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  1. Evening all, Im doing a lot of sorting out with my own finances and my mum and dad are so impressed they have asked me to sort theirs too, so here goes, My mum has an account with natwest, that is now £800 in arrears, due to a bounced direct debit back in late 2011. she recieved a letter from them at the time stating they hadn't paid the dd for £37, but had put charges on her account for £40 odd pound. She went into the bank and explained she'd forgotten the time of month, and all she had on her was £20 until the following week when she'd put the remainder in and they said okay no problems, they would put a note on the system and she wouldnt be charged any further. She went in the following week and the charges were at near £100, so she asked why and they said they charge daily for being overdrawn. She explained she was on benefits dues to losing her job and they told her it didnt matter, and if she didnt clear the balance in full she would continue to apply charges daily, then a monthly charge on top of that. she explained she couldn't clear the balance in full to which she was told that they didn't care, and was nothing that they could do, if it wasn't paid in full the charges would continue. She was so mortified about it all that she walked out of the bank in tears and hasn't been back in since. She had a letter from a dca a few weeks back stating that she owes the bank £817.00 and she has to pay immediately. (they gave her all the usual dca rubbish that goes with it, but i've told her to ignore them and deal with the bank) but she doesn't know where to start, or if she can do anything about it. Can anyone give me some advice on where she stands in regards to this please? Thanks, Danielle.x
  2. Hi, Natwest have failed to respond to my SAR request within the timeline I gave them (40 plus 10 for international post) This was sent to the Bishopsgate office. Should I send a 14 day notice now with option to inform ICO if no response? Thanks G
  3. Hi Guys. I have numerous debts with numerous creditors. One is Natwest, with whom i had 4 accounts. Account 1: £2953 over drawn (Current account) Account 2: £0.01 Over drawn Account 3: 0 Account 4: 0 After not hearing from Natwest at all except for the occasional bank statement, i received 4 letters this morning/ 1 for each account. The letters said: Dear Mr **** Our collection agent has been unable to contact you or to agree a suitable payment plan therefore your account details have been passed to Fredrickson International Ltd as our new collection agent. .......... Anyway, i contacted the company, and who asked for a reference number, which NW haven't given. They then asked my details, which i gave them. The agent responded and said the DOB is wrong, so cant discuss my account, but it is on hold until 29/12/2012. He said he will refer back to Natwest and try to get a correction. Does this help me at all, or should i call Natwest and discuss the matter with them. p.s. some of you may have read previous threads, i am supposed to currently be working with Step Change (previously CCCS). Thanks
  4. HI, i am looking for some advice with regards to how i can handle my debt of £1331.80 with Wescot credit services. The debt has been bought by them from natwest and is from a student overdraft. Wescot have stated that they will send the debt to a doorstop collection agency if i do not phonme them with regards this debt. Having read a number of threads on this website i have understand it would be more desirable from my point of view to only deal with them through writing. I am currently unemployed and don't have much money i could spare in order to pay large chunks of this debt. Basically i am looking for advice with regards to how i should go about contacting Wescot and setting up a payment schedule with them. Thanks for your time reading my query.
  5. NatWest bank loses 'irreplaceable' family heirlooms NatWest bank has lost a pensioner's safety deposit box which she said contained heirlooms worth £20,000. Hayat Panwar, 69, deposited the antique jewellery at the Solihull branch of the bank in February 2009. When she arrived at the branch in November 2012 and requested access to it, staff admitted they could not find the box or its contents. More ...
  6. I recently submitted an SAR to RBS, sent on the 7th Feb and received on the 8th Feb this year. This was for any and all information in whatever form (as advised by dx on a number of posts). About a week ago, I got a letter from their Mortgage department advising I'd never had a Mortgage. So far all correct. Today however I received two letters. One advising that the Lombard Request I put in should be directed to Santander, so I'll add that one to the Burton/Tandy/Debenhams pile for my next battle. However, another paragraph in this letter contained the following: 'As you have asked us to provide you with all Payment Protection Insurance information, we have also passed on your request to our Credit Card departments and NatWest Bank to enable them to check whether you had PPI on those products. The outcome of those investigations will be sent to you separately.' Not once I had mentioned that I wanted PPI information. I've written back to them advising that the information would be welcome, but in order to comply with the SAR that they would need to send me any and all information in whatever format, reminding them of the date that the SAR would expire. What's more concerning is the letter I got from RBS cards. This advised that they are unable to identify me. Bearing in mind that I'm still a customer of the RBS group (Natwest, but not RBS cards) they would not normally have any difficulty identifying me. All of my Natwest account numbers were contained on the original SAR request which they included with their letter, the same SAR request that contained copies of my passport and driving license along with all of my previous addresses. They also advised that they were returning my cheque. I'd suggest they check this as I only received a photocopy. I've faxed them back this evening advising them that the clock is still ticking. I've also sent a letter containing my Water bill which will be winging it's way to them first thing tomorrow. Another of my concerns is that RBS have pretty much admitted that they're not going to comply as they've stated that they may not be able to trace my account as it may have been closed for a longer period than their records are retained. The RBS card was from (about) 1995 to 2001, Natwest loans in 1991, 1998 and 2004 and a Natwest account from 1988 until today - I understand that RBS have been known to retain information in an 'archive' format from 1992 to 2001 - can anyone comment if they've been successful in getting such information from them? They've asked me to resubmit the letter and cheque to them when sending the identity documents. Am I correct in thinking that if these are 'resubmitted' this resets the clock? Should I be even enclosing a copy of the original letter? I'd like to remind them that the SAR expires on the 20th March, so they're only wasting their time, not mine.
  7. Hi guys some advice would be great. last week I used the template to request any details of my loan accounts and got a reply of Natwest. Re. Request for information under section 77 of the consumer credit act 1974 with my loan details (account number etc) / loan amount / and when the loan closed Its says as these loans have ended we have no obligation to provide the information I request.(Credit agreement) I have had 3 loans over the last 10 years one from 2002-2004 the 2nd from 2004-2008 im unsure I was paying PPI on these accounts my final loan I still have the credit agreement for from 2008-current and know I am paying ppi on it and I have been mis-sold it because I had no idea I had it. What do I do now thats my question do I complete 3 separate questionnaires because Ive had 3 separate loan accounts and request my PPI be refunded to me? even though I dont have my previous 2 loan credit agreements - but I have the account numbers and Sort codes that my loans were under. Can I claim on my current loan even though im still paying it??... Thanks in advance for any help.
  8. Hi guys Could anyone supply me with Stephen Hester's, NATWEST/RBS CEO e-mail address and address please. I have looked on the internet to find multiple ones for him so would like the "real" ones. Thanks Guys:-)
  9. Natwest passed my debt with them onto Moorcroft some months ago. I made a repayment arrangement with them, which I stuck to, but also complained to Natwest as they didn't inform me they were passing it on and, in my opinion, did so unfairly and unnecessarily. A week later I had a letter from Moorcroft telling me they had cancelled my direct debit with them and that Natwest had taken the debt back. A couple of weeks later they rang to ask why I had missed a payment! I referred them to their letter and the woman said, 'Oh, Natwest have given it back to us again, didn't they tell you?' When I said they hadn't, she told me she would contact them to find out what they were playing at. Then I had 2 letters on the same day, one from Moorcroft to tell me they had suspended their collection until they heard from Natwest and one from Natwest to tell me they had given the debt back to Moorcroft. I then made a complaint to the Financial Ombudsman, sending them all correspondence. Natwest have now written telling me that Moorcroft have attempted to contact me to set up a repayment plan, but as they were unable to the debt has now been passed to Westcot. For a start, Moorcroft haven't attempted to contact me. I've had nothing in the post and no missed calls. It may be that they tried to call my landline, but I've asked both them and Natwest not to use this as it's dodgy and doesn't always ring. I've sent a snotty reply to Natwest telling them this and will forward this and their letter to the Financial Ombudsman, but is there anything else I should do to prepare for Westcot getting in touch. Assuming they don't try contacting me on the landline either! Thanks
  10. I have already submitted a ppi claim to Natwest which I believe is with the calculations dept! 2 questions really. 1) They have just requested authority from my husband as the main policy holder which has really bugged me as this is the first time since the claim was submitted so surely they should have requested this before. Delay tactics? 2) We are on a DMP with cccs atm and the company I am claiming against are 1 of our creditors. The claims are for 4 closed loan accounts. The remaining loan account has already been ccj'd and has a court order to pay a set amount each month. My quextion is, can they or are they likely to offset any claim award against this account with a court ordered payment in place already. I could really do with the payment to fix a few house problems and fix my car which I need for work. any remaining would go to our credittors but I think it should go pro rata not just to natwest. Have any of you guys had the cheque straight to you? I don't intend to waste the money but think it should be my decision who get what! I am also considering a self managed dmp as I don't think cccs have helped that much and were useless when natwest took us to court.
  11. Hello Everyone, I am asking this on behalf of a friend of mine, who is severely disabled and has applied for a loan, they want to know their chances. Quick history... they were granted an overdraft on their current account of around £2000 last year, and have been with NatWest for over 10 years. They have no credit history as far as they are aware of (no credit cards, loans, and so on). They get about 10k/year in total. Made up form some Disability Living Allowance, and other money relating to a disability. They are in their early thirty’s. They applied for a loan of around £3000, mainly to clear the overdraft and pay a few bills, this was approved in principle, and they were sent a basic agreement to sign and return. They also sent proof of their entitlement to the benefit, and other bank statements to prove money coming in was correct (although this was not asked for). Now the bank won't tell them what their chances are, but I imagine they probably have a set criteria, I am wondering, considering the information above, are they likely to be refused simply due to having no credit history (regardless to other information?.) I understand it can vary, but I imagine there must be some set criteria, such as if they automatically deny people without a credit history, despite being approved in principle (does that count for anything?) Thank you, hereigo
  12. Natwest made the "assumption" that I no longer required the overdraft facility on my business account before attributing to me that I had requested it's removal. They acted on an instruction I never gave, and even wrote to me stating that I made the request to remove the overdraft knowing (and later admitting) that I did not. After realising their mistake they explained that they assumed I gave the request. How can an action be assumed on an instruction that was never given? Surely the bank can only know a request was made or not made, not assume it. Natwest have not given me a satisfactory explanation. My business has been crippled. Money I could have potentially earned has been lost. I estimate my total loss of earnings this year to be £8000. I am now starting to receive default notices on debts amounting to £12,500, which I am no longer in a position to pay. That brings total damages in financial terms to £20,500, and it's all attributable to the action taken by the bank. I have been unable to finance projects I was working on for 2012/1213 and my credit rating has plummeted. I complained to the Financial Ombudsman Service and was shocked when they rejected my complaint. Can anyone advise a way forward? Thank you.
  13. Hi there. Back in 2011 I had a former student overdraft with Natwest totalling £1600, after a few financial difficulties I had breached my overdraft to the point that it was at £2100, having returned to University after working for a few years I did not have the money to settle the amount over and bring the overdraft in line till I got my next student loan, which was a few months away. Having looked into claiming back of bank charges I believed I may be able to claim them back under the hardship clause, as I was a student, unemployed and stuck in a vicious cycle of bank charges. I calculated my bank charges, which totaled close to £2000 over a period of about 5 years, compiled the relevant letter and sent the request off to Natwest. Rather than replying with a rejection of the claim or further discussion Natwest replied with a letter saying that as I am in financial difficulty to help me they will close the account and organise a repayment plan with me, I spoke to them to dispute this as there was no way I would be able to repay the OD anytime soon. Wrongly I buried my head in the sand and the OD has been passed from Natwest to numerous different debt collectors, who have in turn passed it on to other debt collectors. The debt is now owned by Robinson Way who are requesting £2,399.88. Either in full or by repayment plan, and threatening a home visit in 7 days. Could some body offer some advice, this account defaulted around September 2011.
  14. Hi I have a credit card with Natwest that I have tried to claim PPI refund for. I took the card out in 1997. They have provided me a copy of the application form under a s78(1) which shows that the account included "credit card repayment protection" I belive I cancelled the PPI in 2001. Natwest have said that they have no record of me making any PPI payments and so have denied my clain. I have no evidence to say I did either, other than knowing I cancelled PPI on all accounts in 2001 when I was made redundant as I was a contractor and no-one paid out. I SAR'd Natwest, who have sent me statements back til December 2005 (after 55 days). They have also sent me copies of some letters I have written to them, but by no means all. I asked to telephone transcripts, but they have said they wont send them unless I tell them the date and time I want the transcripts for. Finally, they have sent me no data at all about the running of my account. I imagine Natwest (like Barclaycard) must have some sort of customer management system, that tells them how I run my account, credit limits, over limit dates and times etc. but they claim that they do not and they have sent me all the data they are required to. Even the notes on my account are simply typed up, but with no date/time attached to them. I find it difficult to believe that Natwest holds so little data on me. Can anyone tell me if they have had more luck getting data out of Natwest or suggest what to do next? My plan is to notify the Information comissioner of Natwest's refusal to provide information, but I dont want to do that if this REALLY is all there is. I would like to complain to the FOS about the PPI, but I dont want them to be able to produce "evidence" that I cancelled the PPI the day after I got the credit card. Im fairly certain I didnt do that, as I was naieve back then and thought it was useful. Any help would be appreciated.
  15. Out of the blue my dad has received a questionaire from natwest telling him he had PPI on two loans dating back to 2008 & 2009. They ask him to fill in the questionaire which basically asks if he requested/needed/wanted it. He doesn't remember. Is it best to answer with this? I think he was self employed for some of this time (short amount) but he can't remember. Any help or advise would be very welcomed.
  16. My understanding is when I close an account it is closed e.g. no funds available and no liability; not according to Natwest following closure of my credit card account. I have told them I consider all CPA's that may have existed to be cancelled but they have responded "although the account is now closed, we may still be required to honour a transaction on your behalf". WTF! Surely this is counter to FSA guidance and common sense. Effectively there is an open ended liability. How should I respond, I have already quoted FSA regulations at them?
  17. Hi all and thanks for taking the time to read our forum entry. Hope we are doing this right since this is our first time that we have written a post on a forum. For the almost seven years we had an outstanding debt that we have been paying back to Natwest that originated from a Business Account (a Sole trader Account). It comprised of an overdraft and business credit card, which like so many people, had been given charges more times than should and at an excessive frequency where we would have to check the account everyday just to see how much they added on. After numerous pleadings they finally stopped charging and agreed to hand over the account to Debt Recovery where I could pay back interest free over a period of time. An initial amount was agreed however they would usually ask for an increase every so often, which I stated was not possible. Approximately two and a half years ago I was made redundant and my relationship broke down, and thus resulted that I needed to reduce my payments. I sent a letter to Natwest advising I would be reducing payments to a manageable amount inline with my financial income. I had not heard anything back from Natwest and had not thought anything further. Over the last few years I have continued paying Natwest and lately have been managing to increase my payment since my circumstances have changed for the better all round. Yesterday I received a letter from CapQuest advising that they had received the debt from Natwest and I had to telephone them to avoid a visit by a doorstep representative. Worse still the debt has increased dramatically. Minus the payments that we have made the debt has increased by almost 250% (two hundred and fifty) from nearly £1700 to almost £6000. I have been reviewing posts in the CAG forum by a lot of brave people (and braver representatives) and am comforted that there is hope and advice. I would be grateful if someone could give guidance on how to approach them initially since the debt they request seems ridiculously high. Again I am extremely grateful any advice that anyone can offer.
  18. well lowell have come out of the woodwork saying that the debt isnt stat barred which i know it 99% is. what i was doing 8 or so years back was paying 15 a month into a holding account (my other account at natwest) and they were later transferring it when they felt like it. i sent the stat barred letter and they replied saying last payment was march o8 of 700 odd quid. well i know i have never had that sort of money to make a lump sum payment so they must of just taken the money in the holding account. my last payment into the holding account was before my mam died (back in march 2004) so what would happen if they chanced court? it was defaulted back in 2006/7 and has dropped off my credit file. im on mse under the same name post on there a lot more than her thanks for any advice
  19. The other half has been with natwest for a time - has now been hit with a letter asking for £616.59 all of which are charges from natwest !!!! Natwest have closed the account without putting in to writing first - what should we do next ? i know we can send an SAR but my problem is that Moorcroft eill probably be knocking on the door - what should we do to keep them off case until we have written to Natwest ? Any help very gladly appreciated !
  20. i have about 5 debts totaling 3k and i am trying to clear my credit file so i will be able to obtain a mortgage in the future, The problem i am having is that no matter how many times i request a copy of paperwork stating what the debt is for and a Breakdown of charges i am always told on the phone they will send this and it never arrives i send letters and get no response and if i email i get an auto reply saying we will reply in X days (some quoting upto 28) is their any way i can approach the credit referance agencys and ask they to remove these debts as they in effect wont let me pay them as they wont tell me what they are for! also how do i get linked address's removeD? or at least the correct dates for living in each property sorted? i know an ex partner applied for some things with out my consent and it has so many different times on their! Also if a company has repeatedly searched my credit file how do i get these removed? i am completely baffled by the whole scenario and i dont know what do to! its the same as anything you wouldnt pay for it without kbnowing exactly what you are paying for this is stressing me right out and i just wanted it sorted out and clear as soon as possible! Thank you
  21. Hi All, Looking for some advice on my Natwest Credit card PPI claim/RBS SAR request: - Natwest CC - SAR request sent - Reply received with 2 letters both from RBS. One is from the Card centre stating that "as the account is no longer active they are only able to search for an account with a 16 digit credit card number. If you are unable to provide the card number, and we have been unsuccessful locating your details on the information provided, we will be unable to find your details on our system" - They have returned my £10 cheque also. This account was open between 2004-2010 and I have provided them with extracts from my statement and my full details....I also still hold a RBS account so find this unbelievable that they cant track down this credit card account. The 2nd is a general SAR reply stating that they have returned my £10 cheque and will not charge me for a full subject access request as they are experiencing large volumes of PPI requests, however we have provided you with details relating to your loans with the Royal bank of scotland plc. This includes about 10 accounts with "unknown" quoted in the PPI field apart from one where it states £3416 added on outset of loan between 20.05.2004 and 25.08.2005. They have also said that they have passed on my request to their motgage and credit card departments to enable them to check whether PPI was applied on these products. The outcome of these investigations will be sent to you seperately. Any advice on what to do next would be appreciated? Thanks Jon
  22. I have rent and council tax arrears, I lost my job in 2010 and did agency work which was as and when required and to be honest I would have been better off just signing on until I got a permanent job, I did keep the local authority informed of my fluctauting income , to cut a long story short I now have arrears of about £2000, some of the arrears have been added because although I made a claim the housing/council tax benefit dept claimed they did not receive them. I have been told by a friend that a 3rd party used to deal with paperwork and claims that they lost tenants paperwork were common place, has anyone got any suggestions template letters that I could use, I understand that you can ask for housing benefit to be backdated for only 3 months but I wonder if I can challenge that if I could prove somehow that the 3rd party they employed to handle paperwork were not efficient . I would like a week by week account of my arrears but don't know where to start
  23. Hi all, been falling behind with my unsecured loan with Natwest. This is due to drop in work (self employed) and my daughters regular admissions into hospital due to ilness, however she is picking up now. My partner now has another job which commences in Jan increasing our income and i have a job interview on friday. I have recieved a letter this morning from natwest demanding i call and come to an agreement. I have been paying 60 pound for the last 4 month as a token payment. The total arrears is now 796.00 Thing is they are threatening default and formal demands. They will also close both my business account and current account. To be honest, this drives me mad. I have had accounts with them for 25 years, business account for 3 years. In that time, at no point has their so called business manager ever contacted me, either to give advice or to see how the business is doing.... ....no service what so ever. Still take their fees though! should i call or do all by post? thing is i need these accounts to stay open..... On another note, in the summer i sent a SAR for all my previous loans and accounts to look for PPI, but they simply refused saying all the accounts were closed and no infor is held? surely this cannot be correct cheers
  24. Hello What can my friend do to stop the bank keep adding charges on a unauthorised overdraft? In the last three months the charges have exceeded to over a thousand pound. My friend has written to the Bank on two occasions regarding this matter but have received no response to either letter. Thanks for any advice given. Thanks
  25. NatWest-RBS face customer backlash as it cuts perks on packaged Advantage Gold and Select Silver current accounts while increasing cost Millions of customers who signed up for paid-for accounts with banking giant NatWest have been told they must fork out £24 extra for the privilege and face losing £142 worth of perks. Natwest is writing to customers who are already signed up to its popular Advantage Gold account, telling them it will cost an extra £2.05 a month. The bank previously promised these customers £864 worth of savings through the insurance and discounts offered with the account. But from February this will drop to £722, yet the monthly fee will go up to £15. RBS/NatWest is also hiking the cost of its Select Silver accounts, from £8 to £10. Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/money/saving/article-2250437/Perks-cut-NatWest-RBS-packaged-current-accounts.html#ixzz2FaVZTF4z How long before other banks follow suit?
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