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Everything posted by torigirl_uk

  1. Are you gonna go on Dragons Den I hear they are looking for people to go on?!!! And Peter Jones is mega fit, with plenty of money!!!! Always a bonus!!!!
  2. Poppy I love you!!!! and you'll be the best mum in the world!!! This is turning into a ego boosting therapy session anyone else care to join, there free!!!!:grin:
  3. From what I see on your posts you are far from being thick!! The complete opposite in fact!!! If its something you want to do, why not try? If it doesn't work out, at least you tried! But if it does it'll be the best thing you'll ever do!!! Think hard about it before just pushing it aside! Get some help with kids and stuff, if I lived near you I would be happy to help!!!!
  4. Me too - I've been waiting for nearly a year now!!!!
  5. Amanda, you really need to read the FAQ's as this is really at the beginning of your claim. You have two options to file with the courts you can do it through MCOL or go to the court and get an N1 form, but please before you do anything READ the FAQ's that is sooooo important and will also help you fill out your claim with the courts! Tori:)
  6. Well deserved I'm sure!!!! Well done Caz - You're an amazing person!
  7. Not really, but to be honest I would do anything to get in, even paperwork!!! Maybe they'll get desperate and let me in!
  8. I am playing hard - its my money and I want it, my patience is running pretty low now, I'm normally very patient, I'm trying to get into the Police and thats a never ending process, but Barclays are really testing me!!!!
  9. Hey Right now I'm above you in the list so when I post this I'll be below you!!!! Hope that helps you to find my thread!!!!:grin:
  10. Hi Caz thanks for helping, I haven't heard anything, so I have just emailed Paul literally saying, I faxed my statements to you yesterday and just checking to see if you have received them, and I am away on holiday for a month as of Wednesday next week so not contactable in that time. Hopefully that will give him a little push!
  11. Just putting my thread to the top so Bankschargedme can find me!!!!
  12. Ok, cool I'll remember that, I've been pretty good and only got £60, so I'll get flirty on the phone to Paul Quinn! From A Very Professional Tori:rolleyes:
  13. Oooppps sorry I didn't read properly and went off on one...... Hippo's right ignore me!!!
  14. I think you should send a rejection letter saying you will accept the payment as PARTIAL payment and will still seek the remaining amount oweing through the courts, generally though barclays do retract the offer completely so I would put the money back into your account if you have moved it! The letter you need is in the Library, sorry I don't know how to link! tori:)
  15. Well your LBA is informing them that you are about to file with the courts, thats all you need, as with regard yto calling them I really wouldn't bother as they may just bambozzle you and twist everything, but like PPMAN says if you do get a name. Tori
  16. So glad I'm not the only one!!! I felt like a right pillock, I mean I called him!!:grin:
  17. What Dar3n was saying is absolutly correct! This is standard Barclays delay tactics! I think nearly everyone on this forum has had one - I certainly have, but you just need to ignore it, and once YOUR 14 day deadline has lapsed go on to the next stage. This is YOUR claim not theres!!!
  18. Thanks Poppy - They really are a nice bunch there, I was pretty nervous about phoning and when I did phone him I didn't expect to get through and had a mouth full of double decker and he picked up!!!! Which made us laugh.
  19. Nice one Lively! I faxed paul my statements over yesterday, hopefully we'll get a result, please let me know how you get on! It'll be interesting to see! Again sorry for Hijack;) Tori
  20. CONGRATS PAUL Enjoy your money and drinks on you?!!
  21. Thank you sooooo much for the support! Lets see if I hear off Paul today, I will follow up with an email to him today just to give him a little push in the right direction!!! And also to remind him I won't be here after Wednesday next week! I can't tell you how excited I was yesterday - finally getting through and feeling like some thing was finally being done, I do know I'm being a bit premature, but I can't help it!!!!!!!!!!!! I'll keep you all posted and you'll be the 1st to know if and when I hear anything. Tori:)
  22. I just thought that on the fax I didn't say I was going away on holiday even though I did tell him that on the phone, which he may forget, do you think it might be worth following it up with an email and if so does, anyone have his email address?
  23. Thanks Fight4yourRight, I don't think I would of called this early without you saying, so thank you soooo much, lets hope they do something about our claims now and settle!!!
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