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  1. Hi chaps. I know this is a few months on but I’ve supposedly received one of these emails from CHCJ and got a slightly different story. Im a designer who uses CAD (specifically Solidworks) regularly. However up until March this year, this usage was wholly on an employed basis under full license from the companies who employed me within their office premises. I have just set up on my own (as in - less than. 6 weeks ago) and after a bit of searching bought a second hand Solidworks machine I found on Gumtree which was loaded with what the chap assured me was a legit copy of Solidworks 2017 and 2018. (It’s perfectly normal to run these versions concurrently). As well as some ancillary software that runs alongside. I had always intended to get my own Solidworks licence - as I wanted to upgrade to 2019 anyway but obviously I tested the machine for a week or so to make sure it could handle what I needed and whether I needed to upgrade anything - I did, as it happened, and bought a hefty RAM Upgrade. (At this point I should note - just for detail that the machine is actually a high spec Mac Pro running windows on boot camp - I liked this idea as I also make music in my spare time and the opportunity to dual boot into a little studio set up was a big plus.) I then set up my emails etc. (The email is - I fear you’ll see this coming - linked to the business domain I own and have just set up) so it would be used in the office. However I then removed Solidworks and phoned up the local reseller in Cambridge to find out how light my wallet was about to get. - I know from experience you can buy a monthly license package which is slightly less eye watering. Brilliantly - they signed me up to this thing called the Solidworks entrepreneur programme which gives startups like me free Solidworks for the 1st year and a discount thereafter. Which I was accepted for and given a brand new temporary license that I installed on my newly clean system and a meeting set up with the reseller for next week (today) in order for him to visit my office and install a permanent version based on my needs. This is all seemed great until this Thursday I got a call from him saying that he’d been phoned by Solidworks to say that I wasn’t eligible for the programme because there was an ongoing piracy case against my company. I pressed him for more details and he said I should have received correspondence from the solicitor named in this thread in relation to allegations of using pirated software. Which I haven’t. - emails checked and checked again. He promised to phone back on Friday but didn’t. Im now terrified that I’ve used a pirated version of Solidworks on that machine - which will be linked to the domain and email i set up. - which has - like the other chap on this thread “design” in the name. And that I’ve just installed the license they gave me on the machine with the same MAC address and IP. I should mention that IF the versions which were already installed on the machine WERE pirated - then I can see no way of an unwitting user being able to tell. When the loading screen popped up after i clicked on the icon to launch Solidworks it read “verifying licenses” just as it should. I had no reason to think it wasn’t 100% kosher. Sorry for the ramble. Any thoughts? I can’t afford to pay for the whole thing in one hit. And the version on my machine was the top notch affair with about 6 different add-ons. I’ve literally just started my business and I’m terrified. I’ve got my first contract due to begin this week and as it stands I won’t be able to work.
  2. Hi all New to this forum but have read all the threads about these Dessault cases with great interest. I received the same email yesterday and would be grateful if someone could tell me what the outcome of their situation was given that over a year has passed since this discussion was active....are you all in prison? Or sold your homes to pay for a licence?! A little bit about my situation; I am a designer and have from time to time used Solidworks although it is not my default package hence the reason I couldn't afford to lump out the thousands they ask. I am a soletrader and only do this as part of my income, the rest of time is spent lecturing at a university. If pressured I would probably buy the basic license to get them off my back but I fear they will press for the full premium pack which is mega £££££. I certainly can't afford it at the moment. Any input would be greatly received, last night's sleep was restless to say the least.
  3. Good Afternoon I've seen a lot of threads regarding unfair gym cancellations & would like to explain my problem with David Lloyd Gyms for some advice and reassurance. I joined a Virgin Gym in November 2016 it was really on the basis that I'm swimming the English Channel in a team relay & the rest of my team were already members at this Virgin Gym & the swim facilities were excellent & it meant we could train together. I have two teenage sons & they joined with me paying at £86 per month for the 3 of us. Although the facilities were great - I found it difficult to use the facilities as I would have liked as the gym is 30 mins drive from and back to my home however I knew I was contracted for 12 months & continued to use even if I felt I was getting my monies worth in view of the traveling time etc. During the membership period the gym was sold to David Lloyd gyms - in mid December 2017 I cancelled my DD as I knew my 12 months contract had been completed & my commitment to them met. I had in the post received a letter from David Lloyd giving me the options of different memberships which I did not complete or sign. I then received a call from DL head office about my DD not being paid & explained I had completed my membership of 12 months & no longer wanted to be a member. My contract had been with Virgin & not David Lloyd in my eyes but they did point out that in the T&C of the Virgin contract it states that if the club is sold then the T&C will pass to the new club. I have additionally explained about the difficulty in the time spent travelling which us already more than 10 miles from the club & also explained that I'm moving (house was on the market at this stage & since sold) and planning on moving even further away making this club not suitable for my training requirements. They are insisting that my contract then went over to a rolling monthly contract and that as i did not give notice that I owe two months membership - as you have give a complete months notice at the end of the month & my DD cancelling before the 1st Jan payment date didn't count. I have since had letters from Arc and telephone calls from Arc and today a letter from Major Law Solictors stating they will seek their clients instructions regarding County Court for recovery of £346.08 . This is very worrying letter to receive and very unfair - what do you suggest I do?
  4. Dynamic security threats and the British Army: Chief of the General Staff General Sir Nicholas Carter KCB CBE DSO ADC Gen READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/speeches/dynamic-security-threats-and-the-british-army-chief-of-the-general-staff-general-sir-nicholas-carter-kcb-cbe-dso-adc-gen
  5. I have serious problem with my private landlord which is causing me enormous stress I should note I live in Scotland, but the laws are very similar in England. If I start at the beginning. I took this place 6 months ago, I was never given a contract or the landlords address, but I was desperate to find somewhere local to where I worked, so I took it. I know that was a mistake. My rent as always been on time (proved by my bank statements) Apart from the fact I am fairly confident in saying my landlord is not a registered landlord which is illegal and the place does not have an electric certificate which is also illegal. I won’t waffle on why I know this but I am 99.9% sure I am right. My main problem is I lost my job six weeks ago and am awaiting money (dwp) and looking for another job. I am only one month in arrears, but my landlord has told me to leave. Well he has demanded. He has done the following to date. Threated by phone with demands to pay money. Abusive txt messages saying he will come in and take my keys Threated to cut my gas and electric off. When I threatened to report him for harassment, he threatened to come to my home with his friends to ‘discuss the matter’. I really don’t think he wants to ‘discuss the matter’, based on his previous interactions with me, that was a thinly veiled threat of violence. Obviously whether this happens or not is beside the point now he is actually threatening me. I’m scared and I can’t focus on job hunting because I don’t know what is going to happen next. The problem I face is I can’t do anything. I only have his bank details and mobile number he refuses to give me his address (further evidence this is very dodgy) I can’t report him if I don’t know where he lives. All I do is sit here terrified in case the door opens. I know if he comes here and removes my stuff by force I can ring the police. But my biggest fear is if I go to an interview and come back and my stuff is on the streets and the locks are changed. It’s all well and good saying he can’t do this but that doesn’t help me if I am homeless and my stuff is being stolen outside in the street. I’m afraid to leave the house and because I don’t have his address details there is nothing I can do. Please can someone help me, It’s actually not even a month’s rent in arrears. I feel so helpless and terrified.
  6. Hi I set up a Payment Plan with British Gas in September16, following an unexpected huge bill. I have been paying monthly as agreed (£160 fwiw). In Feb BG sent a letter advising my Payments haven't changed. End March BG sent a letter saying I'd missed my monthly payment - and quoted a figure of £600 more than my monthly payment! I immediately wrote stating BG must have made a mistake. I made the normal payment. Then start April BG wrote saying they were cancelling my Plan. I again wrote to complain. BG have failed to reply to both letters.. I did try calling - but got some jobsworth who told me if BG had written saying I should be paying almost £800/month then that is what I should pay..... Following on - instead of replying to my letters, BG have sent demands and threatening letters, stating they were adding charges to my account. Now I have received a threatening letter from a company appointed by BG - some kind of financial services company called arvato... saying they will make a home visit and charge me for it..etc etc. My knee-jerk reaction is to email this fs company and copy the BG and my letters and tell them to sort it out. Or is there a higher office at BG I should write to. It is SO frustrating. And there is no way I am paying almost £800/month. Help???? Also - is arvato part of BG?
  7. Hi My partner his off sick from work. A few months ago we started a new business together for when she is finally sacked/leaves etc. She is joint Director and shareholder like me. We have not even done any work yet, all we have done is put money into the business. No wage has been taken out, no dividend taken out, no money at all has come out of our business bank account. The fire service who employs her says you must have permission for another job but nothing about being a director of a company, especially a dormant one. She has had lots of problems at work and put a grievance in finally 2 weeks ago then alas this disciplinary letter turns up saying she works for this company. However she doesnt she owns it with me. They now want to see her asap. Should she take copies of all accounts, share certificates, bank statements etc to prove no wage has ever been drawn. I am also a witness. Thanks
  8. Hi everyone, After graduating uni I have applied to a Master scholarship and I have been given one. The university agreed to pay for my full master course and I was to cover 350 hrs of internship during the whole year course. A few months into my degree I had to defer due to health issues. At the time they were encouraging and advised me to freeze the course for a few months and then decide if I want to come back depending on how I feel. When the time came I decided to not continue it and as they heard this they told me I have to pay for the first semester as I did not do enough internship hours to cover that (£1130). Initially I said I am willing to pay but I would like to see the terms and conditions of the scholarship in the case of a referral and our contract signed. There was no contract and no terms and conditions. the only thing they have provided me with was a time sheet where it shows how many hours I've worked as an intern and threats that if I do not pay they will send my details to their debt collectors agency. Please note I never said I will not pay, I just said I will but I need to see the contract and conditions first and make sure that is the case. Next email came from Controlaccount PLC asking me to pay them £1330 on behalf of University College Birmingham. I have ignored their emails and calls until now, yesterday I received a letter for the first time. threatening me that if I do not pay in 14 days they will apply for a CCJ and I will have to pay for court charges plus other fees too. My question is, can they really apply for a CCJ, and if they do will this immediately affect my credit score or only in the case that I do not pay in 30 days after the court decision. I am planning to apply for a mortgage in the future and this worries me. Thank you very much in advance. Alex
  9. Hi everyone, it is a long time since I used this site, but would really appreciate some help and knew this would be the safe place to do so. It seems many others have been in a similar predicament. Joined Fit4Less in Halton, Leeds last summer. I was not really using it during Nov/Dec so cancelled the DD in mid December believing that I was under no contract terms as had taken a rolling monthly contract. I was away for a few days over new year and returned to a letter from Harlands requesting £16.99 missed payment and with a £20 charge slapped on for admin costs. This sounds ridiculous. Please could you advise as to what to do. Surely I shouldn't have to pay such a massive £20 charge? I have read some of the threads but am unsure of the success people are having in dealing with Harlands. I am a little anxious as feel I shouldn't pay it but don't want loads of debt collection letters. Thanks in advance
  10. READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/uk-to-enhance-natos-ability-to-rapidly-respond-to-threats
  11. My wife received a letter from Lowell/Brian Carter with a return address of a PO box in Huddersfield claiming a debt owed to JD Williams. We live in Northants. My wife does not acknowledge any debt to Lowell and if/when these parasites issue a CCJ Can I demand the presence of a Solicitor from Brian Carter in court to be cross examined as to the validity or indeed the existence of the alleged debt? Rhino69
  12. Hi there, Firstly, thanks for all your resources on this website, it has been very informative. I wanted to ask a question as I wasn't really sure how to proceed with Motormile Finance in my particular situation. So the long story short is: I received a letter the other day from Motormile, chasing debt from an old Payday loan going back to early 2013. As the letter was threatening with default action (see "Attachment 1"), I was curious as to why there were no other letters coming through with warnings. I checked my e-mail and it turns out there's countless e-mails in my spam from Motormile from late 2013 onwards. The e-mails are all the usual ones described in this forum: initial discount offers on the debt, then about a year and half of doorstep agent threats, and the most recent one was an e-mail about a default, sent 11 days ago. This e-mail is attached as "Attachment 2". Due to getting this letter and checking those e-mails, I have decided to check my credit rating on various credit checking sites to see where things were at (including Equifax). As shown in "Attachment 3", the last thing every recorded anywhere on my credit history for Mr Lender was on January 2014 as "Settled" and I appear to have no defaults with them - at some point they must have just sold my outstanding balance over to Motormile. My question is: If the original lender has never defaulted me (surprisingly), can Motormile go ahead and create that default on their behalf. From what I have read on here, Motormile can not update the dates of existing defaults - But I'm not sure whether or not they can create a default if the original lender never created one? Note: In the attached e-mail they say they have a "default registered against you" (which isn't true, at least yet) and in the letter they say they will default me later this month if a resolution isn't met. P.S: I know I really should have dealt with this debt back in the day instead of letting the problem "vanish". I guess I am very apprehensive about getting in touch with Motormile and paying off this large debt from many years ago, back when I was stupid and desperate enough to take out a payday loan. Thanks in advance for all advice on how to move forward!
  13. I want to start out by saying this court fine refers back to an offence I was arrested and charged for in late 2012, Back then I was up my head in debt and i was gambling every penny I had. Step forward to 2016, I am now a gambler in recovery after attending rehab and back on the straight and narrow working as a Web Developer. Several years back when I was given my fine by oxford magistrates court I was also given 50 hours worth of unpaid work which I had no intention of doing, was breached and sent to 6 Months as Her Majesty's Pleasure, While inside I managed to apply for a space in a rehab at the other side of a country and when I was released I went directly to the residential rehab and undergo treatment to get to me where i am today. From the legal advice at the time I was advised that the court would be wiped when I was re-sentenced and that was the last I heard of the fine until the 4th Jan this year. I had received a letter from Marson's Group letting me know that I had until the 14th to either pay in full or sign up onto there payment plan and with their fee's - the debt was now £4015.57 Given no choice I signed up to their (ONLY) payment plan which consisted of a first payment of £1204.57 then 6 WEEKLY not monthly WEEKLY payments of £468.51, I tried to get some advice and everything I was told was to pay it as quick as i could and I needed to get it under the £1500 mark as they threatened to add £235 + 7.5% in fees there is currently £1370 left to pay the final payment on the 16th of feb which will turn out to be £430 i cannot afford until I next get paid on the last day of the month. I've tried speaking to marstons regarding this and they tell me that if i don't keep to the plan that they will move it to the enforcement stage and add fees, I can't help but think these guys just want me to fail so they are able to collect more money off me. I have no clue what to do or where I stand / how i can get an extra 10 days between when my last payment is due and i can pay it. Help me please CAG
  14. Hi, I urgently need advice on dealing with Harlands, Here is the story so far. Me and my boyfriend signed up to our local Lifestyle fitness gym, under a 12 month contract. Both memberships were set up to be debited from his account. 8 months in, he got a letter saying that there weren't sufficient funds to pay his membership, so they were asking for the £15 for the months membership, and a £25 admin fee. We went into the actual gym and asked if the other membership (mine) had been paid for, and they said that only one of our memberships was suspended, so one must have been paid. I then got a letter saying that mine hadn't been paid, with them asking for the same amount (£15 membership and a £25 admin fee). Because I had not changed my address with them (completely my fault) my letter got to me late, so when they tried to take the £40 out for my membership, they couldn't take it, and I got a letter explaining a charge. 'Your bank have advised us that our submission of £40.00 to cover the previously returned instalment plus the administration charge has been returned "refer to payer". You have now incurred a further £25.00 charge and are £60.00 in arrears.' 'Your next instalment is due in a few days time but we will not make another submission until the outstanding £65 is paid'. They then carry on to say I had to call by 27/10 to avoid further charges. I didn't call as I was unable to contact them during their opening hours due to other commitments. I have recently received another letter which states - 'We refer to our previous letter and note that you have not contacted us. You have now incurred a further £25 charge and are £105.00 in arrears. Under your Membership Agreement, you have promised to pay this debt. If you continue to refuse to honour that commitment, we will have no option but to take further steps to collect the outstanding balance. We want to help you resolve this situation but you must call us. Ignoring our letters is only resulting in further charges being added. If you do not contact us by 13th November your balance of £135.00 will be passed to a debt recovery company who will add their fees to your account'. I've tried to read up as much as I can on what to do, but I'm just really confused now. Do I call them, so it doesn't get passed on to a Debt recovery company, or do I email them and only leave a paper trail? My dad had told me I need to call them and pay them the £135.00, but I don't understand how it could cost them £75 in administration. I can't afford to pay it and I don't know what to do because they just keep putting more admin fees on top of it and I feel like its going to spiral out of control.
  15. the 5th of April 2014 me and my brother set up a membership with xercise 4 less ,this as states on the email i got was for a minimum of 12 month with and initial payment of 34.99 and then proceed on to a monthly direct debit of 14.99. fast forward to the 5th of may 2015 ( this being 13 month after i set up my membership) decided to hand my notice into the gym and cancel my direct debit due to moving gyms a little closer to home, thankfully this is a cash in hand gym and not a pesky direct debit. several months of ignoring letters that i owed them money i received a letter from crs saying a owe a total of 186.47 and goes on to say they may take me to county court i am loosing sleep over the matter, am i in breach of my contract even though i handed my notice in after the 12 months minimum? what is my course of action? if anyone is knowledgeable please don't hesitate to input
  16. Hello All, Last weekend, our boiler broke down, late on the Sunday night. I called the maintenence man who deals with these issues for the letting agency first thing on Monday morning. He came over on Monday night and found that the transformer on the circuit board had burned out and killed the boiler. He said it would be a full boiler replacement and he will sort it with the letting agency as soon as possible. In the maintenence man's defence, he is really good, it is the agency who are slow at everything. So, we've spent all week without heating or hot water. My wife sent a text to the letting agency to negotiate a rent reduction, as we haven't had use of these utilities. Here is the text conversation: LA = Letting Agency Wife: Under Section 11 of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1985, I would like to negotiate a reduction in the rent for this month due to not having heating or hot water. LA: Sorry, we can't accept that. We will hold you responsible for damaging the boiler and we will remove the cost of the boiler from your deposit. Any deductions made by yourselves are down to you taking too long to inform us of the problem, which has caused a delay in getting a new boiler. Wife: Excuse me, we did not damage the boiler, the transformer on the circuit board burned out. We have done your job for you by contacting the maintenence man first thing the following morning. We are in a house with no hot water or heating in mid-October. I'm sorry, but it should not take this long to sort out. Please send me our landlord's details. LA: Why? Wife: Because I do not feel that you are doing your job and we would like to contact the landlord. Please send me his details. LA: We have been doing our job. To say that you are deducting rent because the process is taking too long is very wrong. Wife: Please send us our landlord's details. LA (seconds later): I have made him aware of your complaint. Goodbye. Now, for one thing I do not believe for a second that he made the landlord aware of our complaint. Another is I cannot believe he actually put in a text that he will say that we broke the boiler. The third is they seem to think that a boiler breaking late on a Sunday night and then informing the maintenence man at 8am the following morning is "taking too long." We do know somebody who knows the landlord and we have asking him to give us the details, as the letting agency is refusing, we are justing waiting for him to message us with his details. My question is, what can my wife and I do? We are concerned that the LA will now make up a pack of lies to tell the landlord. However, we do have evidence against them where they admit that they will say things if we withhold the rent. I do believe we are within our rights to negotiate a small reduction in the rent under these circumstances. Thoughts?
  17. Our property got repossessed by Cheshire mortgages and after complaining to the ombudsman regarding the way it happened ombudsman said is an issue that they will not get involved and has to be resolved in court basically. After that we got a call from Cheshire saying they sold the flat and there are several thousands of pounds outstanding but they were willing to work with us and lower the amount to 168 pounds. We told them that we found it strange that they repossessed the property for less money than that (and refusing to accept any settlement offer from us) and now they were willing to write off double that amount. He kept asking if we are planning to take them to court we said we haven't thought about it yet and that we wanted a full statement of the account and a formal letter with the redemption figure and how they arrived to that amount. For a few months they kept saying they send it to us we received nothing we told them that they kept saying they will send it again. Three weeks ago I called them again they said they needed to ask the team that deals with this to re issue a figure because our previous one expired. And that in 5 days we will get a letter. Today I called them to ask for the documents again and I said o received nothing. The lady on the phone said we owe nothing and the account is closed. I asked if we will receive a statement and a letter confirming that she said no. Are all the above normal practices? Anybody who knows more than us maybe can enlighten us? Thanks
  18. hi my mum received two letters of enforcement from marstons totalling £1270 in my name and i've found out that they are from an unpaid court fine and train ticket where the fines totalled £70, i moved address but left fowarding address but have only just got notice of letters being sent wihch says they will be here in a couple of days. i've been out of work and dont stay at my parents often but its only stable address so its where my post goes, i can afford to pay original fines but not £1270 i've dealt with them before and they wasnt that bad the first time but to add £1100+ to my fines is out of order any ideas on what i should do as my mum is really ill and dont want them going round to her house abusing her for money or threatening her
  19. Another from Scoop where a bailiff/EA has been threatened, this time with a gun: .http://www.getsurrey.co.uk/news/surrey-news/man-released-bail-after-bailiffs-7929055 It seems that more people are unhappy with the Enforcement industry, and is this a growing trend Thoughts?
  20. 1st Credit recently bought an £12K M & S loan I took out about 9 years ago, and have not paid anything towards for what I believe is at least 6 years and could well be Statute Barred. I have received numerous phone calls from them - none of which I have answered - I have caller display and never answer calls from any number that could be a DCA. Also received a series of increasingly threatening boilerplate letters which I have filed in the waste bin. I have a lot of experience with DCA's with several CC debts going back 10 years - never been collected on yet - but 1st Credit seem particularly aggressive, the letter received today threatening to commence court action through Connaught - one of their companies. So far they do not even know I exist at this address - I lived in the Isle of Man when the debts were incurred. My question is - how serious to 1st Credit usually get - is it all hot air like the other DCA's? Thanks.
  21. I tried to cancel my car insurance policy 2 days after I joined them. Their website instructions directed me straight to cancellations and then sent me around the houses but ultimately is set up to not accept a cancellation of policy - not within the cooling off period anyhow. I then wrote them emails - I have proof of sending three. They just responded to my cancellation emails by sending me a template informing me that I could cancel my policy free of any charges and get a refund if it was within the cooling off period but in order for me to incur no charges I must do it on their website. I replied that their website wouldn't accept my cancellation and so I was asking them to do it and just kept getting the same template email back from them - in effect they were not acknowledging my cancellation. Now they have send me a Default Notice under Section 87(1) of the Consumer Credit Act 1974 telling me that I have one month to pay my direct debit sum and reinstate the Direct Debit Mandate or they will charge me a further £53 and hand me over to a Debt Collector Agency. My Dad is advising me just to ignore them because I have done everything correctly, but I don't think this is the best advice for me. I'm sure that Quote Me Happy know exactly what they are doing and know that they are within their legal rights at the moment. I don't really get how a company that's associated to a giant like Aviva is permitted to behave like this because there are really a lot of historical complaints about them. Does anybody know what I can do to stop this?
  22. I have a debt which I have been paying to Regal Credit at £30 per month for the last couple of years. Every year RC hassle me to be paying more, which as a pensioner it is not possible. I have ignored their last letter and the twice daily calls both to my home phone and mobile. Today I received a letter stating the £1000 plus total and stating that they are recommending court action to their client and threatening high costs and bailiffs. I am terrified. First of all my very sick husband knows nothing of this debt and second I am just beginning to think there might be an end to this as it is a relatively small amount. Will they follow through on this course of action and what should I do? Please help I would be grateful for any advice. Do you think they would accept an offer of £500 to clear the debt?
  23. Hi, I'm new here and so apologies if this has been asked before. I have searched the forums for info on Motormile but have a few questions that I couldn't find exact answers to. Any help will be appreciated. recieved an email informing me that they have purchased a debt and I now owe them the outstanding balance. I actually don't have any problem with that. I do owe it and if I can work out a payment plan then I'll pay it. Questions I have though are this: 1) How likely are they to visit my 'home' address? From there website I can see that the closest doorstep office they have is around 70-80 miles from the address they are likely to have. I live abroad so I don't have any worries about them turning up but it's possible they have my parents address on file. Although the most recent address they should hold is somewhere else. Are they likely to visit 'older' addresses? And travel 80 miles hoping I will be in? 2) Does anyone have a working email address for MMF? Seeing as I am normally out of the UK I can't phone, have no postal address here and I need to email them to offer a payment plan. Or at least seeing if I can get a reduction and then pay the balance..... Thanks.
  24. Hi everyone, I have a small inquiry and am losing sleep over the matter. I have recently received letters from marston regarding council tax debt which state I owe manchster council. I was a student when i lived in manchester and that was back in 2003 onwards. I moved away from manchester back to my home and now after 8+ years I receive a letter saying i owe about £500 pounds.... and that a bailiff was over at my house... I am confused as when i was a student i fax'd a council tax excemption certificate over to the manchester council and at that point i had already paid a bailiff £400 pounds. Once i spoke to the council back then they told me not to pay him and that it would be corrected even though i had already paid. He gave me a dodgy receipt back then too. I do not know what to do and am needing help please can anyone assist me asap ;;
  25. Hi, please excuse me if I have posted in the wrong area, I had a credit card with MoreThan in June 2004, in June 2006. out of nowhere Morethan stopped supplying my credit card, and the account changed names to Lloyds, and I was sent 2 credit cards in the post, 1 a mastercard and 1 a visa I think. I never signed a credit agreement with Lloyds, when they sent me the cards. Due to long term sick at work and losing my job, I got into a lot of financial problems, and defaulted on this credit card in December 2008. My last payment to them was May 2008. After the initial letters whilst depressed, I never heard anything for a long time, over the past few years, the debt has popped up with numerous DCA's sending me letters, but about 4 months ago, I had a strange letter from Llowels saying they now owned the debt, and have been sending me monthly statements. I am now receiving daily texts, and daily calls on my mobile and home phone from them (my house is currently being sold), so I am not living at the address, so the calls there are not a problem, today I have received a letter from their legal department threatening court action. I have today checked my credit file, and my Lloyds default has been settled, and at the same time, I now have an account with Llowels on my credit account for this. so it looks like 2 bad accounts as well. My questions are, firstly, any advice of how I should proceed. 2) Can they do this on my credit account, My worry is I am moving in with my bf, who is very credit conscious, he knows of my problems from my past, but wants to deal with it for me, but I am scared that contacting them, will mean I am admitting I owe the money and I will never get them off my back. Thank you
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