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  1. Hi, My first post so I hope I have stuck to all rules. I received a PCN today from SIP in Manchester for not parking in marked bay. I returned from a court appointment in the family courts and had the PCN on my windscreen. I had paid the parking for the period via the app. The markings for the actual bays was almost none existent and also it was the end of an arm in the under rail parking on Harding Street in Salford. My thoughts are that due to the poor quality of the "marked bays" they have no case. i parked as you can see from the photos as close as I could to the next car so that someone could get in and out of there car. I have parked here in this place for about 18 years and only recently have SIP took management of it. Won't be going again And yes it was private land 1 The date of infringement? 22/10/2018 2 Have you yet appealed to the parking company yet? [N] If you haven't appealed yet - ,......... have you received a Notice To Keeper? (NTK) [must be received by you between 29-56 days] 5 Who is the parking company? SIP 6. where exactly [Carpark name and town] did you park? Harding Street Salford PDF.pdf
  2. Hi guys, I've been advised by a friend to come on here after i received a parking charge notice this afternoon. I was parked incorrectly, however to get into that space i had to drive through a narrow gap & swing the car into the space. As you can see from the attached pictures, it is not possible for another car to park besides mine, due to the the vehicles parked across the front of the car park. Do i pay the the £35 fine within 24hours or appeal? If appeal gets rejected then its £60! Many thanks.
  3. Saturday 23rd June 2018 took a 14ft pool to the till marked up at £99.99 with the correct item being displayed on the price tag, when we got to the till they entered the code from the price tag clearly stating £99.99 to be told it was £199.99 after disputing they had to sell it at the marked price which was on the tag they called the manager to be told she was the deputy manager and that they didn’t have to sell it at the marked price as it was incorrectly priced, there was another 3 marked up at the same price also in the shop, they said there was nothing they could do and the best they could do was offer us 10% off the correct price, so we ended up paying £180 for a pool that was price marked at £99.99, we took the price tag and asked for head office details and have kept the receipt so we can prove that we have paid more for an item than what was priced, how do we get the difference back and what do we do now? Any help greatly received. ?
  4. 1. The date of infringement? 20th March, 2018 at 20:04:43 2. Have you yet appealed to the parking company yet? No 2.1. Have you received a Notice To Keeper? Not yet 2.2. What date is on it? Not recieved letter yet, just a ATTENTION slip 2.3. Did the NTK provide photographic evidence? Yes 3. Did the NTK mention Schedule 4 of the Protection of Freedoms Act 2012 (PoFA) Not one the webpage with all the information and photographs 4. If you appealed after receiving the NTK, did the parking company give you any information regarding the further appeals process? Not appealed 5. Who is the parking company? UKCPS 6. Where exactly [Carpark name and town] did you park? Centertainment Sheffield Hi there, me and my girlfriend went to the cinema last night in Sheffield. As we got into Sheffield we noticed there were really bad traffic around the centertainment area. We managed to get into the car park for Cineworld and it was absolutly jam packed. There was an event going off somewhere nearby and people were using the centertainment car park (as its free) and leaving the area. The cinema was dead so the majority of cars there were infringing the rules by not staying within the area. We drove around for half an hour and was late for our movie trying to find a parking bay. We found a little area, safe section unused by the walking public and unmarked as all parking bays were taken up. We didnt obstruct anyone or cause any danger to anyone or cost anyone any money. I was outraged at the fact that everyone was using the parking bays and not even going to the cinema. They want £100 for some reason, £60 if I pay up within 2 weeks.
  5. Hi Just received my credit file and after getting into a bad financial situation I have a total of 19 defaults on my credit file!, 11 are due to drop of this year and 3 next year the rest are around 2022, for the latter do you think my credit file will improve If I pay them of so they are marked as satisfied? or should I just wait, none of them are chasing me for payment at the minute Just edited to add one is for a mobile phone debt that I was paying for 2 years at £35 per month, it says I owe £550.00 now
  6. Hi I have recently received a council parking ticket for parking in what appeared to be a parking bay outside of a Premier Inn in Northampton, I paid the correct amount to park in the car park overnight but having come out in the morning found a ticket on my vehicle I contacted the council and was visited by two parking wardens who couldn't explain why i had received a ticket for where I was parked as they too could clearly see the worn markings. Having challenged the fine with the council directly they have rejected my initial appeal as they claim that this isn't a parking bay at all, and that the fine had been issued correctly. I have now looked on Google Street view and the historical photos of the site show that this was part of the car park (a double bay) before the premier inn was built, however the markings are still present and my vehicle was not causing an obstruction to other users of the car park, does anyone have any advice on how to take my appeal forward or the grounds to base it on?
  7. Final resting place of a Yorkshire born WW2 soldier killed in the 'Bridge too far' Battle of Arnhem is finally marked after almost 73 years READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/final-resting-place-of-a-yorkshire-born-ww2-soldier-killed-in-the-bridge-too-far-battle-of-arnhem-is-finally-marked-after-almost-73-years
  8. Hi I'm new here so hoping I'm writing in the correct place. I was hoping someone could help me with a query I have regarding a shopdirect/very account I have. Back story - I fell into financial difficulty a couple of years ago and have 6 creditors and a large outstanding debt balance. 5 of the 6 creditors have defaulted my accounts and they show as such on my credit file however shop direct haven't, it says 'up to date' but when you go in to the details there's red marks with differing codes that cover the period since I stopped making the contractual payments. Now although I'm the one that's not kept up their end of the deal and not in a position to moan as such I think it's unfair and going to be more detrimental to my credit file in years to come that I haven't been defaulted. Am I able to make them back date a default date online with all my other creditors in the hope that in 6 years time I can leave this mess behind me or can they keep this going for as long as they wish, the balance has spiralled out of control and I will be lucky to have paid it up in 6 years so feels like I'll have to wait double time to get this to disappear if that makes sense? Thanks in advance for any help or advice.
  9. Hi all When Vodafone 'ported over' my account to their new system (sept 15) they appear to have screwed it up, royally. I have 3 phones on one account. (which seem to have been separated) I have had nothing but misery and stress ever since, I have lost count of the number of times they have restricted access, leaving us all or one after another cut off, in one case for weeks. most spectacularly when I was 100 miles away from home in a hospital with my Father who had been rushed in with a heart problem, No way to call anyone brilliant! I have spent hours both in store and on 191 trying to deal with it all apparently in vain. Last week was the last straw, I applied to borrow money against my property and to my horror was refused point blank, I was advised by Barclays to check Equifax to see what was happening. I had a gnawing in the pit of my stomach thinking ..o god its going to be Vodafone, sure enough it was. My credit score is unblemished apart from them, who have my account as delinquent, credit rating rock bottom. I phoned Equifax and explained I have been having problems with them for 18 months and they advised to contact them and that they, Equifax would put a note on my file and query it with Vodafone. I phoned vodafone to be told sorry system is down I will ring you back, of course after going through hoops to establish its me! I telephone later as I have no real expectation of her ringing me back because, well, they just don't, Guy this time says your account is in arrears by 22.91 you must pay now so i did. I asked him to remove the erroneous entry on Equifax which he apparently did not understand. 3 hours later lady calls back and says you are 12.00 , which I declined to pay when the member of staff on the phone could not explain how, when approximately 3 hours earlier I had been told I was 22.91 in debit and had paid it. The following day whilst in store I was £45.82 in credit, at the time i thought sadly laughable, as the first member of staff appears not to be able to understand a credit on the account. ? so my credit had now doubled. o yes he also said he would add £5.00 credit 'for the hassle' which I had confirmation in a text message. needless to say it was not applied! Checking my Experian account it shows £190 in debit and more than 6 months overdue. Thus placing it in Delinquent status. Which actually tallies with no other amount? I think they pick amounts out of the air tbh. I then receive a letter yesterday informing me they were suspending my account as I was in arrears of £65.30. desperation yesterday I emailed the Member of staff in the store and copied in the CEO attaching the e mails I had sent to the previous CEO in oct 15 and jan 16 which received no response, amazingly I got a reply e mail today saying they would look in to it but if it was urgent to call them, really Vodafone?? so I did. Melanie assured me she has removed 52.80 which was hanging around on my 'Ghost' account since sept 15 and she will remove my status on Equifax. I mentioned to her that not only would I want my credit file returned to its unblemished state before they had made the catastrophic cock up of my account I also thought I should be entitled to compensation for the amount of time and distress caused in the lat 18 months continually trying to sort their mess out, not least the embarrassment and distress yet again of having to try and explain to the lady from Barclays and my husband that I really wasn't responsible. She of course completely ignored this part of the conversation I asked her to send me an e mail outlining exactly what she was going to do, which she did all be it concise. What are the things I should perhaps be doing/ recording to follow this up? I cannot explain how utterly sick and tired I am, how stressful and embarrassing this whole thing has been for such a long time, this is not everything either. I would really appreciate any input from anyone Thank you Sealover
  10. READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/armistice-day-marked-by-services-around-the-world
  11. Just checked my credit file on Noddle. Hitachi Capital have run 2 searches on me, 1 in February and again in August. Feb. was marked "Administration Review" and August search was marked "Price Comparison Hdd". I have never had any dealings with Hitachi, and have never had a price comparison for anything that I am aware of. Why have these searches been done? Should I be concerned? I have had no direct contact from Hitachi. Thanks t
  12. Dear Cagers, I need some advice. On 30th of April 2015, while I was watching my son’s cricket match on ground, I received an email from Vodafone welcoming me on their network with a new contracted account which I never bought. I sensed something is wrong and called Vodafone customer service straight away. They told me after confirming my address and dob that I have just purchased a contract with an iPhone from them. I told them that someone must have used my details so please cancel it straight away. As I responded to this purchase very swiftly, iPhone delivery was also stopped. I was told that account is closed and matter will be forwarded to fraud department. I also advised Vodafone that please flag my details in your system as not to be sold any contract for a certain period to avoid any more attempts. That person later on bought one or two more contracts from Vodafone, one from EE and one from O2. I kept on informing and cancelling every time I get something in my mailbox or letterbox and thanks to all as they were all very cooperative and honest except ONE which is Vodafone. Now, here is the main story. On 13th of July 2015, I received an invoice from Vodafone dated 8th of July 2015 demanding £177.28 as invoice saying that I made two purchases of mobile phone contracts. I called them straight away but their automated call handling system DID NOT recognized the account or mobile number I had on that invoice and didn’t let me choose any option to go further with customer service. On this I thought that because of their computer is not recognizing the account or mobile number on invoice then the account must have been deleted and this invoice would have generated earlier OR in error. But I was wrong, after a week (on 19th jul 2015 ) I received a default notice in post from Vodafone dated 13th jul 2015 demanding same money otherwise I’ll be registered as bad debt with credit rating agencies. This was serious, next day, on 20th July 2015, after much struggle in finding vodafone’s geographical customer number (03333040191) I called and spoke to a lovely lady called ‘Candy’. She was helpful and after listening to me she promised that matter will be pulled back and passed to fraud team and I will receive a confirmation too in 72 hrs. After 2 weeks, A letter dated 3rd August 2015 was delivered to me on the very same day 03rd August 2015 ( How ) in the morning post from a debt collection agency called ‘Collect Direct’ demanding same money £177.28 urgently on behalf of Vodafone. I wrote a letter to collect direct explaining the story and also provided crime reference number which was obtained from ‘Action Fraud’ on these unauthorized purchases. After few days I received a comforting letter from Vodafone saying that A mobile phone account was opened in my name recently without my authorisation and has now been closed. We are now doing everything to prosecute the criminals. Being victim of fraud is worrying but we can’t disclose any further details due to legal reasons. We have also ensured all record of this fraudulent application has been removed from your credit file.’ This was very relaxing and I thought matter is finally put to rest. I never received any letter or email from Vodafone or Collect Direct after that about anything. It’s been a year to this incident now. As I am in property buying and selling business, I recently applied for a mortgage. To my surprise the broker came back to me saying that lender is only offering high rates as you have a default on your credit file. SHOCKED !! never ever missed a payment, how come there is a default !! I didn’t believe the broker and subscribed to Equifax and saw myself. YES, VODAFONE deceived me and marked a default on my credit file with same amount £177 and same account . I reverted back to lender explained all with all the paperwork I have but they won’t change their decision as they only go by the books. They say that they will recheck my credit file in first week of October 2016 (2 weeks from now) and if this default is still there then there will be only high rate mortgages and low amount of lending will be available for me. This will blow me out big time as my whole year’s investment and hard work will go down the drain and might run me out pocket and eventually out of business. My credit file matter at this time is very serious for me. I want to ask; - Is there any ways i could get my credit file fixed asap ?? - Would vodafone or equifax be able to do it before 2 weeks ? I am already started to make a flow chart for word press. SAR, LBA and MCOL procedures are also prepared to kick off but they need 14 days and then so on which will not sort my problem within 2 weeks. I haven’t spoken or written to Vodafone, Equifax and/or any solicitor yet and will do so after some advice on group. Thanks in advance to all who read and comment.
  13. Hello good evening, just after some advice recently received a Claimform dated 01/04/16 from UKCPS LTD for parking out of a marked bay. Particulars of claim stated " Claim against Mr ****** **** for outstanding parking charge issued to a vehicle ******* on land named *********** ********* This land is managed by UKCPS Ltd and vehicles parked at the site are subject to parking restrictions which are set out on signs at the site and form a contract between the driver of the vehicle and UKCPS Ltd. Mr ****** **** or a driver parked the vehicle on **-**-15 @ **:**:** IN OUT OF MARKED BAY. Or the keeper who may have been the driver or alternatively has not chosen to name the driver and is therefore responsible for payment as required under Schedule 4 of the Protection of Freedom Act 2012 By parking on this land a driver contractually agrees to pay charge of 100. The amount remains unpaid and stands at 100 plus an additional 50 incurred in collection fees whereby the remaining 50 becomes a commercially justifiable figure. Amount claimed 150 Court fee 25.00 solicitors amount 0.00 total 175.00 Now last time I looked on this forum was a few year back and the advice then was to ignore all correspondence with the claimants which I did do of which this has now landed on my lap, unfortunately times have changed I see and so has the advice by the looks of things. after some friendly help and advice please as need to respond to the claim shortly, where do I stand with the claim and what advice for my defence to the court. Any help is much appreciated cheers.
  14. http://www.mobilenewscwp.co.uk/2015/08/05/exclusive-ee-recalling-500000-power-bars/
  15. I am in the support group of ESA but I just checked my bank account and I have randomly received a payment of £125 when I am not due a payment till the 14th, it's also marked as JSA and not ESA (not the first time a payment has been marked as JSA). I tried to ring them but I was a few minutes late as they close at 6pm. Obviously this is worrying me, can they take you off ESA and put you on JSA? or is it likely a clerical error?
  16. I did a SAR request on a firm who I had car finance with a few years ago. I have my account number but no other paperwork. I am pretty sure I paid PPI on it as I remember them saying "No PPI No loan" and being very very pushy. The firm is called Private and Commercial Finance, 39 Victoria Street, London, SW1H 0EU. On checking the Royal Mail website, my letter has been returned as gone away. On looking further into the internet it would seem that the address has been redeveloped and is up for let. Any advice on how to track them down?
  17. hi like LFOZ89 I too have received practically the same letter as yourself for very similar circumstances and considering appealing like yourself. You have not posted an update to your situation and I wondered if you were successful or not.
  18. Hi, I’ve been lurking on the forums without posting as of yet, a lot of info here has helped me take the right steps to VT my agreement with MotoNovo. thanks firstly. Sat the end of Feb 2014 I decided to Voluntary Terminate my Hire Purchase agreement with MotoNovo. It was 5 years HP, and I’d only had the car around 12 months but for one reason or another I needed out and accept I have a present liability to settle up to the 50% mark on the agreement . I wrote to MotoNovo around 20th February informing them I wish to VT. I received a reply around 7 working days later, to explain Manheim would collect the car which they did on the 12th March. I knew they would sting me with their additional charges for “excess miles, condition” etc which I know is a load of tosh as per the CCA (as the car was second hand, in good condition and fair wear and tear etc). I received a letter dated 18th March from MotoNovo, stating they accept the VT but that on top of the £4.9k liability (which is wrong as a further payment was sent to them on 5th March) they also want to add on almost £2k for their charges following the inspection report. It says payment should be made within 30 days, a further paragraph goes on to state “…failure to make payment within 30 days of the date on this letter, will result in your agreement being noted as terminated with default liability…”. I replied to this letter on the 4th April 2014 (via RD, they received it) explaining I am happy to pay the remaining liability to settle the agreement minus the additional charges from the inspection report. Today I’ve received an alert from Equifax that my credit report has changed, and low and behold my agreement is now marked Defaulted as of 10th April. My issue and the reason I am now posting is regarding the default notice. The 30 days given in order to settle the agreement isn’t up yet as per their own letter. My question is do they have the right to mark the agreement (at this stage) as defaulted? And does the extract above from their letter cover them in terms of issuing a formal notice of default letter? Any help/advice on this would be massively appreciated. I feel like I’ve got a fight on my hands with this one… since I arrived home. I've received a letter dated 4th April 2014 advising that after the sale of the vehicle the settlement amount is now £4.1k, and will be reduced by 20% if paid within 7 days (passed that before the letter even arrived!). If payment is not made the account will be sold to debt collection agency. No mention of any of the points raised in my last letter, although it does appear the £2k charges from the inspection have been wiped (unless the car sold 2k over at auction?) I made a quick call (in addition to the letter I will send to back it up) with one of their agents who was very surprised at what had happened re: default, as he was in agreement to 30 days being outstanding, after a quick consultation with his manager he quickly fell back into party line and informed me "marking the agreement as defaulted is what we normally do when someone VTs the agreement until the amount is settled, but once you've paid the amount the the defaulted mark will be removed". Maybe I'm cynical but I'm dubious over this, my instinct is don't pay a penny until they've removed the defaulted marker.
  19. I have checked my credit file. some of my debt accounts show default amount but are also marked as settled. what does this mean?
  20. After a day out my wife and I returned to our car to find a £70 parking ticket issued by the council. When we arrived at the car park it was quite busy so we pulled up outside on the road opposite the car park along with dozens of other cars. My wife spotted a parking warden in the council car park and went to ask her if we were ok parking on the roadside, we were told that due to the double white line in the middle of the road no cars should park on the roadside and the police would ticket any car it found there. I spotted a space in the council car park so I pulled over the road and parked there instead in full view of the watching parking warden. The parking fine was issued because we didn't park in a marked bay, by the same parking warden my wife had spoken to and had watched me pull into the council car park, she had waited 10 mins until after we purchased our ticket and left the car park for our day out. The car park itself is a gravel car park, with absolutely no markings on the ground to indicate bays, no markings on wall or fences to indicate bays, or lack of bays. We had parked nose to the fence, not blocking vehicle access, pedestrian access or any other kind of access. Can they enforce not parking in marked bay when there are no markings or signs to indicate bays or non parking areas? What defines a marked bay? The fact the parking warden watched us park there having already asked her if we could park on the roadside and taken her advice that we risked a ticket just makes me even more angry! Thanks
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