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  1. Hello I hope that someone could help me with this. I just moved a couple of months ago to my new house and I am renting with a letting agency. I specifically asked before we rented it if they would be the ones that would take care of any problems in the house as we had some problems previously with a private landlord and they said that they would fix anything within the property. As always, they told me to fill a list of amendments to include them in the inventory so they could fix them. There were quite a few small things that were not included in there inventory list as toilet seat or hangers broken. I included them in the amendments list but I told them that there was no need to fix the small issues. But there was a leak of water coming to the ceiling of the living room, the door of the conservatory is broken, the stones of the driveway are broken so when you put a car in they hit the bottom of the car and the tv blocks are not working so I do not get any signal for tv. I gave them some time to fix them because I understood that was Christmas time but now they just came to fix the leak and they told me that the landlord is not paying to fix anything else and that they are not going to fix it neither.... What can I do? We got everything signed but I would like to know if there is any option to make them do it without go to court as I just want to enjoy my house and not having all this problems. Glad that I just signed for 6 months but I really do not want to start with the moving process all over again....
  2. Hi, I'm not sure if this is the correct thread but, Can anyone tell me what are the requirements are for removing the Letting agency from the agreement and just doing the letting privately. Would it depend on the agreement which was initially signed, or is there a time schedule by law which is prevalent to these things? We've had a tenant for 3 years now and a 'management' company swiping 10% per month to look cheerful!!! Can we just terminate the agreement and keep the tenant with a new private agreement or are there complications in law? If anyone has experience of this please can you update me? Thanks in advance.
  3. Hi All I parked in Bristol and paid the parking fee for the hired car I had, but I gave the car reg wrong F instead of S I have the receipts and the txt message. When I came out I had a parking ticket. I appealed but County Parking say I did not follow thier Terms and conditions and now want £50....Do they have any right to ask for this I can I tell them to do one ...lol I phoned them but they were very unhelpful and just said pay up or appeal again. Cheers
  4. A few years ago I had an issue with an O2 contract, cancelling the contract over the phone I was told I would have no other payments to be made and clerified with them before ending the call. Behold a few months, after I am receiving a charge of £40, money I could have paid instantly but refused to for the only reason being I was immature and didn't want to pay after cancelling when they told me I wouldn't have to pay anything else. The debt was passed on to lowell and for roughly 8 months they continued to send me absurd mail, at times even offering me the option of halving the debt after claims of turning up at my house. I knew this was a load of nonsense but it adventually paid off as I got so bored of receiving mail from them I just paid the full 40 to end frustration. A resulting cost is my credit rating has suffered drastically resulting to a silly £40 as I have an account now listed as defaulted? I am awful at sorting stuff like this and just want to know what I can do to sort this issue. Ideally I could have paid the £40 straight away as it is such a small amount and not worth years of bad credit, but it was principal I refused to part with the money..
  5. Hi everyone, im a newbie to this site so hope im posting in right section. Need some help. About 12 years ago had a repossession on my house with the woolwich this building society no longer excists. I got a ccj for this and cause its such a long time ago i remember filling in a form either to pay a lump sum of 2500 or pay installments of 30 pound per month and pay 7500 i agreed to pay the 30 per month. Cant remember whether this was to woolwich or credit collection agency ive been through hillsden securities then dlc im now paying 44 per month direct debit never missed a payment maybe paying this for 12 years could be longer. dlc are always threatning me which i no they cant do about taking me to court and that ive missed payments and that i owe roughly about 12,000pound were are they getting these figures from , my calculations i should be nearly paid up by now, i have asked and asked for them to explain this with no outcome, i have now emailed them asking for a notice of assignment and all details of transactions what ive paid and the signed document i agreed to paying of 7500 i have given them 30 days notice if they dont respond i will start legal proceedings against them, are they allowed to do this and what will happen if they dont respond or send me the information ive asked for, any help would be grateful many thanks lisa
  6. Hello All I have a suggestion to ask about a sitaution I am in just now. i worked through an agency on a end client contract, the daily rate fixed had a content of retainer where a part of daily rate was to be retained by agency and would be invoiced on a pre agreed date. Now the problem is the contract wording, On the contract it is written 'XYZ% of the day rate will be held as a retainer which can be invoiced for in six monthly intervals, XYZ October 2012 and then........'' (actual contract wording) I have left (rather forced to leave) the contract in September 2012 and now when i invoiced the agency for retainer they came back to me saying that I would have been on contract for six months to qualify for retainer, where as no where on teh contract it is written as a criteria for claiming the retainer. I m in a fix as to what should i do to get my money back !!! the lady i was dealing with kept changing her defence for non payment in every other email first she said its is clearly mentioned in contract, when i asked where in particular teh clause is she couldnt tell (as it is not in contarct anywyas) then i asked her to give me the details of director as i want to conact them she said 'contractually the agency is not laible to pay me my retainer' with no proof and reference to any contract terms what so ever Questions 1) Does any one knows where to complaint against the agencies? like who regulates them and who is there ombudsman body? 2) Does the contract wording suggests anything like a qualifying criteria at all? 3) what legal action could be taken against employment agency under contracts law or any simialr law Thanls
  7. Hi, I was going to rent a room through an agency and paid a Holding Deposit of £500.00 to secure it. However, my circumstances changed and I am no longer able to move into this room. Although I realise that this Holding Deposit is non-refundable I believe that I was misled by the lady who was dealing with me and had to pay £500.00 instead of required £300.00; this is a sentence from my Holding Deposit Receipt: “Now that you saw and chose the property, the next step is sign a holding deposit receipt and leave £300.00 as prove of your interest”. The receipt also states that this is a non-refundable deposit that will not be refunded if I don’t take up the tenancy. Unfortunately I didn’t see this and paid £500.00 as requested by her. I saw the agency today but they told me that they will not refund me anything. They said that it was £500 instead of £300 because there was just a week left before I was due to start my tenancy. This is not mentioned anywhere on the receipt though. They also said that basically it doesn't matter what the Receipt says as long as I was fine to pay what was requested it is all non-refundable. Do you think I should be able to get £200.00 back as I was only supposed to be charged £300.00 initially? I am considering making a complaint to The Property Ombudsman. Thank you in advance for your assistance. Tony
  8. Hi, I have today been in touch with Equifax regarding the exact meanings of their search descriptions. I specifically was interested in the one listed as DEBT COLLECTION, I asked them what this is which I was duly informed. However I enquired further as to the parameters that mean a search of this type can be carried out, to which after a heated discussion she hung up on me. Anyone??? Do you know what the parameters are that mean a company can perform such a search??? To me, these searches can be misleading and potentially have a disproportionate effect on your credit rating. Thanks in advance
  9. Hi. I'm new to this forum and need some advice. I've been working for an agency for 14 weeks, in the same role in the same company. Last week we were informed of how holiday pay is calculated - they use your weekly average hours over 17 weeks to calculate how many hours per day to pay you for. e.g. in 14 weeks I have had 2 days unpaid and 2 days holiday, so instead of my weekly hours being 35 (I do 7 hours 5 days per week) my weekly average hours over 14 weeks is 33. Therefore if I book a weeks holiday I get paid for 33 hours, not 35, so about £20 less than normal. This just doesn't seem right to me. I accrue holiday as I work, and if I'm off sick I don't get paid and accrue zero holiday, so I cannot see what relevance this has to my holiday pay. It's penalising you twice for taking time off as you don't get paid then your holiday pay suffers. I'm put off taking holiday as I cannot afford to get paid less than if I had just worked it. Quick google and this seems quite common practice for agency staff. How is this fair?? It also appears this is something they have started in September. Would they not have needed to re-issue contracts so this is in there??
  10. Hi there I'm completely new to this website but am seeking some advice. In the early 2000's I received a series of threatening letters from a debt collection agency called 1st Credit alleging that I owed about £2.5k in relation to an Amex card. I have never had a credit card with Amex and made this clear to 1st Credit. The letters kept coming, threatening bankruptcy proceedings etc and it was becoming very stressful. I remember I had to report the "identity theft" to the police in order to get a crime reference number. When I attempted to do so the police informed me (quite rightly, I suppose) that I was not the victim of any crime, it was the credit card company which had been defrauded, so they were unable to give me a crime reference number. Eventually 1st Credit only agreed to "suspend" the matter after I reluctantly gave them my date of birth and it became clear to them that they were dealing with the wrong person. Since then I've subsrcibed to a credit expert account with Experian in case something like that ever happened again. This took place several years ago and I've moved house a couple of times in the meantime but unfortunately 1st Credit have reared their ugly heads again and written to me regarding a "personal matter" requesting that I call them quoting a reference number, at which point they will provide further information. Of course I have no intention of contacting them but would be grateful for any advice on what to do (if anything). Thanks
  11. Have just had my latest Credit Reference Agency report, and apparantly my credit rating has dropped from 3/5 to just 1/5 but with no explanation as to why. Nothing has changed from previous months. I am up to date with any payments/direct debits and haven't used my overdraft, and the only new thing on there is a check by my new insurance company for my car insurance which looks like a pretty standard thing. I am not even paying my car insurance in instalments this year, I've managed to pay it all upfront, so the only checks they have made are for money laundering and to confirm my address. Seems a bit rough that my credit rating should fall simply because of a standard check by an insurance company. Does anyone know if this is usual? Good job I'm not looking for any credit or loans!!
  12. My former business partners and I obtained an over-draught facility from Lloyds TSB in 2006. Each business partner acted as guarantors on a joint and several basis. I left the partnership in 2007 and have since discovered that the remaining partners did not inform the bank of the indemnity that they'd signed relieving me from all guarantees relating to the business. In the intervening years they have fallen into arrears with the bank and now I have received a letter from Rockwell demanding the full and immediate payment of £22K. At no point since I left in 2007 have Lloyds TSB ever written to me to express concern over payments or to discuss any options that may have been available. In addition Lloyds TSB have never informed me that the debt had been passed to a debt collection agency. Any advice would be gratefully received.
  13. Hi, I'm trying to help a friend reclaim PPI on a Lloyds Credit Card, he opened the account in 1999 and at the time was a temporary worker for an agency. I know that would be a reason for mis-sold if it was a loan but would it still count for a credit card? He didnt get a full time job until 2 years after getting the card so would he just be able to claim for that period?
  14. So here we go. I received the notice saying the landlord requires my vacating the flat in two month's time, so I will have lived there for only 6 months. I imagine that's how both, the agency/landlord typically go about their business: charge the initial agency fees, sign a 12-month agreement with the break clause possible at any time after 4 months with a 2-month notice, then get a new tenant along with more fees and the increased rent price... All legal and according to the contract, it seems. However, I wonder... Must I leave the property by the stated date? What happens if I don't leave, and stay until I can move to a new place? After all, it will be hard to find a new flat with the move-in date to coincide with the moving out. I think it's only fair that I'm allowed to stay, say a few more days or weeks longer, until my new place is secured. What do you think? Just in case anybody asks, my tenancy has been impeccable, no issues, no rent arrears, etc. Thank you.
  15. Hey there, I have a bit of a problem with my old letting agency (I knew I would have problems with them when I moved out but had no choice but to move in to the property anyway). The brief outline is that I hande dthe keys back and didn't hear anything for a week. I then received a text from the deposit scheme saying that the agents had arranged for my depoist to be released so I logged in - only to find they were trying to deduct a few hundred pounds. I had received no correspondence at all from the agency, not by phone or email. So I sent an eamil explainiang that I wanted to know what the deductions were for. I received a voicemial the next day explaining that they had the invoice and pictures but they had problems with the internet and the files were too big, so they weren't sending. I emailed back and said it is not acceptabel and I wanted the information. I then received a copy of the invoice, which looked dodgy, so I went on the website and it said "Temporary website" and looked fake...I called the number and it rang abroad. When the phones answered, no one sadi anything. I then didn't hear anything. After 10 working days, I emailed the agency explaining that they breached the dispute service's recommendation for length of time to get info to me and that I would refer it to them and the ombudsman. I received another voicemail explaining that they had problems sending them, so I replied asking them to resize the photos or post them to me. I received a rude email back saying "we will not print them" but they had resized them. All i received was pictures, no comments or narratives. I also requested (again) a copy of their inventry and also an itemised list of the cleaning that needed to be done as the invoice simply said "general cleaning" I also asked for confirmaiton of the date and time the chekcout was completed. No reply. I chased and received an email from the agent saiying they were on oliday and were back now. I said I wanted the requested documents and I was sent the inventry and their checkout report. I was told that the cleaning required was clearly on the invoice. I have no idea what I should do - some of the cleaning I forgot to do, but they are claiming for som work that had to be done when I moved in, light bulbs (even though the inventry stated one was missing and I actually supplied 1 myself!) they won't tell me which light bulbs, they are claiming for dusty drawers and dusty tops of wardrobes, dirty bins (even though I only stored the bins as I used my own) and carpet cleaning as they have pictures of marks on the carpet - even though the inventry says "some marks" on the carpet. I am happy to offer 50-quid for the extractor fan, washing machine and the dusting but that's it. Have you got any idea what I should do now? They didn't even call me to tell me what they had done on the checkout and they knew the emails hadn't sent (I have voicemail with them confirming that!) The checkout report says they sent me letters on a certia date which have NEVER been received.
  16. I don't know if this is the best forum for this (please advise some other forums if possible) but we are getting debt recovery demands for a former occupier and we know the person is deceased but don't know the name address of her POA. Is there a register somewhere of people named as Attorneys where one can find out? We were thinking that this may be a [problem] so if we phoned up this collection agency we may find ourselves a target. Advice appreciated on either of the above queries. Many thanks.
  17. Hi! I've recently had a letter from Capital Credit Management chasing up debts totalling just over £1000 that I know nothing about. The tone of the letters were quite nasty, threatening court action if I did not pay up ASAP. Straight away I sent them a letter using the national debt line website template stating that I had no prior knowledge of the debt and asking for written proof. It would appear that they have totally ignored this and have sent another letter even more threatening than the first. I know they received my letter as I sent it next day signed delivery. I'm pretty sure all of what they've done so far is illegal. Should I phone them stating that I need proof of debt? What do you guys recommend I do next? Thanks!
  18. I went to Galsgow UK Border Agency office on 28th of August for my ILR application in person. They refused to take on my application saying that they don't deal with 'self employed' cases thereby meaning that they don't deal with the application wherein the applicant is self employed. Neither the form, nor their website talks about Glasgow office not dealing with self employed case. UK Border Agency has seriuosly let me down. Did anybody had similar experience? I would be interested to know what they have done or what is the right course I should follow on my in-person application fiasco (courtsey UK Border Agency). Regards Varun
  19. Hope someone can throw some light on this for me. Details are limited as it relates to a case I heard about through a relative. The summary is that the tenancy has ended for a furnished property and the letting agency is retaining the entire deposit of several hundred pounds and is likely to be demanding an additional amount because of what seems to be fair wear and tear, for which a significant amount is cleaning costs. Something I immediately suspected was that if the landlord was claiming as expenses, a 10% allowance for fair wear and tear, or, renewal allowances, then someone (either the tenant or HMRC) will have been defrauded. Would this be a more effective angle to tackle the apparent greed of the landlord/agent than the tribunal type approach? Appreciate any help....
  20. Hello Ladies & Gents, My son studying in Bristol University 2nd year with other fellow students, they just received a letter from the letting agency demanding a further payment of more than £750 in 7 days or they will face court and even further consequences. The letting agency already taken the initial deposit of £2000. When they moved from the flat last month, they left it clean and tidy. Walls with small scratches painted, which indicate that they are careful and considerate. On several occasions the landlord or his son or his brother (they own the letting agency) come to inspect the flat and intimidate the students and shout at them, too. My son in particular now feels very upset and distressed by this guileful and perfidious method in getting money from vulnerable people like us, especially when we are on disability benefit. Even if I want to pay, I don't have a fiver let alone to pay £150! Can anyone please advise us on how to proceed with this problem? We are not really sure what to do or how to proceed forward. Thanking you and regards.
  21. My agency is charging me for repainting my room on account of blu-tack stains. I had a Flatshare Agreement with a previous agency and I doubled checked if it was okay to use blu-tacks in my room and they said it was fine. The property was then transferred to a different agency to manage. I did not sign a new contract with the new agency but I have a record of payments being paid to them. After moving out, I kept contacting them to return my deposit but my emails and calls were ignored. When I finally dropped by their office, they gave me an invoice for repainting my room, without my consent or prior knowledge (The invoice was also strangely dated before myself moving out of the property). The deposit was not held by a government-assured scheme but the agency argued that the old 'Flatshare Agreement' with the previous agency applies and they need not secure the deposit with a scheme (ie. it is not an Assured Shorthold Tenancy). I did not sign a new contract with them but I have evidence that payments have been paid to them on a monthly basis for my room. Am I still bound by the 'Flatshare Agreement' even though it was with the previous agency? Can they keep my deposit without putting it in a deposit assurance scheme? Is it considered a 'flatshare' since separate rooms were let out to different individuals (We all keys to our own rooms as well)?
  22. As title says My letting agent took £100 off me for a credit check to move into my property. I have recently checked all 3 CRA files and nothing shows up on any that they have done any checking. Would a letting agency credit check show up anyways? Or have they just shafted me for £100? thanks
  23. Two weeks ago I started work with an employment agency on an agreed rate of £10 per hour,this was agreed over the phone,so I did my weeks work,then into last week finished,I received my wageslip yesterday to find they have paid me £9.50 per hour and also charged me an admin charge of £20 pounds. No one their answering the phones on friday when i tried to call so i just emailed them asking about this,obviously no reply,where do I go from here regards their thievery??
  24. Hi all! My letting agency refused on THREE occasions to answer me back when I enquired about the protection status of my bond. My old Landlord and I are currently battling in the courts for my last bond, and I would rather it not come down to that again! Now I'm thinking of writing a nicely worded email to the letting agency once more, only this time using a little LBA and telling them that they/the landlord is breaching the law. Now I know the landlord lives in Saudi Arabia, so I'm not sure if protecting the bond will be difficult or not... But hell it's the law isn't it! Anyway my main question was this; if they refuse AGAIN to answer my emails, how within my rights am I to withold the last months rent on the contract and just up and leave with that? I'm guessing not but I really don't fancy another court date Thanks guys!
  25. I am getting concerned about what data a CRA holds against addresses. I have received two letters one from BUCHANAN CLARK & WELLS and another from DEBT MANAGERS LTD, They both start identical; “We are attempting to contact the above named person and our client’s recent investigations have resulted in your details being obtained from a credit reference agency. Your address has been provided by them due to a link with the data our client holds, as a possible new address for the person we are wishing to contact.” I have contacted my landlord who says the person they want lived here some 8 years ago and was evicted for non-payment of rent and destruction of property, after only 6 months. I am getting concerned about what the CRA holds on addresses, I thought they only held data on people’s credit and why are they linking to an address that is over 8 years old. Surely any DCA that is wanting this person must be aware any debt is statute barred or is there any way of finding out if she is still using my address?
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