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  1. Thank you for the reply. Also i just noticed my typo, I meant I shouldn't have to pay 130 for one days travel. I will continue to appeal as I think it's unfair, I have considered your first point, and can see your point but surely this is what the independent review team should have considered by my evidence, the fact I have never done it before, and also the proof that I submitted to show I'm a regular commuter that just made a small mistake. I know they wouldn't do this but I'm sure if there is cctv they will see me at self service ticket and run straight to a train and board a train alone, but also in my appeal I have provided proof I'm a regular commuter. I feel that in these circumstances greater anglia would have been more understanding, the person I spoke to certainly made it sound like it was a simple process and I would get my money back. They made no offer fire either of us to contact the station or for me to head back and pick up the tickets.
  2. Hi, I travel from Marks tey to London at least twice a week. 2 weeks ago I bought my return ticket and I believe I stupidly left the tickets in the self service ticket point. I realised as I got off the train and spoke to a member of the greater anglia team to explain my situation. They said they would have to fine me but advised me to pay half the fine of 23.60 as they did I would be able to appeal if I had proof of payment. They also said I could keep the single ticket I buy myself later in the day and include it in my appeal. I followed her instructions, printed my bank statements, kept all receipts and submitted the appeal. It was declined and I find this incredibly unfair, I'm a regular commuter, can prove so as I keep all tickets and can also prove I didn't purposely avoid paying for my train ticket as I have proof I paid at 8.10am before I boarded the train. Greater anglia are not out of pocket and I did not avoiding paying. Is there anything I can do to appeal this further? I didn't have to pay approx £130 for 1 days travel, especially as an incredibly inconvenienced regular commuter.
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