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  1. Thanks for this. I'm unsure if this will go against the regulations that temp workers are entitled to the same basic holiday entitlement as those that are permanent after 12 weeks - they definitely do not earn less for taking holiday.
  2. What about odd days you are on holiday? Say if you take 2 holiday days in a week and not the whole week. Should this be included?
  3. We've been told we accrue no holiday whilst off sick or on holiday, Furthemore, taking holiday counts as hours unworked, so having time off as paid holiday reduces your average holiday pay ie taking holiday disadvantages you next time you take holiday!! It just doesn't seem right. What is my best course of action with this? Do I go direct to the agency and challenge them?
  4. Thanks for that link. See that says if your working hours vary then weeky average hours over 12 weeks (no idea where my agency gets 17 from!) are calculated...but I work 9-5 Mon-Fri every week so I don't see how I fall into that bracket.
  5. Hi. I'm new to this forum and need some advice. I've been working for an agency for 14 weeks, in the same role in the same company. Last week we were informed of how holiday pay is calculated - they use your weekly average hours over 17 weeks to calculate how many hours per day to pay you for. e.g. in 14 weeks I have had 2 days unpaid and 2 days holiday, so instead of my weekly hours being 35 (I do 7 hours 5 days per week) my weekly average hours over 14 weeks is 33. Therefore if I book a weeks holiday I get paid for 33 hours, not 35, so about £20 less than normal. This just doesn't seem right to me. I accrue holiday as I work, and if I'm off sick I don't get paid and accrue zero holiday, so I cannot see what relevance this has to my holiday pay. It's penalising you twice for taking time off as you don't get paid then your holiday pay suffers. I'm put off taking holiday as I cannot afford to get paid less than if I had just worked it. Quick google and this seems quite common practice for agency staff. How is this fair?? It also appears this is something they have started in September. Would they not have needed to re-issue contracts so this is in there??
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