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Everything posted by tobyjugg2

  1. Botswana has massive resources. Britain is very densely populated. As you say - Botswana just 2M people - so loads of space? I partly agree its how we manage our co-existance with other species - and our and their environment. You do realise this is kicking off because of the threat to ban the very profitable sale of trophies - much of which trade seems to be illegal from poachers? - ?despite? government intervention (see the reports of hundreds of unidentified dead elephants and wildly varying elephant population densities ) I agree with understand culling species if absolutely necessary - NOT when that culling is wrapped up in illegal killing to sell the ivory. Rather like the illegal aspects of the diamond trade. AND The elephant population is a major driver of Botswana's tourist industry - 20% of the countries economy So, after basic sanity checking - do you think that the ecological damage would reduce or increase in the then ex-elephant' zones if the elephants were exterminated - or crowded in smaller areas despite all that space ? Botswana: Mining, Minerals and Fuel Resources WWW.AZOMINING.COM Botswana is a country located in Southern Africa. The total area of the country is 581,730 km<sup>2</sup> with a population of 2,098,018... "Botswana is abundant in natural resources such as diamonds, silver, copper, nickel, coal soda ash, potash, and iron ore. Almost 70-80% of export earnings are attributed to diamond mining. The mining sector of the country, especially diamond mining, plays a dominant role in its economy. The global downturn of 2009 greatly decreased the demand for Botswana's diamonds. In the recent years, Botswana has transformed itself into a middle-income country with the GDP amounting to $30.09 billion in 2011." Botswana’s Varying Elephant Population(s)–The numbers are all over the place—are they being manipulated? - Conservation Frontlines WWW.CONSERVATIONFRONTLINES.ORG Botswana now has the largest elephant population in Africa. In the early 1960s, there were thought to be fewer than 10,000; by 1990... Botswanas Elephants And Where To Find Them THECULTURETRIP.COM With the help of this Culture Trip guide visitors to Botswana will be all set to enjoy the country's most incredible natural assets: its...
  2. I suppose the IDF must be rather fed up with explaining why and how they were murdering them? ... and aid workers, and health workers, and children .. .. On Israeli war crimes that many of us (including me) have been turning a blind eye to, many of which reported by Jewish archivists and journalists over the years. More of the same: * Using children as shields * Murder of surrendering soldiers and unarmed civilians * Murder of civilians via indiscriminate bombing and shelling * White phosphorous bombs in crowded civilian areas including aid sites - err rather like those dropped from rather high tech unidentified planes in Syria - on assads actual own people - which were blamed on Assad Nothing secret about them .. apart from Israel denying everything : Israeli war crimes - Wikipedia EN.WIKIPEDIA.ORG and more on the murder of the aid workers 1. The route and trucks were fully reported to the IDF AS REQUIRED 2. They were following the clear and very open route required by the IDF 3. It was a systematic, very targeted multiple strike attack with pauses as the survivors moved from clearly marked vehicles on an open road that had been hit to other clearly marked vehicles in the small convoy 4. The aide workers repeatedly contacted the IDF through the attack - but were ignored. That sounds like targeted murder of aid workers to me. Britain needs to stop supplying arms to Israel - any we have would far better serve the UKs interests delivered to Ukraine
  3. I'm sure the Tory party members don't mind, given their parties attempts to grab and sell on other peoples data (Covid app for just one example) Senior Conservative party officials worked on plans to hand over its entire membership database for a commercial venture that promised to make tens of millions of pounds, the Guardian can reveal. Leaked documents show Tory executives discussed exploiting members’ personal data to build a mobile phone app that could track users’ locations and allow big brands to advertise to Conservative supporters. Tories planned to make millions from members’ data with ‘True Blue’ app | Conservatives | The Guardian WWW.THEGUARDIAN.COM Exclusive: senior party officials worked on commercial venture that would allow brands to sell products to supporters
  4. Now - want to consider how climate change, habitat shrinkage on a massive scale and human infestation of even those shrunken habitats to illegally log and hunt actually define the increased interaction between human and elephant - among other species? Perhaps start with a simple question: If elephants vanished from Botswana tomorrow, would the issues currently attributed to elephants in the reports related to your claim actually vanish - or would the situation actually get worse if the limited protections in place for elephants remaining habitats were rescinded with the elephants disappearance? (of course the interactions would end - but would the environmental damage decrease or increase?)
  5. Surely you mean Botswana is literally overrun with humans. They've become an invasive species that destroys the environment for every other living creature and have to be controlled somehow. The devastation they cause has to be seen to be believed. 1. Elephants were there first for millions of years before Sapiens 2. They cause far less damage than the equivalent number of humans 3. There are orders of magnitude more humans than elephants Don't we need to look at controlling our own numbers and planetary destruction tenancies first and foremost? Looking at other species (even locusts) is just a distraction. Example Gasping for Breath: The Devastating Impact of Environmental Pollution in Botswana WWW.BOTSWANACLIMATENETWORK.ORG Botswana is a landlocked country located in Southern Africa with a rich cultural heritage and an abundance of natural resources... that suit your preferences better @cjcregg?
  6. Relayed straight from the propaganda of those attempting to excuse implementing mass murder of children, starvation and forced displacement - aka genocide We should no more believe the propaganda of the IDF and netanyahu - in contradiction of the hundreds of credible news reports and videos - than we should believe the modern right wing neo nazis who deny that the atrocities and genocide of the holocaust occurred .. or the Nazis themselves when they excused displacing Jews at gunpoint to starve and murder them and their children while stealing their homes and businesses.
  7. "Right now, I’m on my way to a TV interview where I’m going to speak about our movement’s efforts to return to Gaza, the entire Gaza, and build settlements." "The borders of the homeland of the Jews are the Euphrates in the east and the Nile in the southwest." [This would include the territory of multiple Middle Eastern countries as well as the territory that Israel controls today.] "I thought you were going to say, “It’s O.K. to kick Palestinians off land because it belongs to the Jewish people.” - Daniella Weiss one of the leaders of Israel’s settlement movement in an interview with the newyorker. Nov 2023 More children killed in Gaza than in global conflicts annually over past 4 years, Save the Children says A total of 12,193 children were killed between 2019 and 2022 globally, and a total of 12,300 children were killed in Gaza between October 2023 and February 2024 - From CNN Staff The Extreme Ambitions of West Bank Settlers | The New Yorker WWW.NEWYORKER.COM A leader of the settlement movement on expanding into Gaza, and her vision for the Jewish state. New Israeli settlements shrink Palestinian presence in West Bank WWW.THETIMES.CO.UK Farmers roaming their sheep and goats are now told they are trespassing on Israeli ‘state land’, in the largest territory seizures... As war rages in Gaza, Israeli settlers drive a new wave of anti-Palestinian violence WWW.NBCNEWS.COM At least 132 Palestinians have been killed by security forces and settlers in the past three weeks, according to the U.N. In 2022, 158... As Gaza is destroyed, Israel is killing dozens of children in the West Bank | Arwa Mahdawi | The Guardian WWW.THEGUARDIAN.COM A 12-year-old Palestinian boy was shot while lighting a firework. ‘Cases like these happen quite regularly, but no one’s hearing about...
  8. Ex MI6 chief blames Israel’s ‘systematic targeting’ for death of aid workers WWW.INDEPENDENT.CO.UK Sir Alex Younger says Israel risks losing its claim of ‘moral purpose’ in Gaza war Israeli military accused of targeting journalists and their families in Gaza | Israel-Gaza war | The Guardian WWW.THEGUARDIAN.COM Committee to Protect Journalists says at least 68 journalists and media workers killed since 7 October Benjamin Netanyahu's not-so-prescient 2002 message to Congress about Iraq WWW.VOX.COM "There is no question whatsoever that Saddam is seeking, is working, is advancing towards to the development of nuclear weapons."
  9. 1. Elephants were there first for millions of years before Sapiens 2. They cause far less damage than the equivalent number of humans 3. There are orders of magnitude more humans than elephants Surely we need to look at controlling our own numbers and planetary destruction tenancies first and foremost. Looking at other species is just a distraction.
  10. yes. Seems standard procedure for IDF - if in doubt, or even if you're not - shoot and claim you thought they were Hamas. The one you refer the IDF followed a survivor into a building and shot him helpless while he was telling them he was an escaped Israeli - after shooting the others despite a white flag, shouting to the soldiers and writing help we are Israeli hostages who have escaped on the buildings. ... Dont forget the USS Liberty Monsters (Israel under Netanyahu) Seems the UK and America is breaching international law in supplying Israel with weapons.
  11. The evidence seems to be pointing at yet another deliberate targeting of unarmed aide trucks/workers by Israel - in addition to the hundreds of highly credible reports of Israel deliberately targeting health/care workers, aid workers, and journalists. They might not be deliberately targeting children - but they certainly are murdering children by the thousands Past time the west put protection in and warned Israeli planes/drone control sites will be shot down/bombed if they target civilians and aid workers. If there were even a hint that Syrian forces were doing anything like this, there would quickly be significant air strikes against Assads infrastructure and military. The evidence shows deadly Israeli airstrike may have hit aid convoy three times INEWS.CO.UK Israel has admitted responsibility for the deaths of aid workers, including three Britons, and says it was 'unintentional'. What does... Britain should stop arming Israel, says former national security adviser | Israel-Gaza war | The Guardian WWW.THEGUARDIAN.COM Lord Ricketts says further steps needed to put pressure on Benjamin Netanyahu after seven aid workers killed in Gaza +1
  12. So, even we have seen unequivocal evidence that Vennels knew, even before the release of the tapes by ITV & C4 news So when is the BBC going to release the unredacted sparrow minutes they've had for some time? I mean, its not like its a statutory enquiry or anything with powers .. yet
  13. I should imagine shes been talking cobblers, the Canuks want free access for their hormone animals and Visa access preferences (like India) and then the canuks have said, too much wasted time and effort and you clearly clueless, we'll negotiate with the new guv in a few months.
  14. New tariffs are set to hit British firms exporting to Canada from Easter Monday, after attempts to extend the trade exemption failed. As of April 1, industries including car manufacturers, processed foods and chemical exports will lose the tariff-free access to Canada they currently benefit from. The exemption from rules placing tariffs on goods with parts from the EU was temporarily agreed under the trade deal rolled over with the North American nation post-Brexit in 2021. But now the status is set to expire and the UK has been unable to agree a deal with Canada to extend it – or to negotiate a new Free Trade Agreement (FTA). Brexit: New tariffs for UK exports to Canada after failure to secure exemption WWW.CITYAM.COM New tariffs are set to hit British firms exporting to Canada from Easter Monday, after attempts to extend the trade exemption failed. Government ‘dodging scrutiny’ of post-Brexit trade deals, says MP WWW.STANDARD.CO.UK Business and Trade Committee chair Liam Byrne criticised the Government’s response to his committee’s report on the CPTPP deal.
  15. Interesting that when you do a google search on badenogh Staunton limited to last few days - there are a number removed due to 'privacy'/complaint issues inc farcebork - so leaping across to look via california and doing the same search .. lol This looked ripe ... Great visit to Smudgeonline with Cllr... - Kemi Badenoch MP Facebook · Kemi Badenoch MP 90+ reactions Are you going to apologise to Mr Staunton before you're sacked or after you're sacked? Should be in the UK searches somewhere - but there does seem to be 'interference' errr 'different priorities' in the UK searches
  16. Yep - Israeli air strike as source of attack on the aide trucks being confirmed across news sources now.
  17. and when is banenough being pulled up for other instances of 'misleading Parliament' ? Example: "The business secretary told MPs “explicitly” last month that talks with Canada were “ongoing”, as a March cliff-edge for British carmakers approaches. But the Canadian high commissioner to the UK, Ralph Goodale, wrote to the House of Commons business select committee to insist that such talks had not taken place, the Financial Times reported." Badenough was rumored to have muttered: 'Well there was this canadian visitor chap in the foyer who said to me 'lovely place, do you work here' and I said something like 'Our countries have a great partnership' before I hurried off. That should count.
  18. Interesting that the Badenough v Staunton tiff seems to have faded away - no doubt to try to prevent a Conservative ex SPM running against her Tory safe seat at the upcoming GE? More on Complaints about culture under Read (NOT Staunton) How strange Badenough NOT addressing this after jumping so hard on the Staunton fake news - err her fake news that is Post Office hit by string of formal complaints amid toxic culture claims WWW.TELEGRAPH.CO.UK Nine grievances filed against senior ranks since Nick Read became chief executive PressReader.com - Digital Newspaper & Magazine Subscriptions WWW.PRESSREADER.COM Digital newsstand featuring 7000+ of the world’s most popular newspapers & magazines. Enjoy unlimited reading on up to 5...
  19. and i see Israel has again bombed a clearly marked aide convoy killing international aide workers (per aide org member), just like they seem to have deliberately destroyed the main Gaza hospital complex with explosives. Just like they block aide at borders, and have targeted and murdered health care workers, journalists and children. Supplying weapons to Israel is nothing less than aiding and abetting war crimes murder and genocide. I see Israel has also bombed what is effectively a foreign embassy - quite clearly intensifying Israels attempts to drag the US and its allies (us) into a war in the middle east. I dont doubt Israel is using the threat of unleashing its nuclear arsenal if the US doesn't support them. Seems to me its long past time Israel was treated like Iran, and Israels nuclear armageddon weapon capability taken out in a strike. That netanyahus' Israel (allegedly) has that mass destruction capability should frighten sensible people, not just prophecy aficionados.
  20. That should keep them out of power for at least a decade The right wing nuts might point the finger of blame at everyone else, including 'lefty money market capitalist establishment', but they shold look in a mirror. The only time the wing nuts do well is when a moderate has been voted in. They should all (paraphrasing Anderson) sod off to ukip/reform and stop pretending to be Conservatives. Need to start some petitions dont we: We the British public require that Liz Truss is denied British public funding for her nut job preaching and refuse to be used as a personal ATM for extremists, especially when they are breaking all requirements in place that define decorum for ex Pms or current ministers - then Johnson, then ...
  21. and lets not forget "Water companies in England and Wales have almost doubled their profits since 2019. During this parliament, which started in 2019, pre-tax profits at water companies have climbed by 82%, according to a Liberal Democrat analysis of Companies House data. It found that in 2022-23, England’s water firms made £1.7bn in pre-tax profits. This is up 82% since 2018-19, when the same companies made £955m. Since 2018-19, water firms have made £4.2bn in pre-tax profits." Water firms’ profits in England and Wales almost double since 2019, find Lib Dems | Water industry | The Guardian WWW.THEGUARDIAN.COM Party to call for measures to stop companies prioritising profit over environment at spring conference
  22. That will be another nail in the tory coffin pre GE maybe they will claim they are going to do something - after 14 years of just removing monitoring and gutting regulator power - they will be lying
  23. Labour’s shadow environment secretary, Steve Reed, said: “It is sickening that this Conservative government has turned a blind eye to illegal sewage dumping that has put thousands of people in hospital. To make matters worse, consumers face higher water bills while water bosses pocket millions in bonuses. “Labour will put the water companies under special measures to clean up water. We will strengthen regulation so that law-breaking water bosses face criminal charges, and give the regulator new powers to block the payment of any bonuses until water bosses have cleaned up their filth.” That should also include blocking payments of dividends and any increase in domestic charges until the companies have improved infrastructure and reduced debt.
  24. The Boat race “The warning was stern: Do not enter the water. Not because of the tide. Not because of sharks. Because of the sewage." - Thursday’s New York Times "The New York Times, Fox News, ABC, CNN and numerous other international media have run stories in the buildup to Saturday’s race – although it is what is floating in the Thames, rather than on top of it, that has piqued their interest." Do not enter the water: how dirty Boat Race has captured world’s attention | The Boat Race | The Guardian WWW.THEGUARDIAN.COM Sewage scandal has brought extra focus on the race and forced more caution from the rowers but enthusiasm is undimmed with Oxford...
  25. so who would have expected a company the size of the PO to get discounts and special rates to handle/manage the vast sums that go through it? ... rather than pay a couple of million to 'consultants' to advise them? Malik Karim, who has given the Conservatives £1.6m since 2014, won two major deals last year through his finance firm Fenchurch Advisory, which were worth £1.5m and £175,000 respectively. Documents uncovered by this publication show Fenchurch was handed the payments to offer the beleaguered Post Office “advice on banking services and the retail banking market”. Major Tory donor handed lucrative government contract to advise Post Office WWW.INDEPENDENT.CO.UK Malik Karim, who has given the Conservatives £1.6m in donations, won £1.7m of government contracts through his finance firm...
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