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Found 21 results

  1. Hi CAGGERS, please could someone give some advice for a friend (really!). He was travelling from Clapton to Liverpool Street. Used his contactless card to tap in, which worked (this was later verified with his bank; the amount was allocated/ringfenced). Tried to tap out at Liverpool Street, and his card wouldn't work. It isn't in pristine condition, is a bit scratched, but generally works, worked on the tap in, worked on a bus afterwards. He tried every single exit point in that array (?) of platforms 1-8, but none would register his card. The staff told him he would have to pay a penalty fare. They would not accept payment for the £2.30 fare. My friend became indignant, not aggressive, and argued the point; he showed them the cash in his wallet (not in a "look at me I'm rich" way, he's a working class lad) and asked if they really thought he would try to bunk a £2.30 fare. They asked him to pay the penalty fare, he refused and said he would contest it. He was sent a demand for payment, with a fee, which went into his "spam" folder; he replied with the circumstances and the information from his bank, which supported his story. A paper letter (the first) has arrived by post today, dated a week ago, and they are now demanding £135. An observation: Since the East London Lines to Chingford and others have come under London Overground, they have become extremely aggressive with penalty fares; it was possible, before, to pay the fare retrospectively if you genuinely hadn't tried to evade. I was given a penalty fare when I tapped in but didn't notice that it bleeped twice (I only had 1.70 on my oyster), not only that but the officer was very aggressive with me (I'm a woman) and threatened to call the police and have me arrested when I protested, without being rude, insulting etc. They seem to have the bar for the "attitude test" set very low indeed, we are paying customers when it comes to it, and difficulties with payment cards and Oyster cards could be sorted out in a non-punitive way. please could we have some advice on how to appeal the penalty fare and fees? Should he go to court, as he did tap in, and tried to tap out, several times, as witnessed by staff and caught on camera?
  2. Hi, I am currently in dispute with IRCAS regards a penalty notice from South West Trains and I am fighting for information to substantiate my claim. However, in the meantime they and an agent working on behalf of them are insisting I must pay regardless of any dispute or further information being presented. I believe this is wholly unfair and would like advice: I was ticket checked whilst changing trains at Ascot back in February and could not produce my days’ ticket that I had purchased (sadly with cash at office) but simply could not find. I produced the previous few days’ tickets and a plethora of previous tickets which I had on person to show I was a regular commuter and not a common fair dodger, i just couldn’t produce that days’. I was also travelling on a line Ascot – Guildford that is nigh on 100% ticket checked every journey so why as a regular commuter would I try dodge a fair! The agent however insisted on giving me a penalty fare. I offered to pay the original fair since I could understand I could not produce a ticket when asked but he refused it. He never explained the terms & conditions of 21 days to contact IRCAS, in fact I’m damn sure he said I’d receive a letter. However , I some time later read the terms and conditions and noticed it said within 21 days so I wrote off appealing. They wrote back and said it was received after 24 days and therefore appeal was denied. I contested and asked for a photocopy of envelope which they provided but it is inconclusive and I am very upset they are forcing this through on basis of a potentially late post office delivery. I have ALWAYS replied to their letters on time and I have asked for clarification of SWT's own terms & conditions to which the notice was issued: (I found these conditions to ask on another forum) Noteably However, they say contact SWT for that info which I have done and which they do not acknowledge in any replies, simply stating if IRCAS has denied appeal then nothing is to be done. My info request is to clarify the legality of that fine in first place, and I would need such info should I end up going to court. IRCAS meanwhile slapped a £60 admin fee on top (£80 total) which is totally disproportionate since I had already advised in writing I was in dispute and seeking clarification of the terms. So SWT refer me back to IRCAS whom refer me back to SWT for terms. Playing me off. I am not even entirely sure to whom I am supposed to owe money to! Another question I posed in writing to SWT which was completely ignored in written replies. Meanwhile I have no answers and likely to be summoned. How can this arise? Last month I then received a Final Notice letter from Capital resolve seeking payment, so now I am completely baffled whom is handling what and I have still not got answers from my written requests. I immediately wrote back advising I did not recognise the references they gave (it really was vague and bore no relation to previous references) if only to buy me time to get outstanding replies from SWT. They sent a postcard stating home visit in 7 days so I slapped a Permitted persons entry only notice on my gate to stop that as I consider it harassment. I have resorted to writing with full correspondence history to the MD of Customer Services, Tim Shoveller , requesting intervention and information but again I had a simple non informative reply that it is now a legal matter and omitting all information I’d requested. If I had never bought a ticket, not faithfully replied in time I would accept this charge but I am bitterly aggrieved at the sheer bullishness of this and if I was more social media aware I would be damning them from upon high. What can I do when I have already faithfully corresponded in writing to ALL communications from all parties and yet have received nothing back but demands and brick walls? This all boils down to my letter allegedly arriving at IRCAS offices a whole 3 days late! With all circumstances considered I do not believe they could realistically have upheld the fine any other way. SWT did not act in a ‘fair and reasonable’ manner in issuing the penalty notice since I had offered to pay the fare, produced aforementioned plethora of old tickets whilst bearing in mind the line is 100% ticket checked which I would have been well aware of. By time I continue to contest this or write to MP or regulator they will have issued a summons and forcibly bullied the money out of me. It will then be impossible to recoup. If anyone wants to review all correspondence then please do advise I can mail them or attach. Sorry for long post but better all in one than many questions/replies yes? And lastly, thanks in advance!
  3. Thanks in advance for any expert help. I received a letter from a company called IRCAS apparently acting on behalf of London Overground demanding £105 penalty fare that I don't have any clue about. I have contacted them and emailed to IRCAS (Independent Transport Associations Company) as advised by one of the staffs when I rang them. I told them that this must be an act of fraud and informed that I have reported this to action fraud. Then I had a follow-up email from them asking confirmation of my DOB, proof of my signature with copy of my driving license or passport or debit card's reverse side and a brief description of myself about HOW DO I LOOK LIKE! I was going to send a harsh response as I am very angry but thought to get some expert help first on how to deal with this ******? any help/advice is much appreciated. I have copied the response from them: "Thank you for your advice concerning the above referenced Penalty Fare/Unpaid Fare Notice and your kind notification of the use of 'false' details in this instance. This office acts in an administrative capacity for various rail and Transport for London services, and as such, we will produce reminder letters on their behalf where a Penalty Fare/Unpaid Fare Notice balance remains outstanding. Having failed to produce on demand a valid ticket, a notice was issued to a passenger by an Authorised Collector on the date concerned. Unfortunately, it is not law in this country to carry identification. Therefore, Authorised Collectors issuing notices often check an electoral roll system to help establish that correct address details are being collected. However, without identification it is impossible for them to be completely satisfied that the correct name is being taken or indeed, that the person is who they actually claim to be. Therefore, we try to capture as much accurate information about an individual as we can. This enables us to compare it against the information taken at the time of issue but also, importantly, it means that we can help Authorised Collectors to ask the right questions and get the correct information should they stop someone again in the future who gives details that have previously been proven to be false. In order to assist with this please provide the following information: 1. Confirmation of your date of birth. 2. Please provide a copy of a document with your signature on, such as a driving licence, passport or a copy of the reverse of a debit/credit card. 3. Please provide a brief description of yourself, including height, build, hair colour and length, complexion, eye colour, right or left handed and any distinguishing features such as tattoos or piercings. Upon receipt of this information we can update our database accordingly. We thank you in anticipation for providing this information, and therefore, helping us to provide accurate information to the transport providers which, in turn, may help prevent further misuse of personal details. We will hold the above mentioned Penalty Fare/Unpaid Fare Notice for 7 days from the date of this correspondence to await your response."
  4. Hi everyone, this is on behalf of my partner. Got "caught" by an inspector, but is unsure whether the Oyster reader (at the station, or the inspectors) is at fault; also, the inspector failed to issue the penalty notice, we think deliberately - he certainly took his time. Got a £50 demand .. appealed on line but was refused, got a standard reply and a futher £50 demand. Here are the details entered on line .. I have an Oyster card. On this occasion, I was under the impression I had touched in at XXXX. I either touched in at XXXX and it did not register, or I did not touch in (I have forgotten to do this before, so it is possible, but similarly, I have definitely touched in or out sometimes and the machine hasn't registered, in which case Oyster refund me for any overcharge). I was not actually issued with the penalty notice as the officer took too long to complete it, and he knew I was getting off at XXX (XXX to XXXX is a five minute journey). I attempted to hurry the process along, but he refused to look at documentation with my name and address and insisted on a lengthy telephone check. I got off at my stop and he was still writing the notice. I would have no possible motivation for evading the fare that day, as I tried to explain to the officer, who ignored everything I said. 1. My oystercard usage for the day was at £7.30, which means there was only another 40p to go before reaching the "cap" of £7.70. I definitely checked at the Oyster reader at xxxxx that I had sufficient balance for my journey, otherwise I would have topped up there. 2. I was on JURY SERVICE that whole fortnight, which means all my fares were reimbursed by the Juror's Office. Why would I deliberately avoid racking up a 40p charge, which would be paid for by the Crown? I am willing to pay a small charge but not £50.00. If you were to take it further, I can produce the printout of my Oystercard journey history (which shows me taking several journeys that day, to and from xxxxx, where the court is) and put the question to the court, is it logical I would deliberately avoid paying 40p which I was going to get back? .
  5. Hi, I travel from Marks tey to London at least twice a week. 2 weeks ago I bought my return ticket and I believe I stupidly left the tickets in the self service ticket point. I realised as I got off the train and spoke to a member of the greater anglia team to explain my situation. They said they would have to fine me but advised me to pay half the fine of 23.60 as they did I would be able to appeal if I had proof of payment. They also said I could keep the single ticket I buy myself later in the day and include it in my appeal. I followed her instructions, printed my bank statements, kept all receipts and submitted the appeal. It was declined and I find this incredibly unfair, I'm a regular commuter, can prove so as I keep all tickets and can also prove I didn't purposely avoid paying for my train ticket as I have proof I paid at 8.10am before I boarded the train. Greater anglia are not out of pocket and I did not avoiding paying. Is there anything I can do to appeal this further? I didn't have to pay approx £130 for 1 days travel, especially as an incredibly inconvenienced regular commuter.
  6. Hi My son has received a latter today from IRCAS saying he hasn't appealed a train fine from may 28th. Well its news to him, this is the first letter. It says he dodged his fare on this date from Hereford to Manchester. He has never been to Hereford in his life or near there and was in work that day and can prove it. its a 72 quid fine. at first i thought it was a spoof as had never heard of them before but now I think someone must have used his name and address. Do they ask for ID when taking someones name and address? It wasn't him and I am not sure what to do now. Anyone able to help please?
  7. Hi All, Been sometime since last here. Is there anything I can do?. Utterly sick of the aggressive extortion in London by TFL, Highways and Traffic Wardens. My wife was staying at my daughters in Hampstead and travelling to Richmond. On 11 April at Hampstead none of the barriers were working, no staff at the ticket office and no staff available to assist. A couple of stops into her journey a couple of inspectors got on. She handed her Oyster Card to one when asked and he confirmed she had credit but that her journey had not registered. She explained it was due to the barriers not working. What ensued made her feel intimidated, threatened and anxious as the inspector was in her personal space repeatedly asking her to pay a £40 penalty. This continued until she reached Richmond even after passengers had disembarked. Other passengers could see what was happening and came to her assistance but the inspector could barely speak English and became rude and abrupt. She spoke to an employee on the station at Richmond who told her not to worry, appeal and let her through. Having called me at the time I could tell she was upset and anxious and she subsequently mislaid the paperwork. On 22 May she received a reminder for a sum of £110.00 as she had not appealed within 21 days. She wrote explaining the circumstances but they have replied there 'are no mitigating circumstances and the right to appeal has been forfeited' She has been given 14 days to pay. This feels like blatant extortion. The inspector had the wherewithal to check her Oyster Card and address details but not to call Hampstead station to check her story or even debit her Oyster Card for her journey.
  8. Hi all, wonder could I trouble you for some advice please? My son has been fined £80 for travelling from Clapham Common to Highgate without a valid ticket. Not sure how this happened as he has an Oyster card which there's always money on. He muttered something about not having his young person's railcard but that didn't make any difference to the cost of the journey so he didn't have it on him, so he's been fined. I'm working on the assumption that he didn't have a valid ticket for whatever reason. He stupidly forgot to pay the first letter, and a reminder came to my address, which he asked me to open. The 'fine' is now £80 as he didn't pay it. Before this escalates any further I intend to pay it on his behalf (don't worry, I'll get it back from him somehow!). My question is, do I have to pay the full £80 or can I 'just' pay £40? I don't know how much the penalty charge is - is it £40 or £80? thanks for any advice.
  9. so to cut a long story short, i have an annual season ticket, i got a fine on a bus because i had lost my photo card and even after exhausting many avenues to replace it it still took another week before i could get a new one anyway after appealing three times, the last letter i sent them with my case was on the 8th of june, this week i recieved a reply after what i worked out as around 17 weeks, or 129 days, i believe i read somewhere they have to reply within 56 days? they are now stating my final appeal was rejected My letter 8th june: "Dear sirs/Madame Apologies for the slightly late reply, I did not receive your reply until Thursday of this week (6th of june) even though the letter was dated the 25th may Again I enclose a copy of the fine, my season ticket and new photocard, again I would like to express the fact that I went to MANY an effort to have my photocard replaced upon losing my photocard on the weekend of 6th april. A few key points I would like to make on this appeal 1- Rye house ticket office was not open all week which when I arrived in the morning and evening (7.15am and 5.57pm respectively) 2- Stratford station was unable to process my request as they stated they was too busy with customers waiting behind to process a photocard replacement 3- Broxbourne station attempted twice for me, however stated that “the system will not let me in” 4- The bus driver should not have let me on to the bus in the first place, had I known this I would have walked instead I spend over £2500 a year and went to every effort I possibly could to get my photocard replaced and feel I physically could not have done any more short of searching London for my lost photocard, We are often stopped atleast once a week by inspectors on the train and not once have I forgot my photocard in the last 19 months of being a season ticket holder, more often the time inspectors not even checking my card, I would appreciate this time that this is looked at by management, and I would like a manager to call me on my mobile XXXXXXXXX so that I can actually discuss via a telephone conversation the matters of this fine Kind Regards XXXX " Here is their reponse 10th october "The panel decided that passes which need photocards are only valid for travel if they are accoompanied by the relevant photocard, and it is the passengers responsibility to see that they have that photocard with them whenever they use their pass. From the infomation made available to the panel they concluded that you do not do this and your grounds for appeal were not accepted. In coming to this decision the panel accepts that this was not deliberate but Gold cards are not valid without accompanying photocard. A drivers license proves identity, but not entitlement to the discount being enjoyed. you were aware you had lost your photocard and you should have bought tickets for your journey until you were able to replace it. In this instance the panel accepts that you made a mistake and had no intention of deliberately avoiding payment. The panel noted that a penalty fare is appropriate for inadvertent breaches of travel conitions and one was correctly issued in this case. payment is now due such and such...." Thanks for any advice
  10. Hi, I'm looking for some advice. A few months ago I went through Green Park Tube without a valid ticket, I was stopped and explained the situation to a staff member who issues me with a pink slip. There was no mention of a penalty being issued or anything else and he explained to me at the time there would probably be no further action taken against me as I'd never offended before and he was happy I regularly do pay for my travel (I commute to work every day through the underground). Speaking with a ticket inspector on the overground yesterday after purchasing an off peak ticket by mistake, he ran my name and advised me I had a charge in the "prosecution" bracket in relation to this incident. After researching I've came across a company called IRCAS who seem to handle all of TFL's fines etc. I've not been successful in trying to locate a telephone number to call up, I've never received a letter from them and the slip I was handed in the underground had no information about a penalty being applied. I've tried to contact IRCAS through their website and will send a letter on Monday. I'd have happily paid the fine if I was aware of it however... The positions I work in require advanced security checks including enhanced CRB's, CTC's and the like. A prosecution would likely result in me losing my job. All over £3.60. How would be best to approach this?
  11. Hi, I recently travelled from Sunderland to Fratton, forgetting my 16-25 railcard. Was given fines totalling around £200 in 3 separate fines. (slightly over the top). But was told to take my railcard to my local ticket office with the fine and the matter is dealt with. Not a problem. But this has turned out not to be the case. I have had to appeal the fines given. Yet I have received a notice saying the payment is due and no update as to my appeal. Just wondering if I will have to pay or they will see sense..?
  12. Hello! First time poster I have a problem I'm hoping someone might be able to help me with. Thanks in advance for taking the time to read! On Friday I was stopped by a ticket inspector on the London Overground who scanned my Oyster and fined me for not having tapped in. It was my own fault, I'd just come out of a meeting, was in a rush to get home and wasn't thinking so just jumped on the train as it arrived damn. Anyway, I accepted the £40 fine and handed over my card to the inspector who dialled through my details on a mobile phone. I asked him about the phone and he assured me it was a company phone. He was also extremely rude, barely spoke to me and refused to look me in the eye the whole time, even though I was woefully accepting of the whole thing. Not sure if it's of note, but I've lived in London for over five years and have paid heaps on my Oyster during that time! This is also the first time I've forgotten to tap in, typical I should get stopped! Three days later and £52.07 has been taken out of my account by IRCAS. I have the penalty fair docket and it specifically says the amount for my fine is £40.00 and that I paid it on my card there and then. No idea where the extra £12.07 has come from? Looked on FAQ on IRCAS website and it says "If you pay or appeal on time there are no administration charges." Any help on next steps would be very gratefully appreciated. Do I need to appeal to get the £12.07 back or can I appeal for the whole amount as I've been charged incorrectly? Should I try and get my bank (HSBC) to reverse the charge as it's the wrong amount? Thank you
  13. Hi everyone, first time poster - been looking all over for help! In February I was told by a ticket inspector on the bus that I didn't have the correct ID for my oyster card (I have half price travel and had left my photo card at home), and asked for my details saying I would have to pay a penalty. He then phoned whoever it is they phone and gave them my details. He didn't give me anything before I got off at my stop. I was intending to appeal the decision as my photo is on my actual oyster card as well, so it's obviously mine. However, I received nothing in the post and assumed that I hadn't been issued a penalty after all - especially as I had received nothing from the inspector after he made his phone call. Then a month later I got a letter from IRCAS saying that Transport for London had given me a Penalty Fare Notice and that as I had not appealed within 21 days or payed the reduced sum of £40, I have forfeited any right to appeal and have to pay £80. I sent in an appeal anyway, with the picture of my oyster card and my photo card. They predictably wrote and told me I was too late to appeal. I wrote telling them that I didn't receive a PFN from TFL or anything from the inspector. They are telling me that I did. I asked them for proof of posting and they said it's not their responsibility to get it because it was sent from Transport for London. I have contacted TFL and asked for proof of posting -nothing yet. It seems so unfair to have to pay £80 when I would have happily paid £40 had my appeal failed - if I had the chance to appeal! They've said I have to pay by 8th April. Please advise. Thanks!
  14. Hello everyone, I have been fined by TFL (needles to say it was incorrect fine) but I missed the deadline to appeal due to a mix of business responsibilities and personal health issue. Can I still object this fine? I have enough evidence for my appeal and I am positive I will win, but legally do I have the right appeal when I have missed the deadline? Many thanks
  15. Hi all, I have a issue with IRCAS not accepting my appeal. I managed to forget my wallet and ticket (with was valid) one day. When I got to Liverpool St I was duely issued with an unpaid penality fair and told to respond within 21 days. Which I did. I then dropped my orginal ticket in with the ticket office and got my refund. All was well - or so I thought. A month later I get template letter from IRCAS re: I owed them £50 for not appealing. I wote to them and told them I had done so and presumably the letter had gone walkabout in the post (sh*t happens). If they were of mind they could check on a system called TIMS (That my local station told me about - and that they should have access to) that my ticket was refunded with in the time they required and should be able to deduce that I had appealed also. They they replied saying they cannot change their process - etc etc and so I owe them £50. The letters back and fourth continue. I am now cosulting the passenger focus group for advice also. The way I see is that had a valid ticket; I've had it redunded; I've proven this to them - via a print out from their own TISM system that the local ticket office were able to given me. They're now starting to threaten to increase the fine! Anyone any suggestions? Many Thanks Martin
  16. Hi I was asked to produce my ticket whilst just standing and waiting in a tube station. I was a bit surprised as I've never been asked in this sort of scenario before. When I started looking through my bag I couldn't find my ticket. I later found it and appealed with a scan of the ticket. Here is my letter I sent to IRCAS. They have turned down the appeal. Can you offer any advice please. Hello I was waiting with my mother at Shepherds Bush while we were trying to decide whether we would both to go Westfield or she would go alone and I would join her later. We were standing for a few minutes discussing when a member of staff came up to me and asked if I had a ticket. I said I did and started going through my bag to get my ticket. I looked through my bag for a few minutes and then my coat and explained that it was in there somewhere but I was having trouble finding it in amongst all the things that were in my bag. The member of staff did not even give me a few minutes to look through properly but started writing a penalty fare notice. I knew I had it in there unless it had fallen out and so went back to see if I could find it. I later found it at the bottom of my bag as I had not put it back into my usual ticket wallet. By that point, I was in Westfield shopping centre and when I went back, I could not see the member of staff to get the penalty fare notice cancelled. I am therefore appealing my fine and can provide, if required, a scan of my ticket.
  17. 17/09/2012 I traveled on the train from Ipswich to Loughborough via Ely. I had both tickets and my young persons railcard with me. On the Ipswich to Ely leg of the journey I couldn't find my railcard straight away. Explaining that I had no money or cards with money on them the ticket inspector confiscated my tickets and made me sign a penalty fare (from Ipswich to Ely only) for not having a railcard. Cost £11.80 Had he gave me more time I would have located my railcard. (which I found on the 2nd leg of my journey) From Ely to Loughborough the ticket inspectors saw my penalty fare and didn't ask any questions. However when I got to the Loughborough train station they wouldn't let me out. They took my penalty fare notice off me without my consent and photocopied it. I wasn't issued a second penalty fare. When I got home I appealed against the penalty fare, however I was denied. I also received another letter from the IRCAS saying I owed them £40.80 presumably for not having any tickets in Loughborough. I don't think they can charge me for the 2nd leg as I never officially got a penalty fare. And I don't think they can charge me for the 1st leg as I had a valid ticket and a railcard (despite not being able to find it at the time). Should I refuse to pay? What are my chances in court, if it goes that far? Thanks
  18. I took the DLR from Limehouse to Crossharbour. I was going home after gym, it was pretty late and I thought I had dropped my Oyster card at the gym. A long story short I didn't tap in nor buy a ticket. Anyway, I explained this to the ticket inspector and he issues me a penalty fare which is fair enough. When he asked for ID to confirm my address, I showed it to him but explained I hadn't lived at this address for 3 years (I haven't needed a car since I moved to London and haven't changed my address on my license). Like most of these [edit], he basically said it wasn't his problem I need to tell IRCAS about it. After a heated debate, I appealed my ticket. Anyway, I was too concerned telling IRCAS what a [edit] the inspector was and not listening to anything I was saying that i didn't correct the wrong address he had filled in. I hadn't heard anything back from IRCAS but I still tried paying my fine on time - I took a screenshot of the IRCAS site saying I can't pay the fine because it is being appealed. A week later still nothing. A week after that I get a call from my old address saying I've got a letter threatening prosecution. I paid the £40, but I think it's unfair that IRCAS added £30 in admin charges for letters they were sending to this old address and the other £40 I've got to pay because the DLR inspector outright refused to take my correct details. If I was just being a [edit] and decided not to pay them, then fair enough, those charges make sense. However, the details were taken down wrongly in the first place because TFL staff wouldn't take down the correct information. The additional charges are not necessary; it's just some process/policy made to punish people who waste the time of IRCAS etc. which in this case is the inspector, so they should either get rid of the charges or get him to pay it. Am I wrong?
  19. Firstly, Thanks to anyone that takes the time to actually read this and help me So about a month ago I received a fine on the DLR for an invalid ticket. I was travelling from Colchester Town to Devons Road. I got my ticket in the morning from the ticket machines at the station as there was a que at the ticket office and I didn't want to miss my train. I saw on the screen it said 'London zones 1 - 6' and Devons Road being Zone 2, I clicked on that and got a return, it cost me £45. As far as I was concerned this was the correct ticket and I had no reason to believe that this wasn't! 1 stop before Devons Road a ticket inspector came round, I showed my ticket thinking it was valid, well I was then told it wasn't. I explained to the man that I simply followed the instructions on screen and it said zones 1 - 6 so I thought it was right. It turns out the ticket just says 'London Terminals' on the ticket, and doesn't say the zones, despite it saying on the machine the zones! After looking online it turns out if I got it from the ticket office and got the correct ticket my ticket would have cost me £44.90 (10p cheaper). And apparently after looking online 'London Terminals' literally only means to the furthest station in London that my original train calls at, which would be Liverpool St. It does not say this on the ticket machine though! Straight away I appealed this as I don't see it fair that because national rail haven't made it clear on the machines that I should be paying the fine for it when in theory I actually paid too much for my ticket! Why should I pay another £40 on top of this? It should be national rails problem, not mine! Anyway, they declined my appeal & I sent another appeal off to them. HOWEVER, the letter I got from them declining my appeal was dated 26th April 2012 and they said they had to receive my appeal within 14 days or I'd have to pay £80. Well I didn't even receieve their letter until the 4th May 2012 so that was 8 days gone already! I posted my letter back the next day 1st class but received a letter today from them saying i've now got to pay £80! I can't contact IRCAS because their number is just an automated line and even after looking for the number on here it just diverts me to an automated line! I refuse to pay ANY fine for this at all! National Rail should make these things clear on their ticket machines! I'm on JSA so can't afford it, but even if I could I wouldn't be willing to pay this, its just outrageous & disgusting! I had a ticket, and ended up paying more for it! Someone help me!
  20. Hi, I hold a gold card on South West Trains which I currently pay £4,224 a year for. One day around 6 weeks ago I forgot my wallet and didn't realise until I was on the train as there are no barriers at my station and it was around 6.30am (still slightly sleepy). The guard was quite friendly and issued me with a penalty fare but said this would be wiped if i went into the station I kindly thanked the guard and went on with my journey (sleeping). I completely forgot about this until I received a letter stating I owe IRCAS £93, £63 for the journey and £30 in admin fees. What bothers me is I was sent no reminder of this ticket and would have therefore gone into the station or written them a letter to say I had a valid season ticket. It now states I am outside of the appeal time. I just feel I pay a lot of money to South West Trains to be treated like this, Is there anything I can do?
  21. I am currently dealing with IRCAS/IAS, regarding an Unpaid Fare Notice. Anyone who has had dealings with them will be aware that they choose to hide behind a PO Box number, rather than have us know their actual address. Why they choose to be so cowardly, I do not know. Also, sending out mail with a return address in Buckinghamshire is a little suspicious. A little research on the Net reveals that IRCAS and IAS are trading names for Independent Transport Associates Limited or ITAL. Under this name, they have a website that lists their actual address as the following: Unit 2-3, First Floor, Petersfield Office Park Bedford Road Petersfield Hampshire GU32 3QF In my last letter to them, I have sent it to this address, pointing out to them that I am aware of the details, in spite of their cowardliness. Another great resource on the Net is the SayNoTo0870 site, which will provide the actual telephone numbers for ITAL/IRCAS/IAS. Just a search for "IRCAS" will bear fruit. For your information, this is what I put in my last letter to them: Please be aware that this Notice has been addressed to your actual address, and not the PO Box number that you like to hide behind. I will be sharing these details with the many “Consumer Action” forums that are kind enough to devote much time and effort in dealing with troublesome companies such as yourself. This shall also include the disclosure of your various telephone numbers beginning with 01730. Do bear in mind that the information I have obtained about your company is readily available on the Internet. It is not exactly hidden from public view, and will therefore be of great benefit to those who find themselves troubled and/or distressed by your practices. The practice of sending mail to a company's real address, as opposed to their preferred PO Box address is a great way of repaying the fear-factor that these companies tend to dish out. It has certainly helped me in dealing with debt collection agencies, that's for certain! When they know that you know of their true whereabouts, they are not so sure of themselves, and will tend to back off a little sooner!
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