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Everything posted by dj9928

  1. So thought I would bump this as we are hitting Christmas shortly, I thought I'd get in early and book my holidays but it seems Christmas isn't gonna happen either. Any job I've had in the past at Christmas we always got 2 weeks holidays. So I asked my boss, I said I'd like to book holidays at Christmas what way does it work, He said "Ah we are quite far ahead at the moment so if this keeps up we "Might" get 1 week off," so that just took the wind out of my sails about getting 2 weeks, he then said others have holidays to take from last Christmas which might delay us so we might only get 2 days. I mean 2 days?? My co workers had 15+ days to take as they got hardly any holidays all year, they still even had last years Christmas holidays to take yet. How do I handle this? I will have my holidays accrued by Xmas and I want to take them, I have small children, I want to be of when they are off.
  2. No haven't contacted them, just contacted my bank Santander who apparently would contact them. What happened with me was I entered the pin etc and selected the amount, the machine sat doing nothing for a long time, the money didn't count up or anything, just sat doing nothing. Next it puts the card out saying and error had occured, I took the card and the machine screen went back to advertising something.
  3. I need advice in taking this further. went to the ATM last Thursday to withdraw £200, entered my pin etc and it just sat there doing nothing for a couple of mins, it finally put my card out and said "Sorry can not complete this transaction" went to another ATM but this time it said I didn't have enough funds, I found this odd as I had £300 in my current account checked my banking app and the first ATM debited my account for £200 even though I got no money out. I went home and phoned the bank who raised an issue and said I will get my money refunded within 48 working hours I got my money returned until they complete their investigation. yesterday I received a letter from Santander saying they have concluded their investigation and they have decided that the money had been received. I was speechless, how does this happen? these machines have cameras, "Ah thats between you and the ATM operator" When I originally phoned they said they had a log that would say when the card was ejected and the money put out and if there X amount of delay time I would be covered, again "This is between you and the ATM operator" all they would let me do is log a complaint, what the hell do I do now? I am shafted, I have cleared the account, there is not a hope in hell I am repaying something I never received and I will go as far as court if need be
  4. Last weekend my Mrs arrived home to find she couldn't get into our driveway, we have new neighbours moving in next door and a painter had ladders and blankets all over our drive while he was packing up, so my Mrs just parked on the street outside our house. 5 mins later we heard the bang, the painter with a ladder hanging out the back of the car reversed, couldn't see where he was going and into the back of our car breaking the rear light and pushing the bumper out. So I went out, the guy was in shock and all apologetic, he said he would get it fixed, to keep it between us and would be in touch next week which was the week past, we heard nothing. We live in a small rural area, my Mrs knows the guy, he is the father of the folk moving in next door. My Mrs did something similar last year, someone staying with the neighbor on the other side had the car parked outside our house, she swung out and into the back breaking again her rear light and ours, I fixed ours for £35 for a new light while she went to town on our insurance coming to over £700 The b**ch claimed for everything. I priced a new light which I can fix myself, £40, no big deal, but then why should I do him any favors saying he is being a prick about it, should I go the full hog like the woman next door did on us?
  5. Yes you'd think that, I think I posted a thread on this, but my previous employer did it a stupid way, he paid in advance then as you accrued it he clawed it back, so my replacement for example got 2 weeks off with full holiday pay even though he was only their 2 weeks. I did mention it but it was put to me in not so many words you will get a week not 2, So I agreed, but as I say that was cut to 2 days again
  6. I wasn't looking it paid. In my last job I had 1 day off at Easter, I've had no Holidays since, when I left my previous job I was just a couple of weeks away from getting my summer holidays which I lost because I got offered this job.
  7. One guy had something booked so he got it off, It seems sitting at home and relaxing is not a good enough reason. But I'm very much on my own on this, they say you can have the time off elsewhere or get paid for it, The others still have last years Christmas holidays to take even though we are in a new holiday year. I guess its in the same category as not paying min wage, unlawful yes but plenty still do it. Only being there a few weeks I could be sacked for any reason if I say anything.
  8. After a couple of years struggling in a job I hated I finally got a new job that I really like but there is always a down side and that is the lack of holidays. Yes there is 28 days leave getting it is a different story. Its a small family company, 7 employees, the others aren't to interested in holidays and take the money instead, I think so far this year they have had 3 days off. The company sets holidays at the start of the year but then cancels them at the last min saying they are to busy, for example next we are supposed to be off 2 weeks next week for summer hols, that was cut to 1 week and just today cut to 2 days, to busy was the answer, the same happened at Christmas apparently even though I wasn't there. As I say the others aren't worried, I'm very much in the work to live camp not the other but speak up and I'll be up the road. The others tell me its been a few years since they've even had a full week off
  9. Holiday year starts in April. 28 days over a year. Apparently I have accrued 7, 3 used for Easter. Leaves 4. Would this be right?
  10. Ok I got a new job, handed in my weeks notice as required by my contract, I am paid weekly so obviously should get me week in hand, problem is our summer holidays are coming up in 3 weeks, So I should be entitled to holiday pay for these 2 weeks even though I've left, whats made me worried is I started in May 2010, In July 2010 we had 2 weeks holidays, I got full holiday pay even though I there long enough to be entitled to it. I know in my wifes firm if someone starts say on Monday, and the firm closes down for holidays on Friday that person would get full holiday pay even though they've only been there a few days, it would be taken of the final wage packet when that person leaves. On my wage slips if I have holidays its put down as "Advanced Pay" which makes me think this is what my employer is going to do to me. What exactly should I be entitled to when I leave? Been searching the house for my contract but can't find it, I recall it saying something about holidays being accrued over 12 months
  11. Thought I would update this as a few things have happened. One guy who refused to do the overtime did indeed get a written warning, I again couldn't do 1 particular night this week, I got asked at 4.15pm, we finish at 5pm which in itself is to late to be asking, but got called into the office by the HR guy who asked why, I explained about my kids etc and the guy himself was understanding however I get the impression management wanted him to also take things further with me but as the guy himself said "There is nothing I can do if you have dependants" the following day the boss himself was doing a lot of nit picking and throwing dirty looks etc, I never thought anything of it however a colleague also noticed and commented "He'll pick on you now as you didn't do the overtime" and that's exactly what he appears to be doing, the old bullying trick. I will be there 2 years now in a couple of weeks, I full expect the old "restructuring card" to come into play any day now, my boss is a fan of this excuse when he want to sack people and I think restructuring covers anything
  12. Yes I have been looking to get a new job since I started working in here almost 2 years ago now with no joy, not to mention the various health issues I have developed since starting this job.
  13. I've posted this on a couple of work related forums, Oh yes they have a long history of this.
  14. No union. We do have a HR guy, but on what grounds to I raise a grievance? My company is good at using the old restructuring line if you rock the boat and you're out the door.
  15. I never done that, but I know others who have and that's exactly what happened.
  16. Do you have a company handbook?, does it have any exception when you wouldn't be required to work overtime. There are no exceptions.
  17. Thanks, I also thought the fact I had dependants to look after would count for something but obviously not.
  18. This morning we got told we have to work tonight, tomorrow night and Thursday night, we already work 42.5 hrs standard, overtime is 2hrs each night which would take us over the 48hrs
  19. The are fully aware my wife works a few nights per week but doesn't matter a damn, If I can't do it I say and offer to do it the next available night which I believe is reasonable. Surly if its a child care concern there must be something I can do? What do they expect me to do with my kids? Bring them with me
  20. Nope, Employees are expected to do a reasonable amount over time when asked.
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