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  1. A family member has been sent a letter from Intrum threatening that they will consider issuing a Statutory Demand for Bankruptcy proceedings. The alleged debt is one Intrum bought which is for over £10,000 and is about 10 years old.I also know the debt isn't statutory barred in the near future. A previous DCA was sent a CCA request about 6 months ago, this was not adhered to and they said they were looking into it. Do we now send a CCA request to Intrum and a SAR to the original debitor in readiness for any proceedings? many thanks in advance for any advice
  2. Hi there, I've been chased by CABOT FINANCIAL for several months now for an AQUA CARD debt. After ignoring the mass of phone calls which they also harassed my mother on a phone I used to call AQUA. They also sent a stack of letter with increasing plea's to contact and arrange some settlement. The latest now gives 14 days and threatens getting a solicitor involved leading to a possible CCJ. The original debt is around one year old and I have not paid anything back after the credit card company referred the debt to a collector. My parents are worried about the bailiffs knocking on the door I need to take some action against CABOT and really not sure where to start. Can someone could point me in the right direction how to start fighting the collection agency? Many Thanks!
  3. Hi all, Great to see some current posts in this thread. I to have had a letter from CLI re a Kuwait debt. This is one of many companies that have tried to connect with me that i have ignored. HOWEVER! They've chased me from moving house, and the latest letter says they are sending a debt collector around in 7 days. Is this just another scare tactic? This has been going on for years now.
  4. Hello guys. I need some help. I received this email below from lantern. I have received emails from them over the years about this same debt but I do not know which payday loan debt this is in relation to as it doesn't even say. I'm thinking maybe pounds to pocket. I'm pretty sure this is in relation to paydays loans I took out in 2012. I need some advice because my credit rating is shot and I need to try and get it back into the green. My question is; 1) Should I finally make contact with them and ask them what this debt is in relation to? What should I say? 2) Would this debt be statute barred? Is something statute barred from your last payment to the company or from when they put a default on your file + 6 years today date? I've checked my credit report and there doesn't seem to be any defaults which match this sum. I took out a few payday loans between march 2012 and july 2012. There might be an odd one in 2013. 3) Are lantern serious about taking me to court? My last known address was 10yrs ago and my current address isn't listed on my credit report so if they did take me to court the court papers would go to my old address and I would never get them. Having a CCJ against me would cause me alot of problems in my career, so I really don't want that. 4) Should I just carry on ignoring them? 5) I probably shouldn't have gotten this payday loan and I know they can be written off with some companies. I could probably make some monthly payment towards it every month if need be as I got myself into this mess but am looking at all my options. Should I contact them about it being written off? Any other advice on what action I should take? Al help appreciated, thank you. CURRENT OUTSTANDING BALANCE: £1400.11 Dear xxxxx Our efforts to contact you are becoming exhausted as we have made several attempts to offer you a repayment solution and even a discount. In light of this we are preparing your account for one of the following possible actions: Legal Assessment – your account may be sent to our Legal partners who will assess your account to determine if legal action is suitable. If they consider this to be the most appropriate action we will inform you of the next steps. You should be aware that there may be additional costs in the event that legal action is taken. Assignment of your account to our field agents, Resolvecall who will visit you at home to arrive at a solution Assignment of your account to one of our external debt recovery partners, BPO Collections Ltd or Tenron Credit Management Ltd. We consider the above to be a last resort, and hope they will not prove necessary, but without speaking to you we are running out of options. You still have time to set a plan with us if you contact us within the next 7 days. Please click for a payment mandate should you choose to pay by direct debit or standing order for your completion. Just to remind you, you can now manage your account online by visiting If you prefer you can email us at or call us on: 0113 887 6876 to speak to one of our agents. The details needed to set your plan are: Date of 1st instalment Amount of instalment Frequency of payments Preferred method of payment Please ensure that your priority bills are up to date for example rent / mortgage, utility bills, council tax to make sure your payment is affordable. Information pertaining to this account may be registered with credit referencing agencies, this information may then be used by future lenders, landlords and employers and may affect your ability to secure credit in the future. Yours sincerely Lantern
  5. Hi guys. First time poster. Came into debt with PayPal. All my own doing. It was £1100 and I've since reduced it to £400. I'm stretched until pay day next month and appear short of options. Any advice? As they said debt collection agency may get involved, which probably worries me more than it should. Just hate having things like this unresolved. Thanks.
  6. Hi all, new to the forums but a familiar problem. It appears to be for a loan in 2013. Apparently its going to court 14 days from the date of the letter (29/12/17 dated) leaving me short of time. There is no mention of it on my credit file at all. I do not want to contact either company without first knowing the best way to do so. I also don't want a CCJ. I tried to upload the letter but the function isnt working for me. Any further information required?
  7. I wish I'd found these forums last week when I did a bit of researching online but came across a mass of other things and got confused. out of the blue last week I got a letter from Restons Solicitors (dated September 1st) stating that I owe ME IV Limited £758.05 on an old EE mobile account. They're saying they're instructed by Cabot Financial to seek payment of the outstanding balance and that if I fail to respond by tomorrow (Friday September 15th) then they are "instructed to request that the Court grants a judgment in Default" The letter then goes on to state about possibly being able to pay in instalments and that I should ring them, go on their website and fill in income and expenditure or send back the income and expenditure forms that they also placed in the letter. Another part says that the debt from EE is from the account opened in 2008 and was terminated December 2014. The date of assignment is 26 August 2016 and the last payment date was 13 June 2014. I was with T-Mobile/Orange/EE for years with no late payments or problems. In my last relationship my ex pestered me to add her and her son onto my contract with a sim for each of them. It was a controlling relationship etc and she managed all the finances in the household. As she has been prone to do with other debts, once she got wind she could ditch the debt and go elsewhere she did so, missing a couple of months payments then just ignoring it. I left there in November 2014 and have been living elsewhere myself since. Heard nothing about this company or debt whatsoever in all the time until last month (August) when I suddenly start getting letters and phone calls from Cabot Financial about it. I set my phone to ignore the calls and kept getting recorded message voicemails. Ignored the letters as to be honest I've been fuming as had built my credit up very slowly with low limit cards and have been paying them off to get my rating up. On Clearscore the debt to Cabot Financial does show as a default but everything else is positive on there (aside from having low credit limits) I've left it late wondering what to do. Advice I did find from various sources said ignore it they're bluffing as it's mobile phone debt and under £1000 it'll never happen. I want to believe that but then have come across a mass of info online saying how awful Restons are to deal with and how they almost always do go for CCJ's. I really don't want a CCJ on my account the next 6 years and have been stressing and panicking about having to deal with courts and anything legal as it's all new to me and blowing my mind, at the same time I don't want to contact Restons and start paying back tiny amounts for the rest of my life as I'm on a low income and can only afford to provide them with a token payment. I'm annoyed at the situation and kinda adamant they won't see that money off me but I can understand that because the debt was still run up in my name that I'm going to struggle to deny responsibility there. I've dealt with anxiety and depression for years and this is taking a large toll right now being honest. Also I dispute the sheer size of the debt as it could not have been more than £200 I'm sure, £300 tops if she dodged it a couple of months or so. I realise they add on charges but to more than double it is beyond ridiculous. I spoke with National Debtline a couple of times the last couple of days. They told me to send a template letter disputing the debt which I was about to go to my local library to print off and send recorded delivery today. The circumstances of it being so late with their court threat date being tomorrow is bothering me and I realise I should have dealt with this sooner to at least give myself less panic about the date. Is this letter the right thing to send? Is it likely too late now anyway and do you think Restons will just throw it straight to court as they seem to be threatening? They worded it not like they may but said they have been "instructed by their client to request the court grants a judgment" so that sounds pretty certain
  8. letter received from good old carpquest, those selfless souls (I think an 'r' needs adding to the start of that word for them) who are toiling thanklessly away on behalf of their [heavily connected] client, Erudio [arrows], in relation to a claim for student loans. Following a number of 'you owe this amount, please contact us' style letters, this latest letter seems more decisive regarding potential court proceedings by Erudio. Which is why I need a little help: ====> NOTE: Is it possible to add the original letter text here for only admin to see? ====> Is this the 'next level' of scare tactics? Or is it close enough to a 'letter before action' to start making definite court defence preparations right now? Because rather than using words like 'may' or 'might', the letter states: "If we do not receive contact from you...our client will be instructing a solicitor to commence court proceedings..." "...should no contact be forthcoming...your account will be passed to our clients' solicitors..." As Erudio has already stated that this account is dealt with by capquest, then are those words as good as coming from Erudio itself? Of potential note though is that the requested action stated in the letter is based upon 'contact' and to 'engage' with them - not in 'making payment' to them. Just as background to this particular situation: I didn't continue with deferment once the government sold on the loans to these Erudio. Instead I refused to acknowledge the loan (in writing) along with a CCA request. The (eventual) paperwork I received merely showed that any original documentation was poorly micro-fiched, incomplete, and partly illegible. The rest was, of course, 'reconstituted' for the purposes of the CCA. Following that I have not responded in any shape or form, other than to receive their letters of default, phishing letters, and 'passed on to caquest' notices. I'm not in panic mode or anything, as I decided to see things through this way - whatever the outcome - when refusing to acknowledge Erudio's dubious acquisition of loans in the first place. But any advice on what options/steps to take next in this situation would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for your time (and apologies for anything not made clear enough). PS: What's the best way to add content from the letter itself (if required) for limited viewing?
  9. Are foxes a threat to cats? Well Tawnyowl get up at strange times of the day lately. Got up about half two this morning i find it quite an interesting time to write a few tales, peace and quiet. Plus as i am not working in construction anymore do not seem to need as much sleep. Well, that is my answer to anyone who asks what are you doing up this time of day. My cat Fang had been out most of the night so i decided to call him in to give him a piece of Tuna, a treat. Opening my front door i called out Fang where are you with the usual chhh chhh chhh we all call out. He would not come in he usually does. Then i spotted him, what did you spot old owl. Only a beautiful fox, a fine looking beast. A full grown Fox, big bushy tail looked in fine health. Spotted one not long ago next to a railway line smaller and looked quite old.They must have a sixth sense turned its head to look at me as if to say you are a little nosey then trotted off without a care in the world. This one did the same we exchanged looks then he just trotted off down the road. Then my cat came in. Now knowing Fang my cat as i do if i was a fox i would not attempt to kill him because he would stick his claws straight into his nose. Then i thought i wonder if other people think foxes kill cats. So doing a little research it seems not.Maybe you know different. But i really am not worried at all now after reading this article . Main points being. Article. https://cat-behaviour-and-cat-grooming.com/2014/08/29/are-foxes-a-threat-to-cats-a-study-by-certified-cat-behaviourist-anita-kelsey/ Only found one and it was weak. … In fact i am hearing that cats have chased foxes away from their property. Cats takes on a fox Cat vs Fox who will win? After all that maybe the fox would need an ambulance. It just so happens. The Fox Project Southern Wildlife Ambulance Network – Charity No. 1044928 http://foxproject.org.uk/
  10. Hi there, I have received a few letters from Restons now regarding a credit card debt from 2012/13, passed to Arrow and now to them. I wont go into the particulars, but as I was unable to meet the balooning minimum payments and issues with work left me stressed worried and stupidly with my head in the sand. Now, finally back on my feet in the position to start saving for a house, Restons solicitors get in touch mentioning impending court action. Please help me avoid a CCJ! I have a CCA request with the £1 postal order ready to go to Arrow, just wondering what to do with restons - wait for the court papers? Many thanks in advance Name of the Claimant - Claim not yet received Date of issue - Not yet received What is the claim for – Not yet received (HSBC credit card) What is the value of the claim? Balance was 2,500+ Is the claim for - a credit card When did you enter into the original agreement before or after 2007? - after Has the claim been issued by the original creditor or was the account assigned and it is the Debt purchaser who has issued the claim. Were you aware the account had been assigned – did you receive a Notice of Assignment? - I cannot recall Did you receive a Default Notice from the original creditor? - I believe so Have you been receiving statutory notices headed “Notice of Default sums” – at least once a year ? - No Why did you cease payments? – 2012ish What was the date of your last payment? 2012ish Was there a dispute with the original creditor that remains unresolved? Not that I can recall Did you communicate any financial problems to the original creditor and make any attempt to enter into a debt management plan? No Just to point out, I don't want to get out of what I owe, I do not have any documents around the credit card, the default not the transfer to Arrow - just what Restons have stated. Having researched this company and how they and arrow go about their business, I have an instant distrust for what they say, a disliking for how they go about their business and want to make sure I going about this in the best way I can. Thanks Again
  11. Hi I need some advice please. Recently I replied to a direct mailshot from a Manchester-based PPI claim company called Consumer Claim Line. I had had a credit card some 20 years or so ago (Capital One card) and I wanted to find out if I had paid PPI on the payments. I returned the paperwork and thought to take advantage of their advertised "no claim no fee" offer to get this investigated. A few weeks later received a reply saying that their preliminary findings were positive and that I should sign the enclosed form authorising them to investigate my claim further. With this same reply paperwork enclosed was another form asking me to list any banks that I may have had accounts with in the past and they would look into these accounts too. I signed the authorisation forms for the Capital One account and sent back the other form listing the Clydesdale bank although details of this and the Capital One account I was not able to furnish as I had no paperwork and no recollection of any details. They said that details weren't important as they had ways of tracing accounts. A fortnight later I received correspondence from this company stating that their investigations showed that the Capital One account had previously been looked into (sometime in 2009 or 2010) and since I had not informed them of this they were invoicing me for a Cancellation penalty fee of £360 for wasting their time. Along with this invoice were two additional "letters of authority" for two Clydesdale bank loans (taken out sometime in the 1990's (I think) which they wanted me to sign and return to them. I telephoned them to explain that my claim on the Capital One account was made in good faith and that I had no recollection of having this investigated before (I have good medical reasons for general memory impairment which I explained to them) I asked them to therefore cancel this penalty fee they were demanding. I also stated that as a consequence of the outcome of this first experience I didn't want to return the forms for the Clydesdale bank investigation as because of my memory impairment I could not guarantee that this case had not also been investigated in the past. I had no recollection of this being the case but then again the same applied to the Capital One case. The supervisor whom I was explaining this to was not sympathetic to my position in fact he adopted a rather aggressive and threatening stance, threatening court action on non-payment of the penalty fee saying that for every subsequent reminder-letter they sent me an additional £20 would be added to the cancellation fee invoice . He further threatened that if I didn't send back the second set of "letters of authority" (for the Clydesdale bank loans) duly signed by myself a further £360 (each) of cancellation fees would be invoiced to me for payment. A few days later I received out of the blue a phone call form the company (from the same supervisor) saying that they have reconsidered and that if I go to my doctor and get him to write a letter confirming that my medical condition and strong medication I have taken (over a period of over 20 years) have indeed led to among other things severe memory impairment. I duly went to my GP and he wrote out a letter confirming what I had said, and I sent this doctor's letter in to the company. A week or so later I received another phone call (again from the same supervisor as before) and he now said that he would not accept my doctor's letter as he had met people before with the same condition that I suffered from and he didn't believe that it could cause memory impairment. In other words he completely disregards a doctor's medical opinion on a patient he has been treating for 25 years in favour of his own unqualified prejudiced and generalised opinion of the condition I suffer from (the condition is in fact Severe Clinical Depression). The decision stood he said and I now owe them 3 x £360 fees plus £20 further penalty on the first case ... a total of £1100. Can they do this ? Is there anything I can do about this ? If nothing else maybe this post will warn others of this companies practices. Regards, Jackthehat
  12. Hi can anyone advise please? I have received a CCJ threat from BW Legal on behalf of Shop Direct they claim I owe them £1,025.34 (interest court fees included) I rang BW Legal made it very clear I'm not admitting to this debt and they need to prove I owe it Apparently they said the account was opened 2010 ordered 2011 and last payment August 2011. This is over 5.5 years ago. I was in financial crisis, which I have spent the last 5years paying off council tax and rent arrears to rebuild my life. I had a ccj of £5,000 which I only have £400 left to pay. Point is I'm not avoiding paying my debt I just can't remember this Any advise appreciated Momumission
  13. Hiya, Not posted on here for quite some time but looking for some advice in how to deal/respond to Motormile Finance. I have today received 4 emails (differing amounts from PTP loans when I was struggling and lost my job) threatening legal assessment by Moriatary Law unless I contact them with 7 days. The last contact I had with MMF was in June 2014 when I sent the template doorstep collection letter then sent the below one. I believe all the debts could be statue barred now (as think they were 2010 but going to double check) and have been working hard to clear my credit file of my other priority debts (credit cards, utility arrears etc) rather than concentrating on the payday loan people and almost back to normal so could really do without anymore black marks on it. Does anyone have any further advice/guidance that maybe useful? Thanks in advance.... I do not acknowledge any debt to you or any other company or organisation that you claim to be representing. I am writing in response to the numerous emails I have received from your company that is practically bordering on harassment even though I have responded to each one individually but then been replied to by your companies generic response. I would question are you not receiving them, if so would suggest you monitor your company email policy more carefully. I request the following from your company : An original copy of the credit agreement you are alleging I owe and statement of account you are alleging All correspondence to be sent to be by post through Royal Mail only Full comments on your company’s breach of the data protection act by giving details of the alleged debt over email without relevant permission Reasons why you believe interest can be added to the alleged debt Reasons why you believe a default can be added to my credit file over this alleged debt Please take further note that I do not wish to make any appointment for a home visit and that I revoke licence under English common law for you or your representatives to visit me at my property and, if you do so, you will be liable to damages for a tort of trespass and action will be taken, including but not limited to, police attendance.
  14. Hi All, hopefully you can advise me on a sticky spot I’ve just landed in. I’ve had what I believe to be a perfectly genuine threat-o-gram from a firm of solicitors representing Dessault Systems, makers of the Solidworks CAD package. They’ve correctly identified that I’ve used their software without a licence, but erroneously connected it with my very small business operation for which I own a domain and sell a few bits and pieces online. I manage my website, email etc on the same PC that on which I have Solidworks installed. The two uses are wholly independent. I’ve seen the template letter on the CAB website and will be sending off a request for them to comply with Pre-action protocol and prove when I used it. They probably can (whether they do or not remains to be seen). What they most definitely can’t do is connect it to my small business, other than via my ISP. They’ve put 2 and 2 together and come up with 5. I would like to add something to this effect in my response - asking them to prove I used it for my business and pointing out that they will find this impossible. What do you think? Thanks in advance
  15. Hi there, For years now, I've been receiving the same letter from the DWP. A vaguely-worded affair, it always tells me I owe the grand sum of £60 to them and to pay up. This usually results in a written response from myself, highlighting that I have no idea where this 'debt' is from and could someone shed some light on the subject. Nobody ever can. One year, I ignored the letter and ended up getting chased by a DCA, who soon passed the case back to the DWP because they couldn't tell me what the debt was for either. This happens every couple of years. I presume my complaints expire on their system and the DWP2000 Letter Machine starts the process again. Yesterday a letter popped through my door, but it would seem the laws have changed since our last correspondence (because we have a Tory government and that's the kind of nonsense they pull). It appears that, despite having no evidence of this debt, they can just go to my employer and take it from my salary. No court needed! No ethics needed either, I would seem. Wow. I've already put together a complaints letter the the Debt Management team, and filled out the SAR (just need to find someone with a printer as heaven forbid the DWP realises it's 2017 and starts dealing with emails). I should emphasise, £60 isn't a big deal, if I owed such a debt I would have no problem paying it. The fact is that I don't have any idea what this is for and nobody at the DWP ever tells me. If they had a case against me for it, they would have taken the money via the courts before the law changed, no? Thanks for reading, is the SAR and complaint enough or is there something else I can do?
  16. My Daughter has be hassled by Shoosmiths/ARC over an alleged debt with Egg, this started in March 2011 several DCA's have written and to each we have sent a S78 request, and had nothing returned other than a blank 'example' agreement. A couple of years ago Shoosmiths issued court papers to which I filed a defence on her behalf, pointing out that S78 had not been complied with and that a multitude of DCA's and solicitors had written a range of letters alleging debts but for a number of varying amounts. Shoosmiths responded by withdrawing the court application, out off the blue today we get a letter threatening an application for Summary Judgment, and wanting us to set up an agreement for repayment with them. My Daughter had a nervous breakdown several years ago 2007/8 and genuinely has no recollection of these debts and I have been managing them on her behalf, in may cases PPI has more than covered the debt but Shoosmiths have been particularly difficult to deal with and if this is a genuine debt then it will almost certainly have PPI attached to it, but apart from a bare minimum of information they have given me nothing to work with. I feel like calling their bluff, but the amount they are claiming is around £2k0 and if genuine is not a single debt but a number rolled into one, or has a significant amount of charges added. What would be my best course of action? Thanks in advance.
  17. I am in very real danger of being attacked or worse by a friends ex boyfriend, he has sent me a death threat on facebook which I am taking very seriously. Having been attacked very badly once before I still suffer from PTSD, Depression and the fear for my life I am experiencing has driven me in to psychosis. I became friends with this couple just at the time they were going through a relationship break up, having met him only a couple of times I found him to be a very unpleasant person, he talked about snuff movies which he enjoyed watching and his love for Death Metal, overall he was very intimidating and aggressive , now he has taken exception to my friendship with his former partner and has taken to threatening me on facebook. I'll paste the message that he sent me below. Removed I have no idea what he is talking about but contacted the police immediately, I was given no help what so ever, they said that they couldn't do anything because he wasn’t on their database even though I provided his name and the borough of London that he lives in. I would welcome any advice on bringing about a prosecution against him, I believe his threat is unlawful and that he should be prosecuted also for the emotional and mental distress he has caused.
  18. Hello to all you helpful souls @ CAG, I am hoping for some advice...... A couple of years ago I took out a payday loan with MRLENDER @ £700ish. I found myself in financial difficulty and was not able to repay. I tried to talk to MRLENDER but they were not interested in my circumstances and just insisted on full payment or interest/charges would be added etc. This annoyed the hell out of me!! Therefore I just ignored them. I have now received a letter from MORIARTY LAW (dated 09/12/16), stating; Amount Due: £1312.50 Original Lender: PDL Finance t/a Mr Lender We have been instructed by Motormile Finance UK Ltd (MMF) in relation to recovery of the above debt. The debt must now be settled within the next 14 days by either payment in full or an initial payment and an acceptable repayment plan. In the event we do not hear from you within the next fourteen days we have been instructed to issue proceedings without further reference to yourself. To ensure you are fully aware of the consequences of legal proceedings being issued against you we have detailed below the costs, fees and interest that the court will add to your account should this action be taken. Court fees: £70 Solicitor costs: £80 Interest: £105 The issue of proceedings and any consequent judgment in our clients favour would therefore result in your debt increasing to £1567.50. I have not been informed by Mr Lender / Motormile that this has been passed on/sold to Moriarty Law. I do work full time, however I am in receipt of child tax credits and don't have the money to pay this off in full...should I try to arrange a payment plan? Is Mr Lender in any way liable due to poor affordability checks in the first place, or is this all on me solely? Thanks in advance for any and all replies. Dave.
  19. Hi, I wonder if anyone could offer me some advice. I am not sure if my question fits into this sub-forum and I am sure it will be moved if I am wrong. Anyway, I had a judgement made against me for a store card a few years ago for around £1,100. I agreed a monthly payment of £15 a month which I only managed to keep up for 6 months and never hearly from them until today threatening an oral examination unless the balance is paid in full or a payment plan can be agreed. I had hoped to be receiving a pension but I only have nine qualifying years, and there is a delay in getting some qualifying years transferred from many years working in Ireland, but doubt I will have that sorted before Christmas. So my earnings are £0. My husband has offered to try and help, but we are struggling to keep on top of everything. Any suggestions on how I should approach this?
  20. Hi All I hope I am posting in the corret thread here, if not can admin move it... I signed up for a deal with Holiday Club in Gran Canaria, and when I got home I started asking around forums if they were ligit. People PmD ME from the GC forum and told me not to touch them with a barge pole, as they never give you the dates that you ask for, when you want to take your holiday. Long story short. I used the 14 day cooling off period when I got home, and decided to cancel. In the contract put in front of me, it clearly said that I could cancel. But hidden in the back of the forms, was a clause that I could not cancel the second part of the dea,l as the deal was for 2 weeks world wide holiday and 3 weeks in GC or mainland Spain. I paid £600 deposit by CC with the option to pay another £600 in 14 days after I was home. I attempted to claim the initial 600 back under section 75, my bank Santander, said it was a forgone conclusion that I would get the money back. A week later they called me, after holiday club had contacted them, and changed their tune. Angry enough at that, I put it down to a bad experience. But ow they are pursuing me for the other £600 through a debt collection agency based in Dublin. What I would like to know is if they can take me to court if I refuse to pay ? any input greatly appreciated
  21. Hi New to the forum so, hello. I was issued a pcn by vcs on the 25/10/2014 for allegedly breaching t&c's on a privately operated access roads at Gallagher leisure park in scun thorpe . The charge payable was £60, which after ignoring on advice went up to £100. After receiving several threatening letters from other debt collection agents like, zenith, Rossendales and drp, the last one being March 2015, I have now had 2 letters from bw legal some 15 months later claiming I must now pay the balance of £154. As I continued to ignore the first letter they sent a second letter saying as I have not payed I have 10 days from the date of the letter, being 22nd July, failing that vcs have instructed them to commenced county court proceedings. The next paragraph goes on to say "in the event our client issues county court proceedings and successful obtain a ccj, I may likely be liable for the balance, court fees ect. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a tad worried now in fact I feel ill everytime I think about it. I've had no correspondence with any of these companies therefore not admitted who was driving. So any advice to what I should do? I'm so annoyed for taking advice to ignore and not writing to them sooner. Thanks in advance for any responses.
  22. Hello i wonder if you can help me pls have received a pay within 7 day letter from Thomas Higgins partnership solicitors however i am of the understanding i don't owe them the debt they say i do its from a local firm of plumbers for the sum of 81.53+ vat total = 97.84. In Dec 2015 i moved house and decided to get Monthly Boiler cover from Npower they said i needed my boiler to be serviced in order for them to cover me the Local Firm was then employed By NPower and they came in to service the Boiler in Jan - this was done with an all clear and service book signed by them 2 days later on the 29th Jan the boiler wouldnt work i rang Npower who came back to me saying the local plumbers have said it actually needs an air pressure switch and they could come in 2 days later to fit it they attended on 1st Feb - to fit part when the engineer arrived he said this boiler doesnt need an air pressure switch it needs a complete new circuit board rewire - he asked if i would like a quote - i said you would need to speak to NPower - he said they probably wont authorize it as its about 600 hundred pounds - i said well i will speak NPower I did contract Npower and told them what the plumber had said , and they (NPower)said well as it now has a major fault and if i wanted to continue with their cover i would have to pay to have to repaired myself and no longer would be eligible for their service cover . 2 weeks later Npower wrote to me asking had i got the major circuit board fault fixed i said no - they cancelled my policy I heard no more till the beginning of April when an statement arrived from the local Firm claiming an invoice dated the 22nd Feb for goods and services was overdue and to be paid within 7 days - so i wrote back saying their contract is with Npower not Myself - No- Response Then at beginning of May another Statement arrived this time with a copy invoice invoice date 22nd feb for this Air pressure switch and labour charge £97.84 again pls pay within 7 days - this time i wrote back on the 9th May asking them to prove me with Written Evidence the debt was mine - i sent this letter via recorded delivery - again no response today i get the solicitors letter from this Thomas Higgins Partnership saying they have been instructed by Local firm to collect this debt within 7 days or they will issue proceedings including interest and court costs Having looked up Thomas Higgins its one of their standard £2 + vat threat letters Should I Respond to this Or Ignore it , is it just a if we talk in BOLD CAPITALS and say were a solicitors you might pay us can you pls advise - do you think they will take me to court ? ( sorry for the sermon )
  23. Hi, I'm looking for advice on the least painful way to deal with this. We received a letter from npower addressed to a company at our residential address. The letter is a threat to apply for a warrant to disconnect the electricity supply at this address. The letter is addressed to "XXX trading as YYY" at our address. We've lived here for two years and have not been an npower customer at any point. Checking our "Meter Point Administration Number" shows we're a customer of another supplier. About 100 metres away is the location of the company the letter should have been addressed to. They opened about a year ago. We started receiving letters addresses to them at our address about 6 months ago. All returned to sender until we got the one addressed to them or the occupier. Clearly the new company made a mistake opening their account or npower messed up not doing due diligence. Either way, nothing to do with us. Is it worth talking to npower customer services to explain this? I will make one attempt to resolve it but don't plan on wasting more time. My experience of utility customer service is not good for anything that deviates from their script Can our address be taken to court for a warrant without any other attempts to clarify they're chasing the correct person? Should I just turn up at the court on the date given with documentation to show this is nonsense? The court is at the other end of the road and I work from home, so not a lot of hassle to do. Any advice appreciated
  24. Hello to everyone here, I would be very grateful if you have some advice on a rather strange letter from RLP. Basically I am Bi-polar, normally I'm fine and nobody would know but one day last month I was in the manic phase of my condition due to a change in medication. I had gone into boots and bought a number of items, but I'd also put 3 low cost items a total of £4 in my pocket. I left the store with these but I then realised what I'd done, never stolen in 27 years didn't want to then. So I returned to the store as I was going to pay for said items but as I approached it, two security guards although I don't remember seeing Sia licences on them asked me to follow them. I tried to explain but it fell upon deaf ears. I was taken to the back room of the store and spoken to like a child. Then my bag was searched with paid items being broken before I was searched, patted down. Then one security guard left to price check the items stolen in total 3.95. My driving licence was photographed and so was I. Then I was told I was banned from all boots and would receive a fine for my actions. I though this was fair at the time. But then I received a letter from RLP it stated there had been an incident in store and I was being fined for losses even though in the next sentence RLP say the store suffered no loss. I was expecting a small penalty fine of maybe £30 but no £147.50! I looked around on the Internet for a bit and read through these forums, I decided to ignore the letter. Now however I have has a second letter from them threading to write to my parents or guardian. I'm 27 years old and both my parents have passed away! I'm just wondering what I should do about it, do I just ignore them again? Send them a short reply? Thanks for any advice
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