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Everything posted by dj9928

  1. Car was an early Audi A3. Around the 2003 mark, it was the rear light on the drivers side, same light as ours.
  2. My mrs backed the car out at the weekend and hit another car at the other side of the street, broke our light and it fell of, cracked the other cars light. The other driver said she would get a price and get back to us so OK we thought. She now phones telling us she has got it fixed and the cost £250, No I got a brand new light for our and fixed it for £30 and our car was in worse shape than there. No what can we do? We are paying she never gave us an options, I am unemployed and wife works part time. She can't just demand £250 without even asking us before hand, where do we stand? Our insurance company may cover it they say due to 3rd party or something and have asked for the invoice of the repair but because she jumped the gun with asking anything they may not cover it.
  3. I was made redundant in January and as such am only getting £67 pw JSA, CCCS drew me up a financial statement which show I can only afford £1 per month but still these guys phone every day, and you have to go over the entire thing again explaining all, they claim they never receive your financial statement when it was sent recorded delivery, and they are just adding charges on left right and centre. What can I do?
  4. I was made redundant in January and my partner works part time, we get JSA and HB, We had/have and account with Santander and a credit card, because I got made redundant we signed up to CCCS, we had got all the paper work in and just last week CCCS started sending letters to creditors. This morning my JSA went in and partner pay, Santander removed the over draft as soon as it went in leaving us with nothing How can they do this? We now have no money at all, zero. Our only option is to spend on a credit card throwing us of the DMP with CCCS. What do we do?
  5. Yes neither do I, You can do it online, at the moment I put the old company, the administrator but do I also put the new company?
  6. My 3 month window in which I can take my ex employer to a tribunal is almost up and no redundancy payment has come through yet, The administrator tells me it should of been paid by now and the redundancy payment service say they are investigating the redundancy payments as they think a transfer has been done meaning sham redundancies. So who do I sue saying the old company is now insolvent? Or how do I go about this? Any help greatly appreciated.
  7. Would such a thing bugger up redundancy payments from the redundancy payment service do you know?
  8. Very good explanation, so at that rate a company could just keep switching back and forth when need be, if things get bad just fold and start up again.
  9. Going by what I can find on line the Holdings company was set up in November 2010, You got certificate of incorporation etc, about that time the company entered an IVA however the directors and secretary weren't added until the 16th December 2011 the last working day of the old company / trading company. We got made redundant on 4th Jan, new company incorporated on 10th with a former worker as the director but I bet these other guys get added to the director list shortly.
  10. After a bit of digging it seems a holdings company is set up to hold assets of a trading business, so if the trading part goes but they dont lose assets, hence why all switched over on the 16th. Pretty smart thinking really. I wonder would this effect the redundancy people paying me?
  11. My last working day was Friday 16th December 2011, The day I returned to work after the Christmas holidays 4th January the company was made insolvent and we got made redundant. Looking at the site CDREX.COM on the 16th December all the directors got appointed to this new holdings company. I have to wonder did something funny go on? I remember very well the last day of work, there was a funny rush/panic that went on to get stock/orders etc out the door. Then on the 10th January a new company was set up, employees all rehired well bar me, same customers etc, the only thing different is a new company name and a new director, the former directors have not been appointed yet but I imagine its only a matter of time. At the moment the redundancy payments service has decided to investigate this so there is a delay on my redundancy payment, does this all sound suspicious?
  12. http://forums.moneysavingexpert.com/showthread.php?p=51465591#post51465591
  13. Right ok, seems the 2 boards have very different approaches, I like this approach better.
  14. Thanks, Posted this over on Moneysavingexpert as well and got the opposite advice, Give it to creditors and sod everything else. So confused now.
  15. But as far as I know same with bankruptcy they look back so far, so if they see me having had this money I won't be able to get either, £3K is nothing really but it would be me on the road. In a few weeks I also won't get JSA as my partner works part time, I'll be signing for NI credits only on income based JSA.
  16. There is to many to list really, 15 approx mostly credit cards and personal loans, owing over £10k, bankruptcy puts me of as its in the local paper. It will fook it up if I spend this £3k on learning to drive same with the DRO but then I have no options in getting work, 1 application every 2 months, the last one had 800 applications, I feel stuck.
  17. Yep CCCS say I meet all the criteria, the £3k will still fook up bankruptcy apparently. I have no prospect of find work where I am at, in the sticks, nearest town 10 miles away with no work.
  18. The plan was with CCCS was to offer creditors a token payment now until my redundancy payment comes through and then take out a DRO, I was going to use my redundancy money about £3k to learn to drive as I can't get a job locally at all but apparently if I do this I will rule myself out of a DRO. What do I do? CCCS say I will have to split my money among my creditors, my £3k among 13 creditors owing approx £10K will be like pi$$ing in the wind and i'll still have no job.
  19. She has done wrong, it used to be immediate family, now its household, been searching online and the general theme seems to be she going. I do think they were over the top though marching her out and banning her, She's not a shop lifter. Its sad though, she's been there 17 years,longest serving member of staff, never as much as a warning, She got a new boss 6 months ago, they don't get on, I think the boss has found her chance and jumped on it, she know the rest of the staff do it as well.
  20. My wife is a checkout operator for a major supermarket chain, With her job she gets a 10% discount card, She got suspended today because her card was either used 8 times in 1 week or by 8 different people in 1 week, The card is supposed to be used by immediate family, her mother has the card number and last week she gave it to her sister to do her Xmas shop but other than that no one else used the card, but they suspended her anyway, she is the longest serving member of staff, she has worked for them since 1995, no warning or anything suspended pending an investigation. They walked her out of the shop and she is not allowed back in, they have made her feel like a criminal, she's been crying all evening at this. Where exactly do we stand here or what can we do? I should add my wife and her mother have been using the card week in week out ever since she started working there,
  21. Well bit of an update, A week after posting I phoned up to complain, I was put on hold forever and someone finally came back and cancelled my account, They are posting me out a PAC code, I asked can you not give it to me over the phone they said no.
  22. Orange PCS Limited Banbury Logistics Centre Appletree Road Banbury OX17 1LL
  23. I should add I emailed the CEO regarding this and got this reply. Dear Sir, We appreciate the time you have taken to write to us, however in order to resolve any issues you have, you would be required to contact our customer service team. Our customer service team is equipped to deal with all issues relating to Orange Products and Services. Should you be unhappy with the response you have the right to make a request for your complaint to be escalated to a Team Manager and then if still unresolved to the relevant Operations Manager, in the unlikely event that your issue remains unresolved the Operations Manager will contact the Executive Office for further advice or alternatively they will escalate the issue on your behalf. For details of our complaints procedure please see the Orange Code of Practice for Consumer Affairs, a copy of which can be found online using the following link. Basically a bugger of email
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