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Everything posted by torigirl_uk

  1. I have just spoken to a Paul - really nice chap, here's his number see if he can help or at least pass you to whoever is dealing with your claim. 0207 1165634 - good luck
  2. Right Guys, managed to finally get through to paul he said that Accounts are really snowed under and could take a while getting my statements from them and working out what they owe me so he said am I able to fax them to him, which I have just done so hopefully I'll get a settlement soon/soonish. I did say I was on holiday from next week so I would not be able to sign anything if need be and he said I would so lets see what happens now! I AM SOOOOOO EXCITED PLEASE LET ME GET MY MONEY, IS THIS REAL COULD THIS BE REALLY HAPPENING????????????????? EVERYONE FINGERS CROSSED (NOT USUALLY BOSSY, BUT NEEDS MUST!) SHOW ME THE MONEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. Right lets just leave the court details just for the moment. Here is someeone at the litigation departments details; Krysta Campbell Barclays Litigation and Disputes 1 Churchill Place LONDON E14 5HP Tel: 02071164753 She is really nice just ask her who is dealing with your claim and whether you can be transferred to them. And ask them whether they are willing to settle the claim. Worth a try Tori
  4. Soory Loon I started your thread from the beginning and can see that you are claiming for a friend and that you have a telephone hearing in June - it still seems weird that they are telling him to basically sod off, do you know who he spoke to and in which department?
  5. My pleasure! Now you have a date it might even be worth giving Barclays a call I now its quite away away but you never know. You could get your money ealier than anticiapated!!! Now big breath ................... and release, feel better?!
  6. Nice one monkey, look forward to hearing what happens!!!
  7. Hi - its pretty hard to read, but I think I'm right in saying this, but you don't have the authority to demand that the draft of directions be actioned - that is up to the Judge all you are asking is for the Judge to consider the draft and if he decided its a good idea then he will give both you and Barclays 14 days to get the information ready and submit to the court, until then you don't need to do anything, so don't panick!!!!
  8. Okay - from the 11/5 when they acknowledged the claim you need to give them a further 14 days to defend the claim, once they have done that it will take about a week tops to get a letter from the courts showing Barclays defence and whether you will have to fill out an AQ or not, then depending you either fill out the AQ and submitt that and then wait for a court date or if no AQ is being sent just wait for a court date, as soon as you recieve a court date it will give directions about preparing a court bundle with statements etc.... So in a nut shell you need to be a bit patient for now and just wait - there is a lot of waiting around before Barclays pay up, unfortunatley! Tori:)
  9. Hey Peter, I see that you are sending the court a draft of directions, so did I but unfortunatley still not heard anything about a date or the directions, hopefully they will action yours though, its good to show Barclays that we are willing to take the iniative(?) and not just sit back and wait for either them or the courts to do something!!! I'm still trying to get in touch with Paul Quinn but too no avail - yet! Tori:)
  10. Sorry Loon I'm a little confused who phoned Customer Services? And for what? Surely he needed to speak to the Ligiation Department if its about a claim and generally I've heard they are really nice! What happened?
  11. Brilliant!!!! Well done - now you really do have that Silverlining you've been seeking from Barlcays!!!! Enjoy your money Tori:)
  12. Phone barclays and see if they are willing to settle now that you have a court date - I think you may win!!!!!
  13. I'm still trying to get in touch with paul Quinn, but it's still answer machine. Fingers crossed I get my money!!!!!
  14. I'll let her know you won't be buying her a prezzie, due to lack of funds!!! Maybe next year!!!! :D
  15. Saintly - Surely when they PROMISE to send something out to their customers, they do it!!! I think you may get your statements in time for nannys birthday!
  16. Well I spoke to her to start with so I'll kepp trying him for now but if nothing happens by tomorrow I'll get her to get him to call me, but I doubt he'll answer his phone now as its pretty close to 6 - can't say I blame him!!!
  17. I see you're from St Helen's I'm heading that way for me nan's birthday in August, hopefully we'll both have our money by then!!!! Come on the Saints!!!!!
  18. As saintly says, ring em and seeing as your court date is so close do they wanna settle, definatley worth a shot, I haven't even got a date yet and trying!!!! Tori
  19. I'm trying right now but its constant voice mail, probably not wanting to speak to anyone before he leaves work at 6!!!! You Can run but you can't hide!!!!
  20. Hi I gave Krysta a ring and found out that Paul Quinn is the chappy dealing with my claim, has anyone else had dealings with him? Nice??? I was thinking about ringing him to see if they want to settle as I am going away for a few weeks, do you think its worth it?
  21. Bloody Brilliant Caz, I am soooo happy for you and the kids! £4000 what a result, make sure you spend some of that money on you, go shopping, have a hair cut, get your nails done whatever just pamper yourself! PUT YOU FIRST FOR JUST ONCE EVEN FOR 1 HOUR, okay?!!!!
  22. OH HOLY JESUS!!!!!!! That is amazing! When do you go to the travel agents?!!!!
  23. Yeah just prepare the basic bundle and if you go to the FAQ I'm sure the information will be there, but unfortunatley I don't know how to link, but its there and reading the FAQ's whilst you are looking will also help loads! Good luck Tori:)
  24. hey sorry to butt in, but I too am going away late next week for about 3 weeks, so I think I may try to give them a ring, when the boss is away and sneak a phone call!!!
  25. I don't think that you not having it in there is going to be a massive problem, obviously it would be better to have it, but just carry on with your court bundle and send it once done - Barclays won't even prepare a court bundle let alone send one to you and the courts. It might even be worth ringing Barclays near the deadline the bundles have to be submitted and say 'I am now about to send my court bundle to yourselves and the courts before the deadline of ..... and was just ringing to give you a last chance to settle before all the evidence and information I will rely on in court is submitted.' Worth a shot me thinks!!! Tori:)
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