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Everything posted by dj9928

  1. I spoke to Vodafone who have gave me to evening of 22nd to make up my mind, I explained the situation and they were not impressed by the way Orange is handling this, the fact that the Special Delivery signature doesn't seem to count for anything with Orange. So I am giving Orange to Monday then I have a couple of options I think, I report the phone stolen, or I take it to a consumer program on local radio, they are good at sorting these things out.
  2. No, they won't give me it until the get the phone which they have lost, well they will give me it now but the deals of then and I will have to pay them for the remainder of my contract. So I have to wait 10 days to see if the phone turns up, if it doesn't then they have make an enquiry etc
  3. I was 9 months into a contract and they decided to kill my local transmitter, so they let me out of contract early, I had to send the phone back. So sent it back and ordered another contract phone with Vodafone, the Vodafone mobile arrived next day, The Orange mobile arrived next day Special delivery however it can't be found so contract can't be cancelled until its found which can take up to 10 days, which started of as 5, progressed to 7 and is now at 10 days. It was signed for but was never scanned in apparently, In the mean time peace of mind will be up on the Vodafone contract on Friday, so the entire thing is a mess. Any ideas on what to do?
  4. Due to Orange/T-Mobile turning of my local transmitter and leaving me with no signal they said I could get out of my contract early but I would have to return the handset, I asked for my PAC, they said I would have to return the handset first, so sent it and Special Delivery and they received it on Thursday last week, I have been phoning since looking my pac and they say although they have received it the phone has not been scanned and that can take up to 7 working days, I said by law when a PAC is requested it has to be given within 48hrs regardless of handset returns or whatever else, they said one of the conditions of closing this account was the handset had to be sent back,scanned contract terminated then we issue a PAC. So I am left in limbo at the moment, Are they telling the truth?
  5. I would just like stated that I have approached line managers and the boss on several occasions aswell as getting my Doctor to write a letter but none of this has helped infact its been ignored, ACAS told me to point out the disability discrimination act also.
  6. I can't figure out what to write, you may have seen my post on here about having asthma and a heart complaint and my boss not listening, I phoned ACAS but I am none the wiser really. Any advice appreciated.
  7. One thing I've come to notice is while there are various employment laws if an employer doesn't follow them there isn't really much you can do. This is the same firm who sacked someone on maternity leave, who bullied someone out of there job, and while I think these people pursued the matter we never heard of any outcome so can only assume they gave up, I can put in my grievance and I will do but after reading similar stories on here and elsewhere it doesn't seem to get you anywhere.
  8. All I can do is slow down but its hard on a production line as you hold it up and to be honest whether the job is done right or not is the last thing on your mind you simply couldn't care less
  9. Well I have my inhaler but that's next to useless, even if you go outside for a few mins you have someone out looking to see why you not working. Management etc really don't care less its all about the £££ but then I would say most employers are probably the same. Its the fact they continually put me through this when they have so many other options to choose from and it just boils down to the fact my tongue just isn't as brown as the rest and is it any wonder after the way they treat me, I want nothing to do with them let alone make idle small talk.
  10. No I haven't, my Doctor has, I have verbally told all concerned but after getting no where I got my Doctor to put it in writing
  11. Hi all, right I've phoned around and most don't seem to cover this type of thing, if fact alot seem to have very basic legal cover, so going to have to post an thread in the insurance forum to find out more. But anyway back to the issue in hand, what exactly do I do the next time this happens as it is due to happen fairly soon, Do I just say NO without explaining myself again as I am fed up explaining and just let whatever happens happens, If I get sent home surly I have a case against them?
  12. Ah so that was what that was for on my Home Insurance policy, Its up for renewal this month so might add that on
  13. Right well an update on the situation, I handed in my note from the Doctor to the boss, He was very sympathetic and said I didn't need to go to the extremes of getting a Doctors letter. But anyway that served me good for 2 weeks until I was moved again on Friday by one of the other directors all be it only for a couple of hours, The amount of fuss I have kicked up over the years over this issue, there are 7 others of us to choose from, I have so much work on I am doing overtime, yet they seem fit to move me. I just can't understand it at all, there are people walking around doing nothing, yet they move the busiest guy. So its obvious the letter hasn't worked although I was only moved for a few hours so I won't do anything at the moment but that was just testing the water I think, but what seems to have happened is the directors are just passing the buck, the 2 of them who are over me while they say they are sympathetic have just passed the buck to the 2 directors of the other department even though they really are nothing to do with me,
  14. It amazes me the amount of people with the "Pull yourself together attitude" All my family and friends are basically saying the same thing "You'll end up getting sacked" and that your job should be valued, and while I agree in todays economy jobs are hard come by but I am not prepared to be treated like $hit, Let them sack me, I'll fight it as far as I can. Am I wrong for having this attitude? Everyone is making me feel like I am
  15. Thank you all for the wonderful advice. Very informative. I went to the doctor and explained the situation, it went very well and he was very sympathetic, he wrote me a very well worded letter so I will drop that tomorrow and see how that goes. To be honest I am not holding out much luck, If they would just pay me my redundancy and let me go I would go, but if they drag there heals I am prepared for a fight, surly it can't be any worse than my trip to the small claims court a few years back when claiming unlawful bank charges.
  16. Thanks for all the replies, Sadly I work in one of those cr*ppy places with no unions, contracts are verbal etc, your just a number and no one really gives a $hit. So I have an appointment with my doctor on Monday, I really don't know how to put all this, Its not cool for men to admit this type of thing, we are just supposed to get on with it. I've had the conditions since my teens (30 now) it was never an issue until I started being forced to go to this other department. I think my employer thinks I am just looking out of the work and to be frank it is a bit grim but if there was air conditioning I'd have no issue, feeling like your suffocating is not a pleasant feeling and to be honest doing the job in hand is the last thing on your mind.
  17. I suffer from asthma and Atrioventricular Nodal Reentry Tachycardia which is fancy name for a heart condition which causes palpitations. I have no issues with my own job, the problems arise when I am sent to cover for other people in other areas of the factory, I can't stand heat it triggers of my asthma and in turn triggers of my heart complaint, we have 2 departments, one makes laminate products and in order to get the laminate onto the products various press machines are use, the heat in winter can hit 25-30'c and in summer over 40'c, windows doors or fans can not be used as it effects the finished product and its this department I have issues with. It really does feel like I am suffocating and about to pass out, other employees do notice and ask me if I am ok so it is being noticed. I have explained the situation to the boss no less than half a dozen times, the response is usually "Ok right we'll not send you up there anymore" then a day or so later I am sent back, or I have got "If you don't like it go home" also in the past so I am really not getting anywhere. We had a round of voluntary redundancies lately, I applied for this reason of being sent up there and it got declined, instead they gave compulsory redundancies to the people that usually do this job meaning I am going to be up there a good portion of the week now. I have no problem with the work, its the heat, its pointless saying again to the boss as I get no where, Could my doctor perhaps do anything? Perhaps just write a note stating my conditions as I really can't stick it, everyone can see I am struggling as does the boss but he simply doesn't care.
  18. Is this fair? Do the other telcos do this? I downgraded my land line tariff and got the following email. Great news, we've made the changes you requested to your Orange home plan and we have renewed your contract for 18 months. You can check out our terms and conditions at http://www.orange.co.uk/terms/internet/homeservices
  19. I'm out, no penalty, no need for my original phone, got my PAC code, I'm gone
  20. My mrs got a call on Thursday from someone in charge, asking if I still had the phone, Well I don't but no one has been able to tell me anything since.
  21. Right well I phoned up, I explained the situation, they saw all the issues with the iphone and asked what I was using now, I told them they said did I get the HTC to replace the iphone I said yes, they said right well they are forwarding it on to the termination department and someone will phone me tomorrow, so I don't know what to make of that?
  22. Well we have somewhat of a result. I emailed the CEO and have just got the following, Thank you for your recent contact regarding the issues you have experienced with your Orange subscription. I have investigated the areas you refer to in your letter and have discovered coverage is quite poor and I can also see there was a note made by an operator stating you were looking at sending the phone back within the seven day cool off period. If you would like to go ahead with this please call me on 08708700862 between 09:30 and 17:30 and I will be happy to discuss this matter. I look forward to hearing from you soon Yours sincerely I don't know what way this will work now as I traded in the iPhone after Apple cocked it up and wouldn't exchange it, I now have a HTC Desire phone which is more expensive than my original iphone
  23. Thanks, thats the email address I was after, as they don't seem to reply to the rest.
  24. Already done the T-Mobile thing, Oddly it was around that time signal died all together, but No T-Mobile or Orange signal
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