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  1. Hi, it's been a few years since I was on this forum and with your help successfully contested a Statutory Notice (I think that's what it was called). This time, I've received a court claim from Lowell Portfolio 1 Ltd (BW Legal is the agent acting on their behalf and to whom documents etc should be sent) regarding an old T-Mobile bill (from around May/June 2009). The bill contains ridiculously high roaming charges and an early redemption fee. The account was actually used by my husband but we never bothered changing the names over so I'm the one stuck with it:-x. We did dispute the bill back in 2009 and were promised all relevant paperwork to be sent to us but this never transpired (I still have proof of posting these letters and proof of receipt of some of them as they were sent Recorded Delivery). Since then there have been numerous letters and phone calls from various agencies (some letters I even binned or returned to sender) and now they've finally issued a claim against me. I have already registered with MCOL and acknowledged the claim online. The particulars of claim are as follows: Date of issue: 6 May 2014 (Northampton County Court Business Centre) The claimant's claim is for the sum of £831.14 being monies due from the defendant to the claimant under a non-regulated communications agreement between the defendant and EE Limited (formerly T-Mobile UK Ltd) under account xxxxxxxx and assigned to the claimant on 8/11/2013 notice of which has been given to the defendant. The defendant failed to maintain the contractual payment under the terms of the agreement and a default notice has been served and not complied with. The claim also includes statutory interest pursuant to section 69 of the County Courts Act 1984 at a rate of 8.00% per annum (a daily rate of 0.18 from the date of assignment of the agreement to the date of issue () being an amount of £31.86 Added to this amount are £60 court fee and £70 solicitor's fee so total amount is £961.14. I'm guessing my next step should be to send an S.A.R to EE Limited and a CPR 14.31(?) to BW Legal? I still have the template for the S.A.R so will use that but could someone please help me with the template for the CPR? I'll have a look around the forum for it but, you know, just in case I can't find it. Do I need to include payment for that one as well? Then I'll need to formulate my defence, which doesn't give me a lot of time. I guess I could check out the defence of similar cases on here and, if it applies, use it myself. The only other thread I have found on the forum so far, with the same particulars of claim as me, stopped dead before the defence was posted so I've no idea what happened in the end. I would be eternally grateful if anyone has any further advice to offer on this.
  2. Hi there, Bit of an issue my Neighbour is having. He is old, registered disabled and quite trusting, when the man from Virgin who called at his home unannounced offered him a good deal to change his mobile over, he took it(he did feel a bit pressured, but as I wasn't there I can't say how pushy he was). Virgin caused him nothing but problems, he wrote to them telling them enough was enough, he was cancelling the direct debit, cancelling the contract as they were not providing him with the service he expects, and to collect the phone. He has since written to them twice more and all his letters have gone unaswered(we have printed screenshots and original receipts from the recorded deliverys). They sent him standard "you havent paid, contact us to discuss it" letters, but no responses to his actual letters. Now they have cancelled the contract and passed about £500 onto a DCA. Advice please!
  3. Hi - First post asking for advice. Not sure if this should be in the telecoms section or the credit agencies section. A couple of weeks ago, i got knocked back from a mortgage application at the final underwriting stage, and the reason given was "late payments" Surprised by this i obtained the other two credit reports as i already had noddle and that didnt show anything. The company is T-Mobile. The other two show a U U U 4 for Aug-November this year (and green OKs previous) and no doubt noddle will when it gets updated this month. Now after chasing this up with their call centre, i had a outstanding balance of just over a tenner, which i paid instantly. I was surprised by this as the sim card had a zero monthly line rental cost - and actually has never been used. Ive since found a number of things: They have been charging me 6 pence a month for several months which added up to a balance of 36p outstanding up until the November bill, then the November bill was for £10.57 (due to the 12month offer of the discount ending) Given the small sums of money involved i find the late payment mark/marks rather unreasonable considering its decimated my credit rating and i stand to lose quite a bit of money on surveys/solicitors fees if im unable to get a mortgage and have to pull out of the sale. When the contract was originally taken out (i have checked the emails) there is mention of setting up a direct debit and my bank details look correct now i dont know if the DD ever got set up or if it got deleted accidently when i was having my yearly financial "spring clean". - shouldn't they have notified me by post/email if a payment had failed to be taken? - or is the amount below a set threshold where they dont bother? Do i have a chance on getting them to remove the CRA markers?. I am glad i "caught" it at this stage without it getting to a default, but its still going to prove very problematic Thanks in advance
  4. What is the procedure for job centre advisers to check your private email account on your phone to see if you've actually applied for jobs and have proof of it? I currently have proof on my email account of jobs which i've applied for which I can retrieve on my phone but what is the actual procedure for job centre advisers to physically see these emails which counts as my proof in looking for work? Can the adviser demand I hand over my phone then open each email to read them or do I just need to turn the phone screen to the adviser and show them the emails listed without actually going into them and showing them every single email. The reason I ask is because I was informed by an adviser this week while signing for my JSA that they have the authority to ask me to hand over my phone so they can check through my emails themselves otherwise I may well be sanctioned. I know there will be a data protection breach in that somewhere and know they can't force you to hand over your phone so they can rake through the emails but I'm just asking around for a little clarification before next signing day.
  5. Hi all, new(ish) to the forum so apologies if there are stickies I've not had time to read. This is quite a long one but basically EE (obviously including T-Mobile and Orange) in my area (Ilfracombe, North Devon) have had ongoing problems with rubbishy signal since mid June. That's issue #1. Issue #2 is that a few months back my account was erroneously changed from my rolling SIM-only contract to PAYG (apparently they had a call from "me" then they admitted it was someone else and the details had been entered onto the wrong account) wishing to change from contract to PAYG. Also the account name had been changed. I believe this to be a serious data protection breach. I found this out when I received a text saying I'd run out of credit. After some faffing about on the phone they admitted the error and gave me £5 credit whilst they tried to sort it out. After switching me back (1 week later) they recommended a put a password on my account (I did). All sorted you'd think.... nope. A few weeks later I had my bill through. It was for £249.49! After working out the charges on the itemised bill I could see I had been charged for all the calls etc made during the period I was wrongly on PAYG. Ouch. After a number of broken promises regarding callbacks, they finally 'froze' the disputed amount (minus what I actually DID owe) then said someone would contact me again regarding actually getting the amount officially wiped off. I called them not long after to moan (yet again) about the pathetic signal I'd been getting, only to be told that the amount HAD in fact been wiped off just that I hadn't been informed. After demanding to speak to a team leader because - in all honesty - I was ****ed off that nobody had told me, they offered to remove my line rental cost for the next 6 months (plus around £17 I actually did owe at the time) because of THAT matter (not the signal matter - which, by the way, has been affecting many others locally). I even had to find out about my own grandmother's death via Facebook because family members who live in London could not get hold of me! After a few more calls (each with them giving different reasons for the dodgy signal, some even denying it completely) they told me there were issues with 2 masts locally and that someone would call me with updates.... guess what? This didn't happen. I then called them again and was told there'd be no updates on the engineer's visit to the mast until mid November and because I could get signal outside of my hometown they were still providing me with a service. Disgustingly I told them I rarely leave my town due to health issues, I was (not in quite so few words) told that it was "tough". The call centre operative again spoke to a team leader and was told that because a) I receive service outside my locality and b) I was already receiving a discount, there was nothing they could do. This signal issue is not a case of slightly bad signal, my phone regularly cuts out and tells me I'm not on a registered network etc. The service has become so unusable that I decided to withhold payment for 2 months which is approximately £17. I tried to make a phone call yesterday only to find out my outgoing calls have been barred due to non-payment. Basically I'd like some advice as to what to do next, because I feel there is no justification for them charging me for a service I'm not receiving. I've researched sending a "letter of deadlock" which I will promptly do if it's the next appropriate step in my case. I know forum users often say NOT to withhold payment and claim it back at a later date but I'm having to top-up a PAYG phone on another network so I've a phone for emergencies, so cannot afford to pay what is in essence a bill for scotch mist! Hopefully that makes sense, and thanks in advance.
  6. Hi all, I started receiving calls from Lowell last week over an alleged balance of £28 owing to T-Mobile. I couldn't initially work out what it was, but my mobile was originally with T-Mob, they 'upgraded' me to 4g and the contract moved to EE and looks like I missed the last payment with T-Mob, so I do owe the money and will quite happily pay it. However, I checked with the CRA's and they registered a default against the account in January for the princely sum of the £28. I have never received a default notice. Is there any way I can get it removed, or am I going to have to put up with a 'satsfied' marker and my credit file being blighted for the balance of six years? Thanks.
  7. Hey guys, Just wanted to know if this was possible? Have a dispute with the retailer, and the Ombudsman is delaying and delaying with giving its response - I've got to the point where I'm happy just to go to court. Thank you
  8. In June this year i made an online top-up from the Delight Mobile website, this month July i noticed that my Debit card had been charged £10 for a top-up, i contacted Delight customer services to ask why this money had been taken without my consent, I was told that it was an auto top up and that if i never wanted auto top up i should have unchecked the box to prevent auto top up, i explained that this is not my 1st top up and i have never had to uncheck any box regarding auto top up, the reply i received was that Delight do not do refunds but the auto top up will be cancelled from next month (August) I again explained that i did not subscribe to auto top-up nor did i require the service in fact my phone had £10 credit left from June so why would i want to add £10 to it, again i received the same reply Delight do not give refunds. Anyway after calling around 20 times and getting no response i sent them an e-mail which for the past week remains unanswered, i have written them a complaint through their complaints proceedure with a veiw of escalating it to CISAS. My concern is that i am surely not the only customer of theirs that they have duped in this way and IMO there actions in obtaining funds from my account is border line Fraud.
  9. End of June -July Around the end of June my contract with Virgin expired and after a another shoddy year of service, and an insurance claim made really awkward... I decided to change ServiceProvider to EE, (out of the frying pan...) i hadn't tried any recent flagship handsets so went to my local CarPhone Warehouse a stones throw from my house to give them a go.... while I was there they snagged me with a £120 cashback on my old handset on the then new Sony Xperia Z2! happy days! or so I thought on porting from virgin to keep me old number ...the regular will take 72 hours scenario ...went to work only to find virgin had cancelled my contract instantly without being asked?? so 72 hours on the temporary sim number? well not ideal but oh well! SIM number 1 72 hours come and go ... to no avail ... visit cpw they say another 48-72 hours after chasing EE up... I managed to wangle £15 topup as it is my primary work number!! although they needed to issue a new sim for it SIM number 2 can you see where this is going?? another 72 hours pass ...back to cpw they say porting issues from EE side has made automatic porting bugged and a new manual ported contract will need to be setup...ok? unfortunately my last contract included trade in and other deals that would be a check through cpw to allow them to cover the 700 pound odd for a new handset and cashback to be credited and transferred to a new contract!? this would take 24 hours.....48 hours later im back at CPW signing a new contract and manually porting over to EE also I swaped my handset as the old one kept overheating till it would power down I was thus given SIM number 3 and the all familiar 72 hours is offered yay by which Im starting to believe my number has been lost.... maybe EE dont like me..... No! keep the faith! To my disbelief my phone sucessfully ports! I get my old number back once ive figured out what sim it is WOOT! trouble over YES!? NOOO!!! I get My first bill! for the active accounts of SIM1 and SIM2 neither of which im using namely SIM3! and then THE last week in July with my shiny z2 in pocket listening to music to music overheats and not until I get in the shower do I realise how bad, 2nd degree contact burn!!!! :violin: after the clinic treated and bandaged me up i had to take 5 days off work! Im self employed no work =no pay!! what a month!!!!!
  10. Hi all, before the days of incar bluetooth, I was caught using mobile phone whilst driving, I took 3 points and CU80 0n license. This was 4 years ago. Is is correct I no longer have to declare this, after 4 years? Is it correct that I may be due money back from my insurance company as my policy ends at the start of next year where-as my driving conviction will be fully spent in a couple of days? Many thanks
  11. Hi. I need some advice. A few weeks ago I was called into a sudden "investigation meeting" at work where I was shown picture of me using a mobile phone behind the counter at work. The image wasn't clear and I don't think unless they showed me a video you probably couldn't see that it was a phone (just something black). Even probably on video you wouldn't be able to tell it was a phone but anyway they asked me "what is the company policy regarding using phones at work" I said "you're not allowed". They said looking at the image, why was I using my phone. I said I was waiting for a call cause my cousin is in ICU, so was checking my phone. She told me this is just a warning and to not do it again after some more questions. However, 2 weeks pass and today I get a letter for a disciplinary meeting? I'm really annoyed. Firstly, I knew I messed up admitting using the phone. I should have not admitted that cause they picture wasn't that clear. I know we've been "told" we can't use mobile phones in our workplace however today I went through all the company policies on the system and it is not stated anywhere you cannot use your phone. All that is stated it you cannot use "social networking" while at work. Using a phone doesn't mean your using a social networking site. A few other people over the last 2 months have been caught using their phones and all they had was a investigation meeting and no disciplinary. My question is. 1) Can I still challenge in the disciplinary if that is a phone in my hand in the picture even though I admitted it during the investigation? 2) Am I being discriminated against? Everyone else who was caught was white and a woman, i'm neither. How is it i'm being singled out and being given a discinplinary while they were all let go? One of the girls even told me today she didn't get a disciplinary and only did a "investigation" meeting. 3) If there is no written company policy regarding mobile phones, can they give me a disciplinary? 4) If I was told during the investigation meeting that this is a warning, how can they still call me in for a disciplinary? 5) Our company states gross misconduct as stealing or hitting someone at work which leads to instant dismissal. Are they still able to fire me over this considering it seems to have crossed a line that no one else has crossed? All help appreciated.
  12. My WP keeps calling me today and leaving messages for me to ring back on a mobile number!! A I will not ring mobiles and B I am in the support group. I know I do not have to participate, so can I just keep ignoring the calls, I have got nothing to say or update them with anyway.
  13. I'm trying to get a bit of clarification with regards to mobile phone companies and defaults. I have two defaults on my credit file with equifax for 02 and Three I asked for copies of the default notices and got the response that they don't have to supply them as they are not covered by the CCA. If they aren't covered by the CCA, how can they enforce a default for 6 years on my credit files (which is regulated by the CCA) and not have to remove it when they full balance has been paid? Thanks
  14. Hi, was wondering if anyone can help me, Capquest are hassling for an old bill from 2009, I sent a prove it letter, they advised it was a service agreement so they didn't have to prove anything. I have now sent a SAR, they have sent a letter advising they've received my request and in order to process further they require me to confirm if I previously resided at said address below.... Just wondering, are they trying to trick me into something? Should I provide? Any assistance will be appreciated
  15. Hello good people, l've replaced a 3G connection from THREE with a 4G connection from EE. I'm trying to be polite about EE, trying v. hard. There appears to be something badly wrong with the CRM software. The 'family-friendly' filters prevent access to Microsoft's Help and Support sites. Specifically 'BITS' a function of Windows 8, Background Intelligent Transfer Service. When I bought this device I specifically asked the vendor, EE store in Brent Cross, to get rid of the Child block. Minor C###ups include: no ability to check Data usage or ,and this is dumb, no ability to add pre-purchased Data to a Data plan, actually maybe the last is a 'f' you kind of business plan. Now it seems to be a weekly exercise to justify my Adult decisions. I'm not prepared to go through this whole Palaver again, paid my Money, don't need the B.S. Peter
  16. Hello, In 2011 I went on holiday to Egypt. The bill came in at over £4 per MB. I spoke to Tesco and we agreed a different figure than the £400+ that the originally wanted. I also got my pac code as I was out of contract, asking them to send me a revised bill. Which they never did. Since then I've had a couple of different collectors send me letter but they've pretty much always gone away when I asked them to 'prove it' I've now had a letter from Lowell who inform me they have bought the debt and that I should now deal with them. They've told me Tesco Defaulted me and that this would not transfer to them. I've checked my Credit file and it shows that Tesco but four late payments in 2011 and then a default. However it shows this account as settled in Feb 2014 with nothing in-between. They've informed me, time and time again that I need to pay this it'll affect my credit rating, is this correct if the original account is showing as settled, can they just open a new one on my report and default that? Is the best thing to do send them another prove it letter? Any advice is appreciated.
  17. Howdy chaps/chapesses Has anyone heard of Easy Mobile? During June, they took 59.00 out of my account citing admi fee for locating a phone contract for me. Quite odd as my current mobile contract is running till 04/15, and my work mobile is obviously paid for Their insistent my card was used, so I reported to my bank as a fraudulent transaction, who disagreed as a few days before the transaction - a £1 security deposit was also taken out - something I didn't noticed. Anyway, Santander advised for me to contact these jokers to get my money refunded. Santander then contacted me advise the transaction WAS fraudulent but have refused to do anything else. Firstly, Easy Mobile say they said they wouldn't refund. Eventually they said they could only agree to it if they took a £20 admin fee. Further down the line agreed a full refund which was due within 20 days - which ran out yesterday. They've not responded to letters, stopped responding to my emails and when I've called them either I'm left on hold or there's no one I can speak to about this. Any advice on how I can get what's owed to me by these jokers?
  18. Hi. I need some advice regarding my issue. I was on a 24month contract with T Mobile. I phoned them up on 18th March and told them I want to cancel and give my 30days notice. They told me it's easier to go on a payg sim so that I can keep my number. I told them fine, here's my 30days notice that I want off my contract (as it was on month 24 now, and was finished, so hence my notice) and i'll go on payg. I recieved a text saying that my contract will be changed to payg on 17th april. On 17th april I received a text saying my phone is now payg and I paid my final bill towards my contract on 30th april of £88. Fast forward to today, I get a letter from a DCA telling me that EE has instructed them to collect £78 from me. I check the account number and it matches my T Mobile one. I log into my T Mobile online account and it says; Alerts and messages You will no longer be able to access your primary mobile number x via My T-Mobile. Alerts and messages Warning your billing account has been cancelled or closed. You may review bills or make final payment only. I check my bills and it seems they have still charged me for may (£20), june(£30) and july(£30). I phone them up and get put through to collections. After waiting for 10mins she tells me that they did give them a 30days notice on 18th march and that I did receive a text to confirm this however, cause I never paid my bill on 25th march they cancelled my 30day notice and carried on with my contract, like wtf. They said I had to phone them again and confirm that I intended to go on payg after I paid my bill. I mean, are they serious? I don't see how they can nullify my 30day notice without even informing me or cancel my 30days notice after they have accepted it. They claim they sent me letters, which is lies. I never got anything. Not even a text. I thought my contract changed to payg on 17th april and I paid my final bill on 30th april. End of story. Also, I asked her. How have you carried on with my contract in may, june, july and not send me a bill and now decide to close my account and charge me £78 without me even making me aware I was still on contract and she says "it's cause you haven't paid your bill for may, june, july so we closed your account and passed it onto a dca". Is she being serious? For starters they accepted my 30day notice of a change in contract, which they accepted through text. My contract finished in march (with 30day notice it is april). Basic offer and acceptance in contract law. I don't see how they can revoke it cause I didn't pay my bill 8 days later or 8 days into my 30day cancellation. Any suggestions on my next step?
  19. Hey Everyone,let me take you back to October 2013 when all this began. First off I'd had been with T mobile for many years but I was looking to cancel my contract with them to change over to o2,my contract with T-Mobile at the time was a two year (iPhone) contract,which was coming to an end either September 2013 or the start of October 2013. I decided to ring them up and explain the situation,that I was moving and there was no chance of me staying as one of my friends was getting me a great deal on an o2 contract,from what I remember from the phone conversation all I had to pay was the last months phone bill which I did and then the contract would end as it would not be renewed. I then purchased my o2 contract on the 16/10/2013 and transferred over my number from T mobile to o2. From this point I thought Id never see anything from T mobile again,until I get a bill on my doorstep of £91.57(£56.38 for line rental,termination penalty £13.78,notice period change £24.25)on the 27/10/2013,I chose just to simply ignore this probably not a good idea,but the employee on the phone said nothing about any of these charges. I then get an overdue balance reminder on the 13/11/13,same again on the 04/12/13,after the second one I decide to ring T mobile and explain,what i have explained to you,the women says i must write to head office so they can deal with it. Which I did not do,which probably was not a good idea. Then I get a letter from capquest on the 17/12/13 explaining that they now control the debt from T mobile and that the line will be terminated that really made me laugh as it had been canceled 3 months ago,so anyway I ring capquest and explain to them that I am still in depute with t mobile about the case and I am in the process of sending a letter to head office,he says no problem I well put a stop on the account. At this point I am thinking ill get round to it when I have time,which I don't,I do not hear nothing for 3 months so at this point I think that i have won and they must have removed it from the system or something. Until on the 21/06/2014 I get a letter from Wescot in big red letters with all the usual stuff,outstanding balance blah blah,so anyway I am now thinking well I am just not going to reply. I have now had letters from them on these dates. 01/07/2014 Reminder notice. 11/07/2014 25% Reduced settlement offer £87.22 that made me chuckle. 27/07/2014 options tailored to suit you. 07/08/2014 As we have not been able to contact you directly it is our intention to instruct a doorstep collection agency,Scotcall to conduct this face to face meeting. This is where I now have the problem as I live at home with parents and I do not really need this coming to my parents door step when I am not here to basically say well you're not coming in. So yeah I am not sure whether to just pay it or actually write to T mobile this time,or call up wescot and explain the situation. Help is greatly needed as soon as possible sorry for the long round about explanation but wanted to give you the whole situation. Thanks for reading. Mark B.
  20. I've decided to tackle all my debts and get them paid. This one however, I refuse point blank to pay. I was on contract with T-Mob back in 2009. They convinced me to take up a new contract on the grounds that a new phone would solve the poor signal problem. They gave me a 4 week cool off period. The phone didn't resolve the signal issue and I returned the phone in Nov 2009, Special Delivery with a letter saying I quit. 2 years later I notice a strike on my credit rating for £400, for the contract. I've moved house in that time and no longer had the Special Delivery reciept. I still have the IMEI. I write several letters and they don't budge. I notice on the 3rd September that Capquest have taken a CCJ out against me at an old address. The court want £80 before they'll set aside the judgement and defend myself (Justice4cash.com?) nice to see the courts now use 0845 numbers too, justice4profit.com does that mean that the statute barred has been reset for another 6 years? How the hell do I defend myself?
  21. Ofcom today published a guide on how the major mobile providers lock and unlock phones. Ofcom’s guide features tables on which providers lock mobile phones and how much it will cost you to unlock them. There is lots of variation in what different companies do, highlighting how confusing it can be for consumers. Three Mobile and Giffgaff already sell all of their mobiles unlocked. However, others charge as much as £20 to get your phone unlocked – a process that can take as long as 28 days. Which? believe you shouldn't have to pay a hefty fee to unlock your mobile. That's one of the reasons why they have launched a campaign to Unlock Better Mobile Deals. You can help them keep the pressure on the big mobile providers by signing their petition here: http://www.which.co.uk/campaigns/mobile-phone-deals/?utm_medium=Email&utm_source=ExactTarget&utm_campaign=mobiles_ee_update_notsigned_fulllist_05082014
  22. My daughter's phone screen was damaged so my OH took it to a local repair shop in our high street. The item was sent away and repaired at a total cost of £55. When she went back to collect the phone once returned (screened repaired) there were some additional problems with the phone, when my wife / daughter tested it. So again it was sent for repairs at no further cost. Well today my wife got a call from the shop to say that the phone was now ready to collect and the problem had been resolved - but on testing it again the problem still had not been rectified ! They are now investigating further but my question is, how many chances should we give them to put all in order (its been nearly a month now) as it was when first handed over or what other legal rights do we have in order to compensate any further damages ? Any advice would be very much appreciated as our patience is being tested at the moment.
  23. I have a Samsung mobile phone, which I like, but over the last few months, it does not hold the charge any longer than a few hours. I bought a new battery thinking that it was it, but I now have to carry a spare battery, as I am not always near a charging point. The phone is useless as I have to keep things switched off. I have another 6 months to go on a 24 mth contract with O2. I have no phone really, but need one. Any advice on this?
  24. I ordered a Samsung Galaxy S3 from Carphone Warehouse on the phone on Monday 6th August 2012, I received it on Tuesday 7th August 2012, however I found that I just couldn't get on with this phone so I popped into my local Carphone Warehouse store on Saturday asking if I could exchange, I was told I had 14 days to exchange so I said I will bring it in and do an exchange. Yesterday, I went into the store with the phone and I was in there for quite some time and in the end they said they couldn't exchange it, they said they would have to cancel the whole thing and order a new contract with a new credit check which I did not want but also they didn't provide me with the service that the store manager said he would. Where do I stand? Thanks.
  25. Hi all, sorry if this all seems naive but I really don't have much knowledge about the ins and outs of debts/debt collect etc. In 2005 my brother persuaded my 70 year old mum to sign for a mobile phone contract as he has a very poor credit history and assured her he would be making all the payments. It has come to light in the last few days that my brother has been borrowing money from my mum - who is on a low income-pension and I have taken charge of the situation to prevent him taking any more money from her. Having gone through her bank statements with her I noticed a direct debit going out for £50 a month to LP1 collections. Having investigated further I have found out it is for debts somehow accrued since this 2005 contract was taken out and it relates to 3 mobile phone numbers in total. Total debt is around £2000! My mum is completely innocent in all this other than feeling pressured into signing for the contract in 2005 - and indeed my brother had made some payments but then defaulted. My mother has never had or used a mobile phone, is very distressed by all of this understandably. Whilst I understand legally she signed that contract - is there any way that we can get the debt put into my brothers name - Lowell have my brothers name on their accounts as well - but insist the debt is in my mums name. Any help or advice anyone can give would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
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