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  1. With a no deal Brexit looking possible, food and drink manufacturers are taking action. Are people stockpiling at home if they can afford it? https://www.thegrocer.co.uk/finance/brexit/food-suppliers-start-stockpiling-amid-fears-of-no-deal-brexit/571634.article
  2. Hi, its been a while since Ive been here. Just logging on and telling my story about TSB and a sim swap that emptied our accounts for a while. TSB have changed the way customers have to log in via an APP, whereas before we had a card reader. I never use the app as it doesn't work on Win phone. TSB facilitated a fraud on our account after a sim swap was made. They sent a one time password to someone, who then logged in and emptied the account. Once I tried to log in, I spoke to TSB and noticed this. I then tried contacting their fraud dept, but because it was a business account, they couldn't help ( infuriating). After long waits on the phone ( over 5 hours ) I had to take time out from my contracted hours, to go to the branch, where I waited most of the day for them to contact fraud with no answer. Went the next day and pretty much same thing. Id lost 2 days of work which we cannot recover. I issued an invoice, which TSB have totally ignored, even though good ole Paul pester promised that no customer would be out of pocket. We are now at the stage where, the invoice is overdue (14 days) plus an extra 10 business days to pay up. My next task is LBA, with further 10 to rectify. If anyone wants to chip in feel free, I am so annoyed with them not even writing to us to acknowledge anything, I am hoping to get my day in Court. Just had a look through CPR and the rules are a little different for a business to make a claim, Its 30 days from a LBA. I do like the reply forms that have to fill in, this could be fun. Additionally, they also owe us 70 odd quid because they blocked the accounts and a payment wasn't received, It was taken from a suppliers account and not applied to ours, even though TSB have said its been processed. Second LBA going off next week
  3. Hello you good people! Please advise, as I've read all the relevant threads but none end with a definitive answer or resolution. I deferred my Student Loans from 93,93,95 each May until 2013 when due to a move, I forgot. I phoned SLC around late 2014 to be told the loans were now with Erudio and to phone them. Having read all the hoo-haa surrounding Erudio, I didn't phone. Nothing further happened. Fast forward to March 2017 and I noticed a hard search on my credit file from Erudio. Nothing further happened. Since last month I have started getting multiple phone calls from Erudio. No message is ever left, and I have blocked each number identified as coming from their stable. As I am on the voters' roll, I can safely assume they have my current address should they decide to write. Could anyone please advise on what my options are? I don't want them getting a backdoor CCJ, but the account must be in 'arrears' since around June 2013. I am not in a position to pay, nor do I earn over the threshold requiring me to do so. As far as I can see, having read the other threads, my move should be to wait until they send a begging letter, then I send them a request for my original CCA? If/When they do what should I do then? By my calculations the first 93 loan should reach the '25 years' write-off point this year, however as I'm currently in arrears I don't think it applies? As my last deferment ran out May 2013 do you think I can just wait another 12 months, 'head-in-the-sand' stylee, until the debt becomes statute barred? I'd just like to know my options, and the dirty tactics I can expect from Erudio now the beast has woken and acquired me!! Any advice gratefully received. Thanks for your time.
  4. I'm starting up a DMP through Payplan and natwest is one of my creditors. I have given payplan all the correct details in terms of account numbers,addresses etc but natwest are saying that the information payplan have given them is incorrect so they can’t provide a balance on the account, the details they hold are different. They have asked if I call into a branch. I don't really want to do this as I don't see the need to, other than to confirm to them that I am now dealing with payplan. Will they want me to have a sit down with them? That is not going to happen.
  5. I've been reading around this forum before posting but I can't find an answer. I think I may be in an unusual position, so any advice specific to me would be great. I need to leave my job next week. Let's just leave it as a 'personality clash' (Manager is a , I'm not! lol) I've found a new job starting 1st November. Great! BUT, I went to the job centre on Friday and my area is trialing UC, and so the first payment I'd get is in 7 weeks from when I leave my job. Obviously I'll be working by then, but won't be paid till 1st December. I have no savings, but have paid a bucketload of tax over the last 25 years and something called 'National Insurance' to 'insure' me against being in a situation like this. But now I'm in need for the first time in about a decade I'm whole outta luck apparently!!! I've suffered with anxiety and depression my whole life but realised that life is better if I connect with other people through work rather than give in to my malaise - even if sometimes that work has been beneath me just to keep self-respect. Anything is better than just locking myself away in a darkened room and spending more hours on a computer than a full-time job would be sat alone at a computer trying to convince the JCP "I'm really sick, I can't even work at a computer, I need ESA", etc, all that bad-back . But I'm tempted to claim if ESA pays faster than the 7 weeks I've been quoted for UC. I only need what's my right having paid in, and only need it for a month to tide me over. Any ideas how best way to go? I'm going to hand in my week's notice tomorrow morning either way.
  6. Hi, I took my car in to a local garage to repair an oil leak around 2 months ago. From what the garage have told me, it looks like there was an oil leak on the car previously which had been badly repaired. It appears that the engine ran low on oil at some point and I've now been told I need a new engine The garage told me they would try to find a replacement engine but after waiting for a couple of weeks, I tried to find one myself. I've been able to find a reconditioned engine with 12 months warranty which can be delivered to the garage. I've confirmed with the garage and engine supplier that all required parts will be included etc. The problem is that the garage is refusing to provide me with a quote (or even estimate) for the work until they have the new engine delivered. As I have no idea what it could cost to fit the engine, I'm a bit hesitant to place the order for the reconditioned engine. The old engine has already been removed so I'm unable to move the car from the current garage. My only other option is for the garage to put the old engine back in the car and take it elsewhere, but this will still mean paying £600 labour for the old engine to be put back in the car. Is it unreasonable to ask for a quote (or just an estimate) before paying for the engine. I'm a bit concerned that the garage could charge any amount and leaving me with no choice but to pay. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
  7. I've started the VT process today and will keep people here updated as no one seems to have said anything about charges and what happens after they collect the car. So far just had a call from moneybarn confirming BCA will be in touch within two days and then the car will be collected within 7 days. My car is 6 years old with just over 30,000 miles and they said on the phone they don't expect it to be in mint condition but I'll be interested to see what the final bill is. I'm very happy with this car but I still have two and half years worth of payments and for the little I use it, it's just not worth it.
  8. http://www.standard.co.uk/news/crime/police-warning-after-reports-of-fake-new-5-notes-in-circulation-a3514691.html Got that wrong then, didn't they ?
  9. Greetings all, It's been a while since I've posted on CAG seeing as I thought I'd sorted myself out. today I got home to find a brown letter from Northampton It's a claim form from Lowell for a Vanquis debt for £450 + court fee + legal costs. Particulars are vague. Simply says I had an account. Didn't pay. Got defaulted. I have nothing on my credit file for Vanquis or Lowell nor do I have any defaults. I don't recall having a Vanquis card and it's been some years since I've even used a credit card. I'd like to dispute this in full. Is the first step to acknowledge? Many thanks in advance for your help.
  10. I run a small limited company. I am owed just under 15K from another limited company. Lets call them ABC Design Ltd. The money due to me has only just become due, and I have emails from the director saying stuff like don't you worry me ol china you'll get your money etc. However, I have just found out that ABC Design Ltd is about to close down and another company ABC Design 2 Limited is about to open with a member of ABC Design Ltd staff as director of ABC Design 2 Ltd. In fact the director of ABC Design 2 Ltd was the person who signed the contract I have with ABC Design Ltd. I know by the time i sue them, they will have gone bust, but is there anything I can do with regards to reporting them to someone as the clearly doesn't seem right and although ABC Design 2 Ltd has a new "front runner" the company will be run by the same people as ABC Design Ltd Sorry if this is posted in the wrong section. UKD.
  11. Hi guys. Just a quick one. I recently done a fresh install of an old Dell Inspiron 1545 Laptop. I had a problem installing Drivers from Dell (Ethernet and Wireless Drivers). I have managed to eventually get them done and can access the internet. The problem I am having now is, if I download anything and try to install the program, It won't start. Even in elevated mode. The main issue I am having is updating SM bus Controller. I have tried a fresh download, and tried using Update Driver through Device Manager. Any help is appreciated.
  12. Hi I am trying to get my head around my situation so sorry to bombard you with information, however I have done a lot of reading and need your help! Since ~2009 I have been using Pay Day Loans, A LOT OF THEM (full list below). Since 2009 I have always had at least ~3 outstanding loans at any one time. The issue has been made worse by severe depression and severe gambling. I am finally getting help there, and am sorting out my PDLs, however at a guess must have taken out ~£20k in PDLs and paid back ~£30k to date. I believe I have a claim for redress and this is what this thread is about. I will also update this thread for my progress. Key Areas of Claim I had to repeatedly roll-over a loan. This shows that I could not afford to take out the initial loan in the first place as I couldn’t make the payments I had to borrow from another payday lender in order to pay off your initial loan The loan was a large portion of my income meaning I couldn’t pay it in time as I would not have been able to buy food, pay your mortgage or bills etc (up to 5/6th my income in a single PDL, with multiple at any one time) Failing repayments, paying lots of late charges, then being accepted when applying immediately after again Pay Day Loan Companies & Contact Details Below is a list of PDL companies I have used and their contact details. These were mutliple loans, multiple roll-overs (some as recently as 3 months ago) and all across the six year period. I have the following questions: Should I even both searching for information on loans for companies gone bust Should I be contacting companies whereby I still have a loan outstanding (Companies in bold I still have outstanding PDL) (1MonthLoan) Sunny 247 Moneybox Cash Genie Cash Lady CashChoice CFO Lending Early Pay Day Loans MiniCredit MrLender Payday Express Payday UK QuickQuid Safetynet Credit Speed-E Loans Swift Sterling Toothfairy MyJar (Txt Loan) Uncle Buck Wayday Advance Wonga       Other Credit Lines I also have had a lot of credit cards and bank overdrafts. These are now all "up-to-date" and a plan has been put in place to repay them. Company / Total Owed / Now Owe / Type of Credit Line / Comment (CCJ) Luma £ 250.00 £ 250.00 Credit Card Aqua £ 300.00 £ 300.00 Credit Card Lloyds £ 2,700.00 £ 1,890.00 Overdraft CCJ Capital One £ 950.00 £ - Credit Card CCJ Egg (Barclaycard) £ 742.00   Credit Card   Nationwide £ 710.00 £ 710.00 Overdraft   Natwest £ 1,060.00 £ 1,060.00 Overdraft   Next Steps I will now complete the following next steps 1. Obtain bank statements (I can already get 3 years Nationwide and 5 years Natwest but will request SAR from all 3 bank accounts I have held) 2. Contact all companies requesting full detail of my account (all previous loans/repayments and anything still outstanding) 3. Contact Credit Reference Agency Experian to get last 6 years so I can review loans and check whether the proper checks were made. So... with all that information, does anyone have any further advice, next steps, or things I am doing wrong?
  13. Hi everyone, I just wanted to post up this thread/post for some advice/support/thoughts on how to handle Santander. Who, from what I have read in various places are generally pretty awkward, evasive and fairly resistant to playing fairly. So, I have a SAR template, ready, filled out with my details, got my tenner plus a few quid for the PO and postage ready and I had a couple of thoughts, that I wanted to get some guidance from more skilled and experienced crusaders than myself. So my confusion, or more like unknowingness; I had a current account when the bank was Abbey National, and the account was only Santander in the last few of my banking years with them. In addition to this, I had a joint account with my missus, again which was Abbey National, which we both put funds into for various household things like bills and other similar stuff, like mortgage payments etc. Then, we also had our mortgage with Abbey, which I believe had PPI, and sometimes around 2004/5 I tried to make a claim but they refused to acknowledge it even existed because I had lost all of the paper work. I also had a credit card with them, again, originally in the days of Abbey National and again, I am sure PPI was on the card. Finally, a couple of years we entered a DMP with Step Change (Actually it was CCCS and changed to SC about a month later) and the overdrafts and outstanding balances on the current accounts and credit card were taken into the DMP and we pay an agreed amount through Step Change to Santander plus a couple of other debts we owed, the mortgage was paid off, so nothing to worry about there, apart from the possible PPI thing. Finally, and probably most worrying, I have very little information on record for any of this period as it was all paper based and I lost a lot of stuff due to flooding and storm damage, so it is ‘Gone with the Wind’ and water, and I have read a number of times that Santander are very good at being rather evasive, and telling people they don’t hold records that far back, and there is nothing they can do, so this is a little disconcerting to me. However, I have also read (here and other places) that in fact all banks use the Archiving System and have records dating back from 50-90 years in some cases and they could access the information fairly easily if they had the will to do so and thus are just seen by many folks to be obstructive and evasive. So, my questions, confusing thoughts are: Re current accounts, are we required to send in a SAR for both of these accounts separately? One from each of us? Or do I just send in one SAR from and signed by the both of us and this will cover both accounts I/we had with AN/Santander? After all I am asking for information about/connected to the persons specifically as opposed to a particular account? So I initially assumed a joint SAR would cover the request but then just figured I better check with some folks in the know. Again with regards to the mortgage account, do I need to address this separately or should they provide any information connected to ourselves/mortgage with the one joint SAR/Individual SARs? Same with the CC, do I need to SAR a different section/branch of Santander to obtain any information relating to the CC or should it just be included in the joint/individual SARs? Is there anything I need to be aware of being in DMP and looking at these dealings with a mind to trying to get something back? I am looking to initially see if there are any spurious charges, PPI and similar insurances on the current, credit card and mortgage accounts and anything else I think looks unfair. Can they start messing with the DMP arrangement or anything like is what I mean, after all I figure, if they think I am making life awkward for them, they could return the favour and pull their agreement to allow the debt to run through the DPM. I believe the CC debt is now owned by Pra Group Uk, though still goes through the DMP via Step Change. I would be most grateful for any thoughts and advice on which way folks would feel the best way to start my daliance and dance with beast that is Santander. Thanks in advance to all and I very much look forward to some insights. mrbrooks
  14. http://www.scotcourts.gov.uk/taking-action/small-claims There are some significant differences between England/Wales - Scotland the link above will advise on how to take action in Scotland (Small Claims)
  15. I paid them for a couple months via Monthly Standing Orders which i set up, this was after the Debt Management Company I used folded, I then stopped paying all of them recently ... I have just received a true copy of my original CCA from Halifax, back dating to 2001, so will now need to sort a repayment offer with them They are the only 1 from 5 to provide thus far, so tbh i still had a great result This is very true, i assumed info from a company like StepChange would be best i would get, not a mention or suggestion of doing CCA's came from them Sometimes their hands are tied to give certain aspects of advice and as I say CAG was a blessing in disguise when i read what people were saying about making CCA requests I have just received a true copy of my original CCA from Halifax, back dating to 2001, so will now need to sort a repayment offer with them, they are the only 1 from 5 to provide thus far, so tbh i have still had a great result ! Better late than never, very true
  16. The Great British Benefits Handout: Outrage as family buys PLAYSTATION after £26k freebie Next episode Tuesday, 16th February 2016 http://www.express.co.uk/showbiz/tv-radio/642660/The-Great-British-Benefits-Handout-Outrage Now did Channel 5 choose people who would make the most of this opportunity or did it deliberately choose people who would squander the funds in order to provide further fuel for those who criticise Benefit recipients ?
  17. I have been issued a County Court Business Centre Claim form (Northampton unit) from Hoist at a St Helier, Jersey address. It is dated 7 Jan 15 and concerns £7043 (against an old credit card?) plus a further 3379.60 interest . The claim say that that amount due is from 6 Jan 2010 and I certainly haven't been in contact with them in the meantime. Does this mean that it actually covered by the statute limitation of 6 years (out by a day?) and they trying it on? Can I request cancellation under the limitation and also as I am uncertain as to the actual debt itself can I request proof of the original agreement and signature? And also proof that I have contacted or paid anything in the elapsed 6 years? I unfortunately only have till 21 Jan to reply to the court so any help appreciated. Thanks
  18. Hi there, I have recently received a letter from a well known group of solicitor who are willing to 'help' get me money back for PPI! I have had credit cards and mortgages for many years and have all my account numbers and details to hand, Please could someone detail how I go about starting a PPI claim. \ Is it A) One single thing to initiate B) Do I write to each bank seperatly using a SAR (I think I have seen this mentioned here on the forum) I am pretty clueless as to how to initiate the progress and would be so grateful for any advice help. Best Regards BB
  19. Hi Guys, A whilse since I've posted but have finally kicked the DMP Company and doing it myself. I have writting and sent the letters stating my proposals to the three companies all of which have been increased as I have been able to distribute the fee I was paying to each creditor. I have also asked them to keep the accounts in the state they were in when I left the DMP. I.e with interest frozen. Have I done the right things here? I want to clear these debts and I think this is the best ways of doing it. On another note, if they were to charge interest, does anyone know what the likely rates will be? I have two Bank of Scotland and one now with Wescot. Thanks for your help!
  20. Ok on 20/1/15 i was stationary at zebra with people crossing, got rear ended by builders van cause he's looking at building work other side of road. he's a self employed builder carpenter. He offered to pay for repairs but seeing damage I knew car was a write off - so I insisted through insurance, so we exchanged details, he apologised admitted liability, I did a quick DVLA / MID check, there and then and van insured , mot and taxed. I even took license number from him, you'd think I done it by book.... Now it turns out license , van registered and insurance at his mums address, he lives elsewhere with girlfriend, which you could put down to just forgetting to update.... but here's kicker- I report to my insurance company that day and they contact his insurance company (same as details he's given me) told by my insurance company they have until 30th to fast track payment as car will be a write off. (as I have already got independant estimate) My car is collected and written off by 27/1/15 given a value of £690 which I accept as told if I dont hire car will be revoked or deemed chargable. but he has either not contacted his insurance company and or just not admitted liability, so no payment and all seems in limbo as my insurance company have contacted his and at stalemate. so I now had a hire car for 3 weeks so guessing about £750 of hire - just worried if he's Missing in Action so to speak I will be stuck with a bill for a hire car and no payout.
  21. I don't want to go into a 1000 word essay so I've tried to summarise this down into valid points and be as brief but detailed as possible. On 24th December 2014, I visited Halfords and purchased engine oil 5L bottle and engine oil top up service. When the gentlemen from the 'we fit' team came to my car he just had a orange pouring beaker and nothing else. On pouring the engine oil into the vehicle and inspecting the dipstick I was slightly alarmed that the staff member wasn't using any measuring device and was seeming freely pouring at his hearts content, I decided to take a photograph of the top op occurring. My partner and her son where in the car whilst this was all on going. I assumed being a Halfords 'we fit' member it was probably just my own paranoia that he wasn't using a measuring device or jug. On completing the top up the staff member told me I was ready to go and it was complete and was about to shut the bonnet when I quickly noticed and informed him that the engine oil cap had not been reapplied and closed to the engine oil unit. The staff member apologised saying he had been at work since 6am and was very tired. So I left the store. On driving approximately 1-2 miles from the store smoke started coming out of the exhaust of the vehicle which i noticed from my rear view mirror and wing mirror. I immediately stopped the vehicle and as smoke was starting to appear from the exhaust and engine decided to check the engine oil top up. I at this time read the engine oil dipstick and saw that it was 3 times past the maximum mark. I took a photograph with it getting into the evening and at this point it became dark quite early and also for proof of the dipstick. I then returned to the store. On this point on returning to the store a 'engine malfunction' light appeared on my vehicle. I informed them of what had occurred and 2 members of staff inspected the engine oil. The supervisor told me she'd get equipment to drain the engine oil with the staff member. When they got this equipment because of the size of my vehicle it would not fit. Therefore the supervisor said she would ring halfords autocentre and see if an 'engine oil overfill' would cause any danger to drive. After ringing them she came back and told me that a mechanic at Halfords autocentre said the vehicle would be safe to drive with engine oil overfilled. I asked why the engine malfunction light was occurring and was told it was probably a false sensor alarm on the trip computer because the car was just 'slightly' over on engine oil. I asked what would happen if my vehicle was damaged or stopped working because of this and was told by the supervisor that I would have to seek reimbursement after purchasing the repair from Halfords Autocentre by bringing the receipt in store. To me this did not make logical sense and after googling the dangers of 'engine oil overfills' on my phone I decided to go into the store and speak to the staff to get some form of written liability and promise in writing. On speaking to the original staff member in store and his colleague they would not provide me anything in writing. I therefore decided to covertly record the conversation so I had some form of proof of the incident occurring and evidence. On speaking to the staff instore the store manager was at a till behind them. The staff told me to not worry and if anything did occur that 'Halfords would pay for it' as they had 'insurance in place for these kind of things'. I was told that mistakes did happen and before staff had fitted batteries in wrong and Halfords had paid the repair. The store manager then said that he drives his car which has 150k mileage on it with overfilled engine oil all the time and it does no damage. With this recorded I left and drove my vehicle home. I decided that something still did not seem right as I had been told 2-3 different things about reimbursement (insurance being involved...paying it myself and being reimbursed..halfords paying the repair costs..). These were three different things and to me it was not logical to drive a vehicle with a engine malfunction light. I kept the vehicle parked up and switched off and did no further driving. I rang my breakdown cover and asked them to send a mechanic out for an opinion. When the mechanic arrived he told me the car was unsafe to drive and the advice Halfords gave me was wrong. It was not safe to drive a car with overfilled engine oil as it was as bad as driving the vehicle with underfilled engine oil. He put this into a report of the breakdown he emailed to customer services, which I later requested. I therefore waited until Boxing Day and in the meanwhile i was left without a car because Halfords was not open during this period. When I rang the customer services on 26/12/14 at 2pm I spoke to someone there and they promised me that my car would be repaired until I was 'happy'. I asked them provide this in writing in which they did in the form of 'case notes' that were forwarded to me. I was told this would be done ASAP and the store would be instructed on how to do this. On being taken home by my mother at approximately 5pm I got a phonecall from someone claiming to work for Halfords claim team. I therefore spoke to them and they told me that they would require proof of the breakdown report and that the car was unsafe to drive as a result of the store's misadvice and negligence. I therefore asked them to put in writing this. Which they did in a email to me on 26/12/14 at 5.23pm I sent them the breakdown report, dipstick reading and audio recording on 26/12/14 at 9.58pm On the 29/12/14 I was contacted by the claims team via telephone on Monday throughout the day who said they would get the car towed to an autocentre to be flushed. This was done and I then awaited the car to be repaired. I asked about what would happen to any charges such as taxi for transport because of Halford's error and as since Xmas eve I had been without a car. I was told to email any costs in form of receipts and they would be reimbursed. On the 30/12/14 I was told the car would be repaired at 5pm. I decided to ring the autocentre repairing the car and ask them to specifically look at the catalytic converter and gasket and do a emissions test and thorough check of all components of the car as I was worried that from seeking advice these could be damaged. I was told this would be done. I picked the car up at 5pm and was given no receipt or invoice and was told that the car was done. Neither did I sign anything. On picking the vehicle up I noticed that before the car had been towed it had 3/4 full of petrol. It now only had below half so i took a photograph of this and asked for 25% of the petrol to be reimbursed to me, as I would not have lost this petrol if the matter had not happened and I sent Halfords the original receipt. The following day I noticed that the A/C was no longer working and neither was the audio system/CD player and these components of the vehicle had been before. I therefore tried to call Halfords but was told by the customer services team that the claims handler was busy and so they would get him to ring me back. I tried to call Halfords two more times within that week with the same response. On the 6th January (6 days) later I sent Halfords a email to the email address they had been corresponding to me at informing them of the problems with the vehicle and my concerns. I received no response and when I called on the 7th January was told that the claims handler who was dealing with my case did not work weekends and had been off so to allow a few days for a call back. On driving to Nottingham on the 9/1/15 M1 the same engine malfunction light that appeared on the engine oil overfill re-appeared on my car's trip computer and dashboard with a weird smell. I decided to pull in and call Halfords customer service and demand to speak to a manager. On calling them they put me through to the claims handler who told me to take the car to my nearest autocentre. I did this and on the 10/1/15 the autocentre confirmed that the diagnosis was that the car had a 'emissions fault' and the 'catalytic converter' needed replacing. Halfords claim team called me on the 10/1/15 and told me that the repair would be started on Monday. On Monday 12/1/15 I was called by the claims handler and told the repair would take upto 1 working day but as this autocentre was under staffed that they would require further time, so a courtesy car in the form of car hire had been sorted for me with Enterprise locally to me. I was told I had to pay the deposit amount on the vehicle but the rental fees would be covered by Halfords. Therefore with no other choice I accepted the rental vehicle. I did this and got the courtesy car. On Wednesday 14/1/15 I was called by the claims handler to say that 'due to the cost of the catalytic converter' an 'investigation' was going to take place to see how the catalytic converter had been damaged and not spotted before. I accepted Halfords to do this as I knew nothing had been done. On 23/1/15 I received an email from the claims handler saying that Halfords staff had given 3 witness statements stating that only 1 litre of engine oil was entered to the vehicle which all staff witnessed and the engine oil dipstick was seen by 3 members of staff who all said it was at minimum, thus the autocentre found the engine oil amounts to be between 1.5-2 litres over therefore this did not match amounts. The autocentre had raised no concerns at the time but the investigation concluded the engine oil amounts did not match and thus Halfords stated that after Halfords topped up the oil i must have added more oil to the vehicle and damaged the vehicle myself, therefore Halfords were no longer liable for the damage/s and expense/s and the car hire would be ended on 29/1/15. On the 30/1/15 I rang the customer services and informed them I would like to speak to someone above the claims handler as at the time of the incident occurring and the engine oil top up happening my partner who was a witness to it all was there and could testify that 3 people did not check/supervise the top up. I also informed Halfords that i had a photograph of the engine oil top up occurring which had a time/date linked to it which was further evidence. I was promised that I would get a phonecall from a higher up member of the team on the Monday 26/1/15 as the claims team did not work on a Saturday. I received no call on the 26/1/15 from anyone higher up and instead was greeted by this email from the claims handler: Dear XXXXX, I understand that you have contacted us over the weekend in regards our response dated the 23rd. I can confirm that I have already discussed this case in detail with Halfords' High Level Complaints Manager, XXXXXXXX, prior to sending the email on the 23rd and that she has confirmed our stance. As previously advised if you do wish to take this further then I can only advise that you seek independent legal advice and address any correspondence to Halfords Legal, as we will not be giving this further consideration at Customer Services. Kind regards XXXXX Claims Consultant I then decided to reply with a letter before action (LBA) and sent one via post to the address I was told to send further consideration to only (the legal team at halfords) via recorded delivery and one via email to the address for Halfords I had. I yesterday received the below response to my LBA. Dear Mr XXXXXX, I confirm receipt of your email. Taking into account our prior correspondence, we are comfortable that this is our final position on this matter, and we do not propose to respond to you further in this circumstance. We refute your assertion that liability has been accepted at any point and recommend that you do seek legal advice should you wish to take this further. We await service of your claims paperwork from your legal representative and would ask that your case number of XXXXXXX is on all paperwork submitted. Yours Sincerely XXXXXX Claims Consultant I am now fed up over the matter. I am going to commence a MCOL. But need help in writing the particulars section. I have looked on the internet but found no examples of applicable use and don't know if what I have done is good enough. Can anyone help? Oh and I forgot to mention have still not had my vehicle back..and car hire was cancelled 24 hours earlier than what I was told!
  22. Hello All First time I have posted on here for a while... I am in the process of recovering from various mental health conditions and a dependence on alcohol, but now feel that the time is right to return to the working environment, I wanted to be the one who decided when I was ready for work and not the DWP. I had an appeal for my ESA over a year and half ago now where I had been found fit for work at a medical after being in the WRAG for about 3 years, the chair of the appeal panel thought the evidence was so compelling that I was placed into the Support Group !!! and I have been there ever since. Anyway, the point of this thread is to try and find out what return to work benefits I could expect. I am going to try and work part-time - 18.75 hrs per week, I am 50 and hope that I will be able to qualify for Tax Credits due to my mental health conditions. I am a single (well nearly divorced!) bloke living on my own in a privately rented flat paying £400 pcm rent. The problem is, no matter which way I work it out, whatever I would get in Tax Credits would automatically be taken off the Housing Benefit and Council Tax benefit that I would get. It just seems that I will be doing 18.75 hrs work with the net result being about £10 a week worse off !!! Unless there is something that I have missed ??? I am aware of the return to work incentives with something like £100 bonus (!) for returning to work and the £40 a week for the first number of weeks - but does anybody know if I am entitled to anything else to make work pay? Is anyone aware as to whether I am able to apply for any grants to buy some clothes for work as all I seem to have is jeans and shorts which probably wouldn't be too appropriate. I don't want to speak to anyone at Jobcentre Plus as it would show that I should potentially be in the WRAG group if I have been looking for work. Does anybody know if I am entitled to remain on benefits for a type of trial period to test the water on a return to work? Thanks and appreciation for any advice anybody is able to offer...
  23. Hi all, My sister had an account with Argos and Charges were applied to her account . The account was opened 2003. She operated it until 2009 but ran into financial difficulties. The account was closed then sold to Lowell this year with an outstanding balance of appx £800. She requested for a copy of CCA + SAR and received both. There were quite a few late and over the limit fee totaling to £250 added to the account. There have been a few exchanges of letters and Argos stated in their final letter that the charges were fair and will not be refunding but the case can be referred to ombudsman. I have seen a LBA and they referred to the previous letter as their final response and their position remains the same. I would like to help her claim this charges plus back and I do need help with drafting particulars of claim. Lowell is now threatening with court action too, so urgent help is needed please. Is there any Argos case I can have a look at? Thanks for your help. Dot Below is the spread sheet for the charges
  24. Hi all, I am trying to help my sister to claim her PPI and Charges from her Argos card. The account was opened 2003 and had PPI and also incurred some charges. She operated it until 2009 but ran into financial difficulties. The account was closed then sold to Lowell this year with an outstanding balance of appx £800. She requested for a copy of CCA + SAR which are all with her now. She realized that she had PPI all along was charged a total £310 in premium. There were also quite a few late and over the limit fee totaling to £250 added to the account. When she requested for refund, Argos said as a Good Will Gesture, they are prepared to refund her about £530 in total. This includes the interest of approximately £220. When asked how the reached this figures, they are not explaining anything. There has been a few exchange of letters and Argos wrote their final letter and stated that the amount they are willing to refund is £530. LBA went out but their position is the same. I would like to help her claim this charges plus the PPI back and would need help as to draft a particulars of claim. Lowell is now threatening with court action too, so urgent help is needed please. Is there any Argos case I can have a look at? I will pick up some of the papers from her and post them up later on. I will also get the copy of CCA sent to her and post it up, so that you can have a look at. Thanks Dot I do not have the final letter yet but will have it by tomorrow. Could some one kindly have a look at the CCA for me please. I tried to load them under one file but failed. Thanks Dot Below are the spread sheets for both charges and PPI. Could someone please have a at for me to see if I have done them correctly? Could someone also tell me if for claim they have to be combined? Thanks Dot Could someone please direct me to where I can find a particular of claim to use for this case.
  25. I am looking at starting grievance procedures at my work due to discrimination but just wanted some advice as to what discrimination is it and how strong my case is? I have been at the company 6 years now and have always worked flexible since starting (4 long days 7:30-6 in the office and on 5th day at home although still doing work on laptop etc but a lighter touch, contracted hours 35 hours full time and do 40 hours plus every week) I had 1 child when I started there (now 6) and have had 2 children whilst working there (4,1) I had maternity leave for both but only 3 months each. I feel due to my flexible working I am overlook for pay increases, fair comparable bonuses and promotions and here is why. When I started standard bonus % for the level I was at was 12.5% but I got them to agree to 15%. At the end of 1st year even though on same salary as colleague with 12.5% bonus we received the same bonus( my performance was rated 4 this year, higher than expected so no reason to receive same bonus as someone on a lower percentage than me) Following year when at salary review bonus time my boss informed me that I would receive 100% of my bonus entitlement but the amount he came out with was only 69% of my entitlement (I was on maternity leave for 3 months of the year previous that the bonus related to and he had incorrectly work out the deduction for this ) he also said I would not be getting a pay review as had received one the year previous. I complained about this but he said there was no further action I could take Following this he accidently (what a fool) cc'd me on an email to his boss saying that I wanted to see him as I was unhappy with my bonus calculation and that I failed to appreciate the benefit I get from flexible working compared to my peers and colleagues. When I confronted him about this (he was sweating) but said that flexible working is part of my benefit that others do not get and this needs to be taken into account as part of my package (I still work full time and consistently receive higher than average reviews) In February this year a promotion opportunity came up with another area of the business which I was basically doing a similar role in my current position so decided to go for it as my current role and package was below market value for the tasks and my skill set. I had an interview set up with the CFO for the new role and had to cancel the day before due to my 3 year old being taken in to hospital with an infection. Whilst I was rescheduling the interview with Hr they asked me, "this is a full time position is that an issue?" I replied "no as I currently work full time but I do work flexibly is that an issue?" They informed me (although this role was based between 2 locations splitting each week between the 2) that i would not be able to continue my flexible hours in this role. I emailed the CFO and said how I could make the flexible hours work that I consistently delivered in my current role (that was very similar) and recieved 4's in my yearly reviews and flexibility works both ways so can be available in evenings,weekends, Fridays when needed and I could deliver the role 125%. He replied 2 weeks later saying that they didn't need to interview me as they had found another candidate, and although my flexibility was an issue it was not the deciding factor. How can they say this when they didn't even interview me and I had an interview set up prior to them finding out about flexible hours? March this year salary review and bonus time. Received an overachieved objectives level 4 again but no salary review and only 87% of my bonus. Again my boss told me my flexible working is my benefit! Another promotion pop comes up in April and I go for it. I get down to final 2 against a lady who has the same role as me in the same dept currently ( but she is full time) our boss says to her whoever doesn't get the promotion does not need to worry as he will make this a win win situation so whoever gets left behind will not lose out. He will not replace the leaver instead he will increase level and package of role of person left making them his deputy. I didn't get the promotion but my boss just said to me let's see what happens in 6 months time and nothing will be done now! I believe it would have only been win win if the other candidate didn't get the role and stayed behind but the same does not go for me due to my flexible working. I have handed my notice in due to this as fed up of being overlooked even though I still work the same hours as everyone else and delivered above targets set for me
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