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  1. I was the first person to arrange a viewing for a certain property before it actually went online. I agreed to take it on the spot, the letting agent gave me a ride back to their offices where I signed the below document, paid a hefty holding deposit and agreed on the moving in date. I then left the country and came back today only to get a message from the agency saying that another offer came through and that is not certain that I will be the one to get the property now. I was supposed to move in next TUE, and I am meeting the agent on MON only. Is it really possible that despite me paying a holding deposit I may still lose this place? Is this deposit really worth nothing? If so, can I at least get ALL my money back despite the terms of the payment stating that they might keep the admin charges. I also noticed that one day later after paying my deposit, the property started to get advertised online, with a higher asking price, with the latest ad dated only yesterday! What are my options here please? I am desperate to move in since I gave my current landlord my notice 2 weeks ago and I need to vacate.
  2. I handed my notice in as guarantor a few days ago as I've quit my job to go travelling so am no longer in a position to act as guarantor. The estate agents have replied with "I'm afraid it's not that simple as the tenant owes £4,400". I have now received a letter stating they're applying for a notice of possession and taking me to court if I don't pay the arrears. I doubt I have my guarantee agreement anymore and they haven't sent me the signed copy despite requesting it via email. To clarify, I have received no prior notification of the arrears building up. Am I correct in thinking they were legally responsible for notifying me of arrears?
  3. Can someone help with this Today cash genie took out £170 from my partners bank account for an unpaid loan last year. The money was actually mine and was two weeks benefit money that I had asked the dwp put into her account as I do not have one and they will no longer pay by Giro Cheque. Natwest bank won't act and the loan company will not reply to my E-mails. Where legally do I stand ?. Thank you
  4. Hi all my first post here, need some advice, the story is My dad bought a Caravan 5 years ago, locally from a local family, it was his first so he only spent £1800 and wanted to see if he liked it, after nine months and a number of trips he decided it was for him and then went looking almost new van,s found one in a local very large dealer and PX his van in for £1600 against a £10,000 van. all was good until about 6 months after the deal he gets a phone call to say from the dealer the van he px'd to them was stolen they only found out after selling it on on and the new keeper registering it with CRis (stolen caravan database) and they have passed his details onto the police, he contacted them and spoke with the officer on the case and gave all the inform mater on where he got it and how long he had it. then nothing for for over 2 years, last week he got a phone call from the dealer stating that the caravan was confirmed as stolen and it had been returned to its original owner and that he is now liable for the £1600 PX value they gave him. he agreed nothing at this point and told them he needs to look into it further, after speaking with the police he has confirm it has gone back and it was stolen 5 years before he bought it will a long list of owners since, he has spoken with the people he bought it from and they are basically in the same boat, had it a few years and know nothing of it. he had never registered it with CRis is he did not even knot it existed. He has taken some advice from Citizens Advice and they have advised him NOT to pay, they believe as a professionals company they should have made all reasonable checks to ensure everything was in order, and checking the stolen caravan database they say would be classed as reasonable. they say no could would rule he has to pay based on this information The people he bought it from are a local family but their is no chance of recovering money their as they just don't have it, lost job ect. just wanted some thought as they have now stated they intend to issue court papers.
  5. Hi all, I cancelled a cpa i had with minicredit with my bank but today they rinsed my account. I phoned my bank and asked for a charge back they refused saying it was not a cpa payment it was a one off payment taken 3 times and because they changed the amount and the date when they took it , it could not be stopped. Ive put a visa dispute in and a complaint is there anything else i can do at this time. thanks mame.
  6. Okay so ive not had many this year, but I have held a QuickQuid account for a few years, for short term loans, never missed a single payment etc. On September 28th I took a loan out of £50 with interest £62.50 due to be repaid on Friday 11th October, however the Tuesday before this I was laid off in questionable circumstances from my job, subsequently my wages were not paid into my bank as expected on the Friday. On the 13th of October I emailed quickquid explaining my situation and stating I had no monies whatsoever coming into my bank until I can find another job or sign on, in the meantime I am seeking employment and awaiting a benefit date but please bear with me until I can agree a payment plan and rest assured you are a priority creditor. I recieved a notice of overdue payment on the 14th, to which I re-sent my original email. I recieved an acknowledgement the same day to my email stating I need to contact them. I replied to this email explaining I havent a penny not even phone credit or a means of contacting them presently only email and to please give me time to sort my monies and benefits out to begin payments. The usual acknowledgment email was sent on the 16th October... Today my car insurance is due, luckily my mother had transferred the money into my account (to repay when I find work) as its due by direct debit, closer inspection of my bank statement those sickos at quickquid have been trying constantly to take money out of my account, they managed to take £15.90 on saturday and the remainder of my balance has also been taken out today Monday, I recieved the automated email saying thank you for your payment your account is now considered cleared. I now have no money for my overdue car insurance, as far as I was concerned these payments were unauthorised and very unethical!? Im not sure where I stand on this, im extremely annoyed and now worried, without a car I cannot seek work or attend interviews or begin work (trainee electrician).
  7. Hi, My husband has been charged with fraudulently claiming HRM over 9 years he has pleaded not guilty and it now going to crown court. The DLA has stopped payment on top of that they are taking back the 32.000 they say he owes them at the same rate as they were paying him i.e £50.00 per week out of his state pension. Even though he has not been found guilty. Is there anyway we can appeal this deduction until the trial has finished as we are on the whole nearly£100 down .?
  8. Hi all, in a panic over my finances. I took out two pay day loans due to debt I couldn't pay and I'm now on Job seeker's and realised I have made my situation a lot more worse than it was before. I borrowed £400 from both and payments are due one on the 27th of this month (quick quid) Quick quid want 450 and the other 6th October. Wonga will want 540 or thereabouts? I'm really getting worried. I understand I need to cancel the CPA but have read nightmare stories about cancelling them as banks..I bank with Barclays aren't always very helpful in regards to doing that. There is no way I can make the repayments and I guess i need to go on payment plan. I just don't know where to start?? Also do I need to close down my current account or is just sufficient to report my card stolen? I don't want the bank charging me extra on top because there isn't sufficient money in the account which is in it's over draft. I'm hoping that I can land a job in the next few weeks but it's very unlikely. I have bills to pay and I just don't know how i'm going to manage. My job seeker's is £55 per week, so it's extremely tight. The job seekers does go into a different account, still with barclays but will that make any difference?? Could they still take it anyway? I shouldn't have taken out the loan as I wasn't exactly employed well I thought I was going to be but then it didn't materialise...... I was over eager and now am suffering the consequences... I'm desperately trying to land a job to make the payment but doubt i'll be able too... Any any advice would be much appreciated. :-(
  9. Hi - I am a first time poster here. Hope someone can help. I've been on a DMP for nine years for all my debts. I've never missed a payment. 3 weeks ago received a letter from one of the DCAs saying because it would take so long so be repaid they were initiating court action. The letter went on to say they had no intention of forcing the sale of my (jointly owned) property, nor was it a way to make me pay more than I could afford but "they wanted security". (I don't believe them) Last week the court papers arrived. (along with a further £300 of charges) I phoned them and they said if I increased my payments tenfold they would still go for a CCJ but not a charging order. I think its unreasonable because I can't afford to pay more, plus I have show myself to be willing to pay for the past nine years and I want to contest what they are doing. However, there is not a box on the court form which is suitable. Am I contesting the court's jurisdiction, or am I contesting the amount? As further info, the debt is no longer on my credit file. And a final question, can unsecured debt be turned in to secured debt? Has anyone got any ideas on how I should proceed? Thanks
  10. hi all, got a bit of a dilemma. I put my marine fish tank on ebay and had a fair bit of interest. I accepted an offer on it outside of ebay and agreed to end the listing on ebay if he paid a deposit to hold it and arrange collection. I did receive a £50 deposit via paypal £150 to be paid cash on collection. This guy arranged to come and collect last tuesday, he then didnt turn up and said hes been busy can he come friday so i said yes, friday he messaged and said hes going away for 4 days with family can he come tues or weds, so again i said ok but did warn him that i am going on holiday friday and if its not gone by then i will have to rehome the fish as i have no-one to take care of them while im away. I messaged him this morning saying you havnt given me a day/time yet when you will collect the tank and will need to leave work to meet you so need to know asap and again stressed im on holiday on friday. i have not heard back yet. where do i stand in terms of his deposit. im worried that friday will come and i will have to rehome the fish to the local fish shop and he will then kick off about it but i have warned him and did tell him it would need to be collected by friday. i feel like ive been messed about loads and had other interest and that really i should be able to keep the £50 he paid and re-advertise the tank. All the time im still paying for more salt water and food for the fish so im not happy. Any advice? Thanks
  11. I was insured with Admiral (car) for the last two years. This year, as last, my renewal notice came through and it was ridiculous, so I shopped around. The notice told me that payment was due on the 30th of June, which is when my current policy would end. I found eSure undercut them by around 50% so set up my new policy with them on the 23rd, rang Admiral and told them not to renew. This they acceded to, and I downloaded and sent my No Claims proof to eSure. All fine. Until I check my bank balance on the 29th (tonight) and notice that I'm a bit short. £620.10 short, to be precise, due to Admiral debiting my account for that sum (the increased premium) on the 19th of the month. While I'm aware that they have the right to automatically renew my policy should I not tell them otherwise (their way of "helping" ensure I don't wind up uninsured courtesy of the recent changes in law), there's no reason for them to take the payment a fortnight before the policy is due to expire and before the due date they listed in the email. I've also been onto their website and the policy which I was told on the phone I would not have (2013-2014) is there for all to see; cover note, policy details and all. As a result, I am likely to go overdrawn and be unable to pay some bills until this is rectified. Do I have a right to compensation as they've obviously screwed up? And is it worth my while writing to the Ombudsman?
  12. Hi everyone I have lived in my rented house for the past eight years, during this time I have had three different agents. Agent number 1 decided he didn't want to be a letting agent and disappeared with rents and deposits that he had never passed on to the landlords. Agent 2 was approached by my landlord to manage his properties, my current five year lease (which i am half way through) was signed with this company. Last year the agent retired, we received no notification until a letter stating that a new company was now dealing with our rental and we should make all contact with them and pay all monies to them. This new agent, agent 3, took over agent 2's offices but it is clearly stated that they are two separate companies and are under different names. I have never been asked to sign a new lease or anything. I have a couple of queries about my position with agent 3, the main one being does my old lease from agent two, still apply? He has mentioned verbally that he will charge £25 for any late payments and that he will make inspections of the property from time to time, there is nothing about this in my lease from agent 2, so can he really do this? When agent 1 went, I was advised by agent 2 that as we had (at the time) not signed a contract with him, that he could only oversee the rental of the property and would not be in a position to enforce eviction etc etc if the need ever arose. I'm just a bit confused, agent 3 seems a very pushy chap and I want to know where I stand with regards to my lease and it's validity. Thanks
  13. Hi all, My daughter called me after work today in floods of tears. I am actually one of her Managers at the her work place. Just recently we have had a few new starters, and to cut a long story short one of them has A problem with taking direction from either myself or my daughter. The problems I have had are nearly all sorted out by the processes in place. I move on to my daughters probs. Over the last couple of months she has had problems with one person who will not do anything she asks him to do, and will even argue with her in front of her direct line manager and even the store manager. She has made several complaints to the management team but nothing has been done about it. I have tried to stay out of it as I feel compromised by being her father. Again today she had attitude from this guy in front of the deputy manager, nothing was done. She has worked here for 7 years and worked her way up to supervisor level. After I left work the deputy manager took her into a room with the other guy and ordered her to work it out. She felt totally humiliated by this and very intimidated. Prior to this the department manager and the other guy had been out to lunch together. This is the third time this week this has happened , as well as socialising in the evenings. My point would be that you can't socialise with staff and then manage them correctly because of the friendship that has been formed. I have decided to now take this on as a manager and intend to get it dealt with in the proper way. Any advice I can get on this would be most helpful. Many thanks.
  14. Any help here would be much appreciated! So, I deceided a couple of weeks ago to try for a payday loan and was surpsrised to be accpeted with the first(or so ) I tried for. I was a bit desperate, now roll forward a week and I tried for another while still currently having the first, this time I couldn't find anyone, I have some bad credit from the past. So stupidly, and out of a bit of desperation, I just googled 'payday loans' and was trying a lot of what I thought were all lenders, but it seems I must/MAY have signed up to a broker also, I thought I was being careful, which I was, and I certainly don't recall seeing anything talking about a processing fee, but I must have, so I find £69.99 taken from my account. I don't even now what website it was, I now have a TON of junk mail, and have searched through it but don't see anything about a fee being taken. My bank tells me it's from a compain called ENHANCE, which after a google is Enhance financial, also known as Quintessential Finance and maybe another name as their parent lender. They seem to have many 'front' company website names, like myloan.co.uk etc etc. So, is there such a thing as a cancellation period, do I have a leg to stand on, how do I get in contact with them, should I go direct to the parent finance companies(enahnce etc) or do I need to find out what website I 'MAY' have signed up for, although I certainly don't ever recall see anything saying I will be paying £69.99. Anything I can do here, ENHANCE financial is well documented on the Internet and also on this site, some people seem to have been successful in getting a refund -mius £5. Thanks for any help.
  15. Hi All On the 18 March 2013 I got a Smart TV from BAYV. Because of the type of TV it is, it is unable to have a coin meter attached to it. So I had to set up a Direct Debit. This was all done and i recieved a letter confirming first payment would be taken out on 4.4.13. Because I recieve Job Seekers, I cancelled my DD just in case my JSA isnt paid in i will not aacure bank charges ect and requested a paypoint card. This was all done for me. Because it took 10 days for them to cancell my DD they first payment was taken from my bank on 5.4.13 and i saved the second payment to pay this coming Friday 12.4.13 with my paypoint card. Today the account Manager Shane Woollas came to take my TV away. All because my DD had been cancelled. And I was out when he came my partner was told to forge my signature on my behalf!! The main manger has phoned me today to say because i had cancelled my DD they thought i wasnt going to pay for the goods, but i requested a paypoint card. This is beyond me and has left me with no TV and im extremly angry to say the leest. Any help is appreciated Thanks in Advance
  16. Hi, David here, and I am new to the site and looking for advice. I had a £11,000 debt with Barclaycard and through advice from CCCS, set up a £1 token payment agreement, as I am on Pension Credit and completely broke !! This has been in place for 12 months, but has been taken over by Link Financial, and today I have received a letter from IDR Finance telling me that they have been assigned my account. The letter is not threatening as such, but I now wonder what the next step will be ?? If anyone has had a similar situation, I would be grateful of advice. Thanks...................
  17. Hi, Just after some advice on this one. Will try and keep it simple Received a letter saying that I received £500 to much in holiday pay and that I needed to pay it back. The mistake is due to the fact that I reduced my hours and subsequently they reduced my holiday entitlement without me realising. I never signed a new contract when I reduced my hours. I know if it was an over payment I would have no choice to own up and pay it back straight away. You can argue that the same principle applies that I should have realised I woudnt be entitled to the the same holiday pay on reduced hours but on the other hand I was never given a new contract detailing my new entitlement. Where do I stand with this? As you can imagine for us thats a huge amount of money Many thanks Bill
  18. Hi all, I've used the invaluable advice in threads from here a lot and huge thanks to people who post advice here I really need help/advice about a latest debt-pass-along to a firm called Sigma Red. I ran up the debt a couple of years ago or so with a bank. I had become unemployed after pregnancy (long story, bad/corrupt workplace, terrible life situation). Moved house. Debt collection people 'caught up' with me; various companies, the usual passing on of the debt to another firm when letters were unanswered, the usual companies discussed on here. The latest is Sigma Red; they say they're acting on behalf of bank. Have a scary CSA logo and dbsg at bottom which I dont like. I'm worried they'll take me to court if they really are acting for their client. Just don't know what to do. I'm in the support group of ESA with serious mental health issues so this letter is really affecting me with worry. I don't have a single bean to give them. There's not a lot across the boards about these Sigma people, not that I've found in my panic anyway. Any advice would be appreciated.
  19. Hi I am self employed, and frequently use my overdraft. I had a tax credit payment paid in, and paid 200 cash in to cover a direct debit, and they have taken it from the overdraft so my available credit is zero. I am at my wits end, don't know what to do.
  20. Hello, i got a brand new mortage in 2007 and a couple of years later i fell into arrears after being made redundant from my job. I was with Adantage mortages and in all honesty even after running up £8500 of arrears, they never went for a reposession as i paid as much as i could and remained in constant contact with them throughout. From early 2010 we switched to an interest only mortgage and had got the arrears down to around £6200 by september 2012. The only thing advantage did was to put lots of "fees" on our mortgage in terms of £55pm arrears fees and a couple of "councellor call outs" etc etc. Our payments up to August 2012 on interest only were £316pm and we paid a total (to reduce arrears) of £450pm. However, late October the interest rate fell and subsequently our normal payments dropped to £261pm interest only but we have still continued to pay the £450pm. We then got a letter from Advantage stating our mortgage was to be moved to Engage Credit and we were given contact details, change dates, contact numbers etc etc. we had been in an agreement with Advantage and they only ever requested an income/expenditure form, whereas Engage want the form filling in and they want to see 3 months bank statements (we are paperless and i do not have a printer) and 3 months of my wifes pay-slips (which she refuses to give). Engage have become very very pushy and although we have not missed the £450pm for going on 2 years now, they said if they do not get the information they require, they will start charging us £35pm fee? I am already fed up of these muppets as our circumstances have not changed at all. We then had an Annual account statement and in the month or so of being with engage, on 30/11/2012 our arrears were £5,853.82 yet on 01/12/2012 there is an "interest charge" of £251.71 then "additional interest charge" of £25.42 stating...Interest charged instalment due £261.92 ending our arrears closing balance at £6,115.74? So, even though we are paying £188.08 off our arrears or £2256.96 per year off our areears, they are adding more interest and charges and i do not know why? If i wanted to claim any charges back, would i claim from Advantage of from Engage? At the end of the letter it says "fees balance" £2,912.11? Thanks all, in advance x
  21. Hi, I'm new and would like to thank anyone for any help in advance. I had a payday loan for £100, £129 due, with repayment on Thursday. As I have a new bank, they could not automatically take the £129. However, I bank transferred it on the due date (as it said it can be on their website). I sent an email and telephoned them informing them of the payment. All fine... but then: I kept getting calls/texts on Friday and I had also transferred £50 to that old account to cover another bill and PDE took £25. I phoned again, they apologized, said they would issue me with a £25 refund and pass on that its been paid. They took another £25 yesterday and I will face a bank charge aswell as a direct debit rejection charge from talktalk. Is there anyway I can claim the charges back from the mess that is PDE! So annoying! Thanks, Susan
  22. My OH is always watching docus and reading up on earthquakes, volcanoes and tsumanis - And he been talking about the risk of one starting in the Irish sea for sometime - caused by the "Azores-Gibralter fracture", apparently it's gone before - and it's due to go again, yet our governments are doing little to prepare let alone warn us. They have passed it onto DEFRA - although the original page has gone,it does give you the option to click the archived tsunami documents (I still can't open PDF documents though, so don't know what DEFRA have said about it. Here are two link for you to have a read through - it's interesting, if not slightly worrying (although if it happens it happens). Do you think government should be putting better safety measures into practice, just in case? http://www.tsunamiwatch.co.uk/ http://www.gsi.ie/Programmes/Bedrock/Projects/Tsunami+warning+system+for+Ireland.htm http://www.defra.gov.uk/environment/flooding/documents/risk/tsunami06.pdf
  23. Hi guys, Just a quick brief up! Car parked in local area, and apparently it was illegally parked, and just picked up and towed away, Do companies have the power to do this without any notification? I have just had the call from me niece about it, I have firstly advised her take photos of where car was parked, also all photos of surrounding area, along with any signs that she can see, and also take photos, form away back from the signs if any. I believe it to be in an private land where they go to the Hub! Only reason why they know it was towed away, they seen another been done, and they got the number. For arguments sake, lets said they did not spot him, then report car stolen, I guess then the company would get details of owner and send out letter! But in mean time report stolen and start making a claim via insurance! Then letter arrives and they try to claim removal fee and storage charge! Any help and advice appreciated! Company Believed to be called Mansfield Rescue and Recovery! This Happened in Birmingham
  24. Govan Law Centre have found that some people have been charged legal fees more than once, and offer advice on how to claim them back. http://expensesback.weebly.com/index.html
  25. Hi all, Been a while since I have posted here. Lots of legal stuff going on with a libel case (which I successfully defended). I digress; a situation has occurred and I have no idea what it means in law. Perfect Homes took a payment out of an account twice. Does this count as a breach of contract? If so, what realistic remedy is afforded to the non-breaching party? I know the following are available: However, I do wonder how realistic it would be for the non-breaching party to "cancel" an agreement under these circumstances? Thanks
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