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  1. I received a WARRANT OF EXECUTION from Marstons on 1/11/12, dated 26/10/12 stating that within 7 days of the date of the letter I would be attended by bailiffs to seize goods. I emailed Marstons asking them to detail exactly why they had sent me this letter as I have absolutely no idea what this is for, I have not received a reply. The only reference on the letter is that of my old car registration, (scrapped in January this year,) and offence penalty charge from 07/06/11, approx 17 months ago. I am not aware of any parking tickets or otherwise. This is the first contact I have had from anyone about this matter, they are asking me for £215. The house I am living at is not mine and I will not let them in, I have read some eye opening posts about this company since receiving this letter. The trouble is that my present car along with 2 others are parked on my driveway, can they do anything to any of those? Can anyone please advise further, are CAB the best people to help me? Extremely worried now. Thanx, Nicki
  2. Hi, newbie here. In February I had a letter from Marstons about my SE Water debt, around £1800, come to take your stuff and all that, rung the bailiff and eventually came to an agreement to pay back £200 a month which I am now down to less than £100. Got my bill from SE Water in April for about £36. Rung water people and asked how to pay it and they said it will be passed on to Marstons and I will pay through them. Ok I thought. Got another bill through this week and now asking for £900. Rung them up to find out why it was so high and I find out that out of the £200 I have been paying to Marstons they are keeping £50 for themselves and the Water people are only getting £150 so all the money I have been paying to clear this debt is only getting part cleared and now I am having to pay twice. Oh yea and they won't talk to me about it properly until I am payed up with Marstons. Is there anyone that can help me because I feel I am getting screwed by the big boys. Thanks in advance.
  3. hi guys, i'm a total newbee to posting. this is actually my first time posting so please forgive any mistakes and i apologize in advance if some answers are here already but its a complicated situation. my car has been clamped by marstons and have been left a distress warrent to pay £379.00. around jan this year i got a PCN in city centre manchester. i had bought a ticket, but without realising parked at a double yellow lines just after the parking bit. the yellow lines were barely visible and badly worn and it was also very sunny that day. i got back to the car as the attendant was writing the ticket, and i told her i paid and displayed but she said i was on yellow lines, put the PCN on the car and left. another parking attendant walked past me a few mins later and i explained the situation to her, she gave me her badge number and said to contest it and she'd back me up on the worn yellow lines. i rang the number on the ticket and was told to ring back the next days as it wasn't on their system yet. i wrote a long explanatory email to mail to them but had to go abroad the same week so forgot to mail it to them. now all this time the car was registered on my ex wifes name at my brothers address. the PCN letters went to my brothers address. I was going through serious mental health issues this year with my GP treating me with medication for bopilar disorder and forgot about the ticket. the letters from the council came to my brothers address and didn't get to me since they were addressed to the ex wife. 2 months ago i moved in with my brother coz of personal problems. 2 weeks ago i got a letter in her name and was busy workin night shifts so didn't get a chance to ring it up. today they left a letter saying they want the above amount and have clamped the car on the drive way. i need some help and advise on what my options are? i haven't rang the number on the letter yet, but the bailiff will probably come round in the morning to tow the car. can i backdate the logbook and send it in my name? or contest this somehow? or get the process restarted by the council in my name. and i'm no longer in touch with the ex wife. what do i do about getting the clamp removed tomorrow? what do i say to the bailiff? i'm really stressed out here and would appreciate any input thanks.
  4. Hi all, Some advice needed please, I have looked into my situation and seen so many conflicting arguments... I came home today to a Removal Notice from Marstons. This relates to an unpaid speeding fine SP30 that I forgot about and went to court - total fine £269 which i was paying at £60 per month. I had £69 outstanding and a missed payment as I was away on holiday and apparently HMCS issued a distress notice to Marstons last week. I phoned the courts today and they accepted the final payment of £69 and they said the debt was paid in full, they gave me an authorisation code for the final payment. They also said they could not help with Marstons fees. Now, marstons removal notice says I owe £300 costs and £69 outstanding court fine (£69 now paid) (They would be a letter fee and a visit fee no doubt from looking at their website.) Are they allowed to continue to threaten removal of goods for this outstanding amount (£300 of their fees by the looks of it) as the original fine with HMCS is now paid? Also the fees are more than the original fine total and much more than was outstanding when the distress notice was issued... So much contradicting advice out there I thought I should ask on here for clarification. Obviously I would prefer not to pay anymore over this massive mistake that was unfortunately forgotten about when it was only a £30 speeding fine! Cheers
  5. Hello, I'm looking for some advice with Marstons bailiffs and i hope some one can help me and put my mind at rest over these people. Two weeks ago a bailiff turned up at my perents address seeking to recover a £367 parking ticket from Portsmouth City Council. As I do not live at the address my Mother told him so and refused him entry to the property. He told he that this did not matter and he would be coming in anyway. Again she refused him entry and by this point refused to help him. She told him to go away. He replied 'your not very ****ing helpfull' and stormed off. She then phoned me and i then phoned the bailiff to tell him that i did not live at the adress and to leve my perents alone. I had nothing at the address so nothing to 'levi' there. He told me that this did not matter and would be back. Again i told him i did not live at the adress and to leave my Mum alone. He asked me for my current address and tried to bluff me with some legal reason on why I should give it to him. I refused and he said a trace would be put on my self to find me. This is not a issue at the moment as I am inbetween houses but will be a issue when I register at my new adress. I never received any correspondence from PCC reference the ticket and never received any corrispondence from Marstons. He informed me they sent 5 letters and can provwe this. But any mail deliverd to my perents was all ways given to me. I contacted Bailiff advice and the informed me to do a 'OUT OF TIME WITNESS STATEMENT' which i have done and i'm still waiting for a reply from this 1 week later. My questions are. Can he force entry for a PCN? If it is in appeal can he still inforce the debt? Can he seize goods that do not belong to me and how do i prove that they don't? How long does the OOT statement take to go through the system and get a reply. I'm sorry this is such a essay but I am concerned that if he turns up at my new address with my partner there he will force his way in and try to bluff he on the law etc. Many Thanks
  6. Hi I wonder if someone can help. We have today received a letter from Marstons regarding an outstanding debt. I am not disputing the debt and more than happy to come to an arrangement to pay it. The problem is we have moved 3 times in the last 18 months and the debt (for £500) was at the first address. This letter is the first I have heard about it having gone to court and them having obtained a writ. The debt is now over £1300 and they are coming on Wednesday to remove property which will also increase the debt. Is there anything I can do to stop this based on the fact I didnt know about the court action? I had actually been emailing the company the money was owed to some while back to try to resolve but they never replied to my emails. I dont even know which court this is in as this letter is the first I have seen. Any advice greatly appreciated. Many thanks
  7. last year i got nailed for due care, £150 fine and £750 costs + £15 victim surcharge (what bloody victim, !!!) due to starting a new buisness i dropped a couple of payments, no court reminder or invite to tell the magistrates why i didnt pay just a snotty letter from MARSTONS. (cheshire courts dont give the option of explaining failure to the courts) well, after a conversation i made a payment of £200 and offered some more in the next couple of weeks, paid again over the phone, then a week later they rang wanting another payment, i offered £100 this time and this was REFUSED (IS IT LEGAL TO REFUSE A PAYMENT?) now we have mr baillif at the door, told him come back next week you can have £xxx, met him and paid. arranged the final payment for 2 weeks after and met him again and paid in full....including the£200 fee for him coming out. now my gripe is the fact that marston refused the £100 payment (woman piut the fone down when i explained it was my belief that they must acceept ANY offer of payment....please correct me if i am wrong) and this is what triggered the £200 collection fee. this i feel is wrong so i complained, the reply was vague but they offered recordings of the phone calls for the sum of £10, so i sent payment off. a few days later i got a transcript, just the initial call, nothing else, and a nice letter explaining i have to give them dates and times of the other calls !!!!!!!! any advice ?
  8. Help Please i am losing my Mind!!!! I gave up work a year ago after having 4 weeks off due to having arthritis in both my hips and My Daughters menta ilness becoming increasingly hard to control (she has Autism Global Delayed development meaning she has the mental age half her age she is 6) on doing so i told my Mananger at the time that as i had already been paid i would need to work a month for free as to pay back what had already been paid. He informed not to do so as he would take my last working day as the 1st day i had off sick. i thought nothing more of this until my previous employer wrote to me demanding i pay back what i had already been paid. as this was over month since i left i didn't have the money and told them so and explained the situation about what my manager had said they then informed me that it was tough and that if did not pay back the full outsanding sum then they would take me to court. A few months later some court paperwork turned up saying i was being taken to northampton county court for overpayment of wages. I sent my defence to the court but as they did not receive them it was awarded in my previous employers favour ( my naivity in not sending it special delivery) My daughter become worse and i simply forgot about paying back the money (no job being on carers and her being so bad it was tough) until one day a man turned up from marstons banging my door (a policemans knock my dad calls it) telling me to et him in as he was here to levy goods for non payment i told him no and closed the door he told me that we don't want this conversation on the door step and that he had a lock smith if i chose not to let him in. I again told him that he wasn't coming in and that as far as i was concered i had an attachment to my benefits as the sum he was after was teh same that had been applid the month prior to my beneffit. he said well go find out call me back and sort something out as i'm charging you for the locksmith. After Finding out the attatchment was for non payment of tax back in 2006 when i was incopacity beneift i told him that all i could afford was £20 every 2 Weeks he said you better ring the office and tell them but it's way to low. I did this and was sent a letter a month later saying this is acceptable and that will look at it again in 6 months time (that was 3 months ago) in that time i missed 2 payments 1 i paid a late as got my dates wrong and another i forgot as my daughter was in hospital and i had other things on my mind. I recieved a leter last week teling me that they would attending my property on 08/08/12 with removal contractors with the purpose of seizing and removing goods to satisfy this writ. On reading this i ameideiatly rang them and told them the situation and that i would pay the earrars plus the normal weeks payment today but a Mr Khuttan told me it was tough and that the aragement had been with drawn and that they would be seeiking removl of goods under a act i forget which one i tried pleading with him but was told tough you need to pay me £200 now plus send your bank statements for teh last 3 months and the benefit letter stating i get carers allowance as the money i was paying is far to low and we want more. i told him if i had £200 i wouldn't be getting funny about missing 1 payment. His reply was well we'll see you on the 8th then. For the last week i have slowly been losing my mind with worry i haven't slept eaten and have been diagnosed with depression and anxiety due to this and the stress of our daughter. After speaking to my local county court i was advised to file a N244 form with Northampton County Court which we did. As the day is getting closer i have been getting more and more stressed anxious and worried so much so that i am being sick. I rang them today to advise that we have filled a N244 form and that there was no need to attend as this was cause my daughter too have a meltdwon and harm herself but the lady i spoke to informed me that they will stil attend until a hearing is set and that they will be executing a warrant (news to me only warrants i knew about were done by police for arrests never knew high court enforcemnet officers had them) i politely told the lady that i would be letting them enter as it woudl be putting my daughter at danger her answer before slamming the phone down was that's fine i'll mak ea note on the system for the officer and locksmith. Can somebody please help i am going out of my mind and starting to take it out on my partner and children and am sick with worry. Sorry if i am rambling.
  9. Hi i got a FPN on the 23/03/12 for driving with my fog lights on in genuine error- it was the 1st time driving at night in the car as i had collected it earlier in the day- i am a disabled driver with adaptions and i neglected to hear the dealer explain the lights as i was ensuring they were fitted correctly for safety, i pleaded with the police officer and nothing i then fell ill with a stomach upset as i have ibs In the mean time i received a further steps notice- i then phoned up the court and advised i was going to write in - but i fell unwell again- around the end of june they stated that they would give me 14 days to write in which i did but they sent the case to marstons on the 11th of july and recieved my letter on the 13th- i stated i had been unwell and provided my work schedule showing i was off and doctors notes they did hold the case but have now sent it back to the baliffs i would like to point out that i have never refused to pay for this ticket i have simply asked for common sense given the circumstances I got a response from the central ticket unit basically upholding the ticket and stating that: ' i have carefully considered all points raised in your correspondence regarding the above fixed penalty notice and have to inform you that the ticket remains in force. As it has fine registered it will continue to be dealt with by the central finance unit. i note from our records that i took you three months to contact us to contest the ticket and you only did so when you had been notified that the fine had been increased due to the non payment. The fact you had been unwell and working and did not have time to deal with the fixed penalty notice does not eliminate the fact that the offence had been commited i am not in a position to withdraw the ticket and as you did not elect for a court hearing within the required time frame this option is also no longer available to you. Under the circumstances the only option to you is to pay the increased fine to the central finance unit to prevent any further increases. It has been decided that the fixed penalty notice will stand and i am therefore unable to enter into any further correspondence. ' So as it stands the fine is with Marstons and i have been unable to pay with the central finance unit as they say its with the baliff they have also refused to set up a payment arrangement. i know what marstons are like and they wont be interested in any payment arrangements i dont see why i should pay marstons my fine along with £85 quid for a total of £130 for sending a 5p letter. any ideas as to my options would be most helpful thanks guys. i have been hearing that i could get the fine paid and then produce the documents if the baliff turns up - is this true ?
  10. Hopefully this will make sense! We got a penalty notice from Derbyshire, where we have never visited for a parking ticket. Been trying to fight this for nearly two years. The van was never registered at DVLA to us or to our address. The parking ticket was issued in a company name that does not exsist, although contains our surname. The registered keeper provided our address and the company name to the council involved. I don't seem to have got a warrant of execution notice from the courts. I have filed every form going with no joy......now I have a demand for £125 to be paid in 7 days from Marstons. Is there anything I can do? Any help or thoughts greatly appreciated.
  11. Well this is news to me,but according to the Marstons bailiff who I spoke to following being called by a relative after they turned up to execute a MCW it is too late to even challenge. On informing them that I did know about the rules given that I was a site team member of the CAG,the Marstons bailiff went on to say that this site is full of bad advice and wrong advice. I had to think as to whether I had told him CAG or else something which sounds like CAG that I had not yet seen. Here I am taking about a warrant that was passed following a fines order for no TV licence. The person concerned was in hospital for a lenthly period at the time of both the Mags hearing,and the demand to pay the fine. My understanding is that the costs/fine was around 120 quid. Marstons paid a visit when there was no one at home. After being asked to help out,Marstons was advised via their website (screenshot is available) that the person is on ESA benefits does not seek to evade paying the fine but that they should suspend action as notice was being made to the Court seeking time to pay. Yesterday Marstons turned up in a van with 2 bailiffs and a bill in excess of £500 quid. If you are reading Marstons,you have not heard the last of this. The 9 days you have given to pay your charges-will certainly be put to good use.
  12. Was woken this morning at 06.20am by a continual loud banging at the door and didnt bother to get up for it as I was shattered from work and wasnt expecting anyone and if so they could call my phone as it is on 24x7 I eventually got up at 08:30 and there was a letter through the door stating I owe £550 which has a £215 attendance fee and a £35 admin fee. This appears to be from a fine from some years ago that I had but I have been working nd out of the ****y for the last couple of years and just totally forgot about it. They obviously have my address as I have just moved back and secured services like virgin TV etc and the like and they must have seen my credit profiel or something? I am not prepared to pa the extras what can I do in just getting it back to what was owed? Also can they call at that time f the morning banging like that? I spoke to a neighbour and he said he let them in through the buzzer through the communal door this morning as he stated he was here for maintenance for the communal hallway.
  13. Hi I need some advice. I have been issued a distress notice to remove goods which was posted through my door whilst i was out. What rights do i have - i called them and offered them a payment plan but they said no, they demand the full amount and will remove goods next time they visit. Can they remove goods although i don't own anything - they are my partners (im just staying there and have no fixed abode). I am a bit worried as she has children. Can i apply to the courts that issued me with the offence of an unpaid driving fine? Should i ask for a walking possession levied on my car? I dont have that much money to splash out on £700 but can pay over a few months as i work... What are my options? Thanks in advance for any advice
  14. Hi, My partner had a few driving fines from the courts for failing to notify dvla on change of ownership and a parking fine although he wasnt driving and it was no longer our car (he had a knee op the day before as wasn't even able to drive)... We had an arrangement with the court to pay £40 a month but over the jubilee bank holidays I forgot to make payment as we were having to make payments by visa as the court sent a incorrect debit mandate out and have never sent a new one to us. I missed june but paid julys.. We recieved a letter from marstons and the court in the same week ... The letter from the court says... With reference to payment of £40 against your fine account.. There is a warrent against this account currently with marstons for the outstanding amount due. Payment has been credited and marstons have been informed. They will deduct the amount for the outstanding warrent. It does also say that payment to the order itself to HM court will not change the situation and that marstons will continue to enforce it against me to collect their fees once the amount due to the court is paid... And that all future payments should be made to marstons and not the court.. Marstons letter states Fine amount is £315 (not accounting the £40 I have paid this month) Fees £85 Total £400 We are in possession of the fine due to non payment. We are instructed to demand immediate payment in full from you within 7 days or baliffs we attend to levy distress and remove goods resulting in another £215 added to account. No reminders will be issued.. We have contacted marstons to try and set up a direct debit but they were rude on the phone and said that the bailiffs will be coming out to us tomorrow.. My parter suffers from anxiety and is on medication to help control it but this has already worked him up as we are struggling with currently paying and attachment to his earnings for council tax. Marstons told him they want £147 and the balanced to be paid within 4 weeks. We just can't afford that.. Please Help... Thanks Victoria
  15. Hi all, My step-daughter got herself in a spot of bother (fixed penalty for drunk and disorderly) and pretty much didn't say anything about it, didn't pay it and now the debt has been passed on to Marstons for collection. They claim they are acting on behalf a Magistrates Court Order, which I'm not aware of being sent, and no copy of said court order was in the letter from Marstons. Pretty much it's the usual ugly, threatening debt collection letter - pay in 7 days or bailiffs will come. As she hasn't got the money to pay (went to college to try to turn her life around) I'll pay for her, however while I'm happy to pay the original fine, I'm not happy to pay Marstons £85 fees they've added on! I'm also not entirely happy that the court passed on details of the offence to Marstons, while they could get this information it's seems a bit low I think for Marstons to head the letter in bold offence: Drunk and disorderly in a public place. I wondered if anyone would be so kind to let me know if firstly, do we have to pay the debt collection agencies fees (particularly as the court hasn't informed her that it would be past to a debt collection agency which I believe they need to) and secondly if this is normal practice to highlight the offence? I'm happy to pay off her fine (as she is trying to turn things around and hasn't been in trouble since) but I don't see why I should pay Marstons a penny, especially as their letter doesn't really contain any information regarding any official from the court and she hasn't received anything from the court stating it would be passed to debt collection agencies (which I believe goes against the requirements as laid out by the OFT). Any help would be appreciated. Cheers Matt
  16. Ok About 10 minutes ago i had a bailiff from Marstons come knocking at my door, Did not let the man in but went outside to speak to him, I explained that i tried to make the payments and am in codependents with marstons and the guy was stumped he said i don't want to force entry into your home please dont think that and i wont be coming back again "he has passed out case on to the welfare office" so that we can have more time to pay Is this even heard of? He also showed me proof of his report and all the letters from the courts then showed me the welfare check list that we fall under.
  17. Please someone help us - we live in Sussex, my wife is my registered carer (parachute injuries plus a life charging around has left me disabled), I am on DLA - Marstons turned up yesterday, a large unpleasant bailiff with a red letter saying pay up - for a fine my wife incurred years ago - and paid. He called the courts, yep, fine paid - at which he got nasty and said "I'm £200 - plus £75 costs - I'll get a locksmith, change your locks, clean your flat out (apart from cooker and bed), auction the lot - charging for locksmith, removals AND auction fees". Its a shared front door (Housing association) and we have been told he cant change locks - but the fees stand!. We offered him £75 (Our food money for two weeks) cash - not interested, £275 OR ELSE... no instalments, no nothing... We reckon we owe £75 for court costs (The very last payment was two weeks late due to DWP playing funny sods with our money). We are expecting another visit - I'm begging for anyone with legal nous to help us - fifteen years back I'd have folded this guy up, but I can hardly stand unaided and need a stick to keep off my face. My wife was a nurse, I was a squaddy (apart from plenty of other jobs) - we're not slimebags on the ponce, we are normal people that worked all our lives. God help everyone facing these animals - I don't know what to do.
  18. good evening. i have just recieved a letter from the marston group demanding full payment of £615 for a magistrate fine. As a unemployed person who is unable to claim any benefits apart tax credits due to the wife working, there is no way i can pay this. i have been informed by the court i am in the arrears my £60.00. I paid the arrears to the council before recieving the letter from marsons but the magistrates say the payment was to late. I have spoke to marstons who are not interested in my lack of money and say a bailiff will attend within 7 days. i have sold all the items i own to my mother inlaw via ebay for £1 which will show marstons that if they call they would not be able to levy on any good as thier not owned my me etc. Am not unwilling to pay the £30 a month the court want but with more money going out than coming in am stuck. is thier any way i can get this returned back to the magistates and does anyone have any template letters i can use to write to the court explaining my situation etc.
  19. I'm hoping you can give me some advice as regards how best to deal with this: I received a magistrates fine for non-payment of car tax. I wrote to the court in advance of the hearing, explaining the reasons for my non-payment and the fact that my income is non-existent. They decided on a reduced fee of £65, to be paid in weekly £5 installments. I missed some of these payments and they then transferred the debt to Marstons. As soon as I received the letter notifying me of this, I arranged to have the fee paid in full (fortunately, we'd just received a small amount of cash which we used up for this). The court wrote back to say that the payment had been received but that we'd still have to pay any debt collector's fee separately. I came downstairs today to find a a removal notice (no envelope) from Marstons. Apparently they called but I didn't hear them. The notice said that payment of £275 is due to HMCS. They demand immediate payment, failing which they'll return and may 'remove goods even in [my] absence'. Our situation is currently dire. I'm well qualified but can't find work. I'm not on any benefits because until last year I ran my own business from home. Since then I've had a career change. it's going well but it's all voluntary for the moment. My tax is all over the place (I have an accountant working on it but even that's proving problematic - I'm yet to hear from the Inland Revenue that I owe nothing even though my accountant says that it's all been processed). My husband is American and also out of work. He's not entitled to benefits either. I have a daughter to a previous partner - he's moved abroad and pays nothing. Any money I have comes from family or the very occasional ex client who contacts my husband. Even that only pays very small amounts. I always thought that the best thing was to ignore Bailiffs - don't open the door. I'm aware that this might not go away even then though. I really don't know what to do. Thanks in advance for any advice!
  20. Hi there, As you will see this is my 1st post, so firstly thanks for taking the time to look through this and even more thanks for anybody who can offer any help! I realise that I may be re-asking questions that have already been asked and answered here but I am slightly irate after speaking with Marstons and consequently overwhelmed by all the advice thats been previously offered. Anyway, here is what I need help with.... I have 2 or 3 fines that have been passed to the bailiff as my attitude and ability to pay the courts was quite poor and they have seen fit to allocate the bailiff to recover the money. As much as I do not agree with bailiffs and their (lack of) ethics, I understand why my debt has been passed on. I did try to get the court to revoke the distress warrant in a long letter, and with some justifiable reasons I believe, although they said they were unable to do this. I have made some payments on my fine via the courts although these were too sporadic and I failed to keep to the agreements I made. The courts then passed the remainder of my fine to Marstons, which I believe was £260. Marstons then added a £75 fee which Marstons just told me on the phone was for "working on behalf of the court". I was told by Marstons that a letter would then have been hand delivered and that they person delivering the letter (08.07.11) would not have knocked on the door, and this initself has led to a further £200 being added to my debt. I have the letter which Marstons hand delivered (08.07.11) and it says I owe: fine - £260, fees - £75, costs - £0, VAT - £0, Total £335 The letter then proceeds by saying: "We are in possession of a Magistrates’ Court Order as a consequence of non payment of the above amount. We are instructed to demand immediate payment in FULL from you. We must inform you that unless the TOTAL sum due is paid into our office within 7 days of the date of this letter, our bailiffs will attend to levy distress and remove your goods for sale by PUBLIC AUCTION. This action will involve minimum further costs of £200.” So, here is where I need advice. I am fortunate that my Father has said he will pay my bailiff debt as I am in nowhere near a position to do so, but before he does I feel that the amount to be paid should be far less than demanded from the bailiff. Firstly, the letter that was hand delivered on 08.07.11 stated that a further cost of £200 would be added as a consequence of distress being levied on my goods, this however did not happen. I tried to ask about this when I was talking with Marstons and the answer for the fee was that it was for a bailiff delivering a letter. I mentioned what it actually said in the original letter and didn't feel that the £200 should have been put on my account and was told we're going in circles and they terminated the call. Is this £200 a legal fee on my account? If it is not where do I stand with reporting Marstons to the police for harrassment of money they are not entitled to? Secondly, if I pay the original outstanding fine of £260 via HMCS website (as I am fairly sure they wouldn't accept payment on the phone), where would I stand with regards to the bailiffs fees? And finally I am correct in believing that the bailiffs fees are actually contractual fees between Marstons and HMCS? and if so why are they asking me to pay it? again could I report them to the police for trying to obtain money by using menaces, fraud or anything along those lines? Just a final note, the bailiff does not correspond with me at my current address but one where I used to live so I don't get letters all that frequently (maybe a couple times a month) as I don't see the guy who's house it is all that often. My written complaint to the courts was also rather lengthy but if anybody would like to see the letter I sent them I would be more than happy to forward you a copy. Again, thanks for reading this post and absolutely any help would be very much appreciated!!! Regards, Steve
  21. Hello. Site looks like could be some help. I have been running my own clothing shop for 8 months now and had a bit of money saved up when i opened and spent a lot of it on stock (wish i hadn't now). I got some stock on credit - but was unable to pay the invoice come 30 days when it was due. There was a few invoices that went unpaid. However, one has esculated and been sent to the courts... and a judgement has been made against me. I managed to speak to all parties involved (solicitor of the company, the courts, the enforement officers (MARSTONS) and the company themselves). Basically they sent out a letter which i did not receive asking what i intend to pay, however I did not receive this. So now the solicitor said that a judgement has been made and a bailif will be round to my house anytime soon. I don't really have anything of any value (my house mate does though - tv, hi fi, ipod etc). I have a few items like ipod and record collection, bike). I a not even taking a wage at the minute, because business is very slow. I have rang a few solicitors but none of them can give much advice. A few have. I am going to citizens advice tomorrow morning. Obviously I owe this money and want to pay it off.... but it is all these charges that make this a big problem.... silly charges like 75 pound to apply to make a payment (if i want to make an offer of payment, in writing, i have to pay 75 pound), also chrges when the enforcement officer comes roud and all the other charges. The probem is I am not earning any money other than the money make in the shop, but this is not even enough to pay my rent on my house, sometimes I am working in other jobs like promoting for bars and clubs of a night but this is hardly any money. The amount of stress is too much, it's like a pit and these horrible people could just not care less.... honestly what am i supposed to do? Please can anyone help with a good answer??
  22. I'm at a bit of a loss with how to proceed with this letter that I received today from Marstons. The history behind it is that I had a Magistrates Court fine for a car without tax that wasn't even my car ! (someone else registered it in my name and forged my signature). I accepted the fine for £448.34, and set up a standing order from my account to pay monthly amounts of £50. The payments finished April this year, and I never heard anything about it until this letter today, that claimed the amount outstanding is £323.34 !! So I phoned up Marstons, and explained that the court fine was paid off, to no avail. I checked my bank account for proof, and saw that every payment for £50 was taken out, but the final payment of £48.34 wasn't, why I don't know since I set up the standing order correctly. So in effect, I still owe £48.34, which is fine, i'm happy to pay what I ought to. Marstons seem to have added a compliance fee of £75, and an Attendance fee of £200 !!!! Can they demand this of me ?? I have never had a visit, call or letter or any communication until today, via a letter. I would like to know the best way to approach this - I cannot afford almost 3/4 of the original fine for "fees" again !! If I was just contacted by someone, i'd have paid the outstanding £48.34 which was the last and only payment missed BTW !
  23. Hi I was wondering if anyone could help? My mum is 68 and on pension credit, she got a fine for failiure to supply driver info (£365) at Tameside Magistrates Court. She was just about managing to pay it of at £30 a month. She's on pension credit and has about £400 a month to live on (She likes her independance and still runs a car ). Recently the court moved their fines department to HMCS Greater Manchester and they didnt send her a new payment card, so she didnt know who to pay. Today she recieved a letter from Marstons with £75 added to the fine and telling her they want full payment within 7 days or they will send a bailiff round to take her stuff. As you can guess she is very worried. My question is Im sure under the regs she's classed as vulnerable? Has anyone got a template letter that we could use to get Marstons to return the default back to HMCS Greater Manchester. Any help or advice is greatly appreciated Matt
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