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Found 2 results

  1. I have had a visit to my house today from an enforcement officer. I was not at home at the time and the notice was handed to my son. The notice is for a debt of £ ****** for my business which I run from my home, my business is a limited company. The debt is from a CCJ I had imposed on me and a payment plan was set up to pay in 3 No. equal instalments. I was unable to make the first payment due to cash flow issues. The notice now totals £******* (£ ****** Original Debt; £ ***** Cost of Execution; £ ******) I spoke to the enforcement officer on the telephone and he told me I must pay the full amount immediatley. He told me there is a van arranged to seize assets and could arrive at my house at any time to seize goods to the value of the notice. In which I will incur additional costs of £ 420.00 for the van plus £ 120.00 per hour for each person loading it. I do not have these funds available at the moment and I am now very worried ! I have put him off until 16:00 hrs tomorrow to try and arrange the funds. He said he would help me out by cancelling the van until we have spoken tomorrow. He said that the claimant has paid to fast track this collection and they will not accept another payment plan. Can he just turn up with a van without seeing what goods he can seize ? Can this happen so quickly, is there a way to slow the process so I can raise the funds ?
  2. Hello. Site looks like could be some help. I have been running my own clothing shop for 8 months now and had a bit of money saved up when i opened and spent a lot of it on stock (wish i hadn't now). I got some stock on credit - but was unable to pay the invoice come 30 days when it was due. There was a few invoices that went unpaid. However, one has esculated and been sent to the courts... and a judgement has been made against me. I managed to speak to all parties involved (solicitor of the company, the courts, the enforement officers (MARSTONS) and the company themselves). Basically they sent out a letter which i did not receive asking what i intend to pay, however I did not receive this. So now the solicitor said that a judgement has been made and a bailif will be round to my house anytime soon. I don't really have anything of any value (my house mate does though - tv, hi fi, ipod etc). I have a few items like ipod and record collection, bike). I a not even taking a wage at the minute, because business is very slow. I have rang a few solicitors but none of them can give much advice. A few have. I am going to citizens advice tomorrow morning. Obviously I owe this money and want to pay it off.... but it is all these charges that make this a big problem.... silly charges like 75 pound to apply to make a payment (if i want to make an offer of payment, in writing, i have to pay 75 pound), also chrges when the enforcement officer comes roud and all the other charges. The probem is I am not earning any money other than the money make in the shop, but this is not even enough to pay my rent on my house, sometimes I am working in other jobs like promoting for bars and clubs of a night but this is hardly any money. The amount of stress is too much, it's like a pit and these horrible people could just not care less.... honestly what am i supposed to do? Please can anyone help with a good answer??
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