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  1. Hi folks, I'm a newbie to this forum, and I thought it would be a good place to get some solid advice. I'm a student who has just moved in to their first rental, and as such I'm a bit clueless as to what rights I do and do not have. Anyhoo, I let from a letting agency with five other students (which I believe is aimed primarily at a student market). Knowing the house would likely be inhabited by students, the landlord seems to have fenced off a large portion of our garden, as well as that of two adjoining properties, leaving us with a mere postage stamp, probably so he does not have to maintain what is beyond it. Peeping over, It seems to have been this way for a good few years and is quite overgrown. Personally, myself and the other tenants would prefer a larger garden that we could bring back up to standard and maintain, and would be happy to replace the fence when we vacate the premises. I'm just wondering how we'd go about requesting this properly. I can't see our landlord being too willing, as after all it was likely him who put up the fence in the first place. However, as tenants, are we entitled to make modifications such as this, as long as we return it to the state it was when we moved in? Surely if we're renting the property we're renting all of the property and have a right to access all of it, even if it does have a fence through the middle of it. Any advice on proper procedure for these sort of modifications/our entitlement (or not) to make such modifications would be great. Many thanks, Matt
  2. We are having new gas pipes put in are road and we were informed today that because are meter is old and a 3 quarter pipe we will have to have the new meter put outside are property. The problem we have is that the gasmen have to be able to connect the pipe to the new meter which means pulling up are laminate flooring in are hallway and maybe the floorboards. The laminate once pulled up will not be able to be refitted which will leave us with no flooring, just floorboards. I have dogs so i do not want them walking on floorboards as they could get splinters in their pads. I am also on benefits due to long term sickness so can not afford to buy new flooring. We have not asked for new pipes so this is not being done by choice. My husband has offered to remove the laminate to help the gasmen out and because we have dogs and if the gasmen had to remove it we would have no secure place to keep the dogs while they are doing it as all the doors down stairs will need to be open, i can not put the dogs upstairs as i will not be able to get them back down stairs to go in to the garden as we will have no flooring in the hallway if they also pull up the floorboards. What i wanted to know please is as the laminate can not be replaced in the hallway are we entitled to compensation to cover the cost of having to buy new flooring? Thanks
  3. Hi Guys (new poster) i have a problem with a default on vodafone that i believe should be deleted and taken off, i canceled the contract by mutual consent as the signal and everything was poor in the area so i paid what i thought was my final bill, then i moved house and changed all addressed apart from with vodafone as i did not think i needed to but then months later i got a letter in my new address stating that i had defaulted and a debt collection team are now trying to collect this from me, so i paid the full amount to them as i did not want any adverse credit history on there but today i went to apply for an accuont with another company and they told me i was declined, so i logged onto my credit report and found this default from 6 months ago which should be taken off but is still on there, i tried to email quality.assurance@vodafone.com but got a bounce back so i dont know what to do can any one help please??? Case number from vodafone is #9468342
  4. I have a CCJ and Default from Alliance and Leicester/Bryan Carter and Co. The CCJ is now marked as satisfied. Should the original default be removed on the 6 years of non-payment or on the date the CCJ was granted or should it be now marked as settled on my report to be removed 6 years after the last payment of the CCJ? It looks from my credit file that BC was paying AL about 3 months in arrears.
  5. Had no luck with sending letters to HFC regarding 3 x defaulted accounts. Just got one back for all 3 saying, they hold the right to report how my account has been run. Any other tactics I can use?
  6. Hi all, Thanks for the great advice so far... Defaults that are your credit file, are they supposed to come off yourcredit file automatically after the 6 years, or do you have request the creditagency to do it? The reason I ask, is that on my file there are 'some' defaults, but theirdefault dates are pass the six years point... Thanks
  7. Hi all Hope you dont mind me posting, Ive gleaned a bit of info from this forum which is great but would love some personal advice relating to my circumstances. In April I had a notice from Jacobs and tried daily (3-4 times a day) to call the bailliff in question. to no avail. in the end I called them and they laughed about how this baillif was a liability and i set up a payment plan. Shortly after, my partner was taken into hospital (7 months pregnant) and transferred to manchester Royal some 50 miles away. Due to the circumstances I moved with her staying in a hotel and crippling myself! unfortunately, i failed to keep up with their repayments. On the 6th May my partner gave birth to our daughter and sadly 10 days later our daughter passed away. i have only recently gone back to work after 5-6 weeks off (self employed, no income). Today I had a removal notice come through from Jacobs telling me they will seize my goods in 24 hours. from what i gather, they cannot do this as they need a walking possession etc and considering I have never met the guy it would be unfair to break in after 24 hours. Can they take my recent bereavement into consideration? What on earth can i do. The debt is for council tax and totals roughly £1600. back at work, it will take me approx 5-6 weeks to get this paid off. Will they listen to me!????
  8. Hello I have just drafted a letter Lloyds basically firmly asking them to remove the records on my credit rating for a loan that I originally took out in 2005 but after a PPI refund it turns out would probably not have happened. If it had it would have been for a much smaller amount and I maintained the loan for long enough to clear the smaller amount comfortably. Essentially in 2009 when I went to the FOS over a PPI refund Lloyds ended up crediting me just over £4000 to settle the account so it hasn't existed in any form since then It is however still showing on my credit record as a current debt and I am still being chased by debt collectors for it (not something I worry about anymore) I have checked the figures and it isn't a mistake. My questions are - can they remove the entry completely I don't want a 'settled' or 'satisfied' default as it would not have defaulted on the smaller sum given the time period that I was paying the loan Is there a specific term for this that I should be asking for and have I been reasonable in demanding that they make the amendments within 14 days of receipt of the letter, (I will send it recorded)
  9. Dear CAG, I have noticed previous threads about trying to remove Vodafone Default Notices on credit files & would very much appreciate similar assistance. ------------------------------------------- I will be writing an email of the following to the Vodafone Web Relations Team, Quoting the subject "WRT135 – CAG Forum". Dear Vodafone Web Relations Team, Mobile Number: xxxxxxxxx Account Number: xxxxxxxxxx I am writing in relation to a default that Vodafone issued against me dated February 2011. Normally when a default is issued the lender is required by law to send a pre-default warning letter. This gives the customer a final 30 days to pay up, and also explains exactly what a default is and how it might affect access to credit in the future. I have never received any such pre-default or even default warning letter, I did not even know my default existed until now (1 year & 3 months later) when I checked my credit file on checkmyfile & noticed that Vodafone had registered a default with me month by month since February last year. I never got a call from Vodafone requesting the money I owed them either, I thought I cancelled my account & that was it, I didn't receive any letters afterwards about Vodafone concerning my debt to them. The amount to which the account was defaulted is a mere £17, for such an insignificant amount, it would be unfair to default a customer. Please remove my default from my credit file as I am unable to get any credit from anywhere, my son is going through his education now & needs my financial help to get him through his studies, it saddens me that I am not able to support him for a mere £17, please, I'm begging you from a mother of two, please remove my default and of course I will be fully prepared to pay the £17 if the default is to be removed. I look forward to your reply and I thank you for your time. Yours faithfully, Edit* name removed ------------------------------------------- I would very much appreciate any support I can get, I just couldn't believe my eyes when I saw that I was defaulted from Vodafone for this long & I didn't know about it. I checked my credit file after I was refused a loan & was devastated as I thought I managed all my finances correctly, payed all my bills on time & kept a low profile with credit cards. Then I checked my credit file & it was horribly low, I was lost for words, I didn't know what to do until I found out about this forum. I will be posting or editing this post with my reference number from the automated email that I am waiting for from Vodafone & I'll keep up to date with this topic about the progress. I very much hope someone from Vodafone will be able to contact me soon, either through here or email, I would greatly appreciate that. Thank you, Vanathy Edit: I have received my reference number, I'm happy how fast I received the automated email (some can be slow): WRT135 – CAG Forum [#9166106]‏ Edit 2: I am also trying to pay for the £17 but cannot access my details online, I am currently in the process of paying it off. Edit 3: I have payed the outstanding balance off.
  10. Hi all, firstly can i say that i am a complete "noobie" to CAG and its forums so please go easy on me. Also i have been reading with great interest some of the posts by other users and find it very encouraging to see the comprehensive level of knowledge and advice offered with regard to consumer issues. Anyways here goes; After looking into my credit report with Equifax i find my credit score to be not very impressive and landing within the "fair" category. This is not good news at all. the reason for such a bad rating is i have a "default" marker relating to an old Barclays account which is no longer open. The amount is for around £300 back in 2008 where i had a series of DD's go out of my account at a time where i was struggling financially. The default is shown as settled a few months later but never the less the marker is there. All of my other agreements are shown as being in good order and up to date (everything showing green and saying excellent under their summary status) I am 24 and in regular employment (5 years same company) and have lived at the same address for many years being on the electoral role. Obviously this default from back in 2008 is making a mess of my credit score and in turn ability to obtain credit from the mainstream lenders. what are the chances of getting this default removed?, given that it is (a) Not a huge amount (b) Settled © From an old account closed back in 2008 (4 years ago) Any suggestions and advice on how to tackle this would be greatly appreciated as it causing me significant stress & sleepless nights. Many Thanks Bigtommyxx
  11. This is my first post here so please bear with me... I am desperately trying to get a satisfied default caused by a student overdraft in 2007 removed from my husband's credit file (it's for about £2000) and was hoping for some advice on what to try next. I have already tried the sympathy angle (asking nicely to remove it seeing as it's been paid etc.) but not surprisingly they said no (response below...) "I appreciate that your situation is significantly improved since the Default was applied to this account, and hope that this continues to be the case going forward. However, having looked into the reasons that the Default was applied, I am satisfied that this was done correctly and do not feel that we can justifiably remove this record from your records The Bank is obliged, under the Consumer Credit Act, to report the correct information to the CRAs. In this instence we have done so, and the records are correct. As such we would not look to amend this" blah blah blah yours sincerely Roger Gall Case Manager blah blah blah... Is there another route around this? Should I write again to ask to reconsider as their obligation isn't a legal obligation, just standard practice? Is it worth trying the Default Notice route in the hopes their paperwork isn't in order? I don't know whether they issued this to him, and my husband can't remember if he received one. I read on another thread somewhere that they no longer have to provide the original default notice, just have an electronic record that one was sent? Is this right? We are desperate to buy a house and have the deposit all saved and ready to go - unfortunately no lenders will touch us because of this default (had we realised when we paid it that satisfied defaults were just as bad, we'd have negotiated the removal into the settlement - hindsight is such a pain in the arse!) Any help would be greatly appreciated!!
  12. Hello Friends, Does anyone know if a default by carphone warehouse (which I have settled already) can be removed from the credit file in any way?? I took an O2 contract with them in June 2007, In Jan 2008 I lost my phone. I approached their store to file a claim as I was paying for the insurance. Unfortunately, due to a family incident I had to rush home (out of UK) and did not take the new phone (via insurance). I came back in Oct 2008. By the time I was back there was a default against my credit file for £ 535.. Recently, I lost a job this year in Feb, because my employer had a policy that all the employees should pass the credit checks. I then settled this bill immediately but the default is still there even though it shows as settled. Does any one know if there is a way to get this removed please? I feel I paid a very heavy price .. lost my job, cannot get a phone contract, cannot apply for credit cards/mortgages. Though I have a good financial calibre, I am totally paralyses due to this default !!! Please help. Rgrds, Sonia
  13. I have been putting a lot of creditors off for over a year now but the defaults are really starting to hurt. I want to take on Barclays first as they sent a copy of a T&C booklet as their s78 response (as I know they do quite a lot). I also asked them under pre-litigation discovery and data protection laws to provide me with a full and exact copy of a signed agreement and they haven't bothered. I want to issue against them and had a quick look around the site to see if there are any template POCs I could use as I seen a good one around somewhere but cannot find it now. I need help with the particulars of claim. Thanks.
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