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  1. Many thanks for your replies. I do know which courts issued the speeding fine but i do not know when as its a tricky situation, i used to live there but moved out a while back missing some correspondence and the court case documentation - i still see her and we are hoping to make a go of it again in the future. Its all a big mess up really. I have visited Marston's site and the charges do correspond (£300 for the court fine, £215 for visiting premises, £85 for the case). It is frustrating really, i just want them off my case and i have no problem in giving them the money, it just has to be over time. I will send off the letter anyway - it may buy me a bit of time.
  2. Hi I need some advice. I have been issued a distress notice to remove goods which was posted through my door whilst i was out. What rights do i have - i called them and offered them a payment plan but they said no, they demand the full amount and will remove goods next time they visit. Can they remove goods although i don't own anything - they are my partners (im just staying there and have no fixed abode). I am a bit worried as she has children. Can i apply to the courts that issued me with the offence of an unpaid driving fine? Should i ask for a walking possession levied on my car? I dont have that much money to splash out on £700 but can pay over a few months as i work... What are my options? Thanks in advance for any advice
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