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  1. Thank You guys so much i have been loosing my mind. I think a lot of it was me over thinking as i everything you guys have said i knew but these guys were so confident and so demanding that i started to believe what they were saying. We have sent both a n244 & N245 with the relievent paper work off as we are a low income family. I guess all i can do now is sit in and wait for them to turn up and try to keep my daughter calm and reasured. Thank you again for your help.
  2. Help Please i am losing my Mind!!!! I gave up work a year ago after having 4 weeks off due to having arthritis in both my hips and My Daughters menta ilness becoming increasingly hard to control (she has Autism Global Delayed development meaning she has the mental age half her age she is 6) on doing so i told my Mananger at the time that as i had already been paid i would need to work a month for free as to pay back what had already been paid. He informed not to do so as he would take my last working day as the 1st day i had off sick. i thought nothing more of this until my previous employer wrote to me demanding i pay back what i had already been paid. as this was over month since i left i didn't have the money and told them so and explained the situation about what my manager had said they then informed me that it was tough and that if did not pay back the full outsanding sum then they would take me to court. A few months later some court paperwork turned up saying i was being taken to northampton county court for overpayment of wages. I sent my defence to the court but as they did not receive them it was awarded in my previous employers favour ( my naivity in not sending it special delivery) My daughter become worse and i simply forgot about paying back the money (no job being on carers and her being so bad it was tough) until one day a man turned up from marstons banging my door (a policemans knock my dad calls it) telling me to et him in as he was here to levy goods for non payment i told him no and closed the door he told me that we don't want this conversation on the door step and that he had a lock smith if i chose not to let him in. I again told him that he wasn't coming in and that as far as i was concered i had an attachment to my benefits as the sum he was after was teh same that had been applid the month prior to my beneffit. he said well go find out call me back and sort something out as i'm charging you for the locksmith. After Finding out the attatchment was for non payment of tax back in 2006 when i was incopacity beneift i told him that all i could afford was £20 every 2 Weeks he said you better ring the office and tell them but it's way to low. I did this and was sent a letter a month later saying this is acceptable and that will look at it again in 6 months time (that was 3 months ago) in that time i missed 2 payments 1 i paid a late as got my dates wrong and another i forgot as my daughter was in hospital and i had other things on my mind. I recieved a leter last week teling me that they would attending my property on 08/08/12 with removal contractors with the purpose of seizing and removing goods to satisfy this writ. On reading this i ameideiatly rang them and told them the situation and that i would pay the earrars plus the normal weeks payment today but a Mr Khuttan told me it was tough and that the aragement had been with drawn and that they would be seeiking removl of goods under a act i forget which one i tried pleading with him but was told tough you need to pay me £200 now plus send your bank statements for teh last 3 months and the benefit letter stating i get carers allowance as the money i was paying is far to low and we want more. i told him if i had £200 i wouldn't be getting funny about missing 1 payment. His reply was well we'll see you on the 8th then. For the last week i have slowly been losing my mind with worry i haven't slept eaten and have been diagnosed with depression and anxiety due to this and the stress of our daughter. After speaking to my local county court i was advised to file a N244 form with Northampton County Court which we did. As the day is getting closer i have been getting more and more stressed anxious and worried so much so that i am being sick. I rang them today to advise that we have filled a N244 form and that there was no need to attend as this was cause my daughter too have a meltdwon and harm herself but the lady i spoke to informed me that they will stil attend until a hearing is set and that they will be executing a warrant (news to me only warrants i knew about were done by police for arrests never knew high court enforcemnet officers had them) i politely told the lady that i would be letting them enter as it woudl be putting my daughter at danger her answer before slamming the phone down was that's fine i'll mak ea note on the system for the officer and locksmith. Can somebody please help i am going out of my mind and starting to take it out on my partner and children and am sick with worry. Sorry if i am rambling.
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