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Everything posted by Sol

  1. As far as I'm aware, council tax does not fall under the 6 year rule and will be chased for indefinitely, the student loan however, does. I'm not certain if you can get it back once it's been paid. Someone will advise soon
  2. Sol

    Bank charge petition

    You could petition on the Number 10 website, but I'm sure there's already been a few very large ones which have STILL not been answered by the PM!
  3. If you're watching catch-up from the internet, then you would not need a TV licence. It is only if you're watching, or have the equipment to watch live TV.
  4. If you're applying for 08/09, you're application will not be seen as a priority as 09/10 applications are now being processed and there's thousands more to be dealt with.
  5. I've just realised who the presenter is of this show and I'm happy it's her. She's very straight to the point and she can be quite intimidating.......all good!
  6. Dispataches is investigating debt collection practices on Monday on Ch4. An undercover reporter goes into a couple of companies to see, first hand, what they do.
  7. Lol I never thought of asking them that! They did give up quite easily, perhaps the DCAs are a bit cautious just now with the Dispatches programme on Monday?
  8. We had a doorstep call from SP yesterday afternoon as well in Glasgow. The man just said 'you left SP a while ago, is there any reason?' We just said we'd found a cheaper deal and he didn't try any further
  9. Oh I can't wait for this. I've not had any experience with Marlin, but I hope 1st Credit get a right good lashing from the programme.
  10. Looks like my situation is exactly as yours. Nothing from Welcome about passing this on to their sister company. I have also had the 'preparing court papers' crap. I've got their email addy, thanks. I've had a few replies with the usual 'you owe WFS this money. I've had a successful PPI claim, believe it or not, and Cohen's are not taking this off the total. Doesn't phase me though.
  11. Been away for a while and things seem to be moving forward again. Dipply, I'm having problems with Cohen as well. Am I right in thinking that in order for Welcome to pass my account to Lewis, they need to send me a Notice of Assignment?
  12. Nice to see the banks doing what they do well - lie their way through anything! I have lost all respect for them and I doubt I will ever have any again after all this crap.
  13. I phoned Compliance today as they 'lost' the letter, but it was signed for. They've asked me to re-send the info, but I'm not, it's their problem to solve now. I have to laugh at them 'being concerned as they sort all mail effectively'; obviously not. Their number is 0115 9849200
  14. Have you proof of postage? You're right though; she is talking crap. I would phone Compliance and make ask them what's happened to the letters you've sent in. There seems to be a pattern here - letters going missing.
  15. Yep you sound as though you're having the same difficulty. After a couple of months of nothing, they're now throwing everything possible at the one time, so I need to decide what to do next. The FOS have told me to resume payments until they make a final decision
  16. Just off the phone to Welcome and had a heated converation with several people. It turns out they don't have a copy of my most recent letter, even though they signed for it! I'm more angry now than before I phoned them. FOS tomorrow with a new complaint.
  17. That's great news, Post! Hopefully someone from the FOS will be able to clarify this once and for all. I phoned the FOS yesterday and was told that as my case has been moved to another department, I could be waiting another 2/3 months before someone looks into it. I was told to start making payments to Welcome in the meantime until the case is finished, so I'm obviously not very happy.
  18. Yes I agree and that's the stance I've had since I made my initial complaint in January. However, I know from the experience I've had to date of the type of response you're likely to receive from them regarding this.
  19. Hi, my complaint is with regards to the Acceptance Fee accruing interest and whether or not it voids the agreement. I've also made a claim for PPI.
  20. Be prepared for being spoken to like an idiot; you'll only get them highlighting the paragraph on your agreement stating they can add interest to the Acceptance Fee.
  21. Just to confirm, is it the OFT and TS I complain to about forwarding a disputed account to a DCA?
  22. 1 can only hope that that happens, Post!
  23. That would be good news if this is true! My complaint with the FOS has been escalated, I wonder if it's due to the complexity of this issue.
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