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  1. I have sent more photos as evidence when I was on the phone the person said utility bills etc so I managed to find the original invoice that the University of Bradford sent me to my non manchester address. there are dates on it as well. I just hope this will be enough. I do not know where I was last registered to vote can't recall and never have voted yet >
  2. Ahh yeah in unsure how the council thought I'm the owner. I will be able to provide proof just hope it's accepted
  3. The council is definately wrong because they do not have enough information regarding the property in question. They do not even know who owns the property. If I genuinely did owe the council I would have set up a direct debit with them of some sort. However when I was on the phone the person was kinda puzzled as to the dates in question as they didn't make sense. The reason why they are trying to charge me is becuase they thought I own the property .. . Honestly if i did own the property i would sell it and study pharmacy . I have emailed some photos of my p45. They can chase it now with the landlord (left his details and company address etc). In the email i did say im unemployed and dont have the kind of money (£36 in the form of a cheque ) to ask for tenancy agreement. And I did ask for confirmation that my name will be removed as the debtor and for the bailiffs to seize. Is this it now ? can i finally rest /sigh
  4. Thank you very much the p45 that I have is official and typed part 1a details of employee leaving work. I have not phoned the bailiff a few weeks ago i did and he said i need to contact manchester council. If the bailiff turns up and someone lets him in what can he do? he shouldn't be allowed a single thing except broken bones xD since i am innocent of this. Also I sent some snaps of my p45 too shwoing tax etc and address etc The receipt for email says it will take about 10 working days..
  5. Would a p45 not be enough? I have forwarded the details of my land lord too to the council. I do not know what other offical documents I can provide. I can get my sisters council tax bills etc. they just need to contact my landlord and he will confirm well he should even though left on bad terms since £400 x 12 = £4,800 not £6,400 (which i ended uppaying).... Ugh Just stress on stress atm;; I just want it over with and keep trying for jobs need one asap > would the ctax listings show my name at my sisters address (since i lived there since 2006) I am grateful for all the help and support. and sincerely hope everyone can get their problems solved
  6. To be honest I am not sure where my voting listing is at not voted ever i think @.@ ctax litsings? I live at my sisters address since 2006 when i changed uni's and started working part time too.
  7. What is an SAR? just out of question? since I am not wise when it comes to this stuff. > I am really grateful for all the help that I have received from everyone honestly I can't stress enough how great everyone here is. I am constructing an email to the council giving his details etc since they do not have enough information about the owner. In the email I have stated that they must acknowledge and remove my details from the address.
  8. I can't seem to find the old tenancy agreement and the landlord is requesting £36 to try searching for his..... UGh i will email the council give his details and say htey need to remove me from the debt list since i was not living there after 2006 (may i think) Would a p45 be sufficient as evidence as well? I am just wanting this mess to blow away now >
  9. Hi I called Manchester council they said I owe them for 08-10 then 12-13. I told them I haven't lived there for many years. They are not sure who own the property and said it was me. I have given them the details of my landlord and will scan and email them my p45 from 2006 till 2013. Hopefully this mess will clear up
  10. I will ring the council today. Also I do not have the certificate any more as it's been about 11 years. I am still unemployed at the moment. I failed the first year at uni due to many issues but that should not still alter the certificate. The certificate was set for 3 years and once I swapped uni I got another certificate they charged me £10
  11. I don't drive I was made redundant last year just as I had finished paying for the masters degree which I undertook
  12. The letter says removal notice. It says due to non payments we have attended your premesis to remove goods. - wrong they cant remove goods without FIRST getting a levy on 'something' and giving a copy to you. I must make payments in cleared funds to prevent re attendance. - wrong there is nothing that says they MUST re attend... If I fail to make payment they may re attend and remove goods even in absence in accordance to law ( no law legislations or references included). - wrong they have no signed levy Should I be unable to pay in full it is imperative I contact the agent. - yes because they want to fleece you on fees. PAY THE COUNCIL DIRECTLY Why hasn't council contacted me earlier instead of now after 8 years ? not their job sadly. dx
  13. I don't even know where I will get money to pay this off . Unemployed at the moment and my worry is they may even charge me more
  14. No issues with bradford I don't understand why it's taken so long for them to now chase me I mean really 8 years ?? My brother said it seems fake since there is no date at the bottom of the letter
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