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Everything posted by tobyjugg2

  1. ROFL - dont get upset just because someone (quite a lot of someones) dont want smart meters - well unless you get paid for it .. in which case ... I assume you haven't been with Octopus long enough to be on one of the very long fixed price tariffs they offered before the prices went bonkers .. and that you dont use your electricity in the evening/lunch time if you think the 'agile type tariffs are good value .. let alone worth installing a smart meter for - high price a good disincentive for an evening cuppa eh? Let alone all your computer/tv etc time in the peak price evening or lunch time. - and boy do those peak prices instantly hammer your bill when those Russian and middle eastern issues kick off. I would only have considered a smart meter if solar panels had been an option for me - but roof is oriented completely the wrong way. Oh - and My opinion hasn't changed since the smart meter trials 40 years ago, because neither have the issues (well not enough) but I'm happy for you. Be happy for me.
  2. Huh? This is nothing about paying just for what I use - I currently prefer the averaged monthly payment - else i wouldn't be in credit month after month - which I am comfortable with - else I wold simply request a part refund - which I would have done if they hadn't reduced my monthly dd after the complaint I raised (handled slowly and rather badly) highlighted the errors in their systems (one of which they do seem to have fixed) Are you not aware DD is always potentially variable? ah well, look it up - but my deal is a supposed to average the payments over a year, and i dont expect them to change payments (up or down) without my informed agreement ESPECIALLY when I'm in credit over winter. You are happy with your smart meter - jolly for you I dont want one, dont have to have one - so wont I have a box that tells me my electricity usage - was free donkeys years ago and shows me everything I need to know just like a smart meter but doesnt need a smart meter, and i can manually set my charges - so as a side effect - would show me if the charges from the supplier were mismatched. Doesn't tell me if the meters actually calibrated correctly - but neither does your smart meter. That all relies on a label and the competence of the testers - and the competence of any remote fiddling with the settings. You seem happy with that - thats fine. I'm not.
  3. Oh - simple fact from Ofgem - albeit wrapped in waffle Do I have to have a smart meter? Unless there is a good reason not to, suppliers must install a smart meter if they are: replacing a meter installing a meter for the first time, such as in a new property. You can choose not to accept an offer to have a smart meter fitted. You can also request to have one at a later date without being charged.
  4. Npower and Scottish Power and others have always had regulations that require them to treat customers fairly - the threads here and my experiences demonstrate that those regs are little more than useless. Even Octopus recently spent month after month saying they needed to increase my monthly payments despite my credit balance slowly going up TWICE I had to reset it online back to prior payment as they unilaterally increased it unilaterally. Raised formal complaint and they than said i was paying too much and reduced the payment, again without my agreement, although that time at least they told me they were doing it. .. and Octopus has been one of the better ones.
  5. 20 million quid on just the brokering fee for a crappy deal with the UK public hocked to pay more for PPE - which was probably useless with better and cheaper per item with no 20 million quid fee - available from alibaba Stinks of corruption to me.
  6. Breaking News Biden wins Kennedy family endorsement Fifteen members of the storied Kennedy political family endorsed U.S. President Joe Biden at a Philadelphia campaign event on Thursday, with some joining him onstage, in a rebuke of Robert F. Kennedy Jr's independent bid for the White House. and 30 members in the extended Kennedy family nytimes.com WWW.NYTIMES.COM Kennedys endorse Biden over their relative RFK Jr WWW.BBC.CO.UK Robert F Kennedy Jr is running for president as an independent - but many family members oppose him. More than a dozen Kennedy family members endorse Biden, snub RFK Jr. | CBC News WWW.CBC.CA President Joe Biden accepted endorsements from at least 15 members of the Kennedy political family during a campaign stop...
  7. Speaking of Frost and Johnson the corrupt liars' grate deal they forced through Shortages of life saving medicines has become ‘new normal’ for UK after Brexit WWW.INDEPENDENT.CO.UK ‘The medicines supply chain is broken at every level,’ warns Dr Leyla Hannbeck "Professor Tamara Hervey, of the City Law School, said: “There is nothing inevitable about this ‘new normal’ where Great Britain is isolated in efforts to manage fragilities in global supply of the products and people we need to run the NHS. It is the consequence of policy choices and those could be different.” Mind you, the private sector is making hays while the NHS is burned. Private health insurance market grows by £385m in a year amid NHS crisis | Private healthcare | The Guardian WWW.THEGUARDIAN.COM Demand for private treatment booms as NHS waiting lists remain long, while more people also sign up for dental cover
  8. I agree HB, but there were no laws broken - its perfectly legal to fleece the UK and its infrastructure - and labour were little better than the Tories Perhaps an option would be to ban the aussie investment fund from the UKs markets
  9. surprised you gave that frost article the light of day HB Long been the case that no further evidence of his wing-nutishness needed. Heck he even railed against the rubbish grate deal he largely created
  10. ah - here it is - .. Yesterday UK finance minister: Thames Water must sort out its own issues "I make no comment on Thames because they need to sort out their own issues," Hunt told reporters during a visit to Washington when asked what a government-led administration process for Thames Water could do for investors' confidence in Britain. "What we're never going to do for people who invest in the UK, is say that the state is going to insure you against bad decisions made by management or shareholders. That's what markets are about." reuters.com WWW.REUTERS.COM So was the chancellor not informed of this massive encompassing plan .. or was he lying/misleading Today: Thames Water nationalisation plan could move bulk of £15bn debt to state Thames Water nationalisation plan could move bulk of £15bn debt to state | Thames Water | The Guardian WWW.THEGUARDIAN.COM Exclusive: Under Whitehall blueprint for water company some lenders could lose up to 40% of their money
  11. wont Truss, patel and the right b-ilk be utterly opposed to any co-operating with their 'mortal enemy'?
  12. and starmer is at last calling for police investigations into blatant Tory corruption and misuse of funds Keir Starmer says police should investigate Mark Menzies allegations | Conservatives | The Guardian WWW.THEGUARDIAN.COM Labour leader says police ‘should be involved’ after Tory MP was alleged to have misused campaign funds to pay off ‘bad people’ and didnt I read just yesterday some Tory saying that taxpayers would not be bailing out mismanagement by private companies - specifically water companies - yet today: Thames Water nationalisation plan could move bulk of £15bn debt to state | Thames Water | The Guardian WWW.THEGUARDIAN.COM Exclusive: Under Whitehall blueprint for water company some lenders could lose up to 40% of their money
  13. Torys seem to think its worth while - cheap muckspreading while they get away with ACTUALLY doing it? More the aspect of ensuring that when these tactics are used without justification - make sure your people aren't doing it more and worse or their crap spread on the waters ... - mind you, the Tories would have to maybe even ease off on their using taxpayer and donor money to fund their preferred lifestyles wouldn't they? Maybe even do the jobs they are paid for?
  14. Or simply hoping they would evade/fade away from public awareness with no headlines? When is a labour MP referring Jenrick to police for either breaking lockdown and lying about it and/or lying about his main residence/election registration fraud Same with satans little helper Cummings - among a number of other tory shysters .. Tory MPs without whip turning into quite a large party isnt it
  15. example Rich guy sells a $100M dollars worth of trump shares he doesn't have at ($78 dollars a share) start of trading and gets average 70 dollars a share for them (an apparent loss that goes on his tax return as an offset his profits) Its 3 days before he has to settle and share price falls to $29 dollars a share - so buys the shares to fill his 'debt' @ £29 dollars a share average and pockets the $41 dollars a share (minus the relatively small fees) difference at nothing other than a paper cost and millions in profit. Shunt the pure profits through tax havens .. and to cover costs of similar shorts that didn't go so well ...
  16. Yep - lost whip as headline says BUT apparently after Times article on various apparent misuses of funds was scheduled .. These actions of his uncovered by the Times were last year
  17. “If Trump’s stock in Truth Social, his company, drops any lower, he might do better under my tax plan than his.” — President Biden, while pitching his plan for higher taxes on the rich in Scranton, Pennsylvania LOL Does seem that way HB - all the little trumpies throwing their money away while 'larger players' milk them by 'shorting it seems I'm waiting for it to drop below $20 before investing ... .. some more chortles
  18. “If Trump’s stock in Truth Social, his company, drops any lower, he might do better under my tax plan than his.” — President Biden, while pitching his plan for higher taxes on the rich in Scranton, Pennsylvania LOL Hit $26 and likely temporarily bounced back a bit to 27 dollars - from $78 - still a good return on MHA (malodorous hot air) Wonder whos making the money off this ponzi looking scheme share price colapse?
  19. .. A tired little trump simply run out of wind .. for a little while ...
  20. and another one MP Mark Menzies loses Tory whip as party investigates claims he misused funds "According to a source close to Mr Menzies, the MP had met a man on an online dating website and gone to the man’s flat, before subsequently going with another man to a second address where he continued drinking. He was sick at one point and several people at the address demanded £5,000, claiming it was for cleaning up and other expenses." The sum, which rose to £6,500, was eventually paid by his office manager from her personal bank account and subsequently reimbursed from funds raised from donors Never mind losing whip - how about criminal charges MP Mark Menzies loses Tory whip as party investigates claims he misused funds WWW.INDEPENDENT.CO.UK The Fylde MP is alleged to have used campaign funds to pay off ‘bad people’ and cover medical expenses ALSO According to the The Times, £14,000 given by donors for use on Tory campaign activities was transferred to Mr Menzies’ personal bank accounts and used for private medical expenses. The MP, who is one of Rishi Sunak’s trade envoys, is also said to have called his 78-year-old former campaign manager at 3.15am one day in December, claiming he was locked in a flat and needed £5,000 as a matter of “life and death”. Hes supposed to use funding from Taxpayers and doners for a life of service, not funding a life of drink and debauchery Hope his parliamentary expenses are also investigated. In fact, perhaps Mr Bates next role in life should be as an independent investigator of Parliamentary expenses?
  21. Trump was unable to make it through the first day of court without falling asleep on Monday, which sparked a whole host of jokes, memes and even a new nickname, 'Dozy Don'
  22. You cant fault her loyalty, I mean, the extremes shes gone to to ensure Johnson the corrupt incompetent liar doesn't stand out alone and head, shoulders and buttocks above all others as the worst PM in UK history. - presumably paving the path to his imminent return with the new slogan 'could be worse, could be Truss'
  23. They've hired a barrister to 'investigate' and declare read is innocent of all charges - and the board and the guv business interface 'shareholder' who seem likely (IMO) as guilty as sin have come out of the woodwork (must be crapping themselves) claim they have full faith in this guy who has presided over the biggest scandal and miscarriages of justice in UK history “Following several interviews and examination of documents by the barrister, Nick has been exonerated of all the misconduct allegations and has the full and united backing of the board to continue to lead the business,” They did take the time to chide staunton for leaking details of the “speak up document” they wanted to keep hidden seems to me that anyone who gives a shred of credence to this whitewash attempt is beyond stupid. Post Office chief Nick Read cleared of misconduct in separate inquiry | Post Office | The Guardian WWW.THEGUARDIAN.COM Existence of whistleblower allegations added to scandal over Horizon computer system Needs: "“It was fine when the Post Office brought private prosecutions. So, if we’ve got to do it in return, so be it.”" Post office operators may prosecute to hold officials to account, says Alan Bates | Post Office Horizon scandal | The Guardian WWW.THEGUARDIAN.COM Campaigner demands clarity from Horizon IT inquiry that those responsible for wrongful convictions will face justice Post Office court case against sub-postmistress thrown out years before Horizon INEWS.CO.UK The Court of Appeal overturned the case of Tarla Mahida, after a judge said the Post Office had failed to provide evidence that £4,300...
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