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Everything posted by tobyjugg2

  1. and Britain had little choice in many matters re WWII. The decisions Britain made re the Suez crisis were likely of bigger import to the world than Brexit, but other than that - I largely agree
  2. So, unless the tories oust Sunak - a high probability of that - and probably even then, at least part of the 'Tory plan is * Interest rate drop with a 'promise (actuality is less certain) of lower mortgages nearer the GE where it might garner a few votes * Another couple of percent off NI - which will of course result in even deeper cuts to already trashed services as well as at least a few £billion more added to the tax payers credit card (debt) for Labour to inherit - salting the Earth is a traditional name for it isnt it?
  3. and apparently Tice has booted out some EDL supporters as candidates who showed their true colours (rather than hidden yellow) as EDL/yucky lemmon supporters .. at least for now .. .. so what about Andersons racist comments? - or do the rules only apply to the shallower end of the shallow end of the gene pool - or is it just selected types or purveyors of racism (sic) thats an issue for them?
  4. +1 - no way he would pay if someone elses money there to pay it whether it was intended to be used that way or not eh? Maybe that would be another tax evasion charge though after he had treated it as 'his' ... but of course he hopes to be US Emperor by then and utterly immune ..
  5. Now here IS 'fiddling' to make make money from your house and expenses at taxpayer cost eh? A cabinet minister who has criticised Whitehall waste has claimed tens of thousands of pounds in expenses to rent a London flat despite her husband owning a property a mile away. "Esther McVey, who was appointed “minister for common sense” last year, has received £39,000 in taxpayers’ money to rent the flat over the last two years. She lives there with her husband, the Tory MP Philip Davies. The Daily Telegraph, which first reported the story alongside the campaign group Led By Donkeys, said McVey and Davies had been claiming expenses on the property since 2017 and could have received as much as £250,000 from the taxpayer." Esther McVey claims expenses to rent flat while husband lets out nearby home | MPs' expenses | The Guardian WWW.THEGUARDIAN.COM ‘Minister for common sense’ who has criticised Whitehall waste is said to have received £39,000 in two years
  6. I'm quite surprised the Torys London Mayor candidate hasn't. She has little chance anyway so might as well take the GBNews present fees
  7. Howls with laughter Trump begs fans to pay his $464m bond ‘Keep your filthy hands off Trump Tower!’: Trump begs fans to pay his $464m bond WWW.INDEPENDENT.CO.UK Former president blasts New York Attorney General Letitia James as an ‘insane radical’ in a desperate plea for cash – claiming...
  8. as long as Johnson (The corrupt liar) doesn't make money from it - might take a look although it unlikely to tell the obnoxious corrupt lying cronyistic whole - and NO, trust cant be restored, we all know that now Johnsonon has taken us to new depths, any improvement will be temporary at best until the next Johnson/Truss/Badenough/Bridgen/Farage/Tice/Anderson/Smugg Tossus Potus sees a few quids benefit in dragging it further down - or in some cases it seems - just because they can
  9. Dyson: When you going to get around to reducing UK workers rights to align with sweatshops in Indonesia, and where's my excess tax relief like those Energy companies? Hunt: Huh? I didn't see your name in the VIPals list .... and if you think you can trash people and workers rights quicker than us, maybe you should run for election - its not as easy as you seem to think - BOY oh BOY have we tried ... and We'll have loads of positions open for the GE if you think you can do better... Hunt tells Sir James Dyson to ‘stand for election’ in fiery exchange WWW.INDEPENDENT.CO.UK Mr Hunt is alleged to have told Sir James Dyson to “stand for election” if he thinks he could “do a better job”
  10. So much for the Torys and Brexit protecting the UKs waters and fish “Industrial fishing is designed to kill marine life as efficiently as possible,” said Hugo Tagholm, the executive director of Oceana UK. "Everything from sharks to starfish are hoovered up by bottom trawling, which can destroy whole ecosystems and empty our seas of life. This also threatens communities seeking to make a sustainable living from our seas. “How can we call them ‘protected’ if we have such highly extractive industries in them? ‘Hoovered’ up from the deep: 33,000 hours of seabed trawling revealed in protected UK waters | Marine life | The Guardian WWW.THEGUARDIAN.COM Analysis shows alarming prevalence of harmful fishing methods thought to ‘destroy whole ecosystems’
  11. 1. Interesting that the guv is whining 'we will brook no interference in our policies from un-elected lords - err what about Cummings, Frost, Cameron, at al, let alone repeated coronations of PM without election 2. The UK may be willing to break international law, but Rwanda has said it wont - money for nowt for them .. plus .. 3. Rwanda would NOT be breaching international law by sending their unwanted here as the agreement allows - when are the first ones coming? 4. Cost of this dogwhistle 'policy' will just keep going up and up and up - especially as it seems to be their last hope of a voter dogwhistle before an election - whatever the cost to the Taxpayer and our nations standing in the world Need to remember its likely the 'hotels were at extortionate rates to the taxpayer - probably via a VIPal lane negotiating a price bump for their mates running boarding hose and hotels that were empty
  12. Worth remembering what they will spend taxpayer money on ...
  13. Well, I'm no lawyer, but it seems the cabinet office are refusing to release the information on what the charitable work was that resulted - alongside her services to the post office - in her PUBLIC honour of a CBE, because they claim the justification for her PUBLIC honour is private and protected .. 2024 02 06 FOI2024 00348.pdf WWW.WHATDOTHEYKNOW.COM of course, the real reason is likely that there wasn't any, and they want to protect those promoting her for the award.
  14. I've an idea that what this is is clearing out stock of old tech panels as there have been signs of major breakthroughs in solar tech - inc what is effectively solar paint reuters.com WWW.REUTERS.COM
  15. ROFL - says a minister of the government that lets its politicians promote their agendas unchallenged and well paid on the UK's version of Russia Today translated UK deputy PM launches global push to mask their election rigging "The UK is following Russia and China on a government minister and MP led process to get paid vast sums to put our message out to the plebs unchallenged, funded via right wing billionaires, AI from foreign states, and misuse of taxpayer money. reuters.com WWW.REUTERS.COM
  16. This is the clever bit i think She is quite reasonably requiring trump to detail the efforts he made, as his representation is claiming he made all reasonable efforts - he'll be required to detail what he offered ... .. as an aside, can you imagine jed the burglar saying - I made all efforts to get bond - but as I'm broke I couldn't - so i shouldn't need to post bond other than my word - tell you what, heres the $1.50 I have in leu of my $500 bond.
  17. seems more and more unlikely any of Trumps building assets are in a state to be offered as bonds - already wrapped up in god knows what so worthless for bond underwriting - not such much of an issue for letitia trump seems to be just trying to force delays until the election and he can just wrangle it all from presidential power or hope for an insurrection when he loses. hope the capital guards and police have orders to fire on any armed or rioting rabble this time. Gas and tasers to start with - backed up by armed military
  18. rumours, rumours Elon Musk describes meeting Trump at mutual friend's Palm Beach house for 'breakfast' where ex-president did 'most of the talking' but did NOT ask for an endorsement or cash | Daily Mail Online WWW.DAILYMAIL.CO.UK The billionaire Tesla CEO, 52, insisted that Trump didn't ask for an endorsement, but said that he may offer one down the 'final stretch'... That'll be another billion of musks down the pan
  19. Just imagine it cant you Trumps latest idiot who wont get paid: Hello, I'm looking for someone to offer bond of £578M, plus the don wants 100m for himself Bond/insurance company: Ok, That'll be £70M upfront fees, £10M a week until its paid off and are what you offering as bond to the bond - deeds to property worth over a billion or what? Trumps latest idiot who wont get paid: The word of the Don Bond/Insurance company: You have a txt. click.
  20. largely as DX says trumps lawyer (after likely wanting paying in advance) is trying to claim the judgement is 'too much' as most of farts assets aren't liquid (or real probably - as demonstrated by the court case) - trump did claim he had over $400m in liquid assets not so long ago but hes already had to bond about 100m - and that they have made enough 'good faith' attempts to get it without a 'fire sale' of properties that would cost him a lot off his inflated prices that got him in this mess - LOL ... Letitia James says trump cant be trusted and should provide the evidence that he has offered assets to cover the bond, eg his private planes and helicopters etc ... else next week she will be pursuing ceasing his assets .. roll on next week In the mean time, Biden: “making the case for how Americans are better off than four years ago, how we got through the pandemic, turned around the economy, re-established American leadership in the world… all without encouraging the American people to inject bleach”. As Trump after suffering a broken teleprompter seems to think hes Obama (talk about delusions of grandeur) “Joe Biden won against Barack Hussein Obama” Biden responds with: “one candidate is too old and mentally unfit to be President. The other guy is me!” Bloomberg - Are you a robot? WWW.BLOOMBERG.COM Trump Fraud Judgment: Ex-President Says Posting Full $454 Million Bond Is ‘Not Possible’ As Deadline Looms WWW.FORBES.COM The former president has until March 25 to post a bond for the $454 million—and growing—judgment before the New York Attorney...
  21. LOL Trump unable to make $454m bond in civil fraud case, say his lawyers – live | US Congress | The Guardian WWW.THEGUARDIAN.COM Ex-president’s efforts to secure a bond include ‘approaching about 30 surety companies through 4 separate brokers’, lawyers say in court...
  22. Speaking of regulators with no will or drive to press their duty GB News breached impartiality rules, says Ofcom, but will face no sanctions | GB News | The Guardian WWW.THEGUARDIAN.COM Regulator concludes channel broke rules on five occasions when Tory MPs served as news presenters
  23. Just to clarify the above .. "The watchdogs said they were prepared to use their powers – which can extend to fines – if companies failed to meet expectations. “Where we find firms are falling short and delivering poor outcomes leading to consumer harm, we may take robust action”" So - after 14 years they might be preparing to use the powers that they had all along ....and if they do look .. and IF the companies are found to falling short and causing consumer harm - they may do something - uninspiring eh? How about - any companies found causing consumer harm will be fined with significant cases resulting in maximum fines and disbarring of companies and directors ... Y'know - something that might actually make them think twice.
  24. UK watchdogs say they will take action against ‘threatening’ debt collectors .. unless perhaps the Tories win Watchdogs have published a joint letter, calling on companies to improve their debt collection practices, after identifying shortcomings across the financial services industry, as well the communications, water and energy sectors .. after only 14 years of not looking UK watchdogs say they will take action against ‘threatening’ debt collectors | Borrowing & debt | The Guardian WWW.THEGUARDIAN.COM Joint letter from regulators targets finance and utility sectors for volume and tone of correspondence to vulnerable customers
  25. half a year, half a year, half a year onward, All into the revolving doors laughed and lied the 300 “Forward, the Lightweight Brigade!” Was there a man dismayed? Yes - and the poopcons knew Someone had blundered. Excuses the only reply, Theirs not to reason .. why? Theirs but to fiddle and lie Into revolving doors Rode the three hundred. Flashed some their sabres bare, Flashed as they turned in air Flashing the junior staff there, Charging an arm and leg, the nation they plundered. Profited from oil burn choke All through the lies they stoked; Lawyers and morals Reeled from the mirrors and smoke Shattered and sundered. Then some revolved back, but not all the three hundred. Troughs to right of them, Troughs to left of them, Troughs front and behind them gorging and plundered; Gorged at with smut and smell, While ordinary people fell. because They had lied not well Revolved through the doors of Lords, or to the board of Shell, All that was left of them, Left of three hundred. Can their inglory fade? Or the wild charges they made! All the world wondered. Charge back the charges they made! Lock up the Lightweight Brigade, Corrupt three hundred! ..
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