and shamed and made aware to the public what sort of person she really is !!!!
  20. if i thought a apology was sufficient towards sugarswirlz i would give one , but i dont actually think she deserves one, shes a [problem] artist through and through , i have enough details on my side which i can reveal that will end her business , but to throw all my cards in the pile in 1 go would be a foolish move on my part , so i will wait till the time is right to play my hand
  21. thanks beach , i would really appreciate a copy of that letter so i got something to work off , thanks
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