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Everything posted by dj9928

  1. Still haven't acknowledged my claim yet, I will be sending in Baliffs, I'd love to get the time and date they'd arrive. That would be excellent to catch on camera
  2. I used my local branch
  3. Its odd they haven't acknowledged mine, they'll probably do it on the last day and file a defence or something to be akward
  4. Well my account is a closed account so that probably explains it then, I got all the liturature from the court so I presume Alliance and leicester have also and are just playing silly beggars at the min
  5. No ive got nothing, as I say they haven't even acknowledged the claim yet.
  6. I filed my claim and court papers where sent out 5th April, A+L are either ignoring them or they haven't received them. What happens next? Are A+L Known to be this akward? I mean I had quite a task getting my statements 45 days I bloody waited on them, I have to say they where super quick in replying to me when I asked for my money back twice with the usual terms and conditions crap.
  7. I got my statements sent a letter asking for my money back, they declinded. I sent another threatening court, they declinded again and sent the terms and conditions rubbish. I phoned and spoke to a manager who again declinded. So I started a court claim on 6th April for £997 + £200 odd interest, whats likely to happen next and on what sort of time scale are we talking? Also can I get a default removed that they gave me? Many thanks
  8. i took out a HP Loan from black horse on the 25 march 05 for £429, I have got a letter at least every other month saying collection charge £30 as I am having trouble making the payments. Sent of for the statements and not 1 charge have they put on it, yet my balance after 2 years is £356 Work that one out.. And at the botthom it says charges £0.00 Of course tried to ring them but cant get through. Any ideas?
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