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  1. Hi, I've just terminated a rent agreement for a residential property that was under a business let with my own company - was accommodation used whilst contracting away for home. The letting agency are being quite difficult about the cleanliness of the property when I moved out, even though I cleaned extensively and left it in good condition (I've been renting and letting my own property for 15 years and I have never seen anything better, tbh). However, their inspection has revealed some dust and a few other items that could be attended to. They are asking for around £250 for what is, at most, a couple of hours work!? They are also asking for the carpets to be "professionally cleaned" and will not accept that anybody other than a "professional cleaner" is able to do this, even though this is not in the contract. FYI, there are no stains on the carpets and they are in good condition, as described in their own checkout report. Additionally, the carpets are not suitable for using a wet vacuum cleaner and I suspect that the only option is normal vacuuming (which I have already done) and the application of dry cleaning powder of some description. Of course, they have refused to detailed what professional cleaning actually entails and there is nothing about this in my contract. How can I challenge this requirement? I have offered to do the work myself or via a local friend (I do not normally live locally), but they have refused to let anybody other than a professional cleaning company back into the property - they reason that this is because my agreement has now ended. The only alternative they have provided is that I may source a "professional cleaner" of my own instead of using theirs. I'm not aversed to spending some money to put this right, but the amount that has been proposed is absurd for the work that actually needs to be done. I've lived there on my own for a little over 8 months, returning to my main residence every weekend, and basically only using the property for a small amount of the day. Throughout that time I have treated it like my own home and kept it very tidy/clean. I appreciate that there may only be limited options to resolve this dispute - the letting agency has no interest in compromising, despite my efforts to come to a reasonable agreement with them. Would appreciate any input from those with experience as, beyond getting a third party to clean, I am not sure where to go next. Thanks, J
  2. Hi there, I would appreciate help and advice on the following matter (please see below). For over three months now, I have lost signal at my work place. I am unable to receive or make calls from my mobile phone. This is not only frustrating but is very disruptive. This problem with the loss of signal has only occurred recently as I used to get full signal on my mobile phone for the last 7 years that I have worked here. I have now phoned many times and have also written a formal complaint letter to Vodafone. To summarise, Vodafone has confirmed that they are having issues in the area which is affecting phone signal and are not be able to give me an exact timescale as to when the issue will be rectified. I am not in the position to wait indefinitely for Vodafone to rectify their issues. From my point of view, I have been paying for a contract for which service has not been provided. With this, I have asked for my contract to be terminated however have received a reply saying I will be charged an early termination fees of £193.00. If Vodafone are unable to provide me with a service, surely they should provide a refund on my monthly bills that I have paid for the months that I have not been able to use their service, and to waive the early termination fees of £193.00 so I can move to another provider? Has anybody else been in a similar situation? What is your advice please? I have also emailed Lee [#8437881] - but have had no response. Thanks in advance for your help/advice.
  3. My son has seen out the terms of his contract with Vodafone and although he got into debt has a payment plan which he has been paying he no longer wants to use Vodafone as he's provider and they are demanding £500+ to terminate his contract his debt has been passed on to a debt management company fpc which is part of the Lowell group what can he do? :?
  4. Households are being alerted to a new [problem] that involves fraudsters purporting to be from the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS). [problem]mers are reportedly calling households claiming to be from the FOS, which deals with complaints from consumers about the financial services industry, and telling the person on the phone that they need to pay £150 to “release” compensation for which they applied. The FOS said it would never "cold call" households and that the service was completely free, so it would never ask for money. It has said a customer had been in touch to warn of the [problem]. It advised anyone who had received a suspicious phone call to call it directly on 0300 123 9 123. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/personalfinance/11135365/Ombudsman-warns-of-new-150-compensation-fee-[problem].html
  5. Hi, I'm one of two tenants (spouse and I) on an Assured Shorthold Tenancy (AST) agreement whose fixed term ends at the end of the month. The agency recently proposed a new fixed term agreement, but we now want to continue on a Statutory Periodic Tenancy. We are aware of the risks, and are willing to take them. We made it absolutely clear that we are not signing another document (so no agreed periodic tenancy). However, the agents still want to charge us £70 per head (£140 in total) for every six month period of the SPT. They justify this with our tenancy agreement which reads among the obligations of the tenant: "To pay £70 inclusive of VAT per tenant & guarantor for each extension of the Tenancy." When pressed that this would be for no work at all, they replied: I've read a number of posts like 218974-Fees-charged-for-going-into-Statutory-Periodic-Tenancy or 395672-Rollover-To-Periodic-Tenancy (links removed due to insufficient privileges), but I think our case is marginally different: Our lease does not specify what an "extension" is. The agents claim it's not for them. However I cannot see that this actually in my (and not the landlord's) interest to "renew the tenant references" and to "ensure their insurance is still in place". The question is now: what can I do about it? We will definitely contact the Landlord and see if we can work it out with him directly (this may take some time, as I only have postal address). But with respect to the agency - is there a good strategy to move on? Play the delay game: Just do nothing. Is there a fixed interpretation of the term "extension"? (* see footnote) Dispute the fee as unfair (are there precedents)? What are the consequences of non-payment? I mean £140 is a significant amount of money, but probably not enough to being sued out of the house for breach of contract (I can live with two months' notice, or I would not be going for a SPT, but anything shorter would be a pain. Same holds with any kind of legal proceedings). Thanks in advance! Footnote: (*) Ha. Just found the following at the end of the tenancy agreement: This would imply, that a SPT is NOT an extension. But unfortunately I am not a lawyer.
  6. Hi, At a previous address I lived at, the tenant received a letter from Vodafone on 11 Aug stating an outstanding balance of £652.03 had been transferred to Lowell Portfolio l Ltd. Outstanding call charges/line rental of £199.48 Early termination Fee: £452.55 They received a letter from Lowells the same day, nd there had been nothing from Vodafone prior to this at that address. I have been overseas for 3 years now. Before leaving the UK for Greece I spoke to Vodafone and requested that I transfer my contract to Vodafone Greece. They said it wasn't possible as it was a different company. I sent in a termination letter. I should have done something about this as soon as the letter from Vodafone/Lowells came, but have been busy with work. The tenant of my previous address has now received a letter from Scotcall of Notice of an impending debt collection visit. Apparently Lowells passed it off to Scotcall. The tenant is understandably upset at this, and fearful of credit issues. I dispute the early termination fees, which seem exorbitant given I had no choice, and tried to transfer my account. I am happy to accept the outstanding line rental/call charges, and would have paid them if I'd ever received a letter from Vodafone at the time. What should my next steps be? I am in France currently, and need to stop Scotcall from harassing the tenant of an address I don't actually live at. I would like to pay my outstanding debt, but dispute the termination fees. Should I email Scotcall, and send them a letter regarding the fact that I am disputing the debt with Vodafone, along with informing them that they should stop harassing people who are not me, at an address i don't live at? I have just emailed the Vodafone address listed in this forum, no automated response yet but when I do hopefully the Vodafone rep (Lee?)can advise me? UPDATE: Just got email back from Vodafone with #8350027 appended to the subject. Assume this is the reference?
  7. Hi all, I am just about to register online for the County Court Business Centre, which is www dot moneyclaim dot gov dot uk I am wondering if I type in my name as is eg - first name: Joe surname: Bloggs or should I do as in the template letters & enter: [FIRSTNAME LOWERCASE] of the family [sURNAME LOWERCASE] eg - first name: joe surname: of the family bloggs Or does it matter on this website? Thanks for the help - am just beginning a battle with IDR Finance regarding an alleged Barclaycard debt, and I have received a claim form from the County Court Business Centre, so I will be sending the three letters out regarding the information they should provide. THANKS!!!
  8. Apologies if this has been asked elsewhere. I did search and didn't find anything. Motorcycle policy taken out online and paid for with Grove & Dean (Performance Direct); full business use declared. Grove & Dean representative calls to check details and then says there's a further fee because one of the intended uses is motorcycle training (not mentioned on website). Cancel policy straight away, before start date of policy. They retain a £55 administration fee. I was under the impression that distance selling regulations require a full refund to be made if whatever has been purchased online hasn't been used. Was I wrong? This company seems to be using this as a business model! Any comments would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
  9. Hi all, I currently have a santander credit card that I used to consolidate a couple of small cards and take advantage of a 30 month interest free offer. Every month when I get paid, I log into my Santander online banking and pay my bills, including my credit card. Today, as I do every month, I logged on to the Santander online system to find my credit card showing a late payment fee, and a double payment required as I missed last months. Knowing this wasn't the case - I logged on, read my latest statement and paid my latest payment - I phoned up Santander. In summary: - Although my new statement was ready, I should have waited until the evening because it wasn't due then (???). - If the statement is showing too soon, then we need to put you through to our online banking department..... - ...Online banking didn't understand what this had to do with them, put me through to complaints - Complaints reiterated that I shouldn't have paid the statement that was online and before my very eyes asking for payment, because it didn't really exist until the evening even though it existed. Managed to get the fee removed as a gesture of goodwill for my sin of punctually paying my bill, but this is absurd. Nobody could fix this mistake, all they could do was blame me for not paying my credit card statement that they had sent to me six hours later, because that's how bills work, right?? I still need to make a double payment as a minimum, and i was assured my credit record will be fine (but they wouldn't send me a letter stating this, which I thought would be useful when it turns out they don't bother removing the mark from my file). Apart from bang my head against my desk, can anyone advise of a complaints route that gets this sorted? Why should I be penalised because their system doesn't work properly?? Thanks for reading.
  10. My leasehold flat is rented to tenants and the landlord's agents, a company with a reputation for charging high fees, is demanding a registration fee of £120 from me. This is not for permission, just for registration; my lease says that a "reasonable" registration fee is payable. I have offered them £40+VAT for this registration as I had understood that this is what LVTs / First Tiers have determined as reasonable for this kind of clerical work. They have refused this sum and requests from others to have similar cases resolved through First Tier have been met with a response that LVTs / First Tier do not have jurisdiction over registration fees. Any suggestions on how I can get this fee reduced? Thanks
  11. Hello, I opened a Tesco credit card with a £400 limit. I spent £399.94 on it. Then they added about £6 interest which took me over the limit and they charged me a £12 over-limit fee. Can they do this? Thanks
  12. hi i took out a mortgage in 2003 with TMB for a buy to let. i borrowed 85%. i have just received a copy of my mortgage offer where i note a payment labelled 'HPA Fee' has been added to the loan. what is a HPA Fee? cheers
  13. Hello everyone reading It's been a long time since I posted on here but here's my query About a year ago a ' Finder' got in touch with us and informed me and my husband that we had some shares in a company that my husband was once employed by. We were aware of these shares but to be frank thought they weren't worth much . Our finder gave us the information via e mail how on how to claim for our shares. My husband did agree via email to pay the finder 15% . We claimed the shares and intended to pay the finder his 15% but our circumstances have changed and now we cannot pay him. We have received a claim from the court now . We did not sign any contract but did agree in an email to pay him . Is this legally binding and how do I respond to the court claim? Many many thanks for any help, most appreciated
  14. Viewers who avoid the licence fee by only watching catch-up shows on iPlayer could have to pay up, the BBC’s director general warned yesterday. Lord Hall’s comments come amid growing concerns that younger viewers are using free catch-up services to dodge the £145.50 annual charge. He insisted that the licence fee has ‘plenty of life yet’ but admitted it could be changed. Currently, a loophole means viewers who only watch catch-up shows instead of on TV as they are broadcast do not have to pay the licence fee. Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2731277/Now-BBC-threatens-make-iPlayer-users-pay-licence-fee-Director-General-admits-charge-modernised-apply-programmes-catch-service.html#ixzz3BPWSiM4D
  15. Hi all I have been looking around the site with a view to attempting to reclaim excessive charges from Birmingham Midshires, I just wondered if there was anything new, I should be aware of. Most threads are pretty old, I'm obviously a bit behind the times! Fee's charged equate to £2,000 which would bring my mortgage arrears down nicely. I'm sure we've had our mortgage longer than the 6 years statement of charges they sent me. Would I be right in thinking, we could claim up to 12 years? It may be the case that we remortgaged 6 years ago, is it possible to reclaim on the original one too? Any answers would be really appreciated, Maddie
  16. Hello all, I have filed a MCOL against my old landlord for four weeks' rent. I was claiming HB, then began full time work, and thus became entitled to a HB run on payment. I have proof from the council that this was paid to the landlord, albeit after I paid my last rent. So, because I was up to date on the rent to the day that I left, and he also received 4 weeks' housing benefit run on, he was effectively paid twice for the same month's rent. This has been going on now for a year. I have sent over a dozen calls/letters/emails and received either no response or 'I'll call you back' (never did). Only when receiving the court documents did they actually phone me up and say there was a cheque for the original amount *roll eyes* However, I calculated the interest owed and it's £38. Plus I have already paid £35 in fees. All the stress that this has caused me makes me unwilling to give up (potentially) £73. But then if it goes to court, I could get nothing and have paid even more! So, what would happen if I accept the cheque now but carry on court proceedings for the remaining £73? Is there a way to ammend it to show I've received partial payment of the debt? I have got in writing from them that they have the cheque for the original amount. Would this count in court as admission of guilt evidence? And would a court take into account that they have prolonged this process and never once offered to settle it, even though we have provided them with evidence months ago? Obviously I know I have done this in the wrong order, but now I am panicking I don't have a valid claim. Does anyone have any insight into the likelihood of my claim being awarded? Also, I assume when I pick up the cheque they'll want me to sign to say that upon receipt of this cheque, I'll discontinue court proceedings. What should I do then? I've tried the Property Ombudsman but they are not TRO listed. All your help would be much appreciated! Thank you!
  17. Hi and thanks for the add to the site, just a query, i have just got off the phone to pay FGA Capital my monthly payment, and i have 1 last payment to make in August, then i thought that would be the last payment, but i asked for the remaining balance to be given and was told it is an extra £500 (back end fee) that is in my agreement, i have asked for a breakdown for what this FEE is for, surely it is not right, i would agree if it was for admin charges, but £500 excess for what, i have asked for the agreement to be re-sent out to me as i no longer have that document as it was years ago that i got the car on finance, i feel i have paid for the car plus interest and the car was not worth the amount in the long run, will never get another car on finance again. Can anyone shed any light on this please. Thanks
  18. Hi, Two weeks ago I was evicted from my flat, as the landlord was not paying his mortgage and the property was repossessed. I was told by the agent that I would receive my full deposit back as the landlord had broken the contract, making it null and void. Yesterday I received my deposit, however there was £72 missing. I rung the agents accounts department to find out what this was and I have been charged a checkout fee. This checkout fee is mentioned in the contract however, we were told the contract was null and void, so are they still able to charge us this? I did point this out to them on the phone, but they refused to agree with me and said the charge was to get the deposit back. Are they able to charge for return of the deposit? I believed before that a checkout fee was for checking against the inventory for damages, but the agents were not able to do this as the keys were taken and locks changed by the bailiffs? Please help, as if eviction isn't enough stress without throwing more problems in!!
  19. I've had a motorbike insurance policy for less than six months, which I paid in full up-front. I've now sold the motorbike, which I'm not replacing, so rang to cancel the insurance. I was hoping for a small refund, but I've been told I need to pay AN ADDITIONAL £15 to cancel the policy (over and above the annual premium I've already paid). Regardless of how this is calculated (and whatever the small print says), this is just madness. If they said "OK, we've cancelled the policy, but you don't get a refund", I'd be disappointed. But to be told I have to pay them extra after using less than 6 months of the policy, means I've vowed never to use Hastings again for any bike or car insurance.
  20. I need a little advice please, my step daughter has just rented a new flat. After moving in the Agent said "are you wanting to stay here more than 12 months?" she replied I would like to. The agent said "because there will be a £95 renewal fee and we can take it out of your deposit you paid " I thought that this was illegal to take money from a deposit, isnt it supposed to be lodged with an independent company and only payable after the SHT has ended.... I will be grateful for any advice please.
  21. I looked round a house and applied for it, giving £105 over to the Letting Agent. About 23 hours later I decided that I didnt want to move into the house. I rang up the LA and they refused to refund my money. They say it clearly states in the Terms and Conditions they gave me that the monies are non refundable. The Terms and Conditions they gave me had to be signed and handed back at a later date. As I decided so quickly I didnt want the house I never signed the documents, and thus never handed them to the LA. I have not signed anything agreeing that the £105 is non refundable, so should they be forced to give me my money back. I told the LA that they could give me a part refund, as I'm sure they mustve made some phone calls and had an employee take the house off their website. But they still insisted, 'No'. That £105 included the refencing fees. I have never been referenced so they must be able to give me at least something back. But ideally I'd like they whole lot back. Does anyone have any pointers or ideas?
  22. Hi, Another question for anyone who can help! I asked my landlord (they are a property company) if I could change energy suppliers over the phone last year, they advised me I could as long as I provide them with the new reference number which I did. I've just moved out and on the check out form I see they have said if I've changed without written confirmation from them that it will be £100 admin fee. I'm guessing they would take from my deposit? I'm not happy about this, they told me I could but I have nothing to prove this, anyway it's my money paying for the supply surely I have the right to change to whoever I want as long as I provide them with the information which I did. In any case, how can they justify £100 admin fee, what is the cost to them that I have changed? Can I fight this in anyway? Seems completely unfair to me Many thanks Jess
  23. Hi everyone, , I have been paying their "overdraft useage fee" of £6 every month for a very long time now, after agreeing an overdraft of £300 right at the beginning. Apart from maybe twice, I've never gone over the £300 agreed overdraft and have a very healthy credit rating etc, but I discovered that I am paying this £6 every time I got over £100 overdrawn. my gripe is the fact that I was under the impression that, by agreeing an overdraft, I was doing the right thing and I wouldn't be charged for it. Does anyone else know about, or have specific experience with this issue that can offer me some advice? I would like to be able to claim this back ideally. Thanks all, looking forward to hearing from you.
  24. Hi just looking for some advise. Cut a long story short I had a fine of £145.44 left to pay to Phoenix Commercial collections. This was originally a lot more due to 'first visit fees' etc which after querying because I was home all day, appeared they had been 'applied in error' and were then removed. A settlement plan of 4 x instalments was offered in letter form to which I made the first instalment 3 days later. the letter did not state a timescale in which to respond just please confirm by return, hence me making the payment. However 3 days after they dated their offer letter they then applied a Compliance Fee of £75 which they now claim is due to me not calling them to confirm acceptance of their offer (they gave me less than 3 days as it took 2 days to arrive, in which time I already made a payment) Surely making the required payment, early, is acceptance. I have since cleared the balance in full however they are still demanding the £75 even though I never missed a payment, paid the last two payments off two months early and had made the first payment within 3 days of their offer. Surely this is completely unfair and as I have met with their offer they cant enforce this?
  25. Hi all. Looking for some advice please : After reading a little on the reclaiming of various fee's / charges I wanted to find out more about this matter. Looked into my mortgage paperwork and noticed that during the past few years the Broker has been paid over £3,000 and £4,000 for arrange a mortgage of £200,000 and that the rates are not high street rates eventhough my credit rating is very very good. Can you reclaim the fee's paid to Brokers and can you dispute the interest rate that the Mortgage Company is charging ? I am understanding that had a High street lender provided the mortgages the arrangement fee would be approx £400 and the monthly payment would be at least 30% less. Regretting not looking into this further at the start. Any info would be great - Thank you Forum.
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