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Everything posted by torigirl_uk

  1. Please go Linda! Its scary I know - when my date loomed I was like OH MY GOD, but mine was stayed and now I have nothing to do but wait out this Test case, you have the opportunity to get YOUR money NOW not later! It'll be easier than you think, these sort of things always are. Take care Tori
  2. Hey Well I spoke to Norwich County court and they said that there is nothing that can be done until the test case has been resolved as they are staying all claims, if i wanted to do anything then I would need to seek legal advise - I can't afford that so I am completely stuck until who knows when! This is sooooo annoying!! So basically I have now nowhere to go! from an unhappy Tori!
  3. Kiss Kiss darling! Nice to see you're still around helping us damsels in distress!
  4. Ok the stay was granted, so I'll get onto the court this afternoon and then get back to you guys tomorrow
  5. I now know what I did! I sent the letter for people if the the banks argue for a stay but one has not yet been awarded I should of done the n244. What does that mean for me and what should I do now?! Bugger
  6. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/bank-templates-library/17065-application-removal-stay-updated.html#post1046820 Found it! Here's the thing I did
  7. Hey Johnny Whats an N244? I sent a letter which someone (can't think who) posted on my thread which said things about my human rights and stuff. Should I have done something else? And if so is it now too late to do anything my court date was for the 10th August, so I'm way past that date! Oh God! Tori:)
  8. Still Here! Well I sent a letter to the courts staying that the stay would impinge (is that a word/spelt correctly?) my human rights if i had to wait until the OFT case is resovled. I sent it around the 7th/8th August and have still not heard anything from them, is there something I can do another letter or do you think a phone call to the courts to find out whats going worth while. I refuse to be kept waiting like this - its not fair - this has been going on since January and I think 9 months is more than ample time to sort out my request! Tori:) I am in a good mood honest!!!
  9. Norwich County Court have 'stayed' my claim which was supposed to have been on the 10th August Tori:)
  10. I pray that its her that represents Barclays if my claim goes to court - it would be great to see her in action!!! :D
  11. Brilliant! I can't believe Barclays lady said that to the Judge!!
  12. Well I got a letter from Barclays yesterday, about them getting their cases stayed and that they have the support of the FSA and they mention the financial Obudsman (i think, obviously this is not in there exact words but pretty much what they said!) I just want to punch them right in the face!!! Not that I am at aggressive and condone violence:D Tori:)
  13. Thanks for the support Penny! Just gotta keep fingers crossed that the Judge thinks that what I'm asking for is fair! Tori:)
  14. Thanks johnnymitch! I know I hadn't given a lot of time - I really just wondered if i would hear from them, so you answered that one for me! I've already sent the application and didn't know about adding that list, from what you posted it looks positive, so I hope I get something from them soon!!! Tori:)
  15. Well I sent that refusal of stay thing last week and I've not heard anything from the court yet, the court date was supposed to be Friday just gone, do we think in all honesty I will get anything from the court, because to be honest I know I was nervous about going to court, but I am not at all happy about dragging this thing on for possibly 2yrs!!! Is there any more I can do, or is it completely out of my hands? Tori:)
  16. Things are good for me, coz i work for a Summer camp provider at the Head office it is a really busy time of year for me, but it's starting to settle back down (only 2 weeks to go) I past my driving test about 3-4 weeks ago, so pretty chuffed about that (better late than never)!!! Nothing too exciting, but the way I like it! Hows things with you? Are you still living this wayor have you moved again - I think I remember you saying you had moved ages ago, but correct me if I'm wrong! Which obviously being a woman I never am!!! Tori:)
  17. No I didn't. I phoned Paul saying i was going away and if he wouldn't beable to speak to me about settlement for about 4 weeks so he said fax me your statements and I'll try and get payment to you, but as we know now Paul is pretty bad at getting back to people and coughing up the dough. I wish I did have an email off Dino, but no such luck!
  18. Ok so the letter is now on its merry way to the Court Manager, so what can I expect to happen now? Will I just get a letter saying sorry you're not happy but there's nothing we can do (its what I call 'doing a Barclays'!!!) or will something actually happen and they give me another court date in a reasonable amount of time and actually stick to it!!! Tori xxx
  19. Thank you soooo much for your help!!!
  20. Well I arrive home on Friday and theres a letter waiting for me from the courts saying my case has been 'stayed' so a letter about my human rights and how unfair it is to keep me waiting will be sent out 1st class today to get in for the 7 day deadline!!! Tori:)
  21. Thanks Guys! Not been sunning myself, just mega busy at work and not been able to get on the internet. I still can't believe that this is still going, I honestly thought it would be well over by now! Do you think it might be worth ringing Norwich court and asking them are they staying my case or do I still have to attend? Tori:) Peter, I was prepared to go half on the nuggets, but it looks like you have to pay for them!!!
  22. So Saintly, even though its only prelim i should still take that link you put on here! Even though I know I'll my money now the date is round the corner I'm getting pretty nervous about actually coming face to face with one of their lawyers and also the judge - I'm not at all legal minded. Not looking forward to this is an understatement! Does anyone else have a court date at Norwich on the 10th Aug at 11am? Please!!!
  23. Hey Guys! Well my court date is next Friday (its only a prelim, obviously Barclays don't know that, well they may do if they've looked at it properly!) Not really sure what I should be doing. I phoned Barclays and they said that they are trying to do a nationwide stay on all their claims, but I may miss that as its next week and they will send someone to get a stay. But as mine is only a prelim what should I do? Tori
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