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Everything posted by dj9928

  1. Wondering where I stand here, My wife works 1-2 nights per week, I work during the day, I was asked to do overtime tonight but can't because of I have to look after my kids. Written warning is being produced and I will get it tomorrow. Now the unfairness of this is, I said I will work tomorrow night and Thursday night but doesn't matter, It does say in our contract about a reasonable amount of over time, Last week I did more than 48hrs per week which I gather is more than the work time directive. So if they are gonna be a pain in the ass about this I want to play there game aswell. So how do I handle this?
  2. Ok how do I handle this? In November I was late with my eBay fee's of £15 so nothing major, I paid them 4 weeks late in December I thought that was that, a couple of days after I pay I get a letter from Aktiv Kapital saying I owe £21, I phone them up and ask whats £21 for, they say £6 is for their fee, I say its already cleared "Aw you still have to pay us our fee" I said I wouldn't be paying and hung up. I swear to god every day since they have phoned at least once a day, I know their number and haven't answered. Today I receive a letter from them saying I have a debt balance of £9 even though the debt has been cleared. How do I handle this, I will not be paying for the fact the debt was cleared before I had any contact from them, they can add a couple of zeros on and I still won't be paying it.
  3. My job is very physically intensive, I also suffer from asthma, today it was 27'c out side, in our glorified metal shed it could easily be +5c, extreme heat has always been a problem for me as it triggers of my asthma. So the sweat was lashing of me, I was having issues getting a breath to the extent I fell over a couple of timeS, all down to pure exhaustion and my asthma. I said to hell with this and went to the HR guy. I went into his nice air conditioned office and explained the situation, I'm not sure what I was hoping for really but I have had this problem in the past in a previous job, once I explained the problem the company was great, but this guys spits out of him, perhaps I should change my inhaler as its not working. And take a drink of water. I mean why didn't I think of that?? I had already went through 2lts of water previous to this. This has really angered me, So what exactly should I do here? Am I right to be angry about this?
  4. OK I will try and explain this the best I can, My wife worked for a major supermarket chain for 20 years, back years ago they worked out holiday pay quite different, they had a holiday fund on there wage slips, every week with deductions etc this would increase showing what holiday pay you had available. Couple of years ago they scrapped this method of doing things and based it on hours rather than money, they did however still keep the holiday fund on the wage slips showing what was in it before they changed over. My wife had £600, for someone working part time on min wage this was substantial but she was told she would get this when ever she leaves, So last month she enquired with her manager if this was still the case, the manager phoned head office and was told yes this is still the case etc. So my wife handed her notice to leave due to childcare issues and what not, the manager told her she would get all she was entitled to the following week. So the next week she gets paid her wage, holidays accrued so far this year but not the £600, and everything was taxed and national insurance paid even though her wage was so low she never paid any of this for years, she phoned head office who told her that was it, thats all she's getting. And on her final payslip the £600 thats been on there for years has been removed. So where do we stand with all this?
  5. At the time I got my job I was unemployed so didn't really have a lot of room for manure, If I turned the job down no JSA, and I never found out about the overtime clause until I had been in the job 2-3 weeks. I will be brutally honest, I'd rather not be there at all let alone stay any longer than necessary so this over time clause kills me. We already work 45 hours basic let alone over time, Is there anyway out? I know all about the 48 hour limit but its averaged out over X amount of weeks. Its the fact all plans have to be dropped as and when asked or your marched into the office and reminded about the contract, I missed my kids nativity play over it at Xmas. Its all a major pain in the behind for £6.20 per hour.
  6. Based on having anxiety and depression?
  7. I've posted this elsewhere but I know some people who work for the job & benefits department post on here so am after some advice. I was made redundant in January and after a few months umemployed I found a suitable job through an agency and applied, I got called for an interview by the company the same day, I got told the original job advertised had gone (Since come to learn it never existed) and that another vacancy was available, minimum wage rather than £8.50, 43hrs PW rather than 39 and doing a job I'd never done before and wouldn't off applied for had I know all this, but I got offered the job on the spot and had to accept or I'd get a sanction. The day I started I got the contract to sign and also found it had an overtime clause that it had to be done when required and it has worked out 4-6 hrs per week, again I couldn't decline the job or I'd of got a sanction so the 39 hrs per week advertised has turned into 48hrs on average. But the problems don't end there. I am being bullied on a daily basis by a supervisor, My supervisor finds fault with everything I do and makes smart remarks daily trying to get a response, I asked him a few weeks ago what his problem was, He squared up to me like he was going to fight, I backed down and he walked away and called me a "F**king B**tard" I was in shock to be honest as I've never been spoken to like that. But the smart remarks continue daily. I recently got marched into the office and got a verbal warning for leaving my machine on at lunch time, It was the first time I ever did it so someone has obviously reported me for doing it, the boss said "Do it again and you wont be here" in an aggressive tone. I am just totally fed up with this, I am at the stage now where each and every morning I have diarrhoea with the thought of going in there, and each and every day brings its own drama, I can't get over to sleep at night, I wake at the crack of dawn, at nights and weekends it is all I can think about, Since I started working in there 3 months ago I have lost a stone and a half, I can't stick this much more but don't know what to do or where to turn. I decided enough was enough and went to my doctor with the intention of getting signed of sick for a couple of weeks, My doctor diagnosed anxiety and depression but said the root cause of this was work, so meds or time off would not work, the only cure was to confront HR. So I did, I went into the HR department and explained all, the guy was very sympathetic and said he would run all past the boss and get back to me with an outcome. The following day he got back to me and I got told how valuable a worker this supervisor is, how experienced he is, how long he has been there, and working in a factory environment is stressful etc etc, So basically told to get over myself and damn all was done about it. So you can see why I don't want to do over time and to be honest I don't want to be there at all, it is effecting my health and I want out. I have a wife and 3 kids to support, I have been looking for another job since I started but as yet I haven't even got an interview so getting another job isn't a way out, I want to leave, but would I get a sanction on these circumstances? Its not even about the bullying, its the work in general, the environment, I hate it all and had it been advertised the though of applying would never of crossed my mind. What do I do?
  8. Apparently they got put on a Company Voluntary Arrangement last Spring, I suppose the plan was to try and continue and hope for the best, they closed in January.
  9. I got this letter today. I refer to your claim for payment from the National Insurance Fund regarding Holiday and arrears of Pay owing in respect to your former employer named above. I regret to inform you that we must reject your claim as under the Employment Rights NI Order 1996 holiday pay and arrears of pay cannot be paid after the date your former employer became legally insolvent. The above named employer entered into a CVA on 25/5/11. You last worked 9/1/12, 8 months after this date therfore we cannot make a payment to you from the National Insurance fund.
  10. Ok got a letter today saying money should be in tomorrow or Wednesday, and a questionnaire for PILON which asks what benefits I claimed etc, but no mention of unpaid wages etc, when are these paid?
  11. Doesn't sound unfair, it sounds stupid, I don't want to claim anything from them
  12. Not entitled to HB, I earned less in my last job than I do now and wasn't entitled.
  13. Thats what I asked for originally, they said I was not entitled because I wasn't on benefits 26 weeks.
  14. Thanks for the reply, No unfair dismissal, the RPO deemed a tupe transfer did not take place although it took them almost 5 months to look into it. So now they have that sorted I am hoping the payments are quick with no more hold ups.
  15. Yep, it went into administration, there was alot of confusions as to whether a tupe transfer occurred as it got taken over but they have investigated and decided to pay 5 months later and I should have some money next week, I just have no info on how exactly payments work and what way they do it, I think they pay redundancy first but am unsure about wages and the likes
  16. When its coming from the national insurance fund what way does it work exactly? Do you receive your redundancy payment first then pay in lieu of notice and unpaid wages etc? And whats the time scale between the 2?
  17. I started working on 30th April, I sent the HB a letter stating I was starting working and I wanted my claim cancelled and requested to be paid what I was owed up until the point I started working, couple of days later they sent out a letter saying my claim was suspended and asked me to provide 1 monthly or 5 weekly payslips so my claim could be reassessed, I told them I didn't want it reassessed I wanted it cancelled and paid what I was owed which was 1 weeks rent, they said it didn't matter. I believe they are wrong, have I got my facts right? Or how do I get what I am owed? I mean that's like the benefits people not paying me my final weeks JSA and asking me to provide proof of my income for the next 5 weeks before I get what I am owed.
  18. Thought I would update this, Our insurance said it would cover the £250, she went to 1 garage got the light fixed sent the invoice in £120 no problems, she then had to go to another guy to get the paint work done, we phoned the insurance tonight to check the status, she has put in and estimate for £600 for the remainder of the work, she is says she needs new panels, bumpers and even a door handle, the corner of our car hit her tail light with not even enough power to smash it, it put a crack in it, the angle our car hit hers it would be totally impossible to hit the back door, we saw the dent in her car that morning before we hit it, the insurance company say they are going to investigate this, but she is pull a major fast one, I only hope the insurance company catch on to this. Our car came out the worst, I fixed it for £30
  19. Myself and my former co workers chase them weekly but its the same old story, "We are still investigating" There doesn't seem to be any progress at all, completely fed up. 14 weeks now I make it.
  20. I was made redundant on 5th January and as yet no payment, Any time you phone them they say they are investigating a possible tupe transfer but the employer has already supplied all the information to prove this wasn't the case, they are looking any excuse to get out of paying our redundancy, its dragged on so long I have had to open a tribunal case and has no end in sight. Has anyone else had issues with these clowns?
  21. Its nothing to do with her insurance, its going through ours, if it goes through.
  22. No apparently not, If its accepted there will be no access as you don't pay access for the other persons car, we'd have to pay it if we where getting our car fixed.
  23. Yes but she did not use on of their recommend repair guys so they will probably reject the claim
  24. She's saying it had dents and stuff and is getting all resprayed, I never saw any dents where we hit the car, it had dents and scrapes in the doors etc, it was by no means a fresh car.
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