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Everything posted by torigirl_uk

  1. Hey Peter! Well nothing happening as yet, I'm giving it another week and a bit then I'll get on the phone to our buddy Paul Quinn, asking him to settle as I have a court date on the 10th! And whilst I wait I'll just have to starve!!! No chicken nuggets me!!! Tori:)
  2. Holy Jesus Pkea - I bet you needed a drink after that! Well done buddy for taking them on!!! Tori:)
  3. I think that you really need to try and write down on here what you have done as from just reading this thread its hard to see what you have done and how to advise and help
  4. Have you tried ringing Barclays and asking if they want to settle? Generally they do,as the cost for them to have a lawyer attend court is much more than the claim is worth. I think it might be worth PMing a mod or site helper tell them exactly what you did and didn't do the first time and what the Judge said you had to do this time. Also did Barclays submit a court bundle aswell and did you get a copy? Tori:)
  5. Hey Poppy!!! Switzerland is absolutley beautifull, but they're right quite expensive, but worth it just for the views! I think you should say to Matthew that you like the names Gideon or Norman (Naughty Norman Tiger) Brilliant!!!! That will make him sweat!
  6. MEOB is right, if Barclays do notice the mistake then you can just amend the amount, as they settle before court the mistake will not be seen by a Judge, so don't worry about it and if Barclays don't notice then brilliant thats another round paid for by barclays! Tori:)
  7. Oh no you beat me!!!!!!! :D Well done Peter a well deserved win! So no Chicken nuggets from Mackie Ds for a while!!! I'm sooo chuffed for you - you've been a great help and friend through this whole experience, make sure you stick around, you never know I may actually get a win after my name too!!!!
  8. Only if the court ask for it. In my case they didn't but others have had to. Be prepared to pay it, and if you don't have too, then its a bonus!!! But if you do have to pay it then at least you'll get that money back from barclays when they settle!! Tori:)
  9. You'll be fine, just remeber to follow the step by step instructions and stick to your deadlines NOT barclays and you'll get your money back!! I've just got a court date through for the 10th, if I can do it anyone can!!! Also if you do have a question no matter how stupid it sounds just post in on here and everyone will be here to help, better to ask a stupid question than make a stupid mistake;) Good luck with your claim Tori:)
  10. Thanx! Thats brill! I've missed todays post so I'll do it on Monday! Thank you!!!!
  11. Don't get yourself all flustered! The £20 over is not really an issue, if Barclays spot it then you can get deduct it from what you are claiming, they usually settle out of court beforehand so the error won't show up in court, I think in the next week I would start by giving Barclays a ring and see who is dealing with your claim and whether they want to settle:) Tori:)
  12. Well I finally got a letter from the court which says the 10th Aug at 11o'clock which i did know as I rang but its just good getting in writing, so let the wait begin (well carry on)!!!!
  13. Yeah I had a great time on holiday saw lots of differnet places which were all amazing, but my favourite country has to be Switzerland which so beautiful! God, choosing names how exciting, just to put my two pences worth in I quite like William too, but as you quite rightly said your chappy came up with it and as we all know men are never right, so maybe say nah, but right at the birth say alright I'll LET you call him William!!! As you can probably tell my chappy has a very tough time with me!! Hopefully in 12 weeks you'll have your baby and I'll have my money! did you enjoy spending yours?
  14. Hey Poppy! Hows yours going have you won yet? I've finally got a court date for the 10th August so I'm just waiting coz the guy whos dealing with claim is known to drag it out until the bitter end! Hope all is good with you and the baby!! Tori:)
  15. Enjoy your holiday Caz, but you've probably gone now!!!!
  16. Do you think they know that the court is only 10mins away from you coz I think you should try and add travel expences on aswell!!!!! and if you get it then you can take me out for a meal, well maybe it'll only add up to a happy meal, so chicken nuggets it is then!!!!
  17. I think the holiday has made me calm down a bit and I'm not so impatient and plus the longer it takes the more interest I get! Bonus!!!
  18. Thanks Penny, but i have done all that and even faxed my statements over to barclays to get them to settle sooner, but unfortunatly as i have the delight of having paul Quinn dealing with my claim I have to wait!!!
  19. Peter you are well gonna beat me! I have just rang the courts and my date is the 10th August, so wish me a very pleasant long wait!!! God, why do we have to have Paul! Tori:)
  20. Hey mad! I've got paul Quinn and I hear that he strings you along right until the last moment, so that'll be me!!! So pleased you won, have you brought yourself anything yet? Tori:)
  21. I'm Back!!!!!! I had a lovely time and the in-laws weren't as bad as I thought, but if craig thinks I'm moving to NZ to live near them he can think again!!! I'v not heard anything from either Barclays or the courts, so I think I'll have to give the courts a ring when I get the chance! Hope everyone has had success with their claims and Peter have you beat me?! Oh, PKea I got an assessment day for the Police in September so I'm gonna do one of those courses beforehand, thank you so much for you r help! Tori:)
  22. I would just get 1 bundle ready and if it gets that far all you have to do is photocopy! Just saves a lot of panick nearer the time, you more than likely won't need it, but no harm in having it there just in case! Good luck:) Tori
  23. Me tooo!!!! Its cool thats money for me when I get back! Oh well its pretty much too late for me to do anymore I think I have done all I can, so I'll just wait now until I get back. I hope you get your money back soon and I'll put a big Congrats on your thread when I get back!!!!
  24. Ok I just rang the courts and they said my paperwork is upstairs (whatever that means!), but I will need to write to them informing them of my holiday dates, as I could get a date in a few weeks! Si I have just sent a lettter to them, so hopefully I could get this all sorted when I get back!!!
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