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  1. Hey Guys in a ongoing battle Going back few months now with harlands over the head of cancelled membership of a gym! Last July 6th months pregnant I verbally informed a member of the gym to freeze my account until after the baby was born. My gym membership is a 30 day rolling contract btw. Wasn’t until Feb of this year that I realised that the money was still Coming out of account I rang the gym who told me to put it In an email which I did and sent it off In March still had no response from The gym I went to the bank who claimed back the money under the indemnity scheme. Then the letters started from Harlands, immediately I rang them and explained the situation and forwarded them the email I sent to the gym in February. They were to look into It and get back to me. I got a letter to say that as harlands hasn’t heard from me the amount owed had now risen and was being referred to a debt collection agency. messages started coming to contact this number I rang harlands again and explained again and they told me it was now passed to Crs who I just rang this morning and they were just shouting at me that I should have contacted them as it states in the terms and conditions and I breached these conditions I am liable for all the money and they are starting court proceedings for the 180 I claimed back and 25 for administration fee and I don’t even know what else he as shouting. I thought no this isn’t on this is the gyms fault I just rang them this morning, turns out I spelt the girls name incorrectly that I emailed, but she also said that I should have left a letter to say I wanted to freeZe my account, this wasn’t told to me at the time however they were happy to verbally take my notice. But now start stating I should have done this and that when that day they were fine accepting that I wanted to freeze it was a 30 day Rolling contract , I wasn’t tied into any contract What should I do It’s such a mess and the messages and phone calls are unbearable
  2. Hello all, they have never provided me with full list of loans ( i think I had more than 15 with them) here is their final word... QuickQuid Customer ID: xxxxxxxxxx We are in receipt of your complaint dated 16/08/2017 where you allege that QuickQuid irresponsibly lent to you. Specifically, you mention: • The loans were unaffordable • You were dependent on short term lending I’ve investigated your complaint and would like to bring your attention to the following points: Under the Financial Conduct Authority’s rules, complaints cannot be made where they concern an event that occurred more than six years ago. Of course, we will still investigate your allegations as they pertain to any loans you have received in the last six years. AFFORDABILITY In your complaint you allege that QuickQuid did not perform a credit check or affordability assessment. We have reviewed your file and can confirm that, in line with our internal process, at the time of each application, we conducted our standard credit assessment, which included pulling your credit report. As part of our assessment, we analyse your current financial commitments, insolvency records, delinquency records, County Court judgements, credit enquiries and other credit accounts currently open. Lenders are required to make an assessment that is proportionate to the type and amount of the loan as well as the associated costs and risk to the borrower. It would not be proportionate for a lender which provides small loans, which are unsecured and which do not require a guarantor, to conduct the same assessment as a bank which provides high loan amounts which are secured by your home or vehicle. Your loans were unsecured. We did not provide a guarantor loan where you would have needed to have had someone else share the responsibility of repayment . Your credit report is not the only thing we analyse when we make a lending decision. We also look at the information you provide us in your application, as well as your loan history with us when we decide to approve or decline your loan application. This information is all input into our internal credit model which is run to obtain your credit model score. If your credit model score does not meet the minimum approval threshold score then we will decline your loan application. Looking at your record, I see that your credit model score was never under the minimum approval threshold for any of the loans for which you were approved. For instance, on 07/12/2007 you had a credit model score of -0.0636 on your QuickQuid loan # 20934 when the minimum approval score was 0. Your credit model score is higher the minimum approval score which shows that our affordability assessments properly ran per our internal policy. It is in our mutual interest to have a well-designed affordability model. As a responsible lender, we provide customers such as yourself with access to credit and take upon ourselves the risk of default. While we will not reject a customer simply because there is a late payment on a credit file, we will critically assess the details of your credit file to provide you with a reasonable and affordable loan. The investigation of your complaint also considered all relevant information contained in your application. It was noted your monthly income was stated as £1920 per month. I compared your income to your total monthly repayment for each loan you took with us. From this I can see that the income you made during each payday loan with us was always more than enough to cover the amount you had to repay us for each loan and thus I cannot agree with you that your loans were unaffordable. DEPENDENCY You are claiming that you were dependent on loans. Yet if you were dependent on taking out one loan to repay the other then you would have taken out numerous loans, for equal or increasing loan amounts, and with very little time between paying off one loan and taking out the other. When I reviewed your loan history I see that you never had more than four consecutive loans with less than 15 days between loans. CONCLUSION Therefore it is for the above reasons we cannot agree that QuickQuid irresponsibly lent to you. As this is our Final Response regarding your concerns to the above referenced account, if you are not happy with this outcome I need to ensure that you are aware of the ultimate availability of the Financial Ombudsman Service. You have the right to refer your complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service, free of charge but you must do so within six months of the date of this letter. If you do not refer your complaint in time, the Ombudsman will not have our permission to consider your complaint and so will only be able to do so in very limited circumstances. For example, if the Ombudsman believes that the delay was as a result of exceptional circumstances. I have provided you with a link to the leaflet for your information to assist you if you decide to pursue this further course of action. They can be contacted at: The Financial Ombudsman Service, Exchange Tower, London, E14 9SR. Tel: 0300 123 9123 Email: complaint.info@financial-ombudsman.org.uk Further details are also available on http://www.financial-ombudsman.org.uk FOS consumer leaflet: http://www.financial-ombudsman.org.uk/publications/consumer-leaflet.htm ___________________________________ Lost of stuff that makes no sense to me... any advice? Or is it now time to complaint to financial ombudsman..
  3. Hello all, Thanks to all on CAG as a great result was recently achieved. PAYDAY UK has completed investigation on loand between 1st st February 2008 to 30th April 2009. Result was: Agreed funds lent irresponsibly. Total Redress: £1,710.53 /today received transfer from uncle PAYDAU UK/ Still under investigation: 28 September 2007 to 31 January 2008 as I need to do more home work and provide some details they asked for. Will keep posted on result. BTW My success CAGers is also yours. So donation was made to keep this place runnin till the end of World! and one more day
  4. Final resting place of a Yorkshire born WW2 soldier killed in the 'Bridge too far' Battle of Arnhem is finally marked after almost 73 years READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/final-resting-place-of-a-yorkshire-born-ww2-soldier-killed-in-the-bridge-too-far-battle-of-arnhem-is-finally-marked-after-almost-73-years
  5. World War 1 soldier who was killed in the Battle of the Somme finally laid to rest a century later READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/world-war-1-soldier-who-was-killed-in-the-battle-of-the-somme-finally-laid-to-rest-a-century-later
  6. What would the difference be between the 2? When I can get to my GP, i'm looking at putting in a claim for 1 or the other. This problem is surrounding severe anxiety and some depression. The main issue is the nervousness. As far back as I can remember it has always been a thing, but over time has become much worse. I remember being in a computer game store with my mum when I was 8, and she let me go to the counter to pay for the games. I was physically nervous at the counter, shaking, struggling to make eye contact and constantly fiddling with things. So, I know this nervousness has been a thing for at least 23 years. The NHS over time have made it worse, not better. As the nervousness became worse, I went to GP's many times who didn't have a clue. There was never any understanding and the minimal help provided was insufficient. Over time, due to the lack of social skills and extreme nervousness, I was heading ever closer to total social isolation. The NHS had chance after chance to do something about that by providing me with help, yet I was always misdiagnosed or not fully understood. Now, after the death of mum earlier this year, i'm in that place of 100% social isolation. No friends, no family left really and my nervousness at an all time peak which prevents me breaking the isolation. I have been relying on alcohol a lot of the time recently to get out and do shopping (A few pints reduces the nervousness). It is quite a complex situation especially as Dr's don't seem to fully understand it and never have. I feel I need to know which would be most suitable for me (and the benefit with the lowest amount of work involved to get it, because I do struggle concentrating on things and find a lot very overwhelming). Thanks
  7. READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/remembering-the-battle-of-the-somme-a-bond-of-trust
  8. Hi, I live in central London, I've got a lovely flat I've lived in for 8 years now. I haven't had kids yet because I believe in being responsible and if I can't afford them I shouldn't have them. However, I've changed my mind today. Having been through the joke that is the work programme, I had the indignity of having to go to a benefit meeting today where I had to show my I&E to see if I was better off in work. Because I get the maximum Housing Benefit the system allows, I could never get a job that would pay enough to cover my rent. But the [edited] advisor was trying to make me take a minimum wage joke job like [edited] I'm 20yrs old! I'm in my 40's and English! I love my flat and wan't to stay here but the landlord finally put up the rent. This advisor even said, and I quote "Well, the only way you can stay on the dole and afford to stay in your flat is if you have a kid then the council will have to pay for you!" Is that what it's really come to? Are kids now a commodity for English people to get enough benefits? I understandably walked out. I'm probably sanctioned now. But what can I do when by their own calculations it shows I'm better off NOT working! Non-judgemental advice welcome please....
  9. READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/british-battle-of-jutland-sailor-killed-100-years-ago-is-finally-honoured-after-his-grave-site-is-identified
  10. This is why we say 'size doesn't matter' and to take on these companies no matter how big they are and how much above the law they think they are. A man from Ceredigion has successfully sued Apple after his watch broke - forcing the company to change its product description. Gareth Cross, 32, from Aberystwyth, paid £339 last July for his Apple Watch Sport, but spotted a crack in the glass face 10 days later. The technology giant said work to fix the watch was not covered by warranty, despite its official claim it was scratch-resistant. Apple has been asked to comment. Mr Cross took the company to the small claims court in Aberystwyth for breach of the Sale of Goods Act, and has won the case after a six-month fight. More
  11. Living with PTSD: Former military medic reveals how the battle goes on for veterans The first female RAF paramedic to work on the Afghan frontline, she now finds it impossible to step outside the front door of her Wigan home most days. She wets the bed and has recurring nightmares, in which she regularly finds herself back in Afghanistan surrounded by the horrors she has witnessed. Flt Lt Sanderson completed three tours of Afghanistan. During that time, she was routinely flown by helicopter into the heart of the fighting to care for military and civilian casualties. It was after the third tour that the impact on her mental health became clear - and in September last year, she was given a medical discharge. Please also watch the video as it gives you a better perspective Read More Here: http://www.itv.com/news/2015-03-09/living-with-ptsd-former-military-medic-reveals-how-the-battle-goes-on-for-veterans/
  12. Just watching Victoria Derbyshire at friends house. Labour have had it haven't they :/
  13. Thousands of people, including the descendants of First World War veterans, are to be given a chance to be part of the centenary commemorations of one of the bloodiest battles of the conflict. A ballot has opened for members of the public who want to join the official Battle of the Somme commemoration next year. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/world-war-i-ballot-launched-for-battle-of-the-somme-centenary-commemoration-a6669391.html https://www.seetickets.com/somme2016
  14. Tickets for centenary commemorations of the Battle of the Somme have been made available by ballot. Residents of the UK, France and Irish Republic can now apply for free tickets for the ceremony at Thiepval Memorial in France on 1 July 2016. The Somme was one of the bloodiest battles of World War One with more than one million casualties over 141 days. The online ballot will be open until 18 November - the day the battle ended in 1916. READ MORE HERE: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-34361335 This is the direct link to register for the ballot: http://somme2016.org/en/tickets-somme-centenary/
  15. This sounds like a nice commemoration. http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-34250794 HB
  16. Well there you have it then. Are they migrating? answer, yes they are, so they are migrants.
  17. Battle of Britain chapel to 'the few' threatened with closure to save £50,000. Winston Churchill said St George's Chapel of Remembrance on the site of the former RAF station at Biggin Hill in Kent should be a permanent shrine to ‘the few’ who gave their lives during the Battle of Britain. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/defence/11324206/Battle-of-Britain-chapel-to-the-few-threatened-with-closure.html Please open the link and click on the e-petition link in the text or click below to go direct: http://epetitions.direct.gov.uk/petitions/73191 The chapel floor is made of wood from wartime aircraft propellers and stained glass windows commemorate the dead, whose names are inscribed in a roll of honour.
  18. My job is in the public service for nearly 20 Years. The last two years has worsened, cutbacks, blame, toxic atmosphere, confusion. The last Year has been hell, since my new Manager arrived. I see think she is an autocratic perfectionist who focuses on the negative aspects in people performance, including me, who make a few errors under the pressure of our jobs ( though she has her favourite‘pupils’ ), whilst she side lines the positive bigger picture. Praise, when it comes feels shallow / awkward. We are all facing the Performance Improvement Plan if our standards don’t improve. I see this as a threat and not a tool to really improve my performance. I look at some of my feedback / performance and realise that I often perform at 100% accuracy and quality. Occasionally, my performance dips and it is this that she targets as a complete failure and sees it as a personal failing rather than the lack of training and poor procedures in place. Recently, exit packages were announced for June next Year and I have volunteered, awaiting decision soon. I’m 53 Years old. Fortunately I have paid my mortgage. No debts and have saved 5 Years’ worth of salary and no dependants. It’s not enough to retire on because I still hope to have Years ahead of me in some kind of work. I have not had sick leave in 4 years but I’m stressed to the hilt and need to leave and live my life without this mindless blame culture / poison. I want to leave now but obviously there will be no payoff and future employers may be curious. If I endure this for the next 7 Months, I might get the payoff or they could sack me for incapability within three Months which wouldn’t look good. Either way, my health will suffer further. My union wants to fight this but not sure that I want to drag it out. I just wish they would pay be off now to avoid the time wasting and expense of an improvement plan which is flawed. I’m interested to here from anyone with a similar experience or for your thoughts. Many thanks:!:
  19. HSL Chairs market mainly to the elderly, the shops are friendly , staff all teddy bear types, furniture delivered promptly. Where is the snag? Have a problem and the image crumbles. Given that delivery is four weeks on new goods it took us five weeks of constant calls and hassle to get a faulty chair repaired. They refused to replace this chair despite a serious fault appearing after only one day. No one came out to inspect. The shop staff passed our complaint to the factory who did call and make promises to do something then totally ignored us. The usual runaround begun, telling us one thing and a different person then telling us something else. They do not return phone calls and totally ignore emails . Repairs were eventually done but after a couple of weeks the fault is gradually reappearing. How they could judge what repairs were required without inspection is a mystery. No follow up to check if all OK. Elderly folk generally don't make a fuss and are often unwell and reluctant to complain too much due to the stress and upset. I reckon they play on this as most will just eventually give up and be held to have accepted the goods by default. A little research shows that a lot of HSL furniture is in fact made by Celebrity Furniture where the same models are sold under different names at about 25% less. So save your Grandparents a few quid and a load of stress by letting them know this. HSL make a lot of fuss about their service both in shops and on the net. Just hot air .Furniture retailers? Why am I surprised. Any suggestions welcome.
  20. Sophie Jones, 19, lost her battle with cancer on Saturday morning - her family say it should never have happened The parents have set up a petition in order that other young girls are not let down as Sophie was - you can sign HERE
  21. eBay froze my account due to 'unexpected activity' (meaning I sell toys, had the foresight to sell them early and made a load of cash over a two week period). No explanation, no excuses. They refused to move, or give me the money (PayPal also frozen) so I ended up giving pretty much back everything in refunds as I couldn't afford to buy the stock (money all tied up in PayPal account). This has ruined my company. I owe some fees to eBay but there's not a cat in hell's chance I'm prepared to pay it if I have any chance of fighting and winning. Does anyone have any advice? Should I pay the money or has ANYONE ever fought eBay and won? What they've done here at this critical time of the year is just astonishing; it's hardly the first time they've utterly messed me around and cost me a load of cash but this is the final straw.
  22. Fourteen years ago I did a TESOL course at my local college. I did it on the advice of my counsellor, who thought that it might stand me in good stead if and when I was able to return to work, because I could do hours here and there, work part-time etc. The course was great. The teacher raved about my performance, both orally and in writing on my assignments. In fact, she asked if she could have a copy of my portfolio for the library, so that future students could see what was expected of them. I mention this only to show how little sense what followed, made. The college never sent my certificate. I moved home and did the Royal Mail change of address thing and also checked in periodically at the college, which said it had my new address and would forward the certificate. It never arrived. In the interim, to get experience, I did a stint of volunteer Tesol teaching for my new local college which fortunately didn't insist on production of my certificate. However, I still wanted it. I'd paid for it, studied for it, earned it, deserved it. After being ignored by letter, email and phone my ill-health forced me to give up some of life's struggles, Kingsway being amongst them. Work was also impossible but periodically a basic skills or ESOL job came up which would be compatible with my health issues and then I'd again beg for the certificate, losing the job whilst communicating with the college and then giving up because the communication was one way. The college, no matter which branch or how many dozen people I wrote to or left phone messages for, ignored me. Just before this Summer vacation, with desperate times upon us, a redundant husband and my IB under threat, I thought that no matter what the state of my health, I would try to find a few hours of ESOL or basic skills teaching. Once again, I contacted Kingsway, now Westminster and Kingsway. I finally got someone to respond who promised to look into it. First she said that she could find no record of me. I then cited chapter and verse of the course, dates, times, teacher, fellow students etc and offered to send my portfolio as proof of how well I had done. Then she suddenly found me and then said that they don't keep certificates for more than 3 years. I said that was hardly my fault, since I'd been in constant communication with them in those first 3 years, to no avail. Her next argument was that the course no longer existed and the college had amalgamated with Westminster. However, she'd see what she can do. That was way back in June. Since then I've sent her regular emails and like her predecessors, she just blanks me. However, this time I am determined to fight my corner. With my sole breadwinner now redundant, with my IB under threat, I am forced to find what work I can and ESOL and basic skills jobs are around through agencies. They are flexible and most likely to be compatible with my condition. BUT I need this certificate. Today, once again, the woman at Kingsway ignored my email. Can anyone suggest what I can do about this college, which, by the way, was Kingsway and is now part of Westminster and Kingsway in London.
  23. hi, I'm really in need of some help. My partner has had a ccj for an old debt taken over by wescot. We have moved house quite a few times recently so I'm assuming that is how we missed the original court papers. Immediately we knew about the judgement we contacted wescot to ask what the bill was for. aparently it was an old catalogue debt but the only one he had was only for a couple of hundred pounds. This is now £1700! Have asked for details of the original bill but they have never replied to our emails. We asked for the order to be varied there is also an enforcement notice pending. The enforcement notice has now been suspended on condition we pay £100/month!!! We offered £40. This is an impossible ammount for us to pay ,what can we do? It has never been agreed he owes the money anyway but court action went through before we could get papers in. It changed court three times before we could do anything!! I work part time and get working and child tax credits my partner is not working we have two depenant children and a 18 year old in training. I don't get how we are classed as poor enough not to have to pay court fees but well off enough to pay £100/month! Any advice would be really apreciated
  24. Hi guys I'm having difficulty with wonga and require some advice.I took the advice previously from here and opened a new account and transfered my wages,direct debit etc etc so they raid my account,but I'm in dispute in getting a repayment plan.Basicaly I filled out the income expenditure form on their website,but the minimum repayments would have left me with next to nothing to live on,so I contacted them and the guy said just except the an but delay the first payment a couple of weeks and a member of our financial hardship dep will contact you.I followed these instructions,as you can imagine I heard nothing.I emailed wonga explaining this and asked for their account number and sort code so I can make payments towards my account,surprisingly they sent me them so I have made weekly payments of £10 over the last couple of weeks.they have now sent me an email: Hi, We have used the information you provided to evaluate the circumstances of the customer. We really do appreciate your current financial difficulties; however, on the basis of the information you provided, there is no offer made. We also need a list of creditors and the amounts outstanding with them, please provide us with your reason for your current financial hardship, along with any evidence to support that fact. We do require the following: REDUCTION IN SALARY- Salary Receipt 3-6 Month Bank Statement ; P45 if currently unemployed or Proof of Benefits. Over burden of debt : 2 bill prints To help get you get out of debt in a reasonable timeframe we would urge you to consider an amount and get back to us with an offer. Wonga.com Hardship Department 0844 8429 110 --------------- Original Message --------------- From: Message Center [tim.pg@hotmail.co.uk] Sent: 02/08/2013 06:33 To: debtmanagement@wonga.com Subject: repayment plan Dear sir/madam I am writing to you as I was recently contacted by your colleague regarding paying back my debt with wonga.com.I have already requested and received your account number and sort code in order to make repayments, and have already made a first instalment of £10.i enclose my income and expenditure incase you should require it.I will continue to make £10 weekly instalments as unfortunately, at the moment that is all I can afford,once my financial situation improves, I intend on increasing my payments in order to repay my debt as soon as possible.As I stated before in previous emails,I sincerely apologise for my situation and I have every intention of repaying my debt to wonga.com. Any advise will be greatly appreciated,cheers
  25. We left oz having lost all the money we had worked so hard to save. It was not our fault but we could not afford to go to court to try and win compensation. We spent three years prior to finally literally caving in trying to pay off huge debts. We finally left with only enough to get by with and brought ourselves home. We left behind about $???? in credit card debt Left no details of our where abouts and the only contact there has been has been to the old address we spent the last weeks at. The present tennant (friend) has just sent any mail back to the companies as being not at this address. Our friend recently told us there has been a letter marked from a court company -this also has been returned to sender. we reckon they will eventually catch up with us in our homeland and we are very careful about phone calls . I thing these have been a couple of calls . They said they were from a Bank but would not tell which bank and just demanded to know our details. i basically told them politely to P--s off and that I did not give out personal information over the phone. we are putting a call stopper on the phone so they cannot get through. Question -- what can we do to protect ourselvef. We have recovered our lives and are living again but want to be careful about any future developements from the debt collectors. We do not have anything about ourselves on facebook or twitter or the likes. We have about four years left before the time has passed when they cn come after us. Can you advise in anyway or are we doing all we can for the moment.
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