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  1. please is there anyone out here with any information that can help me any previous experiences?
  2. hey guys, plz any advise would be very helpfull, im litrally going out of my mind here
  3. hi guys, i'm a total newbee to posting. this is actually my first time posting so please forgive any mistakes and i apologize in advance if some answers are here already but its a complicated situation. my car has been clamped by marstons and have been left a distress warrent to pay £379.00. around jan this year i got a PCN in city centre manchester. i had bought a ticket, but without realising parked at a double yellow lines just after the parking bit. the yellow lines were barely visible and badly worn and it was also very sunny that day. i got back to the car as the attendant was writing the ticket, and i told her i paid and displayed but she said i was on yellow lines, put the PCN on the car and left. another parking attendant walked past me a few mins later and i explained the situation to her, she gave me her badge number and said to contest it and she'd back me up on the worn yellow lines. i rang the number on the ticket and was told to ring back the next days as it wasn't on their system yet. i wrote a long explanatory email to mail to them but had to go abroad the same week so forgot to mail it to them. now all this time the car was registered on my ex wifes name at my brothers address. the PCN letters went to my brothers address. I was going through serious mental health issues this year with my GP treating me with medication for bopilar disorder and forgot about the ticket. the letters from the council came to my brothers address and didn't get to me since they were addressed to the ex wife. 2 months ago i moved in with my brother coz of personal problems. 2 weeks ago i got a letter in her name and was busy workin night shifts so didn't get a chance to ring it up. today they left a letter saying they want the above amount and have clamped the car on the drive way. i need some help and advise on what my options are? i haven't rang the number on the letter yet, but the bailiff will probably come round in the morning to tow the car. can i backdate the logbook and send it in my name? or contest this somehow? or get the process restarted by the council in my name. and i'm no longer in touch with the ex wife. what do i do about getting the clamp removed tomorrow? what do i say to the bailiff? i'm really stressed out here and would appreciate any input thanks.
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